A Bridge of Time by Lou Tortola - HTML preview

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Kate did not sleep all night. She was devastated. Helen had not been able to find any words to console her. Paul had kissed Helen good night and left them after midnight. He, too, was disapponted. He had believed strongly William was going to return on the date he said he would. The tense emotional atmosphere of their home had exhausted both Nicole and Tara. They were too young to comprehend the things that were happening around them. They were confused and not sure why their father had been away for so long.

It was four thirty in the afternoon the day after their visit to the Natural Bridge. Helen was sitting on the couch with Nicole and Tara beside her. The television was on. The girls were watching Recess, a cartoon Helen had not seen nor was she interested to watch. She was very concerned for her sister. They had not spoken at all this day. Finally Kate came out of her bedroom dressed. Helen walked over to her sister and kissed her on the forehead.

“Hi, sis, can I make you something to eat?”

“That would be nice. How about a boiled egg and toast?”

Helen smiled at her sister and got up to go to the kitchen.

“Mommy, are you feeling better?” Nicole was hugging Kate, and Tara had already wrapped herself around her mother’s neck.

“Yes, honey, I got some rest. Did you eat…”

The doorbell rang and Helen shouted from the kitchen that she would get it. Kate gave her girls each a kiss and stood up to see who was at the door.

“Oh my God!” Helen’s voice was piercing.

Kate was momentarily concerned that an intruder had shocked her sister. But as Helen opened the door completely, there he was. It was a vision her eyes almost did not believe but her brain gave her a shot of adrenaline that her body could not ignore.


Kate ran across the room and jumped on William almost knocking him over. She had lost weight and wrapping her petite body completely around him seemed like the only thing to do. Kate smothered William’s mouth with passionate kisses.

“Kate I love you so much!” William was almost in tears.

“Honey! You’re home! It is you, I am not dreaming! I love you too. I knew you would come back to us. I have never stopped believing it!”

Helen stepped aside and looked towards the girls. Nicole and Tara had run towards the entrance both yelling for their dad. Kate could not stop kissing her husband. She was crying; tears of joy were heavily streaming down her face. She had so many questions for her husband yet she could not say another word. She needed to feel his body over and over again in her grasp. She needed to make sure he was real.

William was sporting a new style of haircut; he was very neatly dressed but noticeably different than when they saw him last. He was cleanly shaven and smelled of lavender. He bent down to greet his daughters. And as he did so he pulled two beautifully crafted linen dolls from the inside of his jacket.

“These dolls are for us? Thank you Daddy! We waited for you yesterday, where were you?” Nicole questioned her dad as though he failed to call home while away on a lengthy business trip.

“Nicole, it is my fault. I missed my transportation home by one day. Hello Helen… thanks for being here. And how is my Tara? Let me look at you! Wow! Have you ever gotten bigger! Do you know how much Daddy missed you?” William did not wait for a reply from his youngest daughter; he was overcome with joy. “I missed you and I missed Nicole and I missed Mommy so much!”

“But Daddy where did you go? Mommy was worried sick about you!” Nicole’s question went unanswered for the moment.

William looked into Kate’s eyes and started to say something but was unable. So he turned to the girls and spoke to them realizing that he could never explain what had happened to him in a few statements. He knew that Kate would give him all the time he needed; he so much wanted to share his amazing journey with her. “To answer your question Nicole, Daddy went away to a magical place. I met some people who tried to keep me from returning home. But I am happy to say that I met a very nice man who helped me get back to you. I also met people that were very close to me and cared for me very much.”

The girls were listening to their dad but it was clear to Kate and Helen that William was speaking to them as well.

“You remember how I told you that Grandma Rose adopted me? Well, I met my real parents.”

“William you did? How?” Kate was sobbing with happiness. She could not let go of her husband.

Just as William was about to continue there was a knock on the door. Helen leaned forward and looked through the peephole. “What great timing,” and as Helen opened the door she greeted Paul.

“Hi Paul. You have great timing. Guess who else just arrived? William you were just speaking about nice people who helped you return home, well, I want you to meet my friend Paul Portelli. I am sure Kate will tell you how amazing he has been. Paul found your ads in the old personals and as we are, he too is dying to hear how you got those to appear in eighty-year-old newspapers. By the way, as soon as you finish shaking Paul’s hand I still need a hug. You might not believe me but I actually missed you too!”

“Paul I am pleased to meet you and thanks for helping my family out…” William hesitated and stared at Paul. But Helen broke his stare as she hugged him. He returned her warmth with a big kiss on her forehead and chin.

“William, I am glad to see you made it home. I know you will need some time with your family. Perhaps I can convince Helen to join me for lunch and I can meet with you later in the week. I am really looking forward to hearing more about your journey and the people you met. Helen, care to join me?”

Kate answered for her sister. “Of course she will. I think you two are perfect for each other. Now Sis get out of here and do not come back until you are engaged or something!”

“Kate!” Helen was quick to yell somewhat embarrassed.

“Paul go ahead, I give you permission to take my sister out for lunch today and the rest of her life for that matter!”

“Kate… really! What’s gotten into you?”

“What’s gotten into me? All I can say is that you will never know how much you love somebody until that person is so lost that it seems impossible that he will return. And when I see you two and I think of how much hope Paul gave me and how intelligent and attractive he is, I want him for you because I love you both dearly. Thanks Paul for what you did from the bottom of my heart.”

“That goes for me too Paul. I want to thank you for helping my family out while I was away, and yes I do want to get together with you. As a matter of fact Kate and I have four tickets to the Who concert in Cleveland coming up September 27th. Since Kate does not like to drive so much and Helen dislikes driving even more, why don’t the four of us go and you and I can split the four-hundred-mile drive? What do you say? Do you want to go?”

“Four hundred miles! Wow, you guys certainly are devoted fans! You know, my dad liked the Who! The 27th is a Friday. Yeah, I will go. Thanks.” Paul was humbled and touched by the praise and the fact that William accepted him into the family with open arms.

“Okay I get the message, you guys need to be alone. I have an idea. Why don’t Paul and I take the girls out for ice cream and pony rides and you can rest up and catch up.” Helen was smiling at her sister so as to let her know she could play the match-me-up game too.

“Daddy is it okay if we go out for ice cream?” Nicole favored her aunt’s suggestion.

“Yes Nicky, Daddy can get some rest and I will cook dinner. Helen bring the girls… and Paul of course, back in three hours or so and we will have a nice dinner together.” Kate gave her sister a sly smile and hugged Paul and the girls as they left. As the door shut behind her she turned to William and kissed him again more passionately than ever. “When they get back how about we go to Mario’s for dinner and we spend the next three hours making up for the many nights we spent alone?”

“Honey, you read my mind.” William had his wife back in his arms. As they kissed he could not help but think about how much he had missed Kate. He was equally happy to be home and that he had been fortunate to experience such an unbelievable journey.