Before the Cult by Sandy Masia - HTML preview

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Cheryl’s Notes


Patient: Sandy Macxermillian

Session one

Struggling with suicidal thoughts

Tough time adapting to the environment

Constant negative thoughts

Feelings of loss not belonging

Session two


Spends most time alone/dislikes his peers--why?

Has anhedonia

Pessimistic about the future

Crying spells and deep sadness “pulling him inside”?

Major depression?(should remember hm)

Session three

Loses track of thought, long silences – spacing-out?


Lacks trust

Session four

Long sleeve shirts always, self-harming maybe? Winces a lot

Unhygienic/insomniac/ lethargic

Expresses apathy

Session five

Delusions? The calling?

“lifeling behaviour?

Rmbr : ask what is “lifeling” +“calling”

The crop?

The calling = depression?

Socially inept

Cnt. Speaks of death and killing

Macfeerson and Macxermillio derivatives of pat. surname. Hallucinations?

Not found in the univ. Records = Not students/not real/townies?

Rmbr : Give homework (social hm) =CBT

Spends all time with M+M (only friends mentioned)

 Nts: should follow up on M+M