Anti-Supernatural Assault Team by Michael Keyth - HTML preview

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Book 0- Part 6- Surya


September 28, 2012

Half the fangs


The streets of New York were very quiet that night, as if the city was dead. Suddenly, several people jumped out from behind the corner, carrying pistols, and revolvers.

“Where did she go?” a tall, black man in the front shouted.

“I saw her running here,” one of them replied.

“There she is!” another one shouted pointing at a dark shape ahead of them that was flitting towards a dark street between two blocks of flats.

“After her!” the first one ordered.

The men ran after her.

“This is a dead end,” another one announced when they have turned into the dimly-lit street.

“She won’t run anyway now,” some other man added.

It was a narrow street situated between two abandoned buildings designated for demolition. The road wasn’t used for anything apart from police cars to hide in from time to time to control the traffic during the day. After dusk, traffic vanishes and there is no need for the police or anyone to be there.

“Kill the monster!” the man carrying a baseball bat shouted.

They were getting closer and closer to the tall thick wall illuminated only by a single lamp. In front of them, beneath the wall, there was standing a young girl. She was facing the wall, trying to find a way out. When she realised there was no exit, she quickly turned around.

“She’s just a child,” one of the women in the crowd boomed after seeing her late teenage body.

“So what,” some man yelled. “She’s still no human.”

“Please you don’t understand,” the girl shouted to them with a begging voice, hiding something in the pocket of her long black leather coat.

“You’re one of them!” someone shouted from the crowd aiming his gun at her.

“I’m not!” she screamed, as her shoulder-length, straight black and white hair trembled. “I hate them as much as you do.”

“Don’t listen to her!’ the tall black man yelled. “She tries to trick you!”

The petrified teenager kneeled and looked at him with her white-pupil cat eyes saying,

“Why do you judge me without letting me prove whose side I am really on?”

He looked at her young face and those begging eyes, then turned around to the others.

“You all saw what she can do, we must kill her,” he said, turned back, and pointed his gun at her.

“I beg you!”, she cried as a sound of  a shot spread around.

The girl half-opened her mouth, as her strange eyes grew wide. She looked down, and saw blood pouring out of her stomach onto her smooth palm.

“Leave her alone, she’s mine!” a sudden voice reverberated from above.

“We’re not alone,” one of the men whispered to himself when everyone looked up.

“Do you see anything?” the man at the back asked.

“No,” another one replied.

Suddenly, a pale bonny hand emerged from the darkness behind the last man, followed by pointy fangs and scary yellow eyes. Nobody else saw it. They were all gaping up seeking the unknown owner of the voice.

“Ah!” the unaware man shrieked as the sharp, lethal fangs pierced into his neck. 

His colleague, who was standing nearby, turned immediately, and saw a human-like creature standing in front of him sucking blood from the numb man.

“They’re here!” he shouted to everyone, pointing his trembling hand with a gun at the creature.

He quickly pressed the trigger, and a few shots flew towards the creature, but the bullets missed him. The girl raised her weakened head and looked at the black man, who had just shot her.

“You’d better run away,” she said trying to get up.

Everyone took several shots at the man, but they couldn’t hit him. He disappeared in the shadows, and emerged again in a completely different place.

“He’s too fast,” someone yelled.

In the meantime, the wounded girl managed to stand up. She quickly ran towards the shadows ahead, then disappeared in the darkness. Everyone was gazing at the dark corner, listening to a few hissing and wheezing sounds followed by a loud shriek. The whole action lasted for about two seconds, then the girl emerged back dragging a body of the strange creature behind her. It had a huge hole in his chest, and blood was pouring out of its mouth.

“I told you I was on your side,” the girl said calmly. “Now please, leave before the others come.”

Not thinking much, the group turned around and ran away in a hurry not saying a word. A few looked back at her, others just sprinted as quickly as they could. As soon as they disappeared behind the corner, the girl unzipped her coat, rolled her clothing up and looked at the wound. She wiped out the blood from her stomach, then gently touched the spot, where the bullet had flown in. Yet, there was no hole, and no more blood was pouring out. It was as if the wound healed. Suddenly, she heard several rumbles coming from the shadows of the street. She quickly looked at that direction.

“Surya, Surya,” the voice said slowly and calmly as a dark man stepped out from the darkness.

His hair was long, and his skin was pale as if he had spent several hours in freezing cold weather. He had several scars on his face.

“Once again, you stepped into our way, and tried to cross our plans,” his hissing voice continued while others like him came out from the shadows.

They were all dressed in black leather clothes. Most of them had long dirty hair, and all of them had very pale skin. The girl rolled her blouse down and looked at the first man.

“You disgust me, Roth, you know that?”

The man looked at his companions and laughed,

Yeah, I should.”

No sooner had he finished saying that, than someone shot a rectangular piece of metal on a long string towards Surya. The girl’s body started to tremble for a while as she tried to make a sound, then she fell on the ground losing consciousness. The vampire grabbed the object from the ground; it was a paralyser.

“Take her to the nest,” the pale man ordered.

The other vampires went up to her. Two of them grabbed her body and picked it up.

“I always hated that girl, why don’t we just kill her?”

“No yet, I want her to suffer a little bit more.”



Surya opened her white eyes and looked around. She was lying on a bed in the middle of the room. It was deprived of any windows, lit by hundreds of candles placed on the floor and the wooden stools. The girl tried to get up, but couldn’t move her hands. Then she realised, she was tied to the bed. Suddenly, the door opened and the familiar pale vampire came in.

“As you can see, we had to take precautions to make sure you won’t interrupt us this time.”

The girl looked at him with a scowl and replied,

 “What are you trying to do, this time?”

He came up closer and sat on a chair. He did realise he was making her more and more irritated, and he found that enjoyable.

 “This is our final operations,” he said. “Each and every hunter from New York will come tonight to New Jersey Port to set a trap on a delivery.”

“What delivery?” she inquired.

“We will be joined by 50 vampires from Europe.”.

“If they are going to set a trap on you, they are bound to win!”

“You’re wrong, Surya” the vampire smirked, “You see, the best thing about this is that they were told the package would be sent tonight, but really, the Europeans came yesterday. They think, they will be setting a trap on us, but at heart, the trap will be set on them.”

The girl was looking at him with anger in her eyes.

“And this is all thanks to our double agent,” he added amusingly.

Surya thought for a while, then boomed,


The vampire looked at the door, then back on her.

“Yes, he is the dhampir who is the spy. Our agent sent among hunters. He does his job well, you see. And the funny thing is, no one even suspected him. Not even you, Surya. And you were so close back in the days.”

Surya was devastated. All this information messed with her mind. All the memories she had, everything she did with Mike.

“Why don’t you leave them alone!” she yelled pushing her body so hard that the whole bed shook.

“Because, we want to pick the best, and convert them, then feed on the rest,” he answered casually.

“No!” came the cry.

“Oh Yes, you won’t thwart our plans this time, and maybe when there will be no hunters in New York, you will accept who you really are.”

“I am not like you and I will never be!” she shouted, as two fangs emerged in her mouth.

“Ha ha, look at yourself, you deny yourself.”

The vampire stood up and headed towards the door. Surya was confused and didn’t know what to say. Her emotions took charge and she boomed.

“I loathe you!”

The vampire turned around just as he was about to press the knob.

“One day you will regret you didn’t accept yourself earlier,” he looked down on her then left the room.

Surya looked around the room trying to figure her way out.

“I must stop them,” she whispered to herself.

Next she pulled her arms to her chest as hard as she could, but the ropes didn’t break. They were too thick.

“Come on Surya,” she gasped, “You can do it.”

She pushed her arms one more time, as her face reddened and her fangs came out again. The force was so strong that the ropes finally broke. She quickly sprang to her feet and put her black coat on. After that, she put her hands in the inside pockets of the coat and smiled, then rushed towards the door.

“Damn!” the girl murmured realising the door was locked.

Not thinking much, she made one step backwards then kicked the door to make it open.

“What was that?” one of the vampires that were sitting two rooms ahead asked.

“Surya,” the second one replied casually pushing himself from the chair.

After the door had been smashed, the girl ran inside the room taking out two silver daggers. Each about 20 inches long. There was no one inside, but she could hear two enemies approaching from the front door. As soon as the door opened, she jumped towards them, flew across the room, and cut their throats. Next she rushed to the next room as two numb bodies fell onto the floor. Another vampiric creature tried to stop her. Surya rapidly made a spin performing a hook kick which was so hard that made the creature fly across the room and hit the wall, leaving fractures around the place of impact. Hardly had she finished the kick, when some other vampire threw himself at her from the back. She tried to stab him in the eye, but he skewed his head and grabbed her two arms. Meanwhile, the second creature came round, stood up from the floor brushing the remains of the wall off his coat, and rushed towards Surya. While he was advancing at her, the girl dipped then jumped as high as she could banging the vampire, that was hanging on her, against the ceiling. The numb body got stuck near the lamp, as the girl threw one of her daggers at the approaching creature. The weapon pinked his eye with a splash of blood. Having landed, Surya realised that the body over her detached from the ceiling and started to fall right at her. While the second vampire was writhing in pain on the bloody ground, she used the second dagger to cut through the falling opponent. The stomach opened, but the dagger missed the spine, and thus the body stayed in one piece when it hit the ground. Then she grabbed one of the bodies by its legs and began spinning so fast, that the body was horizontally hovering in the air. While she was gaining speed, a few remaining vampires entered the room. She released the grip and let the body fly towards the upcoming horde. Its speed was so high, that it knocked the vampires over like a bowling ball knocks the bowls. Afterwards, the girl ducked and tore off her dagger out of the skinny head of the freshly killed nocturnal creature, then made a dart at the remaining three vampires. She kicked one on the head, then made a spin and cut the throat of the left one, while the right opponent crouched and jumped at her. Vampires are much stronger creatures than humans, and hence his manoeuvre knocked the girl over onto the ground. They fell among the bodies. The vampire crawled up and sat on her stomach holding her arms hard to the ground. Surya tried to break free, but he was too strong.

“Prith said to keep you alive for his own damn purposes,” he said looking with his yellow eyes deep into hers, “Yet, I ain’t patient enough to fucking do so.”

Surya tried to reach one of her daggers near her palm. Just a few inches. Her fingers walked along the floor and climbed onto the dagger.

“I can help you with that,” she said kicking him in the back with her knee.

He let go of her hands, and before he came round, the girl grabbed her dagger and cut off his head with one swing. The pale head rolled towards the wall, while the body fell near his fellow vampires. Surya stood up and rushed further. In the next room, she noticed a huge wooden door. She opened it and ran outside. It was already dark, and there was no one in sight. She was in the suburbs of New York.

“God damn it!” she shouted to herself hiding the daggers in her coat. “I’m too late.”

She could see the river bank ahead and the Jersey Port on the other side of the river.

“I wanted to come for you later,” a voice came from the left.

Surya turned around to see who it was.

“But I didn’t know whether you will be still alive,” the voice added. 

“Who are you?” the girl asked, seeing a man in a white suit. “I don’t have time now, I need to do something fast.”

The man seemed not to be surprised by her or by what she was trying to say.

“If you’re talking about the NYVHA, I’m going there myself. And believe me I’ll be there faster than you.”

The girl stopped and turned her body towards the mysterious man.

“Who are you, I asked.”

“I’m Arthur.”

“You’re not a vampire, so what are you doing here? And how do you know about NYVHA?” she inquired.

Arthur came closer to her.

“Let’s sit on the steps and I will tell you everything.”

The girl didn’t want to listen at first, but then she walked with him towards the stairs. They both sat on the steps leading to the vampires’ hideout.

“I’m listening,” Surya looked him in the eyes, fiddling with her fingers.

“I’m also a hunter, but I don’t fight only vampires. Demons, zombies, ghosts are my flavours of the life,”

Surya’s eyes grew wide as she heard those words.

“Demons and ghosts are real?”

Arthur looked at the sky for a while.

“Yes, they are as real as you, or the creatures you’ve just killed.”

 She started to analyse his words.

“I understand I may have messed with your head. But, Surya, I will not be beating around the bush, but speak plainly. I’ve been admiring your work for a long time and I need you to join my team.”

She looked into his eyes and asked,

“Your team?”

“That is correct,” Arthur said, “I’m organising a special team that will fight supernatural creatures.”

As she heard this, she quickly stood up.

“I belong to supernatural creatures,” she said nervously.

“Look, we want to eliminate those things that endanger human lives, and you are on our side. I want you to join me.”

The girl didn’t know what to say.

“Look,” Arthur continued, “No one accepts you here. The hunters don’t want you, neither do the vampires. If you join me, you’ll find not only home, but also acceptance among other members. And also...” the man came closer to her and whispered something to her ear.

Her eyes grew wide open, as she heard those mysterious words. It was something she longed to hear for a long time. Now she made up her mind, and knew that she had to join the old man’s team. Regardless what the other reasons are.

 “Alright, let’s do this I want to join you,” she said happily.

The old man peeked impatiently at the other bank of the river.

“Good choice,” he said taking out an envelope from his suit. “Take this, there is everything you need to know and need to have.”

The girl took the envelope. Suddenly a bright, white light appeared in the sky in the distance. It seemed to be coming from the Jersey Port.

“The spotlights,” Arthur murmured.

“It’s already started...”

“As I said, everything is in the envelope. Now excuse me, as I need to make sure the vampires won’t get them first.”

He turned around and walked fast towards the shadows covering the left wall of the building.

“Save them, please.”

Arthur disappeared behind the corner.

Surya was standing still, as if she was paralysed by everything that had just happened. She realised that, at that moment there was nothing she could do. Just read the envelope, and follow the instructions there. As she was standing lifeless there watching the flickering spotlights at the distance, she heard a sound of a helicopter. She immediately turned around and saw a black machine flying over her. It was heading towards the port.

“What have you done Mike?” she whispered, as the bright rails of the spotlights went down one by one.


Book 1- The Seal of Solomon


The team arrives in San Francisco. They are taken to Maldito castle by Arthur and taught their true reason for being in A.S.A.T.  Soon they learn that the world is going to end in three months and to stop it they need to find five pieces of the sacred Seal.

To read next parts go to

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