Black Donald by N. M. Gillson - HTML preview

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A brilliant white light appeared, so bright that it engulfed everything and illuminated every

shadow hiding behind every object. Michael closed his eyes and covered them with his arms,

hoping he would still be alive at the end of it. There was no heat, no sound, nothing except the

light which disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared and returned the first floor landing

back to the darkness it was moments before. Michael slowly opened his eyes and cautiously

moved his hands away from his face and gasped. He surveyed the five motionless bodies that

lay before him. “What the…?” Shaking his head, he approached the nearest one, it could have

been the one who attacked initially, but he was not sure, they all looked the same in their black


He knelt down and lifted the hood over the head of the body and instantly recognised the

attacker as the farmer from the top of the village, Mr. Gallagher. Michael was shocked to say

the least. The last time he had seen Mr. Gallagher was at Mary"s shop opening, he was offering

children lifts in his tractor. I am so glad I have no children. He moved to the next figure and

reached out to lift the hood, but stopped when he got an overwhelming urge to move. If asked,

Michael would not have been able to explain it, but he obeyed and left the other unnamed

bodies in favour of his quest.

As Michael began climbing the next set of stairs, the five bodies faded into nothingness,

leaving no trace of them at all. Unaware of this, he reached the top of the steps and stopped

briefly to catch his breath, although he knew he could not stay too long. His chest was heaving

and sweat drenched his forehead, but he had to go on. He removed his long coat and threw it

to the floor without a second glance and continued, jogging down the corridor towards the

headmaster"s office.

Half way down the corridor Michael heard a soft sniff, stopping he looked around and spotted

a small boy crying. Despite the circumstances, he was a teacher and his duties outweighed any

other feelings he might have. Still breathing heavily, he approached the small boy, clearly a first

year student, although to Michael, it was slightly odd how he was still wearing a school uniform

at that time of night, let alone being out at that time of night. “Hey Buddy…” he took a deep

breath, “what"s up, why you crying?” The little boy looked up. His face was wet with tears,

suggesting he had been crying for some time. Michael put his arm on his shoulder, “Now

whatever it is, we can sort it.” Michael tried to smile despite what was on his mind. However,

as Michael crouched down, the boy"s eyes turned bloodshot, black rings appeared round his

eyes and he began to snarl.

Within seconds, Michael was on his back with a little boy snarling and punching him in the

face and upper chest. Despite his size, the little boy threw quite a wallop and Michael was

assured his face would be severely bruised. He grabbed the arms of the boy and pushed him

off, before rolling to his side and standing up. His back was turned for only a second, but it was

enough for the boy to pounce again, kicking Michael"s back and thumping his shoulders and the

back of his head and still growling like a rabid dog.

Michael had had enough of this. Child or no child, this boy was in his way. He grabbed hold

of the boy"s legs, to secure him to Michael"s shoulders and ran backwards, hitting the opposite

wall as planned. It only took one attempt before the boy went limp. Michael"s heart exploded in

agony when he set the boy down, I can kiss my career goodbye.



He waited a moment looking at the boy, “sorry kid.” He stood, staring at the boy"s lifeless

body on the floor until something caught his attention from behind. Turning he looked down the

corridor just long enough to see one candle go out. Michael raised an eyebrow, another torch

went out, and another, and another. A noise that reminded Michael of a stampede echoed

down the corridor, intensifying as the extinguished lights drew closer. Michael felt his heart

pump and throb in his head, he wanted to run, but was too intrigued to know what was heading

his way, or was it to protect the boy he had just knocked out?

A herd of boys of all sizes was growing larger with every passing second; just as well the

corridor is long. Michael shook his head, “What the hell is going on in here?” He turned and

ran the opposite way conscious the stampede was closing fast. He knew he did not have far to

go and would be able to dodge the oncoming mob by stepping in to the Head"s office.

As he reached the door, he took hold of the handle and looked back at the approaching

rabble and darkness. He pushed the door and fell through before slamming it behind him. He

was not sure what he alone could do against the entire group of boys on the other side of the

door, but was grateful there was a door between him and them.

He turned round and looked for the headmaster but was disappointed, he was not there. His

office was lavish compared to the rest of the school"s furniture. Chairs laced with gold thread,

ornaments and vases of solid gold, or at least what looked like solid gold to Michael, and

various other artefacts made of precious materials from platinum to diamond. He could not help

jaw drop as he walked deeper into the room. There was a bookcase that extended the entire

length of the wall with a spiral staircase heading upwards in the centre of the room. Next to that

was a brass head and shoulders replica of a previous headmaster, so Michael presumed.

When he reached the spiral staircase, he dare not proceed. Something inside him was

clutching at his senses and telling him not to go. Instead, he turned and took another careful

look at the room. It was enormous; about the size of a tennis court. He had to smile when a

thought of Mary owning a bedroom this size pooped into his head, she would find new and

inventive ways to fill every available space.

He rested against the head and shoulder statue and it moved. “Sheesh! How many bloody

secret passages does this castle have?” He watched as a portion of the bookcase moved

backwards and off to the left, revealing a well-lit stairwell heading down. Without much thought,

Michael knew instantly what he had to do.

