Above the Darkness by Sarah Morrissette - HTML preview

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Chapter 30: Necessary Help

I noticed we were coming into town now, and the rain started to fall. The droplets were so small that it created a wet mist on the windshield. It was just enough moisture that Jamie would have to turn on the wipers. “I thought we were going home now?” I asked, noticing we were going in an unfamiliar direction.

“I want to stop at the police station. We have to make this right.” He stared out the window with passion in his eyes. He wanted to find out the truth as badly as I did.

We walked in calmly but, our nerves were stirring about. I didn’t know who we were supposed to speak to, and, what we were supposed to say, when we did speak to them. I hoped Jamie would be able to explain better than I could.

“Okay, Liz- I want you to speak. You know more than I do, and you got me into this. So? Are you up for it?” He asked with his hand on my shoulder and, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Up for it? I didn’t know if I was up for it. I had assumed he would take care of it. This was not the scenario I had hoped for. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to give me a push in the right direction or if he was just too chicken to do it. Either way, I knew it was my job.

I walked to one of the counters and asked the plump woman with puffy short blondish hair, who was smacking on her gum, if I could see who was in charge.

“In charge? We are all in charge here little girl.”

I huffed in irritation. She thought I was a joke, and, I wasn’t going to put up with it. “Listen, ma’am. We have something very serious to report, and I would like to speak with the- um- the Chief of Police, as people usually call it.”

She rolled her eyes at me but then picked up the phone dialling an extension number. I was hoping that even people in a small town like ours would do their jobs properly. “Please have a seat. He will be out when he gets a chance.”

“Thank you.” I replied as politely as I could.

“So?” Jamie asked.

“He will be out ‘when he gets a chance’.” I quoted.

“Gets a chance? We have a serious issue here.”

“I know. But did you expect them to take an eleven-almost twelve year old seriously?”

“Actually, I thought they might be more sensitive and believe you more.”

“Apparently not.” I said as I slumped down in the seat beside him.

We sat there staring at the clock for what seemed like hours. The reflection off of the clock turned so bright I could not see the numbers any more. The light then swirled in circles and began to change colours. First purple, then blue, and green, then yellow, turning into orange and red like the colours of a sunset. It hypnotized me into a trance. I tried not to show any signs that I was seeing something other than a clock.

The colours kept turning in and out of each other like silky cloths dancing in the wind. The colours then began to fade into a grey, then light blue, and soon a soft white. It looked as if I was looking at a television screen now.

I began to see my helpers, one by one, in the order I met them. They all waved to me or blew me a kiss. A familiar warmness filled my heart, knowing they were still with me. I hadn’t noticed their presence around me as I used to, but, I also felt I didn’t need to as much, anymore.

The screen then turned into the image I saw in my last dream; of an elderly version of myself. The glow around her was now even more present and came from the inside out. She smiled more too, not afraid to be herself. She comforted me greatly, like sitting on a cozy couch, with a warm fuzzy blanket wrapped around me, and, holding a creamy cup of hot chocolate, beside a blazing orange fire.

“Are you the little girl that wants to speak to me? Haven’t I met you before?” I heard a gruff but gentle voice. I stood up. “Yes, I am, and yes you have met me before. At the highschool. My name is Elizabeth Murphy.”

“Oh yes, that is right. We have actually been trying to get a hold of you or one of your other family members. Remember, we wanted to speak with you that day?”

“Yes, I remember. And now I-we- need to tell you some very important information.”

“What about, dear?”

“About our sister, Ruth.”

“Good. I have some questions for you about her. Let’s head back to my office.” We followed him through a long corridor. His office was the last one on the left. The room was very small and cluttered. There was only one extra chair and a pile of files and papers on it.

“Sorry for the mess. Here let me get that.” He said as he quickly grabbed the files and placed them on the floor. “Oh, you might need chair eh? And sorry I didn’t catch your name?”

“Jamie.” He replied as the police officer held out his hand. “Nice to meet you Jamie. You are one of the oldest, are you?”

“Yes, sir, the oldest actually.” The officer didn’t look surprised. He then left the room for a moment and came back holding an old wooden chair. He wiggled it around the mess on the floor, to make sure it was stable. “May I ask, why is it that the youngest and the oldest are the only ones that have come down here today?”

“Well- it is difficult to explain Mr.-?”

“You can call me Jimmy.”

“Jimmy- The thing is that we know more than the others.” Jamie announced.

“Know more about what?” He asked raising his brow curiously.

“Actually, I think we’d appreciate it if you told us first, what you wanted to talk to us about.” I said firmly.

“Ok- but I am not trying to make trouble here. But I found some things fishy about your sister’s death. She had a number of bruises on her arms and legs and they were injuries I don’t think she would be able to impose on herself.”

“You think someone hurt her?”

“Yes, I do. Now I am not saying someone murdered her but, it could be the reason she killed herself. If she was being beaten and it was happening on a regular basis then I could see why she would have been depressed.”

“I hate to be blunt Jimmy but….”


“But we know she was murdered.” I said matter-of-factly.

“No, no Elizabeth, that can’t be. I don’t think anyone in this small town would be capable of something so horrendous. I know the people well.” He said as he shook his head, and his voice heightened, trying to deny the truth.

“But, you think someone is capable of physical abuse?” I pointed out. I didn’t mean to be rude, but I wanted him to realize we were telling the truth.

“Well, yes. There are actually a number of cases of domestic violence. I thought she just might have been dating the wrong guy or something. I heard about her outburst at the restaurant.”

“Yes. She was dating the wrong guy but, there is so much more to the story than just that. We can’t exactly prove anything yet but, we do have evidence.”

“Well, I wish you came to me earlier. Your sister is already buried- we can’t do a proper autopsy now, especially with no one knowing.” He replied, irritated. I could see in his eyes he didn’t believe us- or didn’t want to.

“I know this is very inconvenient and may not sound realistic, but please we really need your help. We think we might be in danger, and we can’t do this alone.” I said in desperation.

He stood up, turned around and stared out the window for what seemed like a long time. I could tell he was taking his time to think about it. “Okay. I will help but, only on one condition.”

“Anything, anything you need sir.” Jamie said without hesitation.

“First of all, don’t call me sir, it makes me feel old. Second, you have to tell me everything you know. Then I will see if it needs further investigation. Sometimes family members of a person who committed suicide, like to think there is some other explanation. That way, they don’t have to feel guilty for ignoring the signs. You know what I mean?”

“Yes, we do, but that is not the case. After you hear us out you will understand.” He nodded in agreement and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms, ready to listen, “Go on.”

From there, I started explaining how it got started. Of course, I didn’t mention any of my dreams but I did state I had a strong gut feeling that something was wrong. I showed him all of the pictures from the locker, the necklaces, and the letter. Jamie then explained how he had seen our father at the hotel, and how we went back there. He also explained our interview with Daniel, and how he worked for our father. He then gave him all of our notes that we gathered from the hotels and the descriptions from Mary. Finally, I told him about our experience this afternoon at the Michael Riggs hotel.

The whole time, he was in the same position, as he was when I started, nodding his head at appropriate times. His brows were now lowered and his lips pursed. He intimidated me for the first time, since I had met him. My chest pulsated nervously and, I could feel the sweat collecting on my forehead. I was beginning to regret telling him, when he stood up from his chair, looked out the window again, and then moved some papers off of his desk. He then clunked right on top of his desk. “So what is it that you need me for? It seems like you have everything in order. In fact, we are looking for someone to hire in the investigations department, are you guys interested?” His face was still serious.

“Are you joking?” Jamie asked. Out of nowhere Jimmy started laughing hysterically. I quickly looked at Jamie, who had a stricken look in his eyes. I had no idea what to think. Did he think we were joking? And if not, this was no laughing matter! I could see all over Jamie’s face that he wasn’t impressed either.

“Well, as a matter of fact I’m not. Elizabeth- Obviously you are too young but I think you-“ He turned his attention to Jamie, “Jamie should definitely consider it. Have you been to college yet?”

“No, I am saving up.”

“Well, how about I give you kind of- uh- let’s say an apprenticeship. And you can work your way up to a scholarship. Although…you will have to quit your present job-where are you working?”

We exchanged stunned glances. Jamie then smiled bigger than I had ever seen him. He ignored the question and asked, “So, you believe us then? We handled this well?”

“To be honest, I would have liked you guys to come forward with this sooner, but, I am glad you finally did at this point. And a cop might not have been able to get this kind of information from the people. I am proud of you kids; that was very brave. And Jamie, really, I am very serious about this. I would like you to help continue this investigation. You will be undercover until it is safe for you not to be, and, it will be hard work. And remember, you might find out even more unsettling things - things that might be a little closer to home base. I just want you to know that.”

“But what about Liz?”

“She is far too young to be involved in this but, I do appreciate her ambition and determination thus far. Elizabeth-please forgive me but I can’t allow you to be a part of this anymore. Your brother will be close to the investigation, so you will be first to find out anything, and we will have someone keep an eye on you since you have already put yourself in danger. We don’t know what this Daniel person, or any of the others, are capable of.”

“Okay, I understand.” I said in disappointment.

“I just have one question. What about your father? Are you certain he is involved in this?” Jimmy asked apprehensively.

“We probably should tell him everything… I mean everything about our father Jamie.”

“What do you mean?” Jimmy asked intrigued.

“I don’t think that is a good idea. We can’t even go home if he finds out about this then.” Jamie insisted.

“I know but we have to tell him or he won’t understand why he is involved.”

“Well, you think he cheated on your mother right?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah, but there is more.” I replied quietly.

“More? What do you mean? You guys are going to have to come clean now.” Jimmy demanded in a snappy manner.

I stood up; tugged on the bottom my shirt, gave a big sigh, and then began. At first, I was afraid he might not believe us but, then I realized how much he already trusted us. I knew he was a good and honest man. I could feel it my bones when I was around him. An overwhelming safety, the kind of feeling one should get when protected by their father, came over me. He listened intently, and patiently waiting for a pause in my ramblings, to comment. By the end of it, I was in tears. It pained me greatly just how much negativity my father has caused in my life, and in all of my family member’s lives.

Jimmy stood up, and came over to me to give me a hug. He then patted my back, and said, “There, there. Everything will work out now.” He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back from him, looked me straight in the eye then said, “He will get what is coming to him, I will promise you that.” He then released his hands from my shoulders. I could tell he was angry, mortified and determined to get justice; not just for Ruth but everyone who had been hurt in the storm. I deeply appreciated that.

Conflictions began to build up inside of me. Did I really want my father to be punished? Did I really want him to suffer? Maybe he was suffering already and we just had no idea. I know he does deserve to be punished for his horrific actions, but is that really for us to decide? Now, that I know there really isn’t one true God that will judge us, is it right for us to judge each other?

Do the Guides judge us? I thought of my helpers and what they had shown and taught me. I have to do right by them, and myself, but, is this the right direction? They did say to go to the police. Do they already know what is going to happen? Can my sister rest now, or does she have to see the whole truth revealed and justice being served?

I felt relieved, yet puzzled. Maybe it was over for me now. Maybe I am just a passenger. No. There was more, there was so much more, but not here, somewhere else. I was needed somewhere else. I could feel a pull, stronger than gravity, for me to be elsewhere.

“So what now?” I asked as I placed more physical evidence before him; the beer bottle and handkerchief with blood on it.