Black Opal by Jimmy Brook - HTML preview

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Half an hour over the state line and the turn off to the workings came up. A sign on the roadside confirmed it. 'Amalgamated Minerals'. They followed the access road for about three miles towards a low range of hills, then the front gate was ahead. A shack with a man standing outside was just beyond. He stood by the roadside as they drove through the open gate and pulled up.


"Howdy. Private property from here. What can we do for you fellas?" He was all smiles but efficient.


Rory got out. "Hi. Rory Mason from Oceanic Mining. Have a letter of introduction to Brent Wilson." He held it in his hand.


"Brent is over at the tailings. Wait here while I phone him." He flipped out a mobile phone from his thick jacket and made a quick call.


Shortly a red pick up came down the road from the buildings the men could see further up the hill. A large man wearing a Stetson got out and talked to the gate keeper.


"Brent Wilson," and stuck out his hand. "Manager. Boss said Australia was sending somebody to have a look see.”


Rory introduced himself and Spikey. They talked and getting into the truck, were taken on a short tour.


"Not a lot to see. Tailings over there and stores. Office just behind us and dumps coming up. Most of the mine is underground, down about 600 feet or so. Processing done down in Clark County mainly as we ain't got the water up here.”


At the base of the hillside was a large entrance. Some more buildings were to the side. "Some eight guys at the face and inside. Many sleep on site, over there.”


They pulled up at the entrance and following his example of grabbing a hard hat, they walked inside. It was quite large and flat. Stores and equipment lay about and many skips, some full of rock were resting here. They moved aside as a large mover came towards them towing a loaded skip.


"We're running a good assay at the moment. They tell me it pays the bills. This is the hoist.”


They walked onto the large platform and a wire cage door closed behind them. Wilson pressed a knob and it started to descend. It was not as cool as Rory expected, but since it was cold outside, the mountain could probably be acting as an insulator. They stopped with a bump and a like cage door swung up. The three men stepped out into a cavern with lights and noise

and passages leading off to left and right of them.


"We can walk to the nearest face. Ever worked silver?”


Rory had to raise his voice as a small truck with cables and drills came past. "No. Did the open cut for iron ore at Isa.


Otherwise tin and opals.”


"Silver is the real stuff. Lots around the state and over in California.”


Spikey spoke up. "Is this where most of the American silver comes from, I mean the west of the country?”


"Yes and no. More silver mines than you can poke a stick at, down in Mexico. Around Zacatecas, there are more than 200. Trouble is they are small and rely on manual labour. We can pull out more ounces and process it better.”


A bell sounded twice behind them. "Have to answer the phone. Wait here." He went back to the hoist, and waved to them to join him.


"Have to go up top again. Some stores and other stuff is coming in and I need to see if it's right. We'll do the face tour later.”


They ascended to the top and drove to near one of the buildings. "Will be a short while yet. Come inside and have coffee.”


They got out and followed him. There were a couple of steps up to the door of the rec hut. As Rory reached them, he half turned to look at the vista. In that instant he saw a flash from the tall building about 150 yards away and felt his hat being knocked  off his head. Even as he turned back, Brent had gasped out a noise and fallen onto the door post. Blood was appearing.


"What the.................."  A voice was heard from inside.  Spikey fell flat, but Rory dived over the fallen man and started to drag him through the doorway. A worker appeared from inside, but even as he went to stoop to help Rory, another shot took out splinters from the door frame and grazed the man's face. He yelled in pain and stumbled backwards. They moved away from the door just as Spikey made a lunge nearly flattening Wilson who was starting to get up on his knees.


"Bloody hell," said the Englishman, "this is becoming a habit.


How's the boss man?”


"I'll live, " said a deep voice. He was obviously in some pain.


"Hit in the arm but I can move it." As he did, more blood appeared.


Rory grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the blood. "I saw the flash. It came from the upstairs window on that big building over there. How do you feel?”


"Don't ask, " he wheezed.


The other man who had been hit by the splinter, was running blood and had his hand over his cheek. He stood up. "What can we do?”


"Ring Zephram and get him up here quick. Then the shift and warn them to stay inside the entrance.”


Rory looked around and saw two rifles standing behind the door. He grabbed one. "I'm going to get closer. Spikey, you put off a shot or two to cover me.”


Brent put out his other arm. "Don't be foolish. Could get yourself killed. Zephram is a crack shot. Wait for him.”


"Spikey, now.”


Spikey stuck the rifle he had grabbed, out the door and aimed at the two story building. He let off two shots at the top window and Rory just ran, diving behind some metal bins a short distance away. No shots came. Out of line with the window, he ran towards the side of the building. Another shot rang out but didn't seem to be aimed at him. More at the rec hut. Reaching the side he slid around to the front door, under the upstairs window and standing at the side of the opening, stuck the barrel inside. Nothing happened. He heard the roar of a vehicle approaching up the grade.


The only thing that came to his mind was to find out why he was a target. "You in there. You haven't got a chance. This place will be crawling with workers in a moment. Another rifle's coming now.”


There was silence.


"Drop it and come down.”


There was a shuffling sound from upstairs on the big mezzanine that appeared to be a storage area of some sort. Rory got down behind a drum.

"You're dead meat, Mason.”


Rory felt surprised. "Who are you?" He peered over the top of the drum and caught an outline of a man moving along the railing towards the back. "Move one more step and I shoot." He could have shot but would probably have missed. He wasn't great with a rifle. To his surprise the man stopped and half showed himself.


Rory had him in his sights but couldn't pull the trigger. He had to know what was going on. Plus he had never shot at anyone before, let alone killed. No, that was not true. There was that mean bastard who had kidnapped Tania. That was self defence. "Who are you?”


The half crouching person stood up or rather kneeled, peering over a crate on the upstairs floor. A rifle was aimed towards Rory. A sort of Mexican stand off. "I owed my life to Benny. And you killed him. Now you will pay." The voice was shaky, sort of high pitched.


Rory tried to think who was Benny. It only took about five seconds for the penny to drop and his memory to kick in. Benny Salvatore, that mean bastard who tried to rape Tania and kill him. "That was self defence mate. He kidnapped  wife and tried to kill both me and her.”


"Bull crap. You'd say anything. He's dead and so are you. Luck brought you to me and I aim to avenge him.”


Rory was sweating and didn't know if he should pull the trigger or talk. If he missed, he might get hit. Fear momentarily froze him as suddenly his assailant stood up and took a bead on him with his rifle. The noise of the shot echoed around the store house. Then a second. Rory knew he was not dead. All he could take in was a falling man. A man falling from upstairs and landing with a crump. He did not make a sound. Rory just looked.


"You right mister?" The voice came from behind him. Rory turned and saw the dim shape of a large man with a rifle.


"Best you point the rifle the other way. The way you're shaking it's liable to go off, and we don't want any more dead bodies to confuse the sheriff.”


Rory put the rifle on the floor and stood up. As the man moved in, two others came with him, then a third. The latter was Spikey. Rory recognised the man with the rifle as the man on the front gate.


"You right Rory?" It was Spikey's voice. Then the Englishman was alongside with a hand on his shoulder. "That was a brave thing racing in here. Bloody stupid thing too. Who is he, or was he?”


Before he could answer, he was ushered outside. Brent Wilson took his arm and steered him to the truck. "You sure as hell raise the profile of mining here. OK?" Without waiting for a reply, they drove off to the rec hut. "You need a drink. So do I.”


It was a very short distance and the whiskey burned, but Rory felt better. Everyone was there, as many of the workers had come rushing in. He saw Zephram, the gate man and simply said "Thanks.”


"Had to do something. Came in and all I saw was him raising his rifle to plug you. Got him through the heart. Did hear a bit about his buddy or something and he was getting even.”


Rory simply told the story as it came to his mind. People nodded. He just ended by saying, "It's all so stupid.”


"Bill fold gives a name and an address as Glacier Lodge over near Big Pine.”


"That's where we was shot at, "said Spikey. "Must work there or something.”


"I'll get Sheriff Mathers up," said the manager. "If you take my advice, I'd forget about all that past vendetta thing. Mathers can be a real pain in the butt and you could end up stuck here in Nevada for ages. You never met him or knew him before so leave it at that. Just some crazy who started firing at all of us and, hell, it was our man who took him out when he took a bead on you. Eventually they'll connect you staying at the Lodge and want to talk. By then, if I was you fellows, get the hell a long way off. Disappear in Vegas or LA. After all you didn't have nothing to do with it, but you could be here a week if Mathers thinks there's something.”


Rory agreed with him and they sat around a little longer. It appeared the sheriff would be about an hour, so a quick tour of the site was done, including some of the working faces underneath. Rory had done that sort of work once at Mt.Isa and confirmed to himself that sunlight had it's advantages.


Apparently Brent Wilson had spoken to his workers and they 'heard no story' only what they saw. Finally the sheriff arrived. He was certainly much more pleasant than the one Rory and Spikey had met earlier in Bishop. True, he did emit this feeling that he was at the top of the chain. After all he was the law. But he was reasonable and took it as seen. Someone getting in and bent on shooting. Still he would check it out further and talk to his

counterpart over in Bishop. Luckily he forgot to ask where the visitors had stayed the night before. He would remember later for sure and know something was to be uncovered.


After he left, Rory thanked the manager and left. At the gate, he got out and again gave his thanks to Zephram.


"Only doing it as was necessary. Can't have our Osstralien cousins getting done over. Take care”


They drove on, and turned at the highway towards Las Vegas. Just before the Clark County line, an ambulance passed them in the opposite direction. Obviously going to pick up the body. The highway was fast, being the preferred route from Reno to Vegas.


As night approached, the lights ahead could only mean one place. It was the brightest scene that either of them had ever seen. Coming over a sand crest, there lay out before them the life force that was Las Vegas. There were more advertising signs than ever seen so far in this country by Rory. They just drove. You name it, it was there. Huge casinos and hotels that tried to out do each other for size and originality. MGM Grand; Circus Circus; Rio; Riviera; Stardust; Luxor. They came and still kept coming. Every man and his dog seemed to have a show. Some they had heard of, and others not. Bo Diddley; Roger Whittaker, Olivia Newton-John; Siegfried and Roy; Gladys Knight.


"Let's eat and find a place to stay. This time no mountain shack. Darius is paying so let's make it big.”


Spikey agreed and finally they settled on the Flamingo Hilton on the Boulevarde. It was huge and like most others boasted a casino and some special attraction. Rory wasn't sure, but this seemed to be birds, particularly flamingos. It was all very sleek and when settled  in, they went sight seeing. Money was everywhere. So was food and drink and all at reasonable prices. And there were women. Even Spikey turned his head a few times. Many were there for the men. Making it obvious, even when playing the pokies.


"What a place," said Spikey. "Beer and boobs. Wish I was younger.”


Rory needed the distractions after coming so close to losing his life in the last three days. They took in a show at Bally's, with outrageous dancers and gorgeous costumes, and prices that needed an expense account. It was here that Cora and Ebby literally introduced themselves as 'in town for a day or two and looking for company'. They didn't look like hookers to Rory, just girls out for a good time. Boosted with Spikey's presence, they bought drinks and went strip crawling. Actually Rory enjoyed their company, particularly Cora. She was outgoing without being obtrusive and domineering. Divorced and in a high pressure job with the Bank of America in San Francisco, she and her girl friend were getting some time out therapy.


Spikey wanted to see the Venetian, but Rory had had enough glitter and baubles for one night. Ebby and Spikey went off. Rory looked at Cora. "What now?”


"Well," she replied, "How about a light snack, then, whatever.”


Rory knew this could be anything. If he wanted to get her into bed, she would be happy, he felt. Did he want to? Physically he wouldn't object. It would be nice but mentally he just didn't want to. He liked her and she was good looking. He needed company and support and someone to talk to. Here was the opportunity to have either, but not both. Because if he did opt for a roll in the pillows, he couldn't be sure she would be the other for genuine listening. Perhaps she would. He felt confused and needed some stability. Anyway she would be gone tomorrow, maybe.


"I'm not really looking for a....more good company.”


She looked at him and smiled. "I didn't come here to find a man and get straight into bed. Not that there is much wrong with that, but it has to be when it feels the thing to do. I like someone's company and that is not always easy to find. Most mid level execs are after my body. That's not my scene.”


"So what now?”


"Find a quiet bar and talk. I'm easy.”


Rory looked at her and brushed some hair off her forehead. She didn't flinch. "Pizza.”




"Pizza. How about a pizza and coffee at my hotel. In my hotel room. If we can do that without thinking of anything else, then we are mature people.”


Rory just blinked.


"You're sure one interesting guy. Are all Australians like you. No don't answer that. They are all different, I'm sure. You are you, and I like that. Let's go.”


They bought a Supreme and ate it in Rory's room. She made the coffee and they ate and talked. She was a good listener, and was concerned about his recent brushes with danger. Her life was interesting to Rory. Growing up in San Francisco, living through the tail end of the so called hippy times. Tiredness was creeping up on both of them, and at some point, he laid his head on her shoulder and they just sat there, lost in no thoughts.


After a few minutes, she sat up. "Time for you to get some sleep and me to go home." She stood up and he did likewise.


"Thanks for the evening," he said and taking her shoulders gently, gave her a kiss. She did not resist.



"You don't have to go," he said as she picked up her handbag.


"I should," she replied. "I don't want to spoil a nice evening.”


He took her hand and walked to the door. Then he gave her a kiss. Somehow it felt right. He wanted her to stay, but it had to be her decision. She dropped her bag and put her hands around him.


Rory hadn't planned it. It just eventuated despite all his good intentions. It was a release of all those last few days. It was good to have a warm body next to his in bed. To hold and explore. She was relaxed but somehow he felt there was something on her mind.


The sun rose on a clear day that betokened a good feel for Rory. Cora and he had coffee at the window that looked out onto the bird park attached to the hotel. Cora was chatty but definitely in thought.


Then breakfast downstairs in the hotel bistro. There was something that she seemed to think of, then forget.


Rory decided to chance it. "Something on your mind. Once or twice I sort of felt you were somewhere else." Then he put up his hand. "Sorry, your business.”


She put down her coffee. "You're right, Rory. I have to be out in the open here. I don't believe it myself, but I think I just might have guilt feelings.”


"Someone else?”


She looked at him for a few seconds. "Yes. I know I said I was fighting off the leeches in my business, but there is someone I just keep thinking about. I feel a bit rotten.”


"Not at all. Probably wouldn't have worked. One of us would have to leave our country and..... That was a stupid thought. If you want it to go ahead, you find a way. It was great meeting you. When are you off?", he said moving the conversation on to less emotional ground.


"I have two days off, but somehow I would like to go back today. I enjoyed myself and want those memories. When are you off?”


He was looking out the glass window into the shopping concourse. "I think today is a good day. You flying?”




"Then I will fly back with you, if it's alright. I can fly to Sydney from San Francisco, I'm sure. Just have to pick up a gift for someone first before we leave. Sorry, I didn't ask if you objected?”


"Of course not. It would be company, even if it is a short flight. There's a flight booking office outside. We should make reservations then you do your shopping. Someone special, or am I being nosy?”


"He gave a little laugh. "No. A special lady. And her husband and her lovely children.”




"I admit there was a time, a long time ago, before Helen when I...Anyway she and Darin are close friends, all I have really.


Not forgetting the kids.”


As they were leaving, Spikey appeared at the elevator doors. He sighted them and gave a yell.


"I knocked but didn't get an answer. Was going to have a bite and presto. It's Cora I seem to remember. How are you?”


She smiled in recognition. "Spot on, as the English say. They do say that?”


"You'll do." He looked at them and smiled. "Should I get lost?”


"Nonsense," replied Rory. "Actually I was thinking of heading back home today. What are your plans?”



"Ebby wants to show me around, if she remembers. Was to meet me here about nine. She probably was going to discuss it but I guess," putting that look in his eye, "she didn't get the chance.”


"I'll ring our hotel." Cora disappeared for a few minutes.


"You had a good time I gather.”


"This is Las Vegas and yes, we had a good time. Wasn't planning it that way, but things happen. Anyway we are leaving if you don't mind. Just look at your face, you silly bastard. No, we are worlds apart and when we step off the plane in San Francisco, will probably never see each other again. Heading back home as soon as I can get a flight.”


Spikey was happy with the new arrangements. After all he had only come along as a fill in opportunity. He would see how the day went here and play it by ear. England would come soon enough. They said goodbye, and again Rory thanked him for helping out and saving him from muggers and killers. Cora came back and said Ebby was on her way and said to say goodbye. Then Spikey disappeared through the doors to the concourse. Rory and Cora were lucky at the flight centre. They could get a flight in two hours and Rory could leave his rental car at the airport. Whilst she went off, he didn't ask why, he shopped and had some gift wrapping done.


The flight wasn't long, as Cora had said. They sat and contemplated their respective futures. He asked her about her job and this lead to her asking him about his. He didn't honestly know. If Darius couldn't give him an answer to this stage in his life, there were plenty of opportunities to find others. Maybe he would just go round and round the world doing this and that. Wait and see.


Her romantic interest was a painter. Rory was surprised but said nothing. Apparently he had done a couple of gallery displays and was his own self. Perhaps that what was she was needing. He wished her all the luck in the world. Then they were landing, the Bay looming alongside as large as an ocean. Across the water was the city. Cora told him they had landed on the eastern side at Oakland Airport. His flight would leave from the western side

near San Bruno and she had her car so there was no trouble with getting across town. It would be her pleasure.


They picked up her Mazda coupe and drove up the freeway and turned onto the Oakland Bay Bridge. It was as he had seen in movies. Then they were in the city. It was so different to Los Angeles. Much like Sydney in some respects. It had character. She turned off the freeway and drove the long way around, taking in a few sights and hills. Oh those hills. He had four hours to wait before boarding, and despite saying he was taking up her time, she insisted on the 'Tour de Luxe'.  They fluked a parking spot at Fisherman's Wharf and spent a few minutes wandering among the vendors and cooking pots and buskers. He took her hand and she didn't resist.


"You're a country person, "she said. "Interested in fresh air and trees? Big trees?”


"If we have the time. Yes.”


They drove through the city, past houses with bay windows then across the Golden Gate narrows. The suspension bridge was enormous. She pointed out Sausalito and said her friend worked down there. It was the place to be. He didn't get a good glimpse from the freeway then they were off it and heading up around a winding road into the hills. Around a bend and they were there. The visitors centre read Muir Woods National Monument. and towering to the sky were the trees. Giant Redwoods. Huge and majestic. Ignoring the centre, she took his hand and they wandered up the well made path amongst the trees. It was  like in a cathedral. Little was spoken between them It wasn't necessary. In fact it would have distracted from the moment. Groups of people wandered about and children noisily darted here and there like large insects under large toadstools. A sign indicated these were the tallest trees on the planet. With the Sequoias, they were the largest trees on the North American continent. And they were old. Only the Bristle Cone Pines were older. He remembered the sign way back near Big Pine. It was a peaceful time. They had coffee at the visitors cafe then she suggested it was time to go. They left reluctantly.


She pointed out the Presidio after they had recrossed the bridge and soon the familiar outlines of planes appeared. Cora asked if he would be upset if she didn't wait. He said definitely not. When the bags came out of the car boot, he took her in his arms and gave her a long kiss. In a way they both gave each other a long kiss. Then without words, she got back in, and drove off. No wave. It wasn't necessary.