A Dog's Life by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Late that night, Louise returned from her day trip to Pittsburgh.

She went all through her house in search of Boodro and realized he wasn’t there.

She looked in the backyard for Boodro and realized he wasn’t there.

A few minutes later, Louise rushed outside in sandals and bare feet and her cane. 

She rushed down her driveway and headed to the street.

She rushed down her street. “Boodro!” she called out while she looked at all the front yards, and Boodro wasn’t there.

 Then Robbie walked out of his garage after he heard Louise. “Hello, Miss LeBlanc. Are you looking for Boodro?” Robbie said.

“Yes, I am.” Louise snapped back in an unfriendly tone.

“I believe the dog catcher picked him up earlier today,” Robbie broke the news to her.

Louise glared at Robbie and then stormed off furious.

Robbie looked happy while he walked back to his garage, as he was not fond of Louise and Boodro.

A little while later, Louise drove her old rusty Dodge Dart to the front entrance of the Dog Pound. She parked her car and stormed to the front porch. 

She saw the “Closed” sign in the door window. She got mad and kicked the door.  

She heard numerous dogs bark inside the pound. Then saw the “Joe Smithson – Manager” sign on the wall next to the door.

She stormed back to her car.

Back at Mike’s house, everybody was busy, and Mike, Ginger, and Rascal pretended to be asleep on the back porch.

Mike looked up and eyed the kitchen door window and saw that the lights were off in the kitchen.

“Let’s go!” Mike quietly told Ginger and Rascal.

They all got up and took turns sneaking through the doggie door on the screen door.

Mike, Ginger, and Rascal ran through the side yard then headed to the front yard.

They ran through the front yard and headed to the street.

They raced down Kiscoe Avenue.

Meanwhile, Louise whipped her car into the driveway of Joe Smithson’s home. 

She quickly got out of her car and left her door open while she stormed up to Joe’s front door. She banged on it with her cane!  She waited for a few seconds, and nobody answered her knocking. She beat and beat on the door again with her cane.

The door slowly opened, and Joe appeared sleepy, his hair was a mess, and he was in his pajamas. “What is the emergency?” Joe yelled, then yawned.

“You have my dog, and I want him back!” Louise demanded.

“What, dog?” Joe replied a little confused.

“His name is Boodro. Your stupid employees picked him up earlier today,” she yelled.

“We open up at nine o'clock in the morning,” he replied, then close his door.

She got furious and beat on his door with her cane. “You didn't hear me. I want Boodro! And I want him now!” she yelled while she rapidly beat her cane on his door. 

Joe opened the door. “As I said, we open up at nine in the morning,” he yelled back.

Louise gave Joe the scariest evil look, and it spooked him then he feared for his life.

“Ah, yes, ma'am. I can get him. Let me grab my car keys,” Joe said like he was in some hypnotic trance.

“We go now!” she yelled while she reached inside his house and grabbed his pajama top and yanked him outside.

She escorted him to her Dodge Dart while she still held onto the top of his pajamas.

At the rear of Louise’s house, Mike, Ginger, and Rascal looked at the back porch that had a bigger doggie door in the porch screen door. 

“Are you still with me?” Mike asked them to double-check.

“Of course,” Ginger replied.

“You bet, I would never let you down,” Rascal added.

Mike felt proud of his friends.

“Let’s do it,” Mike said while he went through the doggie door.

Ginger went through the doggie door.

Rascal went through the doggie door.

A little while later, they all went through another doggie door and went into the kitchen.

They stood in the kitchen and listened for the sound of Louise. They listened for a few seconds, and it was quiet.

“Great! She’s not here,” Mike told them.

Back at the Dog Pound, Louise waited while Joe brought Boodro out of his cage. 

Joe walked Louise and Boodro out of the building and walked with them to her car.

Louise put Boodro in the backseat then she got behind the wheel. She closed her door and started her engine.

Joe rushed around to the passenger side. Then just as he touched the door handle, Louise threw the car in drive and drove off, leaving Joe stranded. She laughed an evil laugh while she pulled her car onto the street and drove away.

Joe went back into the building to call his wife for a ride home.

Back inside Louise’s home, Mike, Ginger, and Rascal walked down the dark hallway. 

“She probably has her Voodoo items in a den or separate bedroom,” Mike told them.

They peeked into a bedroom and didn’t see any Voodoo items.

They walked down to another room and peeked inside, and they saw all kinds of weird Voodoo items. 

“This looks like the place,” Mike said.

They went inside the room.

Mike looked around the room while Ginger and Rascal just sat down and were clueless.

Mike saw a bookcase at one end of the room filled with books and numerous labeled bottles of strange-looking liquid.

Then at the second bookshelf, Mike saw a big thick "Complete Books on Spells" book.

“That book might have the potion I need,” he said while he stood up on his hind paws. He clawed at that book, and finally, a claw caught the top of the binding. Mike pulled on the book, and it fell out of the shelf and landed on the floor.

He used a paw to open the book. He flipped over a couple of pages and found the Table of Contents. He looked at it and found a chapter of interest. He used his claws and flipped numerous pages over until he found the chapter he needed. He then flipped a couple of pages over, and his eyes lit up with joy.

“I found it!” he cried out, while he wagged his tail.

Mike jumped up and down and wagged his tail. “I'm going to be a human again!” he cried out all excited.

Mike went back to the book and looked at it. He looked at the bottles on a lower shelf. “Great, she has all the ingredients,” he said then looked around the room.  “But we need something to carry it out of here,” he added. Then Mike saw a cloth shopping bag with strap handles at the other end of the room.

He ran over and grabbed the handles with his mouth. Ginger and Rascal watched while he dragged the bag over to the book.

He looked at the book then at the bottom bookshelf that contained numerous four-ounce bottles of strange colored liquids with a cork top.

He clawed at a bottle filled with purple liquid. 

The bottle fell to the floor. 

Mike rolled the bottle with his paw to the cloth bag. He pushed the bottle with his paw into the bag.

Mike repeated this process for five other bottles with yellow, green, bright red, orange, and white liquids.

He pushed the book over to the bag with his nose and eventually slid it into the cloth bag.

“We better git,” Mike told Ginger and Rascal.

Louise and Boodro entered the living room through the front door.

Boodro stopped and sniffed the air, and he growled, as there were some smells he didn’t like.

In that Voodoo room, Mike grabbed the straps of the cloth bag. He pulled the bag to the door with his teeth. Ginger and Rascal followed Mike.

Mike dragged the cloth bag into the hallway. Ginger and Rascal followed Mike.

Mike suddenly stopped, and he looked scared. Ginger and Rascal bumped into him. Then their eyes widen the second they saw Boodro in the hallway with Louise behind him.

“Why are you in our house?” Boodro asked in a mad tone. Then he growled, and slobber dripped out of his mouth.

“You better get them Boodro, or I'll turn you into a frog!” Louise threatened him.

Ginger whispered in Rascal's ear, and he nodded in agreement.

“And what does a big, ugly, smelly guy think he's going to do about it?” she yelled at Boodro.

“Yeah, you couldn't catch a three-legged cat,” Rascal taunted Boodro.

Mike looked at his two friends like they were loony.

Then Ginger walked past Mike and up to Boodro and slapped him across his nose with her paw. She turned around and ran past Mike and headed down the hallway.

Boodro was a little stunned by Ginger’s behavior then he got furious. 

He charged past Mike and ran after Ginger.

Mike looked at Louise.

Rascal bolted after Louise and jumped on her right leg, knocking her down to the floor.

“Get out of here, Mike,” Rascal yelled at Mike while he jumped on Louise’s chest.

Mike quickly dragged the cloth bag down the hallway and headed to the kitchen.

“You better not move if you know what’s good for you!” Rascal threatened Louise then he growled in her face.

Louise stood perfectly still and was scared of Rascal.

When Mike reached the kitchen, he heard numerous items breaking in the house while Boodro chased Ginger from room to room.

Rascal jumped off Louise and grabbed her cane with his mouth.

He dragged the cane into the kitchen, where Mike dragged the bag through the doggie door.

Rascal dragged the cane and hid it under the kitchen table. 

He ran over and went through the doggie door.

Mike dragged the bag through the doggie door of the back porch.

Rascal rushed through the same doggie door.

Rascal grabbed the strap handles and helped Mike drag the cloth bag through Louise’s yard.

They heard Boodro barking inside the house while they dragged the bag through the front yard.

The second they dragged the bag to the street, they heard Ginger yelp in pain from inside the house.

“I can't believe they did that for me,” Mike said while he looked at Louise’s house.

“I know. She’s one special and brave lady, but we can’t help her now. We better get this thing home,” Rascal said then they picked up the pace and dragged the bag down the street.

Mike and Rascal finally dragged the cloth bag through his yard and to the back porch. 

They barely got the bag through the doggie door of the screen door, but they succeeded.

Once they were both in the back porch, Mike dragged the cloth bag to the other end of the porch and dragged it under a chair where it was dark.

“It should be safe here until tonight,” he told Rascal.

“Why not now?” Rascal asked.

“The book said the spell has to be performed during the same time frame as the original spell. She had to have done it while everybody was asleep and I remembered falling asleep after midnight. So we’ll do this later tonight,” Mike replied.

“Okay,” Rascal said.

Mike walked over to the kitchen door and went through the doggie door.

Rascal went through the doggie door.

Debbie entered the kitchen and turned on the light. She saw Mike and Rascal sitting on the floor by the door.

“Where were you guys?” she asked them.

Mike and Rascal just wagged their tails for their response.

Debbie looked around the kitchen then peeked out into the back porch. “Where’s Missy?” she asked.

Mike and Rascal looked sad, and Debbie noticed.

“I think I understand. She’s a street dog and doesn’t like living in a home,” she said while she bent down and gave Mike and Rascal a kiss on the tops of their heads.

“Let’s go to sleep,” she told them then walked out of the kitchen and turned off the light.

Mike and Rascal followed her out of the kitchen.

Rascal went into Jenny’s room to sleep.

Mike went into Debbie’s room to sleep on his old bed, and he prayed this would be the last time he slept on his bed like a dog.

Back on Jumper Avenue, Ginger managed to escape from Boodro. She was in excruciating pain while she dragged her severely injured hind legs down the street and was determined to return to Mike’s home.  Boodro might have seriously injured her, but she left a bunch of good teeth marks in him as her calling card.