A Bright & Unique Sibling by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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The Sibling Gradually Grows

Soon from breast feeding, the baby stabilized on supple food. His colicky cries were less frequent. He was a pleasure to be around. We, the sisters took him in our bosoms and carried him around. He was given a walker to move around the house. His gums ached we could see. So after consulting a doctor, he was given a set of colored teethers to bite on them. Soon his front tooth appeared and later others followed. He went to anyone’s lap not minding who it was.

He gradually learned to walk after trial and error, falling down and rising again. His walk finally became steady. By this time, he knew all our faces; if anybody other than us appeared, he would cry and refuse to go near them.

By and by he grew bigger and bigger. Now he was as naughty as he could be. He liked to throw everything down that was within his reach. So everything was placed somewhere that was out of his reach.

Soon he was three years old. Our parents decided to admit him in playgroup in a nearby school. He loved it there, playing games, coloring pictures and learning nursery rhymes. Gradually he walked up his ladder of life, laughing and smiling, being extremely naughty.

Our mom used to say that raising her son had been more difficult than raising us, sisters altogether. Yet it was fun to be with him, watching his activities and caricatures. He was Dad’s favorite and a real dear to him. He took him out with him frequently on his errand visits outside.

Yes, everything seemed well and happy. Life looked perfect, with laughter, happiness and above all, love flowing around.