Archangel by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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times in the past, and will do so again in the future.

“This time, after ten years of attempting to have a child,

Hannah convinced Elkanah of taking on another wife just for

childbearing purposes and nothing else.”

“The same thing that Sarah did with Hagar,” said Youssef.

“The exact same thing. Except this time Elkanah took

on the woman who was to be the incubator for his children

as well as his wife. Therefore, he took on the woman named

Peninnah as his second wife. Hannah would always be the

apple of his eye, but Peninnah would be the mother to his

children. Elkanah loved Hannah with all his heart, but if

he were to have any children, he would have to sleep with

another woman.

“It broke Hannah’s heart to do this, but she did it because

she loved her husband. The same reason Sarah did it for

Abraham. It was the most difficult decision they ever made.

“Nevertheless, the decision was made. Elkanah and

Peninnah would have five children within seven years.

“Of course the same thing that happened to Sarah

happened to Hannah. The other woman teased them because

they were without children. A childless woman back in those

days was a scorned woman. Hannah was no different. Besides

being teased by Peninnah, there were the looks from the

town’s women. It was an unbearable situation for any woman

to be in.

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“Elkanah would try to console Hannah, but it was of no

use. He loved her and tried to make her life as comfortable

as possible, but to no avail. Hannah was a depressed woman

at that point.”

“That had to be difficult for her, especially in those days,”

said Youssef.

“It was. Also, besides the plight of Hannah, there was

another ongoing development for Elkanah. He was worried

about the state of the nation Israel. Corruption seemed to

be getting worse by the year. Judges and priests on the take,

while hardships increased for the common Israelites. The rich

were becoming richer, and the poor poorer.

“It was about this time that Elkanah brought the problems

of Hannah and his nation up to his friend, the priest Eli, who

recommended increased prayer for both issues.”

“Prayer is always the answer,” said Youssef.

With that comment, Gabriel looked at the young

Egyptian and smiled. Such a wise young man, this future King

of the South.

Eddie continued, “Now this priest known as Eli had

himself a problem as well. His two sons, who were judges, were

corrupt as hell, and on the take. This situation was brought to

the attention of Eli, who scolded his sons but nothing more.

Therefore, nothing changed. It was a cancerous atmosphere

in the nation, and something needed to be done. Elkanah and

Eli would pray together often for an answer from their God.”

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“It was at this time that Elkanah, his two wives, and his

children journeyed to the Tabernacle at Shiloh to worship the

God of Abraham. This time, unlike the others, the results of

their visit would be far different.”

“As usual, Elkanah made his sacrifice for his family at

Shiloh. After the sacrifice, he gave gifts to each of his family

members. He would thank the God of Abraham for giving

him his family, and then he would present each of them with

a gift, as was his custom. After he gave his family each a gift,

Hannah broke out weeping. Penninah had five children who

received various gifts from their father, while Hannah had no

one but herself. Even though Elkanah loved her more than

the others, and her gift was far greater, she felt less than a

whole woman without children. After many tears that day,

she knew what she had to do.

“That evening, Hannah snuck off to the Tabernacle alone

to pray to Yahweh. Here is the prayer she said to the God

of Abraham:

“‘Father, hear my prayer. Please look down upon your

servant and grant me my fondest desire. To have a son. I know

there is reason for all things you do, but if you could open up

my womb and allow your child to be born, I will give him back

to you. I shall nurse him with all the love of my being, and

then after he is weaned from me, I shall return him back to

you. He will be yours for the entirety of his life. I shall not cut

one hair from his head, and shall love this child as no mother

has ever loved another. Father, hear my prayer. Amen.’”

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“That’s a beautiful and touching prayer,” said Youssef.

“And a powerful one,” said Eddie. “Meanwhile, the priest

known as Eli was at his usual station, which was near the

door of the Tabernacle. While he was listening to Hannah, he

thought to himself, This woman is blabbering about incoherently.

Elkanah must have given her some wine to soothe her sorrows,

and now she is here drunk and praying.

“Eli stood up and said, ‘Must you come here drunk? Get

rid of your bottle of wine!’ Hannah, who was finished praying

at this point, replied to him, ‘I’m not drunk! I’m just pouring

my heart out to the Lord! Please don’t think of me that way!’”

Eddie pressed on with this story, “Then Eli told her to

cheer up and not be sad, for the God of Abraham will answer

her request, whatever it is.”

“Hannah then returned back to her family in a completely

different state of mind. She began to eat regularly, and her

countenance became more cheerful. She completely believed

what Eli had told her, and that gave her the faith and belief

that she would give birth to a son. This faith of Hannah’s

changed everything.

“After the family departed Shiloh and returned home,

Elkanah slept with Hannah. When he did, the Father

remembered her prayer, and she became pregnant with child.”

“It was her faith that gave her that child,” said Youssef.

“Indeed, and her faith was increased by Eli,” said Eddie.

“The child would grow up to become the prophet known as

Samuel. Once again, the soul known as Elijah had entered

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into the world. This time he would become a priest and

mighty prophet.

“Hannah kept her part of the bargain, and returned the

child to the priest Eli as soon as Samuel was weaned. The

priest Eli then blessed Hannah, asking the Lord to give her

more children to take the place of the child she had given to

God. Elkanah and Hannah would end up having five more

children. Meanwhile, Penninah would have no other children

besides the five children she already had.”

“It sounds like Elkanah was less than Amos’s other lives.

Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses were all very prominent,”

said Youssef.

Gabriel then rejoined the conversation, “Each spirit receives

the same amount of the soul of Amos. The spirits of each are

shaped by their environments and surroundings. Just as each

branch of a tree is given the same amount of lifeblood from

the root of that tree. But each branch is shaped by the weather

conditions of the time period that each branch was born into.

“No two branches of the same tree look alike. Yet each

share in the growing of that tree. As each branch sprouts, the

tree grows further. As each spirit from Amos is born, the soul

of Amos grows. It’s the same. I use the tree as an example of

a soul with many spirits because it is the perfect example. It

is why the Lord Jesus used the tree as an example to many

things while he was teaching in the flesh.

“Now here is a great secret. Each branch of a tree affects

each other, just as each spirit of a soul affects each other. Adam

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had an effect on Noah, who had an effect on Abraham, who

had an effect on Moses, and so on. Some branches of a tree

are for some uses, while some branches are for others. It is

the same with souls and spirits. The spirit known as Elkanah

was here for a specific purpose. It was the same purpose

that Abraham, Zechariah, and Eddie have. They were here

because of the all-important bloodline. Elkanah was here so

that Samuel could be born.

“Samuel was not only the answer to Hannah’s prayer, but

also the answer to Eli and Elkanah’s prayer. He was put here

to end the corruption that was going on in Israel at the time.

The nation badly needed a leader and a prophet. Therefore,

Elkanah and Hannah, who were the souls known as Amos

and Elizabeth, were put here to sire a son named Samuel,

who was the soul known as Elijah.

“As previously stated, Amos is a warrior-prophet. His

two sons, Ishmael and Elijah, are also warrior-prophets. Yet

Elijah has more of the prophet’s share and Ishmael more of

the warrior’s share. Yet both of them are equal in power and

in stature.”

Youssef and Eddie looked at Gabriel. The archangel had

a wonderful way of taking complicated subjects and making

them simple.

“What about the soul Ishmael? What is going on in

his life while all of this is happening to Amos and Elijah?”

asked Youssef.

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Gabriel answered, “Let me tell you about what happened

to Ishmael and his descendants after he left Abraham, and

fled to the desert with his mother Hagar.

“Ishmael grew to become a fierce warrior in the land where

they settled, the land which is today called Saudi Arabia.

Taught well by his father, Abraham, he was a skilled hunter

and leader of the people. As you know, Youssef, Ishmael had

twelve sons. These were known as the twelve tribes of Ishmael.

“These twelve tribes would all end up competing with each

other. Whether it be for land, glory, or honor, the tribes were

all very competitive. And each one of them, like their father

Ishmael, was very warlike. A few generations removed from

Ishmael, they began by piecemeal, conquering the boot of

Arabia, which ended up being named after the Ishmaelites.

The Arabian race, that half-Hebrew (from Abraham) and half-

Egyptian (from Hagar) race would go on to create a new people

in the world. A people that could trace its roots all the way back

to Adam through their forefathers. A people who, like their

cousins, the sons of Isaac, believed in the God of Abraham. The

Arabian race has always believed in only one God.”

Youssef listened with relish at the telling of the history of

his people.

“Yet they were without the laws of Moses. They had to

rely on word of mouth given to them from generation to

generation about their heritage,” continued Gabriel.

“The Father has always had plans for the sons of Abraham

and Ishmael. Their warrior ways would come in handy in the

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future. He needed a fierce race to rise up and protect what is

his. The day will come when this happens. But that day is yet

to come.

“By the time of the prophet Mohammed, these sons of

Ishmael, who would become known as the Arabian race, had

conquered most of the Middle East. Stretching from the

Persians in the east, to the Turks in the north, to Egypt in the

west. Many nations now belonged to them. Yet they had been

straying off the path of the God of Abraham for centuries.

They needed a set of laws laid down which they could follow.

That is when Ishmael reincarnated to become Mohammed. I

then appeared to Mohammed and laid down the laws of the

Qur’an for him to follow, and the rest is history.”

Youssef interrupted. “The soul known as Ishmael was

Abraham’s son Ishmael, Mohammed, and now myself. Is this


“That is true,” said Gabriel.

Youssef had heard this a few times, it just seemed too

impossible for him to believe. He kept going with the

thought. “And you’ve declared me to be the prophet Daniel’s

King of the South?”

“That is also true,” answered Gabriel.

“And I was told there are two parts to this prophecy. The

first part has already happened, but the last part hasn’t?”

Youssef asked.

“That is true as well. And the son of Lucifer is the King of

the North,” said Gabriel.

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“Okay,” said Youssef. He kept the thread going in his head.

“So, tell me, who is my brother Elijah in this life?”

“That would be your twin sisters,” interrupted Eddie.

“The two young girls who were with us that day when you

entered heaven?” asked Youssef.

“The very same,” said Eddie.

“How can that be?” asked Youssef.

Gabriel jumped in. “Not all of the soul Elijah’s incarnations

have been male, although a majority of them were.”

Youssef still didn’t understand; he pressed further. “Let

me see if I have this correct. I have a sister who is in Israel,

another one in Italy, and twin sisters in Australia. How is it

that they are all female and I’m the only male of the bunch?”

Eddie looked at Gabriel and asked, “You want to explain

or do you want me to?”

“We must first ask the Father, since this concerns future

events,” said Gabriel. He then listened within for instructions,

and replied, “Youssef, you are male because it would be

impossible at this time for a female to rise to power in Egypt.

“All of your sisters you mentioned have male-dominant

personalities. However, there is change in the air. The next

Messiah will be female, as will be her prophets who announce

her coming. The Messiah will come from your sister in Israel’s

line. Her prophets are the twins we mentioned. Your other

sister, who is located in Italy, is also a prophet. But her mission

is to warn the Church of grave future consequences if they

don’t change their ways.”

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“How can the Messiah be female?” asked Youssef.

“How can the Father be female?” Gabriel asked back. “I’l

tell you. The Father, Allah, Yahweh, or whatever name you

wish to call the Creator, has always been male and female.

You can’t have one without the other, it’s impossible to

achieve this state of being. One must exist for the other to

exist. Therefore the Father is both male and female.

“The one whom you know as Jesus, incarnated as the

Father in the flesh, was in male form. The future Messiah,

who will come out of Israel, will be the Father in the flesh, in

female form.”

“No one believes that the anointed one will be female,”

observed Youssef.

“There are those people on the planet who believe, but

not many. Your father Eddie believed while he was in the

flesh. He received this information while he was writing his

commentary on the book of Revelation,” said Gabriel.

Eddie piped in, “Son, there can be no other way.”

“I still don’t understand,” said Youssef.

It was Eddie’s turn to explain. “The Scriptures speak of

two Messiahs. A suffering Messiah, and a conquering one.

One who was ‘pierced for our transgressions,’ and another

who will ‘rule the nations.’ Many people confuse these two

into believing they are one person. When in fact, they are two

parts to the same being, which is the Father.”

“The male portion of the Father came in the form of Jesus.

He was the suffering Messiah. The one who sacrificed himself

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as a ransom for many. The female portion of the Father is

coming very soon from the line of your sister in Israel. She

will be the conquering Messiah, who will rule all nations.

‘Rule’ really isn’t the best word here—‘teach’ is a more accurate

term. She will teach all nations, thereby lifting humanity to

a new level.”

“But doesn’t Scripture teach of Jesus declaring that he will

return?” asked Youssef.

“Jesus was speaking as the Father when he said that. He

was speaking as the representative of Christ consciousness.

The consciousness that Jesus possessed will return in the form

of his female equivalent. That is what he meant when he said

he will return to make all things new,” said Eddie.

“He will return, but for a short period of time, and pave

the way for his sister,” said Gabriel.

“That great and dreadful day, when the moon turns red, the

Lord Jesus will return and destroy the enemies of mankind. For

twenty-four hours, Jesus will remain on Earth, and then he will

return to the Father. When that day happens, a child will be

born in Israel who will rule the nations. She will be filled with

Christ consciousness from birth. This will be his sister Sophia.”

“Wow!” exclaimed Youssef.

“Many Scriptures have been written about that day. It is

known as the ‘Day of the Lord,’” said Gabriel.

“Right around Yom Kippur, 2034,” interrupted Eddie.

Both Gabriel and Youssef shot Eddie a look. “What can I

say? That is the date the Father gave me,” said Eddie.

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“Is it true?” Youssef asked Gabriel.

“I don’t know the answer to that question. The Father has

not revealed that information to me,” said Gabriel.

“I guess I’m just lucky,” said Eddie.

“Blessed would be a better word,” said Gabriel.

“Yeah, that too,” said Eddie.

Youssef was in awe of the information that his father had

received from Allah. He was truly a prophet in every sense

of the word. As his past lives were. Yet he still had questions.

“Father, how do you know for sure that date to be true? This

‘Day of the Lord’?”

“I just know. It’s a knowing feeling built within me.

It comes from my source, the soul known as Amos. The

prophetic muscle built within him has been strengthened by

many of his past lives. Those gifts are then passed on to me,

since I am the latest incarnation of Amos. The next Amos will

inherit these same gifts,” said Eddie.

“Just as the warrior muscle built within you has been

strengthened by many of your past lives,” Gabriel said to


“And that, my son, will come in handy in the near future,”

added Eddie.

“Because, as you’ve both said, I am to be the King of the

South,” said Youssef.

“Exactly,” said Eddie.

“I wish I knew about this prophecy,” stated Youssef.

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“It’s all in the eleventh chapter of the book of Daniel,”

said Eddie.

Youssef looked at both Eddie and Gabriel and asked,

“What can you tell me about this King of the South?”

Gabriel answered, “You will have to study Daniel’s

prophecy. I can only tell you that you will oppose the son of

Lucifer, the prince of Persia.”

“I’ve never cared for Persians,” said Youssef.

Eddie laughed and said, “Arabs and Persians generally

haven’t gotten along.”

“The point is to study Daniel and ask the Father to give

you the answers to your questions about him. Only he can

answer the questions that you have,” said Gabriel.

“Sometimes, we can’t tell you everything. To do so is a

violation,” added Eddie.

“Okay, will do. It seems like the more answers I’m given,

the more questions that come forth from them,” said Youssef.

“That’s how the old man works, he gives and the next

thing you know, you desire more of his giving. His answers

always lead to more questions,” said Eddie.

“I wish you wouldn’t call Allah, ‘the old man,’” said Youssef.

“Like I said, he doesn’t mind,” said Eddie.

“Also, why do the two of you keep referring to Allah in

the masculine, if Allah is as you say both male and female?”

asked Youssef.

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It was Gabriel’s turn to speak. “Because you’re more

comfortable with it. If I kept referring to God in the

feminine, you would focus on that aspect, and miss much of

this message that you are receiving today.”

“Allah is both male and female,” whispered Youssef.

“You can’t have one without the other,” said Eddie.

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Youssef looked around at his beautiful surroundings.

From his vantage point on the Mount of Olives, he could

see the sacred Dome of the Rock, on the Temple Mount in

Jerusalem. He thought his mind was going to burst with all

this new information he had received on this journey with the

archangel and his Father.

As if reading his mind, Gabriel said, “Don’t worry, son

of Egypt, it will take time for your mind to process this

information, but once it’s absorbed it will remain. ‘Once

learned, stays learned.’”

“How do I come into power in Egypt?” asked Youssef.

“You will take it,” said Eddie.

“How?” Youssef pressed.

“I can’t tell you. It would be a violation of your free will,”

said Eddie.

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I will take it, Youssef thought. That’s enough information

for now.

“Don’t worry about the details,” said Eddie.

“Okay. I guess that will have to do,” said Youssef.

They all paused for a few moments and let Youssef catch

his breath.

“Are you ready to continue onward with the soul of Amos’s

sixth life?” asked Eddie.

Youssef again laughed and said, “I get so caught up with

you two, I lose track of what we were doing. Oh! Yes, Elkanah.

Is that all there is to him?”

“That’s all you need to know. Elkanah was a good, moral

man who had an exceptional son named Samuel. A prophet

who would lead Israel back to its God, back to its source.

Restoring its spiritual condition,” said Eddie.

“So the bloodline was his main mission?” asked Youssef.

“Yes. Like Abraham, Zechariah, and myself, we would sire

children who would create massive change,” answered Eddie.

“You said before that the soul of Amos is equal parts warrior

and prophet. But there’s also a third part, the bloodline, isn’t

that correct?” asked Youssef.

“It’s the most important part. It dates back to when Amos

appeared as Adam to help the Father redeem the planet. It

continues on, life after life, from him,” said Eddie.

“I think I understand. Go ahead with the next life after

Elkanah,” said Youssef.

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Eddie looked at Gabriel and asked, “Do you wish to tell

him, or should I?”

“You’re doing a wonderful job. Continue on for one

more life, which is all that the Father has allotted for now,”

said Gabriel.

“Sounds good,” said Eddie. “Let

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