An Ideal Girl's Dreams by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Dream9: Hosting Websites


Lippy had already two unofficial websites; one was based on the previous work she did during her old career; the other one based on her works as an author. She wanted to buy a domain for the latter and host it.


It was her dream to continue her writing, and as she had come to know publishing her work as an author had never been this easier. This was where her author’s  website came into play. She could give some away as freebies and charge for the  ones that took most of her efforts and that she felt right about selling.


Maintaining a website was important at this stage of her life about her works. That was the best way customers would come to know about her works as an author and the promotions of her products. For good trafficking into her site she would need an email list because money was in the list, as they said. She was working on that as well and she was also blogging, which meant she had a good number of customers in hand. But this was only a part of her dream that she wanted to work on.


Her devotion to humanity was even greater so as to speak. She needed a good  career job for that matter which I spoke earlier in the eBook. I also described the scenario for her ideal career. She meant really to stick with it as well and follow up on her other dreams too.