A Pebble for Dickey by Tkraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


KAMAL moved out   of ashram with out taking anything with him. He had his purse and some money. He looked at the stone. He asked himself, ’ Krishna, why is this happening to me ?’

He did not hear any response. He decided the stone had lost its power because he could not offer proper puja while he was held in the military camp. he wanted to  fling the stone away. He looked at it for one last time. He will discard it just like other things he had discarded in life before.

He felt his palm becoming warm. The stone was becoming heavy. He could not move his hand to throw it away.

‘What is this Krishna ?’, he shouted.

The stone shouted at him

“I will not leave you. You head south now. There is lot of work to be done. Your time in rishikesh is over. You do not know it but you have saved thousands of lives. so do not feel let down. I only  use people for good of every one. you are important  to me.so I will not let you discard me.     “

Kamalkant was in a daze

He found himself a ticket second class AC sleeper on a train going to Hyderabad. Unfortunately he got an upper tier sleeper. With creaking bones he climbed on top  and lied down. He looked around in the compartment to see who were all travelling with him.