Black Donald by N. M. Gillson - HTML preview

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Light flooded into Michael"s retinas and half blinded him as he awoke and opened his eyes. He

shut them quickly. When he was ready, he slowly reopened them again and although the

echoes of light remained, it was not as intense as the real thing. He looked round the room to

see where he was, but a shooting pain shot through his skull forcing him to screw his eyes and

grab the side of his head. It was then he realised the comfortable sensation of the bed mattress

beneath him and wondered how he had got there. He recognised the curtains surrounding him

as those from the hospital wing, and on the cabinet next to his bed was a large vase of yellow

flowers. He could not recall what type, but they provided colour to the rather bland white walls.

Next to the vase was a clear jug of water and a half-filled glass; a sudden urge to drink came

upon him. He reached out and grabbed the glass. Another pain shot through his head as if a

sledge hammer was being haphazardly thrown around inside his brain, but he ignored it and

sipped the water. The water was surprisingly fresh and cool. He felt the coldness coat his

lungs and chest revitalising him and re-energising his muscles and mind.

When he began to feel more like himself, he wondered how long he had been in the hospital

wing and what had happened to those boys. Of course, he only knew for certain two of them

were boys, but he could guess the others were of similar age. He would have to inform the

headmaster, but what would I say? Would he believe there were some hidden chambers

beneath the school? Would the head accept my word about the cult ritual? What happened to

the murdered boy? These and many other questions rushed through Michael"s mind. Deciding

he had to do something, he threw the covers off and swung his legs over to the side of the bed;

an alarm sounded. Two figures dressed in medicinal whites appeared instantly and began to

fuss over him.

“Ah! Mr. Cameron yer back in the land o" livin". Ye dinna want to rush out o" bed so soon,

however, ye have suffered a nasty bash on yer head,”

“Yes, I know,” he said whilst subconsciously rubbing his temple, “some boy hit me from

behind.” He did not want to give too much information, in case she began asking questions he

could not answer. He had to get to the Head immediately, before any other boys were killed.

“Mr. Cameron, I must insist ye return to bed, ye"r no fit to walk just yet. Ye may be sufferin"

concussion.” The woman turned to her burly companion and gave a silent command. The

other nurse obeyed without word.

The male nurse stepped forward and began lifting Michael"s legs back onto the bed. His

hands felt rough, as if he had worked in an industrial job in the not too distant past. As he bent

low, the light from the ceiling reflected off the nurse"s bald head and Michael caught glimpse of

a woman"s head tattooed on his nape, with a body extending well below his shirt collar, though

Michael could only guess as much. As the nurse stood, Michael spotted the sparkling crystal

stud in his right ear What an oxymoron! When the covers were replaced over Michael, the large

nurse tucked the edges under the mattress. Trying to trap me no doubt! Michael mused.

“Just out of interest, did they catch the boy who attacked me?” Michael wanted to fish for

more information, but chances were the medical staff did not know much about the hidden

underground chamber.

“I don"t think ye understand completely, Mr. Cameron. Ye were found by one of the Wallace

House prefects at the bottom of the stairs leadin" up to the common room. He wasna sure how

long ye"d been there, but he and a friend brought ye here immediately.” The female nurse



looked at the chart at the end of the bed, “ye were quite lucky they found ye when they did,

otherwise ye would be in a far worse situation.”

“But…” he tried to argue, but could not think of the words. Everything was hazy in his mind

and although he knew there was a hidden chamber where he was attacked, he could not be

sure if it was indeed true and not something he had imagined. He was finding it hard to think

straight with such a painful headache. “I"m sure I was attacked.”

The nurse replaced the clip board on the end of the bed and clicked her pen into her tunic

pocket, before turning to the male nurse, “give Mr. Cameron another dose o" sedatives, 20ccs.”

The nurse nodded.

“Aye.” He turned, flicked the curtains open and disappeared.

“Look,” Michael said wanting to sound authoritative, “there is a boy, I don"t know his name,

and he"s dying...or dead on the floor of a chamber hidden below this school. You need to go

find him before it is too late, Nurse, oh and I must tell the head immediately." The woman

smiled and stepped closer to Michael.

“First of all, I"m no" a nurse, I"m Doctor Crivvens and second of all, I"ve been in this school for

well over 15 years and I havena found any hidden chambers anywhere in the school.” She

smirked, “besides, do ye no" think that is a wee bit o" a cliché?”

Michael realised he was not going to get anywhere and so nodded and faked a smile hoping

it was believable, “Yeah, I guess I suffered a harder knock than I thought.” He tapped his finger

to the side of his head and laughed. The pain had subsided somewhat, but no one would

believe him now.

The muscle-bound nurse returned with a metal kidney dish that rattled as the syringe rolled

from side to side, “Raigmore are ready for transfer, Doctor, they have a bed cleared for Mr.

Cameron.” His voice was deep and emotionless. Michael wondered how he managed to

become a nurse, but then reasoned that could be why he worked in a school. The doctor took

the bed pan and looked at Michael. Michael assumed Raigmore was another hospital, but not

sure where…

“Mr. Cameron, I really think ye need some more rest, this sedative will help ye relax more.”

She took the needle out of the kidney dish and checked it had no air bubbles in it by pressing

the syringe plunger just enough to squirt a little clear liquid from the needle.

“No please, there is no need. I"m sorry; I will stay here and be a good boy.” He smiled,

“besides I want to see my wife when she arrives.” He tried to back off from the doctor, even

though he knew he could not go far.

“Aye, I understand, but ye have missed her already, she was here earlier on during vistin"

hours.” Doctor Crivvens smiled a broad grin and took hold of Michael"s arm and began tapping

for a blood vessel.

Michael widened his eyes, “how long have I been here?”

“Ye were brought in yesterday morning with a severe laceration to your head. Ye had been

on the floor all night.” She smiled and held up the sedative, “now, am I gonna have to use this


Michael shook his head, “I think I can sleep without it, thanks. The pain is not as intense as

it was.” The doctor focused her eyes upon Michael"s for a moment as if to read his mind and

then nodded.

“Ok. Try to rest and remember this sedative is always available if ye struggle. I"ve cleared it

with the headmaster that ye be given sick leave for a week to fully recover. Ye will be sent

home tomorrow when yer fit to travel.” She smiled, placed the needle back in the kidney dish

and walked out with the nurse following her.

Michael sighed. He hated needles, although, he did enjoyed the prospect of being sent

home the next day and spending a week without children to teach. What about that boy lying

unconscious or perhaps dead on the cold stone floor of that chamber? What about that whole

ritual? He had to inform the headmaster as soon as possible, but for now, he could do nothing

accept bide his time.



