A Dog's Life by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


It was the next morning, and the freight train slowly pulled into the train yard in Pittsburgh.

Howard jumped out of their boxcar and ran alongside it. He grabbed Ginger out of the car and set her down on the ground. He then grabbed Mike out of the boxcar and set him down on the ground.

They walked across the tracks.

"Get out of my yard!" a railroad employee yelled twenty feet away.

They turned around and saw the railroad employee while he ran toward them.

"We better go in different directions. Have a safe journey, Ginger and Mike," Howard said while he ran off across the numerous railroad tracks.

Ginger and Mike ran off in a different direction.

It was hours later that afternoon and Ginger, and Mike safely made it to a residential neighborhood in the northwest area of Pittsburgh.

They walked down the neighborhood street. 

They walk past one front yard where two mean German Shepherds lay in the grass.

"How will we get to New Castle?" Mike asked Ginger.

"We'll hitch a ride somehow. Don't worry," she replied.

The ears of one of the Shepherds perked up when he heard Ginger and Mike walking down the street.

"Well, well, we have two bums on our turf," the one Shepherd named Adolf told his brother, Herman.

"We can't have that," Herman replied while he saw Ginger and Mike.

They got up and walked across their yard toward the street.

Ginger and Mike walked down the street, unaware Adolf and Herman were stalking them from behind.

"We don't want you homeless mutts on our turf!" Adolf snarled at Ginger and Mike.

Ginger and Mike stopped at the sound of Adolf's voice, and they turned around.

"Yeah! Get a home, you losers!" Herman snarled at Ginger and Mike.

"Go find a family!" Adolf added while he snarled.

Then Adolf and Herman growled with evil glaring from their eyes.

Ginger and Mike's eyes widened in panic at the sight of this threat inching closer and closer at them.

"Run!" Ginger cried out, then bolted off down the street.

Mike stood there and just stared at the Shepherds.

"Run you, dummy!" Ginger yelled from down the end of the street.

It finally dawned on Mike he was in danger, and he turned around and ran down the street.

Adolf and Herman chased after them.

Ginger turned right and ran down another street.

Mike turned right and ran after her.

Adolf and Herman turned right and ran after Ginger and Mike.

Adolf bolted past Mike and headed after Ginger. When he got close, he lunged after her and bit her hind leg.

"Ahhhh!" Ginger screamed out in pain while she tumbled on the street with Adolf.

Adolf stood over Ginger while she lay hurt in the street. "I'm going to make sure you never come back to my turf," Adolf said while he snarled down at Ginger.

She shook in fear, thinking this would be the end of her life.

The sight of Adolf threatening Ginger gave Mike a sudden burst of courage. He ran up to Adolf and stood up on his hind legs and immediately smacked Adolf in his eye with his paw. 

Adolf looked surprised at Mike.

Mike smacked Adolf in his eye again.

Herman stood nearby in disbelief at the sight of Mike smacking Adolf in his eyes.

"Ouch!" Adolf cried out in pain and suddenly got scared of Mike. 

He jumped off Ginger and ran off over to Herman.

"Let's get out of here," Adolf told Herman while he closed his eye that Mike punched.

They ran off down the street. "What kind of dog hits you in the eye with his paw?" Adolf said with his tail between his legs while he ran.

"I've never seen that kind of fighting before. How could he stand up on his hind legs," Herman asked.

"I don't know, but we better git home before he comes after us," Adolf replied while they turned down another street and headed home.

Mike looked down the street and felt assured it was safe. He looked at Ginger and saw her bloody leg. "Ginger, it looks like you can't finish the trip, so thanks for helping me. I'm not too far from home, and I'll be fine," Mike said then turned away and walked down the street.

"Please don't leave me, Mike!" Ginger called out.

Mike just walked away down the street.

"Mike! Help!" she pleaded.

Mike stopped and turned around. He saw Ginger limp down the street after him. He walked away, thinking there was nothing he could do to help her. Right now, getting back home was Mike's top priority.

"Please, Mike!" Ginger cried out.

Mike stopped and turned around. He saw Ginger while she limped toward him.

"Ah man!" he said, then he turned around and walked back to Ginger.

"We need to do something to your leg before it gets infected," he said while he looked at her wound on her left hind leg.

"You can lick it," she said.

"I'll only take this doggy thing so far. I'll come up with something else," he said then turned around and walked away.

Ginger limped behind him.

Ten minutes later, Mike and Ginger walked upon a Walgreens drug store. 

"I'll find something in this store to help," he said while he walked her to the rear of the building.

"Stay here," he told her while he walked around the side of the building to headed to the entrance.

Mike walked to the front of Walgreens and watched while people entered and exited the store.

The coast was clear, and Mike ran to the front door. The electronic eye opened the door, and Mike bolted inside the store.

Mike ran inside the store where the customers were too busy to notice a dog.

He turned down a greeting card aisle. 

He turned out of the greeting card aisle and bolted to the area for medical supplies, etc.

He slowed down the aisle and scanned the items on the shelves. Then he stopped and jumped up and knocked down a box of Blood Stop bandages.

A teenage employee walked down the aisle and saw Mike with the box of Blood Stop bandages in his mouth.

"Give me that box!" the teenage employee yelled.

Mike looked up and saw the teenager, and he ran with the box in his mouth.

The teenager chased after Mike.

Mike ran down the aisle and turned down another aisle

He ran down that aisle with the teenager hot on his tail.

Mike turned and ran down the main aisle toward the front doors. 

Mike raced down the main aisle to the front doors. 

The teenager swooped down and tried to grab Mike's tail, and he missed.

Then a large woman walked out from another aisle and walked in front of Mike. He bolted between her legs the split second the teenager tried to grab Mike's tail again. 

The teenager missed Mike's tail and rammed his head into the buttocks of the large woman.

"Ahhhh!" the woman screamed out while she and the teenager tumbled to the floor.

Mike ran out of the front doors of the store.

Mike ran down the side of the building with the box still in his mouth.

He ran to the rear of the building where Ginger lay near some bushes. 

"Let's get out of here?" Mike said with a muffled sound since the box was still was in his mouth.

"Leps gout a deer?" Ginger replied as that's what she heard then she saw the teenager at the corner of the building.

"Give me those bandages!" the teenager yelled out of breath.

She understood Mike's message and painfully stood up.

Mike ran through the hedges.

Ginger limped after her.

"It's not worth it," the teenager said while he watched Ginger and Mike rush through the adjacent property.

A little while later at the rear of another store, Mike tore open the box with his paws and teeth. He then tore opened one of the packets and used his paws to install one of the bandages over her wound. "There. That should prevent infection."

Ginger walked over to Mike and licked his face, which tickled him, and he giggled.

"You're so sweet Mike," she said and licked Mike's face again.

"I hope she realizes I'm married," Mike quietly said to himself. 

"Come, we need to get out of this town," she said then limped away.

Mike walked after her, and they headed to the street.

The sun dropped below the horizon and darkness fell upon the Pittsburgh.

Ginger still limped, and Mike walked down the two-lane road called Brodhead just northwest of the city. Jets were heard nearby since the Pittsburgh International airport located south of the road.

"I'm exhausted," she said and sat down on the road.

A pickup truck whizzed by them in the middle of the road, and the driver blew his horn.

Ginger and Mike were too tired to be started by the horn.

Mike looked around the area and saw a small clump of trees across the road. "We can sleep over there tonight," he said then walked across the street. 

Ginger got up and limped across the road after him.

Later that night, Ginger and Mike cuddled in the woods sound asleep.