Billy Boy by Liam Foxx - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen


Before we went up to the line we had a few replacements sent to us from the 2nd Battalion which was due to come over and take part in the offensive. So imagine our joy when Tommy Macey turned out to be one of them we shook his hand and welcomed him clapping him on the back. But I got the shock of my life when I was informed that the bastard who had raped Rosie was here yes that fucker Tommy Smith had been sent as a replacement and I just bloody wished that they had put him in the line with us. As it was he had been seconded to the Battalion Aid Station as a stretcher bearer, I saw him and a L/cpl called Stanley who had the most untrustworthy face that I had ever seen but I could not get near him at this time. I don’t know if Smith knew that Rosie had told me what he did but he kept his distance anyway and was never alone. So I thought I would pay him a visit later on but it was too late and I never got the chance as we were ready for leaving and a few minutes later we marched off. George came to see us off and wish us luck he shook hands with us and then turned to shake Bert’s hand but he refused and so George walked away shaking his head. We made our way up to the front line again and I was still stunned about Smith being here but as we marched on it seemed like it had only been a couple of days since we had left the front line trenches. The weather was quite good and we could see all the stuff that had been amassed for the forthcoming offensive. Everywhere we went there were other columns of soldiers marching along singing and every time we passed one of these columns we would cheer them and they us. We settled in the front line taking over from another Yorkshire Pals Battalion and we began the business of watching what the Hun was up to and having to stand to at first and last light. We also had to get used to the morning and evening hate again and I was sat on the fire step having a smoke with Frank just before we started our watch. When all of a sudden Sgt Kenny turned up and said. “Alright lads report to the Command Bunker and see Major Danby and Captain Thornley they have a little job for you to do.” I asked him. “Is Major Danby back then when did he return I thought he was stopping with the 2nd Battalion?”

A ‘Whizz-Bang’ whistled past overhead and exploded in the reserve trenches Frank said. “Bloody hell their starting early today must be getting a touch testy over in the Hun lines”, he threw his fag end away and began gathering his kit. Sgt Kenny looked at me saying. “It would seem that we need the Major more than the 2nd Battalion and it looks like Captain Melstone is going to made up to Major and become the Colonels right hand man. From what I hear it would seem that Capt. Thornley is going to take over as Adjutant from him so there you are then as up to date as what I am.” Hearing this news I was glad for both of them but it was a shame that they would no longer be close to us as they had been really good Officers and more than that kind of friends. Sgt Kenny told us to get a move on and then went off down the trench to gather more men as Frank and I made our way to the large Command Bunker further down the trench system. When we arrived there we waited with a few more blokes and then we were ushered inside and although it was a fairly big bunker it was still a tight squeeze. Inside there was already the Colonel Captain Melstone along with Major Danby and Captain Thornley then you had Lt Pearson CSM Domby and RSM Greaves. Colonel Terry cleared his throat and said. “The Staff wants’ prisoners from the Hun’s across the way so we know who we are facing and if they have any plans to change or reinforce the troops that are already here.” He looked at each one of us with his good eye before he continued saying. “So to this end we are putting on a raid tonight and you men along with S/Sgt Wallace and Lt Pearson will be going on it.” He then turned to Major Danby and said. “If you would be so good as to carry on with the briefing Charles.”

The Major stood in front of us and said. “In about an hour’s time the artillery will put a barrage on concentrating on the German wire it won’t be anything big just enough to get them to send a wiring party out.” He paused here to light a cigarette before he continued saying. “You lot will go out and grab preferably more than one prisoner and then leg it hot foot back here with your charges whatever happens we must have a prisoner.” He paused looking at us and then said. “You will move out into the middle of ‘No Man’s Land’ tonight and wait for them to turn up and I want no heroics. Simply remember this if we don’t get a prisoner tonight then another raid will have to go out again tomorrow night or keep going out until we secure a prisoner. He blew his nose on a hanky he took from his pocket and then he returned it as he started saying to us. “Once we have our Hun’s they will be sent back to the Staff HQ for interrogation the Brass really need this information as it is critical that we find out just what’s happening over there. He stopped once more to let this sink in and then he said. “I know that we can rely on you to fulfil this mission that is why you have been hand picked so all that remains for me is to wish you good luck”, he did this and so did the rest of the Officers. Lt Pearson stepped foreword and said. “I will brief you again closer to the time of the raid informing you of what’s what and what you need to know”, after this Major Danby dismissed us and we left the bunker. An hour later the guns opened up with their barrage and I watched it falling on the German wire and parapet through the trench periscope. A short while later the German retaliation started and their shells plastered our front line and reserve trenches we took what cover we could in the bunkers. As the shells landed I sat in our bunker and I must have looked as scared as the rest of the lads the floor shook from the explosions and dirt fell onto our heads from the roof. It was hard to sit in the bunkers because of the fear of being buried alive by a direct hit but then the shelling stopped. After it was safe to come out Frank and I set off down the trench for the final briefing that Lt Pearson was going to give us.

As we arrived we could see that the rest of the lads were already there we were dressed in jumpers and trousers and our boots were dulled we had on balaclavas and had blackened our faces. Marksmen like me carried rifles while some of the men had pistols and bombs and a few were carrying home made coshes with which to subdue the prisoners with. Lt Pearson said. Right lads we will be going out in a few minutes when you get past our wire make your way to the centre of ‘No Man’s Land’ and wit there for further orders. He made sure that we all understood then he continued saying. “The riflemen and bombers will cover the men who are going to grab the prisoners.” He looked at his watch and then said. “Remember we want prisoners dead Hun’s are no good so when we hear their wire party start to put the stakes in we will rush them. Grab as many as we can and the being covered by the riflemen and bombers we will leg it back to our lines.” Had one last smoke and then it was time to climb out of the trench we led on the parapet and then crawled through our wire and on into the centre of ‘No Man’s Land’ were we lay and waited. It was very quite and the waiting out here had everyone on pins our nerves were stretched tight and we jumped at the least little noise.

My rifle was pushed out in front of me as I covered the ground the minute’s ticked by and it was like being enveloped in treacle so slow did the time go by. Then just when I thought we were going to give up because the Huns weren’t going to send out a wiring party was dispelled when we heard faint noises out to our front. There was the sound of metal on metal and we could just about pick up agitated sounds of conversation and I could positively vouch for the fear that the German wire party were feeling. Then we heard the unmistakeable sound of muffled hammers being used the word was passed down and we crawled forward slowly and quietly until we got into position. I was covering Frank as he Lt Pearson and the rest of the prisoner party jumped up and set off at the run towards the wire party. Ted Wallace said to me. “Keep your eyes peeled Billy Boy and at the first sign of any trouble give the Hun’s hell. I replied. “Don’t you worry my rifle barrel will be red hoe I will be firing that fast because at the moment I’m seconds away from pissing in my pants and that’s no joke. I could see his teeth white in his blackened face as he smiled saying. “Don’t wet yourself to soon son just wait until the old Hun opens up with his ‘Flying Pigs’ that’s the time to let your bowels go.” We lapsed into silence again then we heard a voice shout. “Hilfe kammarade”, coming from the wiring party. The voice was cut off probably by a home made cosh then we saw coming back our way Frank and another bloke dragging a body between them then I was pretty sure I saw some more of the lads pass us with a body held by them. But then all hell let loose as machine guns and rifles began firing and we began to give covering fire as the bomber s threw there bombs. We watched as they exploded lighting up the night with flashes and the noise of them echoed in our ears. The bombers then retreated through our covering fire and legging it back to our lines following the snatch party as the whole front seemed to come to life. I will tell you something as well we were not far behind them as we made it to the safety of our trenches and we would have beaten any of the top runners in this race of death.

Just as we had got back to our trench line the fireworks display started  and ‘5.9s’ shelling us and ‘Jack Johnson’s’ and ‘Oil Can’s’ were thrown in for good measure. It would seem like the Germans weren’t impressed with us snatching prisoners from their wiring party. The retaliation rained down on us for quite some time and it gave me the shakes because these counter strafes could be nerve shredding to say the least. I had just lit a fag when I saw Lt Pearson questioning a rather befuddled prisoner I could have almost felt sorry for him then the Lieutenant said. “There is another Hun prisoner out by our wire injured and I want him bringing in the more prisoners we have the better it will save us having to go out again.” He turned to S/Sgt Wallace saying. “I want a good rifleman to go out with the stretcher bearers and give them cover while they collect the prisoner.” Ted Wallace looked at me and said. “Pte Lamb you go out with the stretcher party and fetch that Hun back in.” I was about to complain when I saw who was with the stretcher it was that little bastard Tommy Smith and I thought what better place to extract my revenge on the fucker but out by the wire. So I replied. “Alright Staff I will be more than happy to provide cover for the lads.” Ted Wallace did a double take as he asked me. “Has a rat bit your arse or what you never agree and go quietly when I volunteer you for something?” I replied grinning. “Just doing my duty Staff you know what a good soldier I am.” Ted Wallace came up to me and then grinned like a crocodile as he whispered. I don’t know what you are up to but believe me I will find out” and he walked back over to Lt Pearson.

We had to wait quite awhile till it quietened down but eventually the front lapsed into silence again and the flares stopped whooshing up as darkness returned. We crawled out through our wire and towards where the prisoner had been left Smith and the other stretcher bearer followed me. I could see the German and laid down behind a slight rise in the ground as I checked the view to my front. I knew that we had to be careful as the Germans would sometimes send out patrols to nab stretcher bearers as they picked up the wounded. The other two crawled up with their stretcher and I noticed that Smith was by my side I moved stealthily right beside him and then I whispered in his ear. “Listen to me you little fucking bastard I know what you did to Rosie and that was your first mistake your second is being out here by the wire with me because you are dead you shit”, and I pulled my trench knife as I grinned like a wolf. I whish that I had listened to Rosie though and the warning she gave me for I underestimated what he would do in this situation. As I made to strike with the knife Smith started screaming like a girl having her virginity nicked and all hell broke loose once again. I was shocked and in that time as I my hand poised in midair Smith took off back to our trenches red, white and blue lights shot into the air and machine guns and rifles began to strafe the position where we lay. I heard the other stretcher bearer give a sharp scream and then a gurgle came from him as machine gun rounds slammed into his face taking most of his head with them. I could also see the body of the German prisoner jerking up and down as bullets struck him time and time again. I was lucky the rise in the ground and the dip I was in protected me from the German fire and the prisoner’s body covered me as well. As I lay there and thought I realised that Smith had screamed on purpose to get me killed and Rosie was right he was a very dangerous enemy and that I wouldn’t underestimate him again if I got out of this mess. But I was determined to get back to our lines and find another way to kill the little shit so I lay as flat as I could and waited for things to quieten down again.

It took a while and I had to piss in my pants as my bladder was bursting whether because it was full or because of fear you decide. Eventually though the front went quite again and the darkness returned it was eerie and unnerving out here and the least sound has your heart trying to crawl into your asshole. Steadily and slowly I crawled back to our lines stopping every so often to listen eventually I was close to the parapet and I gave the password before any trigger happy sentry opened fire and ignited the whole front again. The lads were so pleased to see that I was alive and had got back that you would have thought I was the prodigal son. There was no sign however of Tommy Smith and someone said that he had returned to the aid station it was now that Ted Wallace and Lt Pearson came up to me. The Lieutenant asked. “What went on out there we heard a god awful scream and then all hell let loose?” I was going to tell him it was that cowardly bastard Smith when he continued saying. “Pte Smith told us it was the wounded German prisoner who had screamed and that he had searched for you and the other stretcher bearer. He then said he had seen your bodies out beyond the wire but the Hun fire was so vicious by then that he had to come back in or he would have risked loosing his own life. I looked at him thinking and you believe that bag of shite that he sold you I could not understand it but then again the first one to tell his story was believed and I had no one now to back up mine. I was tired beyond belief and had used up that much nervous energy that I was entirely drained. Ted Wallace said to me. “You were lucky lad I thought that we had lost you out there but what happened to the other stretcher bearer?” I replied. “He’s dead like the German prisoner half his face and head was ripped off and it was only a corpse and a dip in the ground that stopped the same thing happening to me. Lt Pearson said. “Get yourself off to the bunker for some sleep and let me say well done on getting back here. I think though that you should thank the stretcher bearer Pte Smith for risking his neck looking for you for that took courage.” I knew that I would be wasting my time if I said anything and besides which I was too tired beside as I have said Rosie was right about Smith having a silver tongue. Instead I made my way back to our bunker determined that the next time I met him silver tongue or no silver tongue I would kill him for tonight and Rosie.

Our time in the trenches on this occasion was a lengthy one and a lot of the time you spent in the trenches was boring if you were not on a working party or on stag. So to ease the pressure and too relieve the boredom we smoked and that was nearly to a man. Cigarettes comforted us in these situations and were reasonably cheap so it was no wonder so many of the lads smoked. Things were beginning to hot up now on the ‘Shooting Gallery’ (front line) as the Germans stepped up there artillery fire and we also had a lot of ‘Flying Pigs’, ‘Rum Jar’s’ (trench mortar rounds) and ‘Obus’ (howitzer rounds) coming over. They made things hell and we were all for quite lives as I’m sure our German counterparts were however it was the Staff that stirred things up. We had been issued the new tin hats but they were a pain in the ass as they would fall off your head at the slightest movement. I wrote to Helen asking her if she could get me a liner that they now made in Blighty it fitted inside the helmet and looked like a bowler hat but it made sure that the helmet stayed firmly on your head and not on the floor. I signed off ‘In the Pink’ which was an expression everyone was using over here now and it meant alright. We had also received orders from the Staff that we should begin more offensive raids against the Huns to shake them up and keep them on their toes.

Once more our relief time came and we made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ as things really began to heat up. More and more extra troops were piling into the area for the forthcoming offensive and I knew that pretty soon we would be packed tighter than sardines in a can. The majority of these new troops were now Pals Battalions like ours the old army (the comtemtables) had nearly ceased to exist and in their place the Kitchener Battalions were taking their place. Of course with this amount of activity going on we were bound to attract more attention from the German artillery and a lot of ‘Coal Scuttles’ (large howitzer rounds) and 5.9s were falling near to us. Now though the working parties had been extended beyond belief as ammunition food and other supplies was stockpiled ready for use. We also now got extra training on attacking trenches in formation and it got bloody annoying as attack after attack was simulated as the Officers tried to get it right.

About a week later we were again lined up with a Battalion of the York and Lancaster’s and the Barnsley Pals for a simulated attack watched by Staff Officers. The trenches had been marked out with white tape and we practised moving foreword in formation as smoke pots created a fog over the field. We were all pissing our selves with laughter as the Officers couldn’t see what the hell was going on and so we just strolled on talking to the blokes from the other Battalions. However as we started going up the hill towards the simulated trenches the smoke cleared and we walked on over the ridge attacking the taped trenches and shooting and bayoneting nonexistent Huns. This seemed for some reason to impress the Staff Officers but I don’t know why as all we did was walk past a load of white tape on the ground in line abreast. Then we received a pep talk from some decrepit Brigadier who informed us of what a smart bunch of chaps we were and that we were the pick of our town’s young men. He continued saying to us that we had nothing to fear from the Huns because the artillery bombardment was going to be of a duration and ferocity never seen in a battle before. After this we would be able to walk over the German positions and just mop up the prisoners as there would be hardly any resistance we who had fought on Gallipoli had heard all this before and had suffered the casualties for it. After this he told us how proud he was to have us in his Brigade we gave him three cheers and he rode off with his entourage back to his nice comfortable HQ.

Later in the barn George said. “Who was that decrepit old fart he looked half dead and surely the army should have put him out to pasture long ago?” I replied. “I don’t know but I will tell you something don’t listen to this shit about the bombardment they told us all this on Gallipoli and a lot of our lads got shot to pieces because they believed it.” Bert had listened to this and now said to me. “But wasn’t that because you only had shrapnel shells mostly on Gallipoli were here we have loads and loads of H.E. shells (high explosive) don’t forget we have carried a lot of them. Nobby Clarke butted in saying. “Billy Boys right it dint matter what you’ve got although I will admit that we could have used more H.E. on Gallipoli I don’t trust any Staff when they start talking about artillery and how we will have a walk over.” Dusty Miller now had he’s say. “They talk like they do because like our esteemed commander Haig and the old fart that has just been talking to us they are all cavalry or ex-cavalry Officers. The only thing they believe in is bloody horses charging across a field and onto glory with their sabres and lances flashing in the sun.” I had never before heard Dusty so bitter as he continued saying. “You listen to me it wont be those tailors dummies in the cavalry that will win this war it will be the P.B.I. (poor bloody infantry) that has to go over the top and win it.”

When we weren’t on fatigues or working parties I wrote to Helen every chance I got and it was only her letters that kept me going I think. I don’t know how she managed it with everything she had on her plate at home but she always managed to sound cheerful and she always told me how much she loved me. I tried to keep things as light as I could in my letters keeping the blood gore and boredom out of them I also never told her how many raids I had been on because I didn’t want to frighten her. Also though we had the censor to contend with this was he of the black pen who crossed things out on your letter with a stroke. It seemed like every Tom, Dick and Harry back home could write about what was going on even telling the papers but we could not get one little place name past the censor and it sickened me. We had been back in the line only a day when Frank shouted me across to the trench periscope that he was using he asked me. “What do you make of that?” I replied. “What’s happening are the Huns mounting an attack?” He said. “No but they have just unfurled a big banner and are holding it up it says on it that Kitchener is dead.” I was shocked but more than this incensed as I shouted. “You dirty lying German bastards Kitcheners alive.” We could now hear more comments being shouted from all along the line and now a barrage of fire opened up from one of our ‘Stokes Mortars’ and now a machine gun opened up shredding the banner and causing the Huns to beat a hasty retreat to the safety of the bottom of their trench.

A short time later however RSM Greaves came round and told us it was true it seemed that Kitchener had been travelling to somewhere on the naval ship H.M.S. Hampshire when it struck a mine near the Orkney Islands two days ago on the 5th of June. We were stunned and a quite descended on the trenches after all he was a father figure to all the Kitchener Battalions. After all it had been his idea and conception to call for and implement a volunteer army when things had been at there worse for our country and now he led in a watery grave. Later as we sat in the bunker George kept saying. “How could this happen how could they let him travel on a bloody ship when they know the bloody country needs him?” A voice shouted. “Shut the fuck up Gorge with your endless questions you give me the pip you really do he is dead like a lot of other people in this fucking war so just drop the thing alright?” It was Bert who said this and if we had not all stepped in there would have been another punch up as they squared up to each other. There was a lot of name calling but that was about it and eventually we managed to get them away from each other.

Well that was that and life goes on and we returned to life in the trenches at the moment the ‘Shooting Gallery’ was quite because the Germans were being unusually peaceful. This did not suit the Staff at all and they ordered more offensive raids again this was done with the intensions of stirring the Germans up into an attack. This would have weakened them just before our ‘Big Push’ got underway which if everyone was to be believed was not far off now though we would rather have had it quite as these raids could get you killed before you had even had the chance to take part in the forthcoming battle. So we along with more bombing squads up and down the line were chosen to mount a raid in two nights time all along the our section of the front. This was to let the Hun know that we were still here and that we meant business and if we could nab a prisoner or two at the same time then all the better. So we just waited for the time of the raid to come around everyone knowing just how dangerous these things could be a dangerous pastime for anyone. The day before the raid an incident happened that I really should have taken more notice of I had just been to the latrine and had come back round the corner of the blast wall. Up ahead I saw this new Battalion clerk that had joined us and who already had the reputation of a lead swinger and even worse a thief. This was L/cpl Stanley and I had heard of some of his more nefarious habits I watched as he leant against the trench wall. As I passed by he said to me. “Here you are son a genuine German watch that you can show the girls at home”, he must have thought that I was one of the new lads. I replied to him. “Piss off you fucking grave robber you do know that it’s a crime punishable by death to loot the dead?” His face went pale at the mention of this and so did the faces of the two lads he was talking to. I continued saying. “I’m not one of the new boys impressed by your shit I have seen more bullets flying than you have seen dodgy deals and I will tell you what on Gallipoli we would have shot you out of hand and made the world a better place.”

He looked at me and I saw that he was weighing me up but he didn’t like what he saw and he started stammering. “Look mate I found the watch and I was just trying to sell it to you to earn some extra money to send back to my wife and nippers”, his face now had a hound dog look to it. I replied. “Shut up you lying sack of shit your not even married now get out of here and leave me alone or you will find my boot up your arse.” He blustered and then shouted. “I’m a Lance Corporal and you can’t talk to me like that I’ve a good mind to put you on a charge”, and his face turned bright red.  I said to him. “Alright let’s go and while we are there we will tell the RSM that you were trying to sell looted goods to me and then we will see who will be in the most trouble.” He went back to wringing his hands in front of him saying. “Look honest I found the watch just lying on the ground where it was dropped I will take it back to Battalion HQ and hand it in there’s been no harm done.” I was just about to say that this wasn’t good enough when S/Sgt Ted Wallace came around the corner Stanley’s face went white and he tried to scuttle off faster than a frightened spider. But Ted had spotted him and said. “Stanley you piece of shit what are you doing here you have been told about hanging around the line we don’t want your type around here?” Stanley visibly shook saying. “I had to collect some paperwork Staff and I was on my way back to HQ when I met lad.” I butted in and said. “He’s a fucking liar Ted he was trying to sell me a German watch he said he had found.” He stuttered a reply. “That’s right I found a watch and was offering it to the lad but as a present not for money”, I looked on in amazement. Ted said to him. “You have been warned about this kind of thing before but you have always got away with it but I will tell you now if I ever catch you selling looted property I will shoot you out of hand”, and from the look on Ted’s face we knew he would. He continued saying. “Now get your arse out of our trench and don’t let me see you round here again.” Then Ted held his hand out as he told Stanley. “Oh and you better give me that watch I will see that it is turned in to the proper authorities. He looked at one stage like he might argue but the look on Ted’s face mad him think twice and he handed over the watch and beat a hasty retreat back to Battalion HQ.

As he walked past me he said out of the corner of his mouth. “Tommy Smith was right about you being a trouble maker but mark my words I will get even with you for this.” I worked the bolt on my rifle shoving a bullet into the spout but this was enough for Stanley and he set off down the trench like a scalded cat. As I watched him go I though he’s a mate of Smiths who was probably in on the looting and other pilfering as well. Ted Wallace came up to me and asked. “What was all that shite about then?” I replied. “Nothing much he was just making idle threats but I don’t bother about bastards that loot dead German bodies.” Ted said to me. “Its not just corpses and not just Germans he robs off the living as well he also robs our boy’s corpses as well.” I looked at him with a stunned expression on my face as Ted continued. “We know he is doing it but it is catching him he has other people working for him and sends most of the stuff off in secret to an accomplice at one of the ports for shipment to Blighty. But it would have been just your word against his that he was trying to sell the watch and he’s slippery we want to catch him at it then we can put the bastard up against a wall.” I was absolutely thunderstruck at this news and didn’t know what to say I looked at Ted and my mouth was working trying to form the words Ted said. “Listen if we can catch him we will shoot him but he is a cunning little bastard and you had better be careful because he will try to get back at you for causing him this trouble that’s the closest he has come to getting shot.” I replied. “I will watch for him but he better pray I never have him in my sights because I will show him no mercy it is bad enough looting the enemy dead but our boys as well never”, and I left things there. Ted walked off saying. “Remember he is a sly bastard he might not try to give you a kicking in fact he wont because he’s a fucking coward but he will try to get you back another way”, and with these parting words he went on his way. So did I but I thought about him being a mate of Smiths and knew that the pair of them would try to get me back together and I also knew that I would have to do something drastic about them very soon. But at the moment I had bigger fish to fry I was now thinking of the raid tomorrow night and wondering if I would return from it in one piece or even at all.

The raid went off without serious incident we made it to the German trenches and shook them up a bit but there artillery gave us a bit of concern as we made our way back to our lines. Shortly after this we were relieved and made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ once again to the fatigues and working parties that awaited us there. The training kept going on with us still attacking the dummy trenches and practicing for the upcoming offensive Lt Pearson called us together and we could see that he had a large sheath of cyclostat copies in his hand which he referred to. He started his briefing saying. “Right lads listen up we are going to attack these trenches again until we can do it in our sleep.” Nobby Clarke asked. “Did he say sleep or am I dreaming did he say we could go to sleep?” Nobby had a dreamy look on his face as Lt Pearson went on reading from his sheets.