Black Opal by Jimmy Brook - HTML preview

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That morning as they were leaving the hospital, Dan was waiting

at the entrance.


"Thought you should know that noise in the shaft was only a rat.”


Rory sighed. "Pity. It would have been nice to get the bastard and make it more convincing for the police.”


Dan's eyes twinkled. "The rat was a two legged one. Fell into the shaft in the dark and broke his leg. Still had the belt around his wrists. Police are flying him to Grafton. Sergeant says he will live to stand trial. Don't know any more but I'd say London to a brick on that thems the ones that knocked off Bedford and probably Lewis.”


"Thanks, Dan," said Rory, "you've been a great help.”


Tania planted a big kiss on Dan's face. Dan blushed.

"Just let me know when you're needing rescued again. I'll be in the pub.”


"What about me?" said Rory.


She smiled. "About evens the ledger." Then she gave him a peck on the cheek. "Need a new blade.”


Rory felt a little dejected but said nothing. This never happened to James bond. They stopped at the police station and an hour later had given enough statements to fill a newspaper. However this time the police were much more polite and even thanked them. It looked like Bedford was killed by one of them but that had yet to be proved. The reason for the murder and the attack at the mine were still not clear, but 'most likely opals were being milked and some one was double crossed'. Rory was sure of it. One thing that got overlooked in the statements was the Aladdin's Cave. Somehow it just became an air shaft to the top. No colour. They went back and picked up his gear from the motel then to fetch Tania's luggage.


"I need to speak to Dad," she said. "He may want to speak to you, so you'd better be with me. Means I can keep an eye on you in case you want to feint or start boozing.”


"Whatever madam desires.”


"Knock it off. We are not that much closer to finding out what has happened.”


He stood with his back to the window whilst she made her call to Darius. He would be in Australia tomorrow and fly up to Walgett straight away. There was some other stuff Rory didn't understand.


"Now what?" he said when she hung up.


"We drive, that's I drive, to Walgett. Shortly.”


Then without preamble, she took the few steps to him and kissed him long and hard on the lips. He was a little taken back. "You disappoint me," she said, pulling back her face but not her body.


He took her shoulders and this time she knew she wasn't being disappointed. Tania was in half mind here. Part of her just wanted to say thank you for saving her. The other part was pure attraction. Attraction was quickly becoming dominant and she was lost in the sensual and physical moment. No other man in past memory seem to capture and arouse her. It was fate of some kind.


For Rory, after his initial shock, he saw fate also. But a new direction opening up. Not just a woman but a single minded and powerful one. Also a damn beautiful one. There should be no holding back here because of the past relationship, which was dictated by her. If she found an equally forceful person, it could be the start of a long relationship. They sank on to the bed and she yielded to his touch. He warmed to hers and the morning gathered momentum. It was warm. She was eager not to lose this moment, either was he.


Later as they lay back and indulged in that idle talk of two who had been there and now felt some bond, Rory wondered how her old man would take it. Two ends of the spectrum. Behind her mask of closeness, Tania was wondering the same thing.


It was a long drive to Walgett. Rory played it cool and didn't try to capitalise on the situation. No unnecessary touching or talking of plans together for the next trillion years. Just, let's see what happens. While Rory was at the hospital, Tania talked to the local police but got little out of them. Probably because they had little more to go on. She then went and had her hair done. When the hospital reluctantly agreed to let him go, and they had the necessary police approval, he caught a taxi to the Commercial Hotel and waited in the beer garden as arranged. When Tania did walk in he was taken back, for the second time in a few hours. She was obviously catching a lot of attention and he felt an inner glow. 'Pity Darius was coming tomorrow' he thought.


"You look beautiful," he said. No accentuation of words, just a plain simple fact. She smiled and felt good inside herself as well. They had a couple of drinks and walked hand in hand along the Barwon River bank. The slowly setting sun had transformed the western sky into a blaze of orange and yellow, that only nature could create. Beside an old man red gum, they kissed. He wanted to take her there, but knew that was not the right move. Sitting on the sandy bank, he talked about his life. Much never before said, even to himself. Helen's passing had been too sudden, too tragic and he had kept it bottled up.


She listened and understood. There were touches of her life but she held back sometimes. Not because of what she had done, but what could be done. Where was this heading? She put it out of her mind and hoped to go with the flow, but could she?


The Orion Restaurant was like an oasis in the north west. The place had charm and good food. They walked back to the hotel where they were staying the night. Rory had booked two rooms out of good manners. As they passed the lounge, he just happened to glance in and got a start when he saw a woman sitting there, facing him, that he knew. She was with a man, slightly older and they were talking so she didn't see him. It was the lady from the restaurant back at the Ridge. He walked up the stairs to the first floor. 'Penny'. The name came to him.


Time to be forceful yet diplomatic. He opened the door and followed Tania inside. Taking both her hand in his, he leaned forward and kissed her. She did not turn away. Rory never saw the other room that night, only next morning when he needed his shaving gear.


Darius wasn't due until about three in the afternoon, so they strung the morning out on the town's tourist attractions and then just walking along the river. However when he suggested they go back to the hotel, she declined. "I need time to adjust," was the reply. The reality was she wasn't sure about the whole thing. The long term future. Back at the dining room for lunch, she had a change of heart, and suggested desert upstairs. Rory was a little confused, but only for a second or two. This time she was the

aggressor and he wondered how much of a good thing he could take. His arm was aching like buggery and he had little energy left. He fell asleep.


A gentle shaking, and her eyes looking into his. "Time to get up and put some pants on. Dad will be here soon.”


He tried to raise up his head to kiss her, but she was already gone. A shower helped clear his head and aching body, but not his mind. They went downstairs and drove out to the airstrip. It was hot and the wispy clouds foretold a change.


The small plane landed just before three and the first passenger out was Montgomery Darius. He gave a half wave and came over, giving his daughter a hug and kiss on the cheek. "How are you?”


"Fine dad. Rough time but could have been worse. Thanks to Rory for that."

He turned and stuck out his hand. "Can't thank you enough. Should help your career.”


"I didn't do it for my career, Mr. Darius.”


Tania interrupted before either could men could follow up on the remark.


"You must need a drink, Dad," and grabbing her father's bag, headed for the car.


"I need to use the loo first," said Darius, "you wait in the car." Whilst Darius headed inside the small terminal building, Tania walked side by side with Rory and they sat in the front seat of the vehicle.


"Sorry about the remark, but it was the truth," said Rory.


She turned to him and smiled. "Thanks. I know. Dad can be a bit, you know, a bit.....”


"A bit like dad," replied Rory for her. She nodded then leaned over and gave him a gentle squeeze on his leg.


He managed to get a hand only as far as her knee before Darius appeared, and he had to think pure thoughts once again. Confused pure thoughts.


Little was said in the vehicle, and they settled into a back corner of the lounge and ordered drinks. Tania gave a reasonable account of the events since she and Rory came to the area, and Darius would sometimes confirm this with Rory or ask for some detail. Despite the man at the top approach, he was upset at his daughter's brush with danger, and rightly so. Any parent would. Rory got another thankyou sometime during the second round. Then it was Darius's turn to talk.


"Might have a lead."


Tania and Rory looked momentarily frozen then continued drinking, waiting.

"A lot of opals, and I mean good quality stuff, has been surfacing in the States recently. All we could find out was that a good source, if somewhat dicey, was available in Australia. However there's been a supply problem versus the money advanced, and the crowd over there aren't too happy. Nothing else, but gossip in the industry never the less.”


"There has to be more, somehow," said Rory, " I mean why did they stop and where did they end up?”


Darius looked at him. "Precisely.”


Tania ordered another round of drinks. There was a beep beep noise as the mobile phone that Darius had in his jacket, started ringing. Rory and Tania looked into space and at each other until the short conversation was finished.


"That was Cord in Sydney," said Darius, looking at his daughter. "It appears large quantities of good stone is passing through a dealer in Sydney.”


Tania raised her eyebrows. "Nothing more?”


"Patience my dear," he replied, "I expect information and answers.”


'That would be true,' thought Rory.


"A favour called up," continued Darius. "It seems the seller is a middle man of some sort. No real knowledge of opals. Does the name Hopkins mean any thing? Maurie Hopkins." He looked hopefully at both his captive audience.

Tania shook her head. Rory's mind was ticking over. He knew that name but couldn't place it.


"You look as though something has clicked?”


Rory looked at Darius and put up his hands in resignation. "I've seen or heard the name, that's all. Years ago." He took a few more gulps.


"Time to go to my room and rest up. Been a very long three  days. Where are you staying Mason?”


Time to be forthright. "Here. Room two doors down from Tania's.”


Darius just nodded his head and stood up. "Dinner at seven. You'll join us, naturally." Then he turned and walked away.


"And you, Miss Darius?”


She looked at him and smiled. "Keep it locked up. Play time is over for now." Then she walked out, her hips saying things he couldn't figure.


Rory sat for a while then felt someone at his side. He looked up and there was Penny from the restaurant. He stood up.


"Sorry to interrupt you," she said, taking a seat at the same time. "I waited until you were alone then tried to decide if I should come over.”


"I'm glad you did. Drink?”


She shook her head. "Not until I've eaten something." She noticed his arm bulged under his sleeve, and it's odd movement. "I didn't notice your arm before.”


Then she blushed. "Sorry. I was being inquisitive.”


"Not a problem. Had a nasty accident back at Lightning Ridge, but it's on the mend.”


"Oh. Sorry to hear that." Then she changed the subject. "Decided to head for the coast. Close anyway. Heard of Binna Burra up in Queensland?”


Rory couldn't say he had. "Not really.”


She talked on. She wanted just to keep moving and some peace and quiet. The times with her husband were painful. Rory said he would have liked to dine with her but he was committed. Inwardly he could have done without dinner surrounded by the Darius clan, even Tania. She was an enigma. Penny was just natural. No pretence. "Rory Mason, and a contact phone in Sydney." He scribbled down Em and Darin's number. Then he remembered he might have given it to her before. Didn't matter.


"Penny Mocherie. No number to give you. No house." Her eyes clouded for a moment then brightened again. "Must away. At this rate, we'll meet again." She stuck out her hand. It was soft. Warm.


In the shower, Rory remembered where he had come across the name.


Dinner was pleasant. Pleasant as dinner could be with the big boss taking control. Rory once managed to run his boot up Tania's lower leg but all he got was nothing.


"Memory come good yet?" Darius was not one to be subtle.


"Thought we should enjoy the food first." Then he saw the scowl in Tania's eye. 'Tough' he thought. "Did some work some years back at down at the Cobar and Peak Hill mines. I remember it was land and property sales. Local guy had his photo on all his ads in the paper and posters and so on. Maurie Hopkins Real Estate. Still could be no connection, but worth a try.”


Darius smiled. "Where was he based? Remember?”


"Not really. I think he had a couple of places then. Yes, Small town of Gilgandra was one. And, yes, Coonamble.”


Tania raised her glass to Rory. "Good man.”


Rory saw her clearly then in that statement. After dinner they talked about mining and places they had been and then Darius went up to bed. Tania stretched over and took Rory's hands.


"Dad's tired. He'll be asleep now.”


Rory didn't say anything.


"The view from my window isn't great but then who'd be looking.”


He was tempted to take her up, just for the sex, but there were limits. "I feel uncomfortable with your old man around, and I am tired myself," he lied. "Maybe we let this time go.”


She withdrew her hands and there was no smile left. An anger started to burn behind those eyes, then it vanished. "See you later.”


He inwardly kicked himself when she had gone. He sat for a while then went up to his room, pausing slightly at her door, then going on. She was lying on the bed reading, when he entered his room. She was also not wearing any clothes. Because the side lamp was on, he hadn't put on the overhead light.

Rory was a little angry. "I thought this was over.”


She was enticing. " I was hoping it wouldn't be but maybe you're right. It just would not work when I think about it.”


"I felt that tonight. Mind you it might have.”


She slipped under the sheet. "I like you," she said, "like you a lot. Not at first. You were a hired man and you were too independent. But you are different to others.”




"I'm not exactly a youngster. I would like to talk.”


Rory came over to the bed and switched off the lamp. "Later.”