Black Hand Gang by David Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

No mission is too hard

It was one day before the end of the world we know. A safe and stable place, organised,

predictable, and utterly dependent on people’s confidence in the world’s financial systems.

Whether it is the banks or pension funds, the companies and the currencies, people need to be

reassured that their assets are safe. Without money in some form, the modern world cannot

exist. Without computers to move that money there could be no possible “world domination”.

The combination of the two, made life unreal. This had made a lethal cocktail and the world

was about to drink it. The Euro crash in 2011 had shaken the world and the political changes

had resolved the problems but greed made people forget its lessons. The reality of “world

domination” would set nation against nation, people against people as they accused one

another of shattering their safe and secure existence.

After the antics of the night before, Jack seemed remarkably fresh and energetic. All five

friends were standing at the foot of the climbing wall. Timmo was on his crutches, which he

was finding hard to cope with and so Roger was standing close alongside to support him.

Jack was upside down hanging from a rope and feeling dizzy as the blood rushed to his head.

Marshall was horizontal at 2 metres above floor level as he clung to the artificial handholds

and Kit Kat was sat on the floor examining her nails as she had broken one on an earlier


‘We have a mole’ said Jack to them all.

‘That’s because we are underground Bro,’ said Timmo.

‘You dimmo, a mole, i.e. an informer within our ranks and that can only be one person.’

‘Who?’ asked Kate distractedly.


‘Remember who seems to play the game badly but was in the UK’s top five players?’

Roger summed it up. ‘It’s got to be Hines hasn’t it?’

They all stared upwards apart from Timmo who queried, ‘57 varieties?’

Jack was exasperated. ‘Hines not Heinz dimmo. Flip me you can be so thick sometimes.’

‘Oh! Marshall’s a spy!’ Finally, Timmo had caught on as he dumped his crutches in favour of

the wheelchair.

‘Yes’ came a loud shout from the three friends.

‘No I’m not! I’m a friend not a foe.’ Marshall slowly let himself down and Jack twisted in a

somersault to simultaneously land beside him.

Jack added. ‘When I saw Brett at Outspan last night he confirmed it. It’s obvious what has

happened. Someone here has been manipulating Marshall’s scores on the game.’

‘I always knew I was rubbish at it.’ Marshall looked crestfallen.

Roger was quicker than the others. ‘Why would they do that?’

‘Brett told me that Techno is Marshall’s brother. Techno’s real name is Robert. Having his

brother here makes Techno totally loyal as the gamemaster for Madame Musseine.’ Marshall

was too upset to speak. His brother? Here!

Kate had lost her mum years before but she remembered the pain. It still hurt. ‘It’s not either

of their faults Jack. We should feel sorry for both Robert and Marshall Hines.’

‘That’s it!’ Interjected Roger. ‘You are so clever Kate!’

‘Am I? Why?’

‘Because Techno... or Robert can’t know that Marshall is his brother or we would have

noticed a difference in his behaviour.’

Kate followed the logic. ‘So MM can’t have used the info yet to bribe him, or we would have

noticed how their relationship changed.’


‘And your point is?’ asked Jack.

‘My point is simple. If we reunite the brothers...well then Techno might join our side.’

A chorus of ‘fabtastic,’ ‘cool,’ and ‘maybes,’ came from the others.

Jack realised it was a watershed for his gang. ‘Are we going to crack this ourselves or call in

the adults?’

Roger quoted Steve Job the deceased founder of Apple, who was his hero. ‘Death is the

ultimate shared destination and so we should have courage to follow our hearts and

intuition.’ The others laughed. They couldn’t understand why Roger worshipped the

entrepreneur who had changed the modern world but none of them ever criticised as none of

them were exactly normal children. Jack loved an obscure San Francisco band called “The

Ebb and Flow” and believed he could conquer the world. Timmo at 9 years old already knew

more about cars, tanks and planes than Jeremy Clarkson. Marshall was a hostage and in

theory, a double agent and Kit Kat had conversations with her cat between flashes of psychic


‘Roger you are wrong about death,’ said Kate, ‘there are many places to visit before the final

destination. We are going to win through and we are not going to die Mr Morbid!’

‘How do you know Karmic Kate?’ The others laughed at her new nickname.

‘Because grandma predicted it and grandma’s are always right.’ It was an easy way out for

her. Pretending grandma had all the visions of the future rather than her but she was still

unsure about the things she sensed more often. She grabbed Timmo’s wheelchair handles and

wedged the crutches behind his back before she started to move away. ‘Come on you lot, it’s

time to eat some real food for a change and to celebrate our futures.’

‘Real food?’ Asked Timmo turning in his chair, ‘you don’t mean normal stuff?’


‘Yes absolutely. Imagine I am your mum! You lot are going to the restaurant to eat a roast

dinner with extra veg and Yorkshire puddings.’ They were all smiling in in anticipation as

they marched out of the fun zone and headed towards some normality.

* * *

Deep inside, each one of the children was scared, totally out of their depth. It was only the

SAS training that kept them stable and on course with their impossible mission.

After their meal, Timmo and Marshall went in search of Techno. Jack felt it was the best

combination to tackle him. Time was obviously short and they needed to find the software

key but Marshall was also desperate to see his brother now he knew he was there. He pushed

the wheelchair at speed as they cruised around level three.

Timmo turned in his chair. ‘Perhaps he’s with the boss or on level two checking up on


‘I need to see him now Timmo. Do you get it?’

‘I do get it Marshall, but remember he doesn’t know you, so don’t just blurt it out okay?’

‘”Kay”, no worries.’ They were wending their way through the fun zone for the third time

when they saw him on the world series baseball game, which featured all the top countries

playing across the world. Namely. America, Japan and...America. Techno swung his bat at the

imaginary ball and watched it shoot into the “pixellated” crowd.’

‘Robert?’ Marshall grabbed his brother’s shirt sleeve. Timmo sighed under his breath, there’s

nothing like a direct approach.

‘No my name is Techno.’ He looked away quickly. Timmo looked daggers at Marshall but to

no avail.


‘No it aint. You’re my brother aint you?’ Techno looked into Marshall’s eyes. It was

undeniable, he was his brother, flesh and blood and he loved him.

Techno’s voice was barely a whisper, ‘mum’s here too.’

‘You what?’ Marshall was shocked for the second time in two hours. It was his worst


‘Our mum is held on level two in room 444. She’s here as a hostage to make me obey MM.’

Marshall’s voice cracked. ‘Is that why they manipulated my scores to get me here? Just to

add a second hostage.’

‘Yes and I’m sorry. It’s all my fault for falling in with The Black Hand Gang years ago.’

Techno held up his left hand. ‘I thought it was bad losing a finger but now I realise that

family are more important than expendable pieces of body.’ There was a long silence. ‘Come

on, I want to show you my quarters, we can talk there, I know there’s no surveillance. They

followed Techno at a distance of 50 metres as there was no sense in drawing attention to

themselves. At the door to his accommodation, he beckoned them in and after checking the

corridor to make sure no one had seen them, he quickly closed it behind him.

None of them had noticed Twip Twop stalking them.

* * *

Based on the assumption that MD day was going to happen within 24 hours, it was Techno’s

idea to pull the whole group together and decide on what action to take. When he held

Marshall close for the first time, he had cried. They were tears of torment after years living

on the edge of reason. Genius runs parallel to madness and the new reality of his family being

so close had saved him from insanity. He told everyone to meet in the fun zone and to


monopolise the replicas of the Formula one racing cars at 7 pm. He knew that there were no

hidden microphones or cameras in that area and the group would not be noticed with him as

they raced against each other.

The F1 cars howled like the real thing and jerked left and right as Kate, Marshall, Timmo and

Roger threw them around the Suzuka circuit in Japan. Timmo was a lap ahead of the others

by the time that Jack started a quiet conversation with Techno sandwiched between the

replica cars. Jack knew Techno was their last chance to defeat MM, as now they were out of

time. The CIA and MI6 boffins would take weeks to decipher the masses of data on the

memory stick and devise some anti-virus software. Whereas the solution was here, inside the


‘Come on Robert, you have got to help us mate.’

‘Why? What can you do? They will kill my mum if I deviate one iota from MM’s plan.’

Jack thought quickly. ‘Look we need the key and then no one, even the other geek in LA

won’t be able to start the reality program. They might have 100 minds linked into the world’s

financial markets but without the key, the authorities might withstand the attack. For

example, they could stop all trading for 24 hours like when we had the 9-11 Al Qaeda attack.’

‘Okay, you’re right about the key. It’s a simple SD card. I know, as I created it. Dust proof,

waterproof and nearly bomb proof, it’s that important. Her virus that makes the markets

plummet, can’t be spread without it going live first but you are wrong about the 100 minds.’


‘There are only 95 now!’ He smiled at Jack for the first time. ‘The key is on level four. I

know where the passageway starts, that’s on level one near MM’s bedroom and then it spirals

down to a cave way below us.’

‘Well at last we know how to get there.’


‘Yes, but I don’t know where the key is hidden.’

‘So we can try to get the key then. Yes?’

‘I don’t know Jack. Only MM, Biceps and Twip Twop ever go down there. Biceps or Twip

Twop always have wet hair afterwards, so I guess the key is hidden in water somewhere?

That could be tricky if it is very acidic or hot. There may even be guards waiting to shoot


Jack glanced around to make sure no one was listening in. ‘What’s on the key?’

‘The SD card has a series of encryption codes. They set off programs within the “world

domination” game, which we have integrated into the real financial markets over the last few

months as part of the tests. MM will upload a separate virus within a few minutes of go live.’

He paused and held Jack’s arm. ‘If I help you guys, you have to promise to help save my


‘It’s a deal.’ Jack shook his hand and they arranged to meet at 4 am near the lift that gave

access to both levels one and two.

* * *

Timmo had been left behind again but this time Marshall had decided to stay with him. It was

safer that way.

As Kate, Roger and Jack stood in the lift heading up to level one, Techno scared them. ‘No

one really knows what’s on level four but there have been many rumours. So beware.’ He

shuddered, ‘one of her ex-henchmen said she had captured something in a subterranean

passage in the bowels of the volcano. It was when she and Biceps first came to Mount

Kilimanjaro ten years ago.’


‘Something?’ Kat gulped as she questioned him.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Techno. ‘The henchman was a wind up merchant, until he disappeared

that is.’

‘So you have no idea what my boys are facing then?’ She was nervous as well as scared.

‘The unknown Kate. The greatest threat to sanity that a man can face.’

‘But Jack and Roger aren’t men!’

‘No and that may help them in their quest.’ The lift door opened silently and all conversation

stopped. Techno led them to a small black door 50 metres away. There were no signs on it

and it looked innocuous enough. He signalled them to crouch. They heard footsteps coming

closer and as they remained motionless, they saw two ninjas cross the junction of the corridor

about 100 metres away.

Techno opened the door and led them through. He quietly closed it behind. ‘Ninjas. Two

patrols on this side of her quarters and brainless Biceps sleeps in a small room nearby. The

woman is paranoid about her security.’ He turned and started to lead the way down the

narrow steps. The staircase was poorly lit and extremely steep and narrow. Two people would

have had difficulty passing each other. After fifteen minutes steady descent, the stairs opened

out onto the floor of a small cave, no more than 30 metres square with a low ceiling. A third

of the area was a steaming pool and near the water’s edge, there were three scuba outfits

resting against the wall. Each contained a wetsuit, a mask, and a large yellow tank of

compressed air.

The two boys moved away from Kate and Techno to discuss their approach.

Roger spoke first. ‘Well old chap, tally ho and off we go hey.’ His eyes were watery and his

voice quavered. ‘It’s been nice knowing you... you are my “bestest” friend Jack.’


Jack took a deep breath and let it sigh out calmly and slowly before he replied. ‘Ditto mate.

But we are coming back to Kate and Robert, I will not be beaten. I know we will return.’

‘How can you be so positive?’

‘Remember in boot camp, Sergeant Sargent said we should remember The Reason?’

‘’Surely you don’t believe in mumbo jumbo like that Jack?’

‘Billions of caring loving people around the world believe and so I am going to take all that

goodness into that evil pond of blackness and let The Reason help us win through. Are you

up for this or do I go alone?’ Roger rubbed his eyes with his fingers and wiped the moisture

on his dirty trousers.

‘Let’s do it Jack. JFDI – Just Flipping Do It!’ He said it with conviction and vigorously shook

Jack’s hand before they turned towards the piles of scuba gear to get ready. They started to

pull the wetsuits on over their power suits.

After they had dressed, Kit Kat came over. ‘Good luck both of you,’ she held them both in a

tight hug, ‘I need you here to help us out of this hell hole.’

Without turning back, the boys stood on the edge of the pool. They had fastened a loose piece

of polypropylene rope between their weight belts to keep them together in the blackness.

Clasping their hands across their facemasks, they stepped into the pool with a large splash

that echoed ominously around the chamber.

* * *

Kate and Techno were pacing by the side of the black waters. The air bubbles from the boy’s

tanks had disappeared after a few minutes and so they presumed they must be exploring a

tunnel rather than carrying on straight down. Kate was standing by the remaining scuba set,


contemplating whether she would have the courage to use one if they didn’t return. She had a

lump in her throat when she heard Techno’s scream. The huge tentacle of a giant octopus had

snaked across the cave floor and wrapped itself lovingly around Techno’s leg.

He screamed again. It was demented and full of fear. ‘Help me Kate! Please help me!’ She

stood rooted to the spot and watched in horror as the tentacle dragged Techno closer to the

pool. Glancing around her she could see no no obvious weapon to hand. ‘Help me for God’s

sake!’ She thought of boot camp and The Reason, it helped her remain calm. ‘For God’s

sake’, the words repeated in her head. Techno was no longer an enemy, he was their friend

and Marshall’s brother. If he were dead, they would find it harder to escape. But that was a

selfish thought which was quickly replaced by another selfish one. No Techno, no financial

meltdown? Would the loss of his expertise force Madame Musseine to stop her attempted

domination of the world? Again, she fought the thought. He was their friend. She was rooted

to the spot, what took seconds to think about felt like hours. At that moment, she thought she

could hear her grandma’s voice echoing through the cave.

The words kept repeating in her mind but were far away and unreal. ‘Be yourself, be yourself

Kate.’ Would did she mean? Girlie? Skippy? Then it struck her - kind, giving, loving. The

very essence of Kate Shore. Techno was holding onto the rock by the side of the pool with his

fingernails, she could hear them scratch across the rock as he was pulled closer to the beak of

the giant octopus that had broken the surface and was snapping loudly in anticipation of

eating its prey. ‘Be yourself...’ the words were louder as she leaped to her right and grasped

the fire extinguisher near the door. Turning quickly, she ran to the edge of the pool and

gasped in horror as Techno’s legs slid slowly into the open beak.

‘Oh my God, my God, do something!’ She slammed the heavy extinguisher into the yellow

eye of the beast, which stopped Techno’s instant demise but also drew the octopus’s attention.


A second tentacle slithered out of the black whirlpool, which had been whipped to a frenzy as

the beast took its revenge for years of captivity. The tentacle slimed its way around her leg

before the suckers clasped hard and made her cry with the pain. The beast commenced

pulling her towards the beak to make a double snack. Man and woman, like ham and cheese,

a tasty meal apart but better together. There was no noise all of a sudden, a deathly quiet. The

swirl of the water and the heavy breathing from the two potential victims ominously echoed

around the cave, a death knell. Kate looked at Techno and could see he had fainted. The

bottom half of his legs were only loosely held in the beak. As it opened wider to take them

both in a single gulp, she stared down at the extinguisher that was growing too heavy to hold

for much longer. CO2, carbon dioxide and then all her school chemistry flooded back. CO2,

of course.

She smiled at the blinking yellow eye as she was dragged closer. ‘Fancy a bellyful of wind

Mr Octopus? Well take that.’ She yanked the pin from the black handle of the extinguisher

and pressed to set it off. A spume of white powder rushed from the nozzle as she thrust the

cylinder deep between the sharp curves of the beak. As the octopus tried to fully close its

jaws, she heard the grinding noise of the extinguisher as it was crushed. Then the screeching

began in multiple echoes that resounded around the cave but the extinguisher was still

spurting the CO2 into the beast’s gullet. The tentacles suddenly retracted allowing her to grab

Techno under his arms and pull him to safety as the octopus thrashed around the pool,

poisoned by the CO2, which was now expanding violently inside its guts. She lay gasping,

covered in wet green slime but still wary of the octopus that beat itself around the pool.

Cradling Techno’s head in her arms, she willed him to revive. The beast reared into the air,

half out of the water, a giant balloon with trailing tentacles that flapped helplessly and then

suddenly it exploded. Puss and guts showered everywhere, the stench of decomposed fish


was mixed with the rotten eggs of the volcano, making it a smell from hell. She vomited until

her stomach was empty and then lay retching for a minute or two without bringing anything


Techno stirred and looked up into her eyes. ‘You saved me Kate. Why?’

‘Because my mum told me to be myself. Kind, giving and loving. You should try it, it makes

you happy.’ They both struggled to their feet, sliding on the copious amount of octopus guts

and black ink that was spread across the cold smooth rock.

Kate pulled her hair back into a wet bun and stared into the waters, wishing the boys back.

What had the octopus done to them? ‘Where are you boys?’

‘They are dead Kate, come on let’s go. MM will send Biceps down after all this rumpus and

then we’ll be dead too.’

‘No, I’m not leaving without them. They took The Reason down there and therefore they will

come back.’ He stepped away and sat on a rock ledge by the metal door.

He thought she must be deranged. ‘The Reason? What was that?’

Kate continued to stare into the pool. She thought she could see a few bubbles. ‘Do you have

a torch Techno?’

‘No, I have better than that.’ He rummaged in his rucksack and pulled out what looked like a

firework, a roman candle. ‘This is my own design of flare, it works underwater too.’ She

grabbed it off him and holding it at arm’s length, she pulled the red cord to set it off. The

bright magnesium light was so intense, it temporarily blinded them both. Quickly she threw it

into the centre of the pool and watched the whiteness disappear downwards.

‘Come on, give me all the flares you brought with you.’ Three times she sent the flare

towards the depths but there was still no sign of Roger and Jack. Her bravery was spent and

she slumped to the floor and started to cry.


Techno came close and put a comforting arm around her. ‘Come on Kate. We have to save

ourselves.’ As he hauled her to her feet, they both jumped in alarm as there was a giant hiss of

escaping air. They turned back to the waters, expecting another octopus but it was only the

two divers surfacing in the centre of the pool.

A smiling face emerged from beneath a mask. ‘Hoy you! What are you crying for Kit Kat?

Have you messed up your dress?’ Jack threw his mask away into the water and pulled himself

ashore, quickly followed by Roger who was shaking and white with fear. ‘I said, are you

alright Kate?’ He stared hard at Techno, who still had a comforting arm around her. Techno

saw the look and released his grip before backing away. They were nominally enemies after

all. His brother and mum were Techno’s only concern now.

‘I’m fine Jack, just fine.’

‘Thanks for the flares, they are the only way we could have found our way to the surface.

There must be miles of cave down there.’

‘They were Techno’s flares.’ Jack looked at Techno.

‘Thank you both then.’ He paused and held out a steady hand. ‘I mean it, thank you. You

saved our lives, we were low on air.’ They shook hands firmly and then Jack turned his

attention to Roger. Helping him to remove his scuba gear, he talked constantly to his friend.

He had read in an adventure book that it would help reduce the shock. ‘Come on splodger, we

didn’t get splodged by Mr Slime, the power suits helped the way, where is the octopus


She pointed to the ceiling and walls. ‘Splattered everywhere, can’t you smell it?’

‘No my lovely, I can only smell your gorgeous perfume!’ He smiled widely. ‘Nice one Kit

Kat. Very skippy that, splattering an octopus rather than barbecuing it like in Spain. A bit of

batter, a squeeze of lemon and it would have been really tasty.’


‘Jack for god’s sake, please stop joking. Anyway, even you couldn’t have eaten that much

octopus.’ She giggled at him, his comment had done the trick, it had helped lessen the shock

that was overwhelming all of them. They all stared at Roger who never used a nasty word.

‘Well I’m glad that gruesome bugger copped it.’

Jack was happy, his friend was a