A Pebble for Dickey by Tkraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Kamalkant informed Kaddu that he would go upto the Legacy hospital, to see if he can be of any help in restoring it back to its old status.He had not told any one at the Friend’s nest that it was his own hospital that had been usurped by Dr Shankar Rao.He hoped that Shankar Rao would now be more inclined to talk about a settlement with him, now that events had proved detrimental to him.

When he reached the hospital, he saw that Dr Shankar was already there  directing the cleaning up operation.The damage was enormous.He had hired a local engineer to help him in restorationwork.A gang of workers were already engaged in the work and among the workers kamala was also involved.She knew that her swamiji had predicted this disaster and the arrogant Shankar rao would not listen to swamiji.shankar rao was a traitor and deserved this.

When Kamalkant entered the hospital premises, the first person he saw was young Kamala. She waved to him and he waved back cheerfully.This was the young girl who had helped him when he visited this hospital a few days back.She had watched with pain when Dr Shankar rao behaved rudely and threw him out.She had heard what he had said about the impending disaster.

She asked him,’swamiji why did you come here again?’

I came here to see if I can help him some way.

‘you know the good doctor hates you’

I know.Iam hoping that this unexpected blow would soften him a little..

 ‘Ido not think so.He is very angry now.Three of his doctors were killed in the raid.’

While they were engaged in casual talk, Dr Shankar Rao and the engineer walked in.Shankara rao saw the bearded Oldman and got agitated .

He walked towards the old man with quick steps and shouted,’what are you doing here?”

I came here to help. I want to help you.

“why? this is what you wished. You must be happy that your curse had come true so fast. I have a feeling you are behind all this. I think those gangsters were your friends. .You tried to kill me in the train and when your plan failed you hatched up a more sinister plan to destroy me.Iwill inform the police about you. Just now.”

Kamal kant was alarmed. Mention of police unnerved him .he said, ’you are insane. I came here to help. I know it is a bit hard for you. you can use my help.’

I do not need your help. you get lost. I know what is in your mind. Remember this is my hospital and I will keep it that way.so do not try any thing.’

Dr shanakar rao  pushed the old man

Kamalkant put his head down. The workers had stopped work and were staring at him. He moved away. A security staff of the hospital urged him not to make a scene and guided the Oldman towards the exit gate. Kamalkant would not go so soon. He enquired about the fate of the inmates of the hospital. The security staff clarified that the raiders were very considerate, they allowed the patients to move out of hospital before sacking it mercilessly. Their anger was against the doctor who had tricked them and not against the patients.Dr Shankar later ensured that every inmate was traced and guided to near by hospitals to continue their treatment. People appreciated that.

That explanation seemed to satisfy kamalkant. He told the guard, ‘you know. Your doctor  is having a good heart. I honestly want to help in restoring this hospital back to its normal shape. ‘The tone of sincerity in that statement convinced the guard   .

Kamakkant visited the hospital every day. The doctor was at work round the clock. He did not mind the huge expenses he was incurring. He was determined to get the best of equipment and facilities for his hospital. The doctor had noticed that the Oldman and young kamala were also doing their bit. His mind put a question mark against their motive. Exercising great self control, he learned to ignore their presence. His immediate and urgent objective was to make his hospital operational as early as possible. Kamalkant  expected the attackers to hit the doctor again and he wanted to be close to doctor to prevent it if it was humanly possible. His Krishna had been quite for too long. To kamalkant  it was not a good sign.