Bad Boys by Terry Morgan - HTML preview

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At 4:00 a.m., Roger came off the motorway onto an A road and then drove through the open gate of a truck company. Mick Edgeley Transport—it said on a sign.

He reversed Madge into a space amongst a row of Edgeley Transport trucks already parked in neat rows. Despite the time, lights were on in a small office block to the side. “Wait here,” he told Kevin.

He was back within ten minutes. “All organised. I can park Madge here for as long as I like. Gentleman’s agreement. I’ve known Mick Edgeley for years. We’ll hang around until a more civilised hour then borrow one of Mick’s cars to take you home.”

Kevin nodded. “I still can’t believe Cass called.”

“An unbelievable coincidence, huh?” Roger said.

“Yeh. Two years since I saw him. It wasn’t his phone. Someone lent it to him. He said he’d phone again sometime.”

The cab light was on, and Roger could see Kevin staring out into the darkness with the same look of worry and uncertainty he’d become familiar with. His lips were moving, as if he was planning to say something.

“What’re we going to do, Roger?” he asked eventually.

“First, you deliver your parcel What time does Khan start to move?”

“Maybe around nine.”

“I’ll drop you off around eight thirty. What does he do with packages you give him?”

“I don’t know.”

Roger stated, “Kevin, there’s something going on here. You know it, and I know it. Just like Hamish, I could, of course, just call around at the police station and report everything.”

“But you won’t, will you?”

“No. Not yet anyway.”

“So what can we do?”

“I’ve no idea, but I think you should go and see your mother.”

Kevin nodded. “I know. I will today. Would you meet her, Roger? Talk to her?”

“Why not,” Roger said, wondering yet again how much deeper he should get involved. “And what’s your plan with Mr. Khan? You see, Kevin, I’m not a man who puts off until tomorrow what needs to be done today. I need a plan. I need a route map. A destination. Do you understand? Otherwise, I’ll bid you farewell, take Madge home where she belongs, and call in at the county police headquarters on the way. So what do you suggest?”

Kevin sniffed. “I could ask Khan if he has any more jobs. Local ones where I don’t need a car, like Mr. Greg for instance.”

Roger groaned. “Stop grovelling like a kid, Kevin. I’m talking about finding a strategy here to topple a bastard. Think of something, for God’s sake. Anything. If you think Mr. Greg could point us in the right direction, then let’s start with him. Otherwise . . . well, you already know my alternative. I’m going home.”