An Ideal Girl's Dreams by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Dream6: Following up her Interest in Self-growth


Lippy was really interested in self-growth and self-empowerment. She read selfhelp books widely. Although she didn’t buy any, she got lots of free reports, guides  and resources in an email account dedicated solely for this purpose. She only chose  to read completely the best ones and rejected the not so good ones. She took  advantage of the great ones she liked, learned the new insights, thought of her life  and future in innovative ways and continually kept applying insights from those  books practically. This helped her a great deal.


And it was her dream that she would still follow up this interest later in her life as well while achieving her other dreams. Because she knew it would help her doubly. Some of her favorite free self-help eBooks from which she benefitted were:


a) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


b) From Pain to Power by Sasha Xarrian


c) How to Get What You Want by Susan Briscoe


d) Mastering the Law of Attraction by Andy Shaw


e) Bounce Back Big in 2015 by Sonia Ricotti


f) 22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration by Evolution Ezine and its Wonderful Readers