Black Donald by N. M. Gillson - HTML preview

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“Michael,” Donald said as he came face to face with the one being that could stop him from

achieving his destiny, the only one who could send him back to hell, the Archangel Michael. He

was not worried in the slightest however, but did have a quizzical look. His right eyebrow rose

slightly and his left lowered, he tilted his head a fraction from the norm and his bottom lip

crumpled up as the top lip stretched over it. The dagger still held within his hand felt warm. He

had concealed the dagger behind his cloak, where he also kept his right hand poised to thrust if

the need came to it. He stepped away from the altar and down off the platform so that his head

was level with the fellow angel. The sacrifice would have to wait. The corner of his mouth

curled ever so slightly at the memory of his effective lie, but it quickly disappeared as he

watched Michael survey the sword, his sword.

The sword bore many memories for Donald, particularly during the massacre of 1910 in the

very location he stood, but he had used that very sword for many centuries and in fact was a

remnant of a time long since gone, crafted with the most precious metal. Now, Michael held it in

his right hand. He could not help but notice the whitish glow about the blade giving it an aura

and making the twirling pattern more three-dimensional. A part of him yearned to hold the

sword again, it had been a part of him for so long and given he now held a much smaller dagger

and by comparison, if this came to a fight, he would seriously be out matched in weaponry.

Donald watched his fellow angel look slowly around at the carpet of bodies at their feet. He

looked as if he had no recollection of the incident that he and Andrew had just experienced.

Finally, Michael walked around turning faces with the end of his sword, to see if he recognised

any one lying in their respective pools of blood. He wondered what Michael was thinking when

he stopped at Andrew"s body, the traitor, the infiltrator, the one sent to spy on Donald"s

activities. Michael placed the tip of the sword on Andrew"s chest, where the exit wound was

and lowered his head as if to mourn a friend, although something Donald had not seen in a long

time, it was not unexpected. After a moment longer, he looked up and Donald noticed the

glisten of a tear just to the side of his nose, but ignored it. “To what do I owe this pleasure,

Brother?” He said finally.

Michael did not answer immediately, but continued looking at Donald as if to read his mind or

something similar. He pulled the sword from Andrew"s chest and brought it up to stand next to

his leg; the tip still touching the stone floor, where there was an opening. In fact, Donald noticed

for the first time, Michael was not standing on any bodies as he had moments before, but on a

clearing between bodies. “Our Father has sent me.”

Donald smirked; he had thought as much, why else would Michael be here. Perhaps, he

had touched a raw nerve in his Father"s heart; at least he has a heart. He wondered if his

attempts to walk the Earth would get his Father"s attention, but until now, he had not made any

effort to stop Donald. “I think you and our Father are mistaken, it is not the right time.”

Michael did not move from his stance, “No, it is not the time for us to do battle, but it is time

for you to stop what you are doing here.”

“Why?” Donald was frustrated; his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows lowered. He managed

to keep his anger in check, but still raised his free hand for emphasis, “why can I not walk the

Earth without being recognised?”

“You know the answer to that.” Michael betrayed no emotion at all.



“I did it all for Him,” Donald lied. He was referring to an incident that occurred so many

centuries ago that resulted in him being forced from his home, the only place he loved. He had

been exiled from Heaven and damned for all eternity.

“You always were a good liar, Brother.”

Donald could have exploded at that moment, but figured it was pointless, since it was the

truth. He had, in fact, encouraged so many humans throughout time to lie and cheat and had

laughed at the consequences. “It isn"t fun to tell the truth all the time,” Donald smirked.

Michael did not show any sign of amusement. His stare had not altered since he first spoke,

“your influence on mankind will come to an end.”

“What do you mean „will", my influence on man is only short lived, why do you think I work so

hard?” Donald raised his voice, he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks and neck with anger,

but forced himself to calm since anger would solve nothing. “You still have not answered my

original question.”

“Our Father sent me to remind you that you are forbidden to directly kill any of His creation.”

“Oh! I"m forbidden to kill any of His creation.” Donald mocked his brother, and shook his

head slightly, “I will take her soul and roam this world undetected.”

“Do you really think our Father will allow that to happen?”

“Come on Michael, our Father has forgotten what it is like down here. Man has lost hope in

their creator. Our Father is always the last thing on their mind. Even their governments are run

on greed and deception. Their pride has forced their sons and daughters to fight a war they do

not agree with. Hatred and misguided instruction has killed millions for the sake of God. Out of

all creation, mankind are the only ones that prey, hunt, kill and eat their own kind.”

Michael remained silent for a short moment. Donald tried to ascertain what Michael was

thinking, but, his thoughts were his own and he betrayed no emotion. “Our Father did not make

„automatons" just to worship; He wanted them to freely choose to love Him.”

“And look where that has got them. They need me. They lack direction and leadership.

They need someone to look up to, someone who will care for them,” Donald pleaded. He knew

it was only a matter of time before he would succeed, after all, it was written he would be set

free eventually, he just wanted to do it on his own terms.

“Man has fallen far from grace that is true, but our Father has planned it all and it will go

according to His will and design, not yours, not mine, not anyone"s but His.” Michael looked

round at the bodies again, “Your endeavours here will inevitably fail.”

Donald"s frustration was growing exponentially, why won’t he listen? He turned back

towards the altar where the sacrifice was still lying motionless. The dagger was still in his hand

hiding between the folds of his black robe. He only needed to make one step and thrust it into

her chest and her soul would escape and enter into him where he would acquire her abilities

and it would all be over. He would be set free. Free to wander the world undetected and build

an army that will overthrow even the angels. However, as if Michael heard his thoughts he

stepped closer allowing the tip of the sword to tap on the stone floor.

“Brother, end this now, if you do not it will end in your own humiliation. All creation will see

you for the fraud you are, they will see right through your plans and push you away. If you stop

now and wait for the right time to be set free, you will have your chance.” Michael was not

going to take „no" for an answer.

Donald snapped round, “I know what is written in Revelations, just as well as you do,

Brother. I know He will rule for a thousand years after which I will be free for a short time before

being thrown into the eternal abyss. I"d rather take my chances now.”

Michael looked at Donald for a moment, “You chose your path, now you must follow it. You

have been warned.” With that, Michael lifted the sword and thrust it downwards where it made

a clang, sending sparks in every direction. Donald watched as Michael"s body fell limply onto

the floor. He smiled.

He walked over to Michael"s body and nudged him, just to check his brother had actually left

the human"s body. He did not need to check as the familial feeling of like-being was gone, but



he enjoyed it none the less. He kicked the body more forcibly and then again and smiled. He

felt a sense of achievement and pride knowing he had finally won. He kicked again and

watched as Michael"s body rolled backwards, the sword was nowhere to be seen, at least,

Donald could not see it. No matter, it is of no consequence.

Donald returned to the altar and took up position. Nobody could stop him now. He closed

his eyes to quieten his mind and took a few deep breaths to steady his heart. Even though he

used to be a divine being, he still experienced the same emotional states as humans that

walked the Earth, albeit at a heighten level.

He opened his eyes and took hold of the dagger once more with both hands and raised it

above his head, “Now is the time, no one can stop me!”

“You"ve got that wrong!” A voice that Black Donald had thought he would never hear again

cut through the air and he felt the cold sting of a sharp blade slash across his midsection.

