Blood Royal by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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“I’m confident. They didn’t even want to tell me. And

they only did if I promised to keep it all to myself,”

said Benjamin.

“You broke that promise by coming to me,” said Shimon.

“I needed to find out who this carrier of this bloodline

is,” said Benjamin.

“I understand,” said Shimon. “We need to find out

where he is now.” And then the ex-field agent got on his

phone to make a call.

Two hours later, after the two elderly Israelis had dinner,

the call that Shimon had been waiting for came through.

Apparently, Eddie had traveled to Sydney, Australia, on the

May 1 and was still there.

The next morning, the two went back to Eddie’s house.

Shimon wanted to find out a few things before they left for

Australia. The first thing he did was sweep the house for


Blood Royal

bugs, and sure enough, he found two of them. One was in

the television remote control for the living room, and the

other was lodged behind a mirror in the bedroom.

Shimon studied them carefully. They were a device that

he wasn’t very familiar with. He knew what the Israelis, the

Russians, the Arabs, and the Americans all used, but this

didn’t match anything of the sort. He took a picture of them

and sent them off to a very secure contact within Interpol.

They then proceeded to drive back to the hotel and

await the text.

It came two hours later, which told him that the bugs

were made in France and generally used throughout

Europe. The specific model was two years old. With no

serial number on the bugs, it was impossible to trace who

had purchased these specific items.

Shimon got on the phone and called his contact within

Mossad to tell him to have someone keep an eye on the

Rabin family in Haifa. If someone is tracking this Eddie

character, then they might be led back to Haifa. You can’t be too safe in situations like this, he thought. Someone else was tracking this Eddie Dudley of Bald Eagle Bluffs, Michigan,

and the seasoned Mossad agent didn’t like it one bit.

They stuck around Northern Michigan for a couple of

days, hoping to see who might be spying on Eddie with

no luck. Apparently, they knew that Shimon had taken out

their bugs, and there was no sense in them sticking around.

So they must have decided to get out of there.


Evan Ansot

Shimon staked Eddie’s place out but didn’t see a thing.

With no point in sticking around, they checked out of their

hotel rooms and booked a flight to Sydney, Australia.

With neither Shimon nor Rabbi Benjamin knowing it,

two men who worked for the Vatican Police had booked a

flight a day in advance of them. With one billion Catholics

in the world, Vatican City may be the one institution with

even more connections than a retired Mossad field agent.


May 25, 2015

Alexandria, Egypt

“I know his name is Eddie, and you met him in Crete,” said

Youssef to his mother who just looked at him in shock.

“How did you find that out,” she asked?

“I have something for you to listen to,” said Youssef. He

then replayed the conversation he had with Ahmed Rama.

It told of Youssef being the son of not just the apostle Philip but also of Abraham, Elkanah, and Zechariah.

That the father of Youssef was a mighty prophet in his

past lives and also the father of many mighty prophets. That

he is destined and so is Youssef.

After Sabah heard the recording, she fell silent.

“Do you have any other information about him?”

asked Youssef.

“His name is Edward Dudley, but he calls himself

Eddie. I believe he’s from Michigan in the United States.

We met one night in Crete, and I became pregnant because


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of that night without Eddie knowing about it. There never

was a first father for you.

“I’ve only been married once, and I was ashamed to

tell you or let anyone else know that I had a child out of

wedlock. You’ll have to forgive me,” said Sabah.

“I understand, and I forgive you. I need to go find this

remarkable man,” said Youssef.

Sabah reached over and hugged her son for quite some

time. This had been a secret she had kept from since his

birth, and she felt a huge wave of relief washing over her

for having finally told him the truth. It was a twenty-eight-

year-old secret, and her son was right, it was time it ended.

“How will you find him?” she asked.

“I have people working for me,” he answered.

“When you find him, tell him Sabah says hello,” she said.

“I will. But you said you never told him that he has a son.

It will come to him as a surprise that I exist,” said Youssef.

After Youssef left his mother, he got on the phone to his

contact within Egyptian intelligence and told him that he

needed the address for one Edward Dudley of Michigan.

Once this was found, he booked tickets for himself and his

two bodyguards for the next flight out of Egypt headed for

the States.

The next evening Youssef and his two bodyguards, Omar

and Abdul, were standing outside Edward Dudley’s house


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in Bald Eagle Bluffs, Michigan. Of course, since Eddie was

still in Australia, no one was home.

Youssef, like Shimon and the Vatican Police before

him, contacted his connections and found Eddie to have

purchased a short-term visa for Australia and was in

Sydney, New South Wales.

The next day, Youssef purchased three tickets for Sydney,

and they were off to Australia, two days after the Roman

Catholics had left and one day after the two elderly Israelis.


May 27, 2015

Vatican City, Rome, Italy

Once Mother Anastasia received news that Sister Gabriella

was to be transferred to Rome, she filled out the necessary

paperwork and appealed the transfer all the way up to the

Holy Father himself.

First, she had to go through the bishop of Florence to

state her case. He, of course, didn’t want to take on the

papal secretary, so he denied Mother Anastasia’s appeal to

transfer Sister Gabriella.

Next up to bat was the regional cardinal for that area,

and once again the appeal was denied.

Finally, after going through the necessary chain of

command, Mother Anastasia was able to see the Holy

Father himself on this matter.

Once she knelt and kissed the fisherman’s ring of Saint

Peter, he said, “So you are the one after my job.”


Blood Royal

She responded, “No, Your Holiness. That is the Holy

Mother Mary’s idea.”

“Are you sure?” asked the pope.

“Most Holy Father, I have witnessed for myself miracles

come from the Holy Mother to our order. If Sister Gabriella

says that the Holy Mother said something, then she did,”

said Mother Anastasia.

“Mother Anastasia, what type of miracles have you

witnessed?” asked the Holy Father.

She thought to herself that she wrote all this herself in

her report, but if the Holy Father wished for her to go over

it all again, then she would. “Your Holiness, the miracles

actually began when she showed up at our doorstep when

she was only four years old. Her mother had passed away,

and she was thirty kilometers away from her house. How

she ended up in Florence, no one knows to this day. The next

miracle happened when she was eight years old. She had

told the order that she had a vision from the Holy Mother.

Of course, we were skeptical and asked for a sign. The Holy

Mother gave us one by changing the color of the dress of

the statue of the Holy Mother in the Badia Fiorentina.”

The Holy Father interrupted and asked, “The color of

the dress changed on the statue?”

“Yes, Your Holiness,” she responded.

“Continue on,” he said.

“From that point forward, the Holy Mother would visit

Sister Gabriella on the fifteenth of the month every month.


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Another miracle occurred when Sister Francesca fractured

her leg once on the thirteenth of the month, and on the

fifteenth she was completely healed.”

Once again, the Holy Father interrupted and said,

“Fascinating. How was the order able to sneak all this past

the fathers and the monsignor?”

“They don’t pay much attention to us, Your Holiness,”

she said.

“I suppose that is a mistake on their part. Continue,”

said his Holiness.

Once he said this, the two of them were interrupted by

the papal secretary, Carmen Rizzo, who entered into the

Most Holy Father’s personal study. The Holy Father held

up his hand toward his secretary and declared, “I am not

to be interrupted by anyone for the next thirty minutes.

Thank you.”

The papal secretary and Mother Anastasia each shot

each other a look of distrust, and the secretary took his leave.

“Sorry for the interruption, Mother, continue on,” said

His Holiness, noting the discomfort that the mother felt

toward his secretary.

“Most of the visits by the Holy Mother were just

blessings toward our order of nuns. Well, over 90 percent

of them. But every now and then, there was some kind of

miracle,” said Mother Anastasia.

“And then came that day in March,” said the Holy Father.


Blood Royal

“Yes, Your Holiness. Sister Gabriella fainted when she

received this message. She spent the rest of the day in her

bed to recover from it. Holy Father, she never wanted to

deliver this message to you. She knew it would cause a

scandal, but the Holy Mother warned her that she had to

deliver it to you immediately,” said Mother Anastasia.

“Especially after the treatment Sister Lucia received,

correct?” said the Holy Father.

“Yes, Your Holiness,” said Mother Anastasia as she

bowed her head. She knew that he knew the conversations

that went on between Sister Gabriella and herself, and she

felt partly ashamed at the way she had spoken of the church

in reference to Sister Lucia.

“It’s okay to think that way, Mother, the church was in

the wrong for the way they treated her,” said the Holy Father.

This came as a surprise to Mother Anastasia and

caught her off guard. “I didn’t know you felt that way,

Your Holiness.”

“I don’t always agree with the church,” he said.

“Holy Father, nor do I,” she giggled.

He had himself a good laugh and said, “Now you keep

that a secret between you and me, okay?”

“I promise to do just that, Your Holiness,” she said.

He cleared his throat and said, “Now about this matter

of transferring your beloved Sister Gabriella. Do you

believe it is possible for her and the rest of the order to be able to keep all this miracles business a secret?”


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“I promise you, Holy Father, that we will remain silent.

None of us want a media circus,” she said.

“Nor do I,” he said. “I don’t normally trump my personal

secretary, but in this case, I feel I must have to. Sister

Gabriella will remain at the lovely Badia Fiorentina under

your guidance.”

“Oh thank you, Holy Father!” she exclaimed.

“No need to thank me. To separate Sister Gabriella from

the Badia Fiorentina would be an injustice. Especially since

the Holy Mother herself guided her there,” he said.

“She is very much guided by the Holy Mother,” agreed

Mother Anastasia.

“I believe she is, and we are fortunate to have her,” said

the Holy Father.

“Holy Father, if I may be allowed to overstep myself, can

I ask a question?” said Mother Anastasia.

“You wish to know if the church is going to abide by the

Holy Mother Mary’s wishes?” said the Holy Father.

“Yes, that has been on my mind,” said Mother Anastasia.

“Unfortunately, it is not solely up to me. There is a

process for electing a pontiff, and it involves more than

just one man’s opinion. If it did, I would gladly give up the

fisherman’s ring. Once again, we will keep that to ourselves,”

he said.

“Of course,” she said.

“Mother, for the record, I believe yourself and Sister

Gabriella,” he said.


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“Thank you,” she said.

After another ten minutes of small talk, she took her leave

and headed back to Florence and the Badia Fiorentina to

tell the order of nuns that they wouldn’t have to resign. Nor

would their beloved Sister Gabriella have to leave them.


May 27, 2015

Haifa, Israel

At 2:00 a.m., Miriam’s bedroom went cool by about ten

degrees in a matter of seconds, like a cold Arctic blast just

swept through it.

Twelve giant lizard men immediately materialized out

of thin air and surrounded Miriam’s bed while she slept.

One of the Lizard men grabbed Miriam’s ankles, while

another grabbed her by her forearms, attempting to abduct

her. The other ten, with their swords drawn, were there in

case there was any kind of interference to their plans.

That interference would come instantly as a brilliant

flash of light enveloped the entire room and materialized

into a giant angel with a flaming sword. With one fell

swoop of the angel’s mighty sword, six lizard men were cut

down and dematerialized. On the back swing, the other

six fell and also dematerialized. They all sounded like cat’s


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screeching as they were hit. The mighty angel’s swings

happened instantaneously.

After the angel checked Miriam to make sure all was

well, the angel left the premises.

Miriam was undisturbed and slept through the whole


The next morning in the Rabin household over breakfast,

Miriam was telling Sarah and Anna of the dream she had

the night before.

“And then Michael showed up and killed them all in

a matter of seconds. It just took him only two swings to

destroy them.”

“Well, thank god it was only a dream,” said Sarah.

“But it all seemed so real. I can’t explain it, but I believe

it really happened. I think Michael showed up to our house

last night. He looked exactly like he did when he visited

us,” said Miriam.

A thought occurred to Anna who then went over to

her daughter and checked her forearms and legs. Sure

enough, there were bruises all over her body. “Oh my god!”

Anna exclaimed.

Sarah ran over to check on her granddaughter. She also

looked at the bruises and exclaimed, “They must have tried

to take her last night!”

Anna kept studying the bruises and asked her daughter

Miriam, “You didn’t wake up during any of this?”

“No, Mommy, but I dreamt it,” Miriam answered.


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The bruises were deep. They would leave a mark for days.

Sarah kissed her granddaughter on the forehead and said,

“Tell us about the dream again, sweetie.”

“It was all so fast. These giant lizard men showed up

and tried to take me away. Two of them grabbed me, and as

soon as they tried, Michael showed up and stopped them.”

“How did he do that?” asked Sarah.

Miriam got up from her chair and showed them how

Michael with both his hands on his huge sword had struck

one way and then on the back swing struck the other. “And

when he struck them, they just disappeared. It all happened

in an instant,” she said.

“Well, that settles it. Miriam, you are not going to be

sleeping alone anymore,” said Sarah.

“Why? Michael protects me when I sleep,” Miriam


“Your grandmother will feel better if you sleep with

either me or her,” said Anna.

“I won’t take no for an answer,” said Sarah.

There was one other thing that young Miriam

remembered from her dream but refused to share with

her mother and grandmother. Before the giant lizard men

showed up, she saw an image of a very muscular man with

the head of a Bull. It was there for an instant and then

it vanished and the lizard men showed up followed by

Michael. Miriam was left to wonder who the mysterious

man with the head of the bull was.


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That morning, Sarah Rabin attempted to call Rabbi

Benjamin Yahuda to update him on this latest happening

in the Rabin household but was unable to reach him. She

left a message on his answering service.


May 28, 2015

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

On the same day that Mother Anastasia was being

interviewed by the Holy Father and young Miriam’s

attempted abduction took place, Shimon Katz and

Benjamin Yahuda were parked two blocks away from

Elizabeth Dudley’s home in Sydney, Australia. They knew

where to look because when one applies for a ninety-day

visa in Australia, you have to put a location where you

will be staying. Eddie used Elizabeth’s home address, even

though he planned on spending about only half his time

there since the rest would be in travel.

They had found her house the night before, noted the

location, and checked into a nearby hotel. Knowing that

others—for some reason or the other—were also looking

for Eddie Dudley, Shimon decided not to try his luck yet

at the Dudley residence in Australia. He would first stake

the place out.


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Arriving at their present location two hours prior, they

began drinking coffee and reading the local newspaper.

Occasionally, Shimon would raise his binoculars and look

for any activity around the Dudley residence.

Then the activity that Shimon had been waiting for

arrived in the form of a black sedan with two men wearing

dark suits pulling into the Dudley driveway. He retrieved

his binoculars and watched as the men got out of their

vehicle and approached Elizabeth’s door. This should be

interesting, thought Shimon.

After knocking several times on the door with no

response, the men got back into their black sedan and

drove away.

Shimon started their rental Toyota and followed behind.

But not too close as to be noticed.

“Now why would the Vatican be taking an interest in

Mr. Edward Dudley?” asked Shimon.

Benjamin gave his friend a perplexed look.

“One of those two men has a ring on with the keys to

Saint Peter. It’s a symbol for the Vatican,” said Shimon.

“Interesting,” muttered Benjamin. “Those must be

extremely powerful binoculars you have there, my friend.”

“You won’t find many like them in the world,” said


The two elderly Israelis tailed the two officials from the

Vatican until the black sedan pulled into the parking lot


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of the Four Seasons Hotel. Shimon noted this and kept

driving the Toyota away.

“Well, now we know where they are staying. They are

more than likely going inside to receive further instructions

from headquarters in Rome. They’ll be a while until they

find out where Eddie went off to,” said Shimon.

Shimon picked up the phone and called his contact in

Tel Aviv.

He scribbled something down in his little pocket

notebook and drove the five kilometers to their own hotel.

“What do we do now?” asked Benjamin.

“Wait for a phone call,” said Shimon.

Benjamin looked at Shimon with raised eyebrows until

Shimon said, “Right now I have a man in Mossad tracking

down information about Elizabeth Dudley—her vehicle,

where she likes to go for a vacation, and so on. Also I have

a man checking to find out why two officials from the

Vatican are in Sydney looking for Eddie.”

“The Mossad has contacts inside the Vatican?”

asked Benjamin.

“We have contacts everywhere, and so do they,” said


“Shouldn’t we have stayed and kept an eye on those two

at the Four Seasons Hotel?” asked Benjamin.

“Our contacts are better than theirs. We will find out

information about Elizabeth before they will. I’m just


Blood Royal

curious as to why they are here. Those two we spotted aren’t

normal priests, they are assassins,” said Shimon.

“How can you tell?” asked Benjamin.

“I’ve been doing this a long time, my friend,” said

Shimon with a wink.

While they waited for that phone call, there was a knock

on their hotel room door. Shimon arose and answered it.

He then muttered a few words to the man at the door, took

the bag the man was holding for him, and closed the door.

“One can’t be too safe with Vatican assassins around,”

said Shimon. He then opened the contents of the bag and

asked Benjamin, “Remember how to use one of these?” He

then held up a 9 mm Berretta automatic pistol.

“Sure, one doesn’t forget after army training,” said


“It’s been a long time since you’ve used one, hasn’t it?”

said Shimon.

“I haven’t used a weapon since the war of ’67,” said


“You’ll be fine,” said Shimon. He then walked over to

Benjamin and handed him the pistol. He took another

one out of the bag and loaded it. He also reached into the

bag and pulled out two suppressors and attached them to

each pistol.

Also in the inventory of the bag were two disposable

cell phones, ten thousand Australian dollars, and two more


Evan Ansot

fake sets of identification, including driver’s licenses and

passports. “This should hold us for a while,” said Shimon.

Once they geared themselves up with their new items,

Shimon’s phone rang.


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