Black Donald by N. M. Gillson - HTML preview

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Once more, pain shot through his entire body. His nerves complained about working overtime

as every punch and every kick made contact with some part of his flailing body. He knew his

body would already be severely bruised, but before death ensued, he would suffer massive

internal bleeding from many of his organs. He wanted to cry out in agony, but then realised the

pain was subsiding. Have I been beaten so much that I can’t feel it anymore?

His thoughts were interrupted by a feeling of weightlessness. He opened his eyes and

almost jumped when he realised he was floating in the air. Am I experiencing an out of body

moment? God this is peculiar. However, within moments of his realisation, he was thrust

against a far wall. Michael knew what had happened, but his mind was forced to think of

something else when his helpless body smashed into the stone wall and crumpled to the floor.

Raising his head, Michael opened his eyes and looked at the followers; they were holding

their positions. Why won’t you finish it? There must have been ten or twenty at first glance,

hardly fair, Michael thought whilst scrambling to his knees, he had barely seconds before they

could reach him again; but they did not move.

Michael heaved a sigh. He wanted to cough. He could feel fresh blood curdling at the back

of his throat, a metallic stickiness, but he resisted as he also felt a sharp edge being slowly

pressed against his neck. He looked down without moving his head and spotted a metal sword

poised at his throat. His eyes surveyed the blade; it was beautifully crafted with intricate

designs weaving up and round the blade similar to wild ivy growing over a wall of a house. The

design culminated at the base of the hilt which was hidden under the assailant"s hand, but

Michael could just make out a green emerald gem in a silver hoop at the tip of the hilt. “Nice.”

He could not help but admire the intricate design despite his predicament.

Then, suddenly, without speaking a word, the assailant swung his sword. Michael grabbed

the hilt pulled it clear of the assailant"s hand. “Fool, you would have stood a better chance

before giving me this.” However, to Michael"s surprise, the swordsman had already drawn

another sword from his robe, almost identical in design to the one he now held, but instead of

pointing it at Michael; he was pointing it at the attackers.

The swordsman raised his free hand and lowered his hood startling Michael who instantly

recognised him as his only friend in Kirkfale, “Andrew?” He almost dropped the sword.

Andrew turned his head, winked and smiled, “you might want to point that thing towards

them,” he said motioning towards the moving mob. Michael took up a similar stance to Andrew.

“Who are you?”

“A friend...” that was all he could say before they both were lunged into battle.

Michael thrust the sword with expert precision; as if it were a foil and he were fencing.

Granted the sword was heavier, but the manoeuvres were just as effective, with the added

bonus of piercing the flesh. Both he and Andrew danced as if they were following a practiced

recital as blade met flesh and splashed blood in every direction.

Michael pulled his sword out of the stomach of one assailant, twirled and swiped at another"s

arm, cutting it clean off. This was followed closely by an elbow jab to the jaw, to throw the

assailant off guard before stabbing him in the heart with the sword to finish the job. He dodged

an incoming fist but allowed his sword to linger to his side just long enough to make contact with

the attacker and slicing through his flesh until it reached bone. Michael slid the blade out of the

falling man and headed for another.



It was not long before only Michael and Andrew stood panting with the swords readied for

the next attack. They looked round and silently counted the bodies lying motionless at their

feet. It had happened so fast, Michael could not believe it, the adrenalin had taken over, “is it

over?” he panted, hating the thought that he may have enjoyed that a little too much.

Andrew turned to Michael and smiled. His gasping was almost as quick as Michael"s and

just as heavy. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again just as the sharp end

of a sword erupted from his chest. Michael watched aghast as the blade continued to move

forward and up, blood smearing on it and dripping off the tip. He could see in Andrew"s eyes

that he was not scared, but they soon glazed over and his head slumped forward.

Michael followed the body of his friend as it hit the carpet of dead bodies and then looked at

the Lord. Anger burst his every vein and he took up a defensive position with his sword ready

to defend, “You did not need to do that.” His teeth were clenched giving a growl to his voice.

The Lord raised his free hand and removed his hood to reveal his identity as the

headmaster. “This is my village and school; I can do whatever I want.” Michael saw the corners

of the headmaster"s lips begin to curl up, is he enjoying this? He had begun suspecting the

headmaster was the Lord a while ago before he was attacked. There was something not quite

right with the way the others beckoned to his will and call.

“But the children, you stood by and allowed the prefects hurt the younger ones.”

“It was necessary to bring them to my way of thinking, let"s just say, it was an easy way to

prepare the way for me.”

“And the villagers?” It was all making more sense now. He did not flinch from his defensive

stance and continued to stare at Donald, trying not to blink in case he missed him.

“Expendable resources.” Donald curled the corners of his lips a little more and Michael felt

nauseous, he fought it back down though.

“Who are you to think like that?” Although Michael was looking straight at Donald, his mind

was still on Mary, though his vision was being blocked by Donald. “Well, I"m going to have to go

through you.” The smirk on Donald"s face turned to a defiant grin.

“But what about you, Michael, you come here with hatred in your heart, kill all these people,”

he motioned to the bodies on the floor, “and still feel no regret. Something tells me you actually

enjoyed it.” He raised his free hand and pointed his index finger at Michael and laughed, “you

did didn"t you, you actually found a thirst for killing people.”

Michael took a step closer and pointed the sword at Donald, “SHUT UP!”

“Touch a raw nerve did I?” Donald stopped laughing and stepped forward. He looked at

Michael for a moment longer before screwing his face into an angry growl and thrust his long,

thin sword into Michael, piercing his belly and lingered for a few seconds. Michael tried to

knock the sword away with his own, but to no avail, all he achieved were several chimes of

metal. Donald retracted the sword and thrust it into Michael"s chest and twisted it and sneered.

Donald looked down at the limp body hanging from the blade of his sword, “You would have

been so useful, still, no matter,” He let go of the sword. The lifeless body made no sound as it

landed on top of those that had already been slain providing a soft cushion of human flesh.

Michael"s torso bounced shaking his hands free from their futile grip of the blade. His fingers

cut to the bone, stained red from his blood flopped to his sides.

