Black Donald by N. M. Gillson - HTML preview

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The violent shudders reminded Michael of an earthquake, or at least what he thought was an

earthquake, having never witnessed one before. With one arm around Mary"s waist guiding her

along the corridor, Michael dared not look back, but guessed the building was falling down

around them. The statues that lined the corridor toppled as they approached, as if a hidden

force pushed them purposely off their plinths in front of Michael and Mary. Paintings that were

secure to the walls fell and smashed, narrowly missing the escapees. Then there was that roar;

deep, loud and amplifying with each step closer to the main school door. He wondered if they

would actually escape in one piece, but could not let that stop him. Mary must get out at all

costs, even if he had to sacrifice himself, such was his love for her. He hoped it would not come

to that, but if it did, he was prepared.

As the stair case loomed ever closer, the noise of exploding walls and floor tiles became

deafening. To Michael, it felt like he was in one of those action movies he used to watch as a

teenager, where he had to escape from the claws of death before time ran out, only this was

real and he did have to escape before Mary and he were killed by the devil. “You cannot

escape, there is no place you can run from me,” snarled Lucifer from everywhere. Michael tried

to blot the voice out, the last thing he needed was to be stopped when they were so close to the

door. He was hoping that would end it all, but there was something niggling in the back of his

head and he just could not put his finger on it.

Michael pushed Mary just as a large section of the ceiling crashed to the floor; he managed

to jump out of its path just in time as it exploded into smaller pieces, sending shards in every

direction. He said a silent prayer, jumped the rubble and grabbed Mary. He was right; the

school was crumbling around them and wondered how much power it would take to demolish

such a building. “Her soul will be mine!” Michael ignored the threat and guided Mary through

the fallen and falling debris.

At the bottom of the last staircase, he felt a sense of achievement and joy, but it was short

lived when the door slammed shut, “Do you honestly think I would let you just walk out the

door.” He turned to where he thought the voice came from, but there was no one there.

Instead, he continued towards the door with Mary, hoping an idea would pop into his head.

“It won"t budge,” cried Michael as he tugged desperately at the handle. Mary hung her arms

limply by her sides and began to sob. “We are going to get out of here, you understand me?”

said Michael as he put his arms around her, protecting her from the falling rocks and splinters.

“My power is supreme; you are nothing to me. I will have your soul, both of them.”

“I"d give anything for him to shut up right now!” Michael looked for options, there were too

few to count. He held Mary closer; he felt her body warmth and the occasional jump as she

sobbed into his shoulder. He watched as more of the ceiling and walls fell to the floor, opening

holes for daylight to pass through. Rain from the heavy grey clouds began wetting the floor and

the debris that littered it, how long have I been in here?

Michael snapped round when an explosion blew the staircase out, at least Mary would be

safe from the blast and debris. He felt every single sting of the bricks as they hit his back; it was

agonising, but for Mary, he would bare it, even as blood began seeping onto his shirt from each

impact. An explosion of fire forced Michael and Mary against the door and to the floor. He

turned and saw flames reaching out in every direction and at the heart of them all, a figure.



Standing on two cloven hooves, the hideous creature snarled at Michael. He made a sound

that was almost a laugh, “Time"s up! You"ve nowhere to run.” He raised his hand and fire shot

out towards Michael and Mary, just as the large door exploded inwards deflecting the flames.

Michael and Lucifer snapped round towards the opened door and saw two humans standing

with a brilliant white aura flowing from them. Michael felt a sense of relief wash over him when

he recognised the old lady and police officer he had run into on his way to the school.

“Lucifer, you have lost, leave now or be sent to the abyss prematurely.” The voice of the

police officer, bold and loud shouted as he stepped onto the broken door. The old lady looked

in Michael"s direction and nodded, “Hurry, get beyond the village boundary,” her voice was

focused and calm, “we will hold off Lucifer.”

“Who are you people?” Michael was shocked to say the least, but stood none the less.

Mary did not, however, follow suit forcing him to catch her body as it fell. He figured she had

been knocked out when they were thrown to the floor following the first explosion. He placed

his free arm under her knees and lifted. He remembered their wedding night, when he had

carried her over the threshold of the hotel honeymoon suite. That was the first time he had truly

believed that someone loved him, up to that point, he always thought Mary would find someone


“You dare enter my presence and make demands of me?” Lucifer said to the new arrivals,

“you have no authority.”

“I come in our Father"s name, you will return to hell, or I will vanquish you to the abyss.”

Lucifer laughed.

“That is not for you to decide.”

“No, but I will do it anyway.” Michael could not believe his ears. Was this policeman an

angel? How did they know each other? Although it seemed outrageous, it sounded right, why

wouldn"t there be angels when Lucifer"s here? “You will leave this place,” the old woman

repeated with just as much power in her voice as the policeman"s. Michael looked at them and

then back to Lucifer. Lucifer stood at least double the height of the policeman and at first

glance, it was not a fair fight, but Michael could only think of one thing; getting Mary to safety.

He moved quickly towards the open door but stopped on the threshold and looked at his two

allies before continuing through the door, “The engines on, the road is clear, get to the border.”

The woman motioned towards the police car that was facing the door. The policeman was

maintaining his stance towards Lucifer.

“What about you?” Michael was not about to let someone die for him.

“We will be able to hold Lucifer just enough time for you to escape.” She smiled before

turning back to Lucifer and deflecting another shot of fire. Michael did not stay any longer and

headed towards the car. He put Mary into the passenger seat before climbing into the driver"s

seat. Before reversing the car, he lingered just enough time to see the policemen hit by fire and

ignite and the woman send a white bolt in response. That was what Michael needed to start

moving. He lingered no longer and slammed his foot on the accelerator commanding the police

car to reverse.


As Michael looked in his rear-view mirror he saw the ground begin to crack and fire grow out

from beneath the surface. If he were not already going as fast as he could, he would have

increased his speed. The gorge seemed to be following Michael as he drove down the main

high street of Kirkfale and heading out of the village. Only a few more minutes! He gave a

quick glance over to Mary, she was still. For a split moment, the worst crossed his mind and he

was about to slam the brakes on. A sharp intake of air as she turned her head, confirmed she

was only asleep. Bless!

An exploding building on the side of the road refocused Michael allowing him to swerve away

from falling debris. The ground itself crumbled as the gaping chasm reached the back of the



car, but that was not going to stop Michael. He had not come this far and lose it this close to

the end. The clouds above poured rain and hail upon the road, but Michael just drove through

regardless. Nothing was going to stop him now, nothing.

He passed the final building, the burnt-out shop of Mary"s shoe-making business and the

reason they both dropped everything and moved to Scotland and knew the border of the village

of Kirkfale was not far away. He was going to make it. They were going to make it. Michael

looked at the reflection of everything behind and could not see the start of the quake, and knew

that meant it was under the car.

He rounded the corner and crossed the village boundary line and finally the shaking stopped,

the cracked halted in its pursuit and everything returned to normal. The clouds disappeared

and the sun shone, giving the countryside a glorious feel to it, as if summer had suddenly

appeared. He wanted to stop the car and look back at the location of where Kirkfale was being

laid wasted. He looked at the unconscious Mary sat in the passenger"s seat and decided

stopping was not an option for him. Instead, he continued driving forward, leaving Kirkfale to

the history books, without looking back.

