Blood on the Potomac by Joseph J. Albert - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

As the evening newscast, headed by Maureen Stevens, was coming across the TV screens of the D.C. area, Steve was located in his favorite bar with a cold beer in front of him. Steve noticed that Maureen looked tense as she performed as the head anchor of the WKWL News Center-News at Six. She headed into the news story from the Washington Post article just as she had stated she would—that it was an un-confirmed report. The station had sent Maureen to the Vice President's home, but with several dozen television crews and news reporters hanging around, the Vice President wasn't to be found for comment. He somehow had managed to leave Washington for a scheduled trip to his home in Texas. Using the home of the Vice President as a back-drop, Maureen performed beautifully, with her long hair blowing in the breeze. Her report on the story was done in a professional manner and was praised later in the morning papers, even the Post mentioned her good job. Steve was extremely proud of her and he loved her more for the great job she did.

When Maureen arrived at the bar, Steve was beaming from ear to ear and as she approached him, he reached out and placed his arms around her and kissed her hard. “I'm proud of you, sweetheart. You were just great. Boy, did you put it in Hank's ear with that great performance,” Steve exclaimed as he continued to hug and kiss her.

“Thank you, lover. I thought the report ranks up there as my best so far and maybe, I say maybe, puts me in line for the ‘Best Anchor Award’ in October,” Maureen replied with a little bit of a cheer in her voice. “The people at ABC called before I left the studio and they were extremely happy with my job tonight. They reassured me that they still wanted me in the Fall.”

“Just great, hon. Let's celebrate tonight and make a big time of it. Where do we start?” cheered Steve as he hugged her again.

“I'm happy right here, in this place and in your arms, darling. They have good food here too, you know.” As she stated this, the bartender chimed in agreement and placed complimentary drinks in front of them as he congratulated Maureen on her performance tonight. She smiled a deep sense of pride and in turn thanked everyone who told her of the great job she had done. Steve was so proud to be with her this time and he showed it.

Before the night was over, Steve didn’t have to buy an order of drinks as their friends celebrated with them all evening long. That night, in Maureen's apartment, Steve held a very beautiful woman in his arms and he showed her how much he loved her. He enjoyed taking her clothes off, one piece at a time and with passionate enthusiasm. His kisses started at her forehead and traveled down to her firm breasts, especially her hard nipples. As Maureen joined in this amorous showing of love, she gently kissed Steve all over his face and especially placing a great amount of attention to his nipples on his chest.

When they had finally unclothed each other, Steve allowed Maureen to climb on top of him and allowed her to perform the sex act to her satisfaction and style. She moved and swayed from one side to the other, enjoying the orgasm she was accomplishing. Steve laid there and enjoyed every minute of it. When she finished, exhausted, he reached and pulled her lips onto his and kissed her until they both found sleep claiming both of them.

When morning finally came, Steve realized that he was late for work, so he called Linda at Headquarters and told her that he would be there by eleven. She understood and stated for him to take his time.

Linda was working at her desk when Steve finally arrived, and he found her chatting with several of his male colleagues who were relaxing, having a coffee break at her desk. “OK, wise guys, the head man is here so get back to work,” Steve greeted them as he demanded his chair back. “Trying to make out with my partner, shame on you fellas,” he continued as he smiled with a sneer on his face. They all gave him a high-five and congratulated him for his award. “What award?” he stated as he turned to Linda.

“You have been given the Commissioner's Award For Merit for your gung-ho actions at the Kennedy Center last week,” Linda commented as she handed him a cup of coffee. As Steve reached for his coffee, the voice of the Captain could be heard as he summoned our dynamic duo to his office.

“Close the door Hannigan and take a seat. Well, people, the White House has set a date for you to interrogate Nancy Patterson. I just got word from Sara McFadden this morning that the meeting takes place tomorrow at the White House,” the Captain related. “Tomorrow?” questioned Linda. “Aren't they having the Commissioner's Awards ceremony tomorrow?”

“Yes, they are,” the Captain retorted, “and the Awards are being given out by President Patterson himself in the Blue Room tomorrow at two in the afternoon, followed by a reception hosted by the First Lady.”

“How does this affect our interview with the First Lady?” returned Steve as he leaned on the Captain's desk. “You, Ciminelli, are there to receive your Award, and Hannigan will be allowed in the audience since she's your partner. When the Awards ceremony is over, your brother George will escort you Linda to the library on the second floor. At the same time, a member of the White House staff will accompany Steve to the same place. The First Lady will excuse herself for a few minutes later from the reception and join you shortly,” explained the Captain as he leaned back in his chair. “How long do we have to our job, boss?” questioned Linda as she leaned forward from her seat. “Will Nancy Patterson have counsel there or will it be only the three of us?”

“Dream on, sweetheart,” the Captain replied as he laughed a little at her request. “Sara McFadden probably will run the whole show and she'll give you as few minutes as possible. So, guys, make your questions short and to the point. Don't be afraid to ask personal ones, too. Cover what has to be answered by her for our investigation.”

Steve walked over to the window and glazed down on the street and the traffic below. He seemed as in a dream world or as if he was occupied with something other than this murder case. “Steve,” Linda stated in his direction, “does this situation cause you a problem? Steve, are you alright?”

Steve turned toward her and tried to give the impression that he heard her question. “Sure. I'm OK. Just some deep thinking. Sorry.”

“Steve, this means formal blues and show them that our department has the best people in this area,” stated the Captain as he rose from his chair and patted Steve on the shoulder. “You deserve this Award, my boy.”

“Sure, but not for the incident at the Kennedy Center, Chief,” replied Steve. “You get shot at or beaten up and that goes down as normal, but save a rich bitch's life, and that's Award time. It doesn't make sense.”

“What does in this rotten job, Steve. What does?” returned the Captain. “Come on, partner, we have work to do,” Linda stated as she grabbed Steve by the arm and lead him out of the Captain's office. “Let's check some of the evidence we retrieved from the smith-Hughes apartment. Maybe we can find a motive in some of it.” Steve and Linda gathered up their case folders and headed for an empty interrogation room. Steve stopped by the beverage machine and purchased two cold cans of Pepsi-Cola and closed the door as he entered the room.

“Thanks, Steve,” Linda stated as she smiled a-s he offered her a can of Pepsi. “Let's see where we should go from here.”

After taking a slug of Pepsi, Steve commented, “I think we had better get back to our buddy, the Vice President, and check his blood and back also.”

“I'll call Anders and make arrangements for another visit, and this time, Anderson must be ready to answer more questions,” replied Linda as she jotted down Anders number on her pad.

Steve picked up Laura Smith-Hughes's checkbook and started to glance through it. As he flipped through the pages, he started to become more interested in what he was viewing. A puzzling look came over his face. “This is very funny, Linda.”

“What do you have there, partner?” Linda remarked as she looked over his shoulder.

“Look at these check entries. Laura’ Smith-Hughes wrote checks to some very prominent people, even the First Lady of the United States. She made out a check for $325.74 to Nancy Patterson; another for $129.52 to Vice President Anderson; and another for $1072.12 for Claude Benjamin Smith-Hughes. What was she paying for?” questioned Steve as he flipped through the checkbook.

“It doesn't make sense, Steve. Why would she be writing out these checks to all these people?” stated Linda as she scratched her head and then sipped on her drink. She then sat down and jotted down the names of at least fourteen prominent ‘people of the Washington area and the amounts listed in the / checkbook. “Why would she send these people money?”

“Maybe they were checks to someone's special charity, but why write it out to the individual and not to an organization,” commented Steve as he finished his Pepsi and dropped it in the trash can. “Why are the numbers so crazy, Steve? If you were contributing to charity, wouldn't it be in an even number? Did she owe this money to these people and she was paying her debts?” Linda interjected as she studied the names and figures on her pad.

“That sounds more like it, partner, but a woman with her resources, why would she borrow money from these people? This doesn't look right to me,” Steve declared as he dropped his pencil down on the table.

“You call Anders and set up another visit with Anderson and I'll go over to the Chemical Bank and look into this checking account. I'll see you back here after lunch,” Linda remarked as she started to place papers back into her case folder and took her note pad with her.

“You have a deal, partner,". Steve chimed in, as he glanced at his watch and decided to call Maureen to set up a lunch date for this afternoon.

•   •   •

Steve walked into the Hard Rock Cafe, he spotted Maureen at a back table. She already had ordered a cool draft for him, and after greeting her with a warm kiss, he sat in his seat and took a couple of swallows of the cold beer. “This hits the spot, sweetheart, and you sure lighten my day.” He reached across the table to hold her hands, and he gently laid a kiss on one of them. “I love you too, Steve,” replied Maureen with a loving smile. “Any sparks fly this morning at work?”

“I told you yesterday, sweetheart that this matter wasn't a big thing with us. We'll keep searching under the rocks until we come up with Laura smith-Hughes's murderer. No big thing,” Steve commented calmly. “Keep doing your great job of reporting the truth. It helps, believe me.”

“Latest story we have is the District Attorney wants an indictment as soon as possible. I interviewed him this morning for our newscast and he stated that an indictment is pending, but refused to mention names. Steve, he gave me the impression that he was being pressured into this. It's my gut feeling,” remarked Maureen, as she made room for her lunch as it arrived at their table.

“Off the record, darling, we are not ready to indict any one at this time. You're right. Someone is pushing him and I think I know who,” Steve stated as he plunged into his BLT and showed enjoyment in eating it. He washed it down by ordering another draft. After consuming their lunches, the two love birds gave each other a kiss and hurried back to respective jobs.

When Steve arrived back at his desk in the Squad Room, he had a telephone message to call Agent Anders as soon as possible. He quickly dialed his number and coolly waited for the call to be answered by the Bureau agent.

“Anders, Steve Ciminelli returning your call. How did we do on setting up that special appointment?”

“It'll be done here in the Hoover Building on Saturday morning at 11:30. I'll meet you at the main entrance and we'll handle this as discretely as possible. The V.P. has enough bad publicity at this time,” Anders calmly reported to Steve. “Oh, by the way, congratulations on the award you're getting tomorrow. Good work, Steve.”

“Thanks, but I don't think I deserve it at this time,” remarked Steve, “we'll see you at 11:30 Saturday. Have a good day.” He slowly placed the phone down and Steve wondered if he really earned the upcoming honor. Suddenly, the phone rang and Steve answered it promptly. As he did this, Linda entered the room and noticed how tense Steve was with his caller. She over heard him tell his caller “not today, I'll have to think about it", and “I'll get back to you later.” He wasn't too happy as his face illustrated some anger on it. “Problem, Steve?” Linda politely stated';"

“No,” Steve suddenly turned to her with a smile, “just some future wedding plans from my darling fiancee.” They both laughed a little and Linda pulled her chair next to Steve. “Steve, I found some mysterious answers at the bank,” Linda reported as she opened up her note pad. “After waiting a while to get the proper official to answer my questions, the responses surprised me. First, the bank has no evidence of those checks ever being cashed or even written out. The check numbers for those entries in Mrs. Smith-Hughes’ checkbook were never put through the system. I would think she never wrote them out even though she entered them. Second, the bank official stated that her checkbook balances was way out of line from the actual one.”

“This is strange, Linda. Why would she enter those checks in her book and not write them out? Strange,” remarked Steve as he chewed on his pencil a little bit.

“Another strange thing Steve, is that Laura received a $25,000 check from her husband each month which she deposited into her servings account. Why would Jonathan send her that money? They weren't divorced or separate legally,” commented Linda as she closed her note pad. “Laura's savings account was in seven figures and her balance to her checking account was over $45,000. Our girl was making money, but how?”

“Maybe blackmail, partner,” chimed in Steve as he tried to digest this new disclosure. “What if our sweet lady was blackmailing all the people on that list? What amount could she be bringing in each month, and how many enemies did she really have?”

“We need more answers Steve, and now we have a list of people to ask for them, and one of them is Nancy Patterson, the First Lady. I wonder what did she have over her head?”

“The people on that list Linda are the high levels of Washington society and our government structure. Except for Claude Benjamin Smith-Hughes, everyone has a high position in the government. Our lady sure was traveling in the fast lane,” commented Steve.

Linda reopened her pad and studied the names and numbers after them. She glanced at them again and then stated: “I'll bet these entries are code numbers to where the blackmail material is stored, but where?”

“There're all different, some four or five numbers and some over seven digits in length. It could be a code as you stated,” mentioned Steve as he glanced at the list.

“Notice one thing, Steve,” Linda questioned, “we don't see Jonathan Smith-Hughes on that list. Yet, he paid Laura 25,OOO each month for the last nine months by personal check.”

“We need answers to that, partner,” Steve agreed as he scratched his head. Suddenly, the phone rang on Steve's desk and the caller was Maureen reminding him to pick up several items for tonight's dinner at her apartment. He smiled as he agreed to do so and lovingly stated good-bye.

“You better not forget, honey boy,” laughed Linda as she joked with Steve at this time. “Your lady has whistled, chum.” She giggled as she walked back to her desk. “And don't forget, wear clean socks for tomorrow.” They both then proceeded to toss crumbled wads of paper at each other.

•   •   •

The weather in Washington the next day was terrible. It started raining in the morning and by noon time, it was still pouring. Steve was neatly dressed in his policeman's blues and Linda was beautiful as usual. A black and white escorted them to the North Front of the White House and allowed them to exit the vehicle under the portico. They were directed to the Blue Room by members of the Secret Service and Steve was told which chair to occupy in the front row. Linda's brother George kept her company as they stood in the rear of the room. A few television cameras were stationed in the room and their lights were blazing. By two o'clock, the room was packed with people and on cue, President Stanton Patterson and his wife entered the room. Everyone rose and applauded them and they waved back graciously and shook hands with several leaders from the Police Department, one being the Captain.

The President walked up to the podium and made a short speech on “law and order” and “bravery beyond the call of duty.” It all sounded fishy to Steve as he sat in his seat trying to feel comfortable. A short speech lasted over thirty minutes, but that may be short for a politician. They then started to hand out the Awards and when Steve's name was called, he rose sharply and walked firm and tall to the podium to receive it. As the President placed the medal around Steve's neck, they both shook hands and posed for the news photographers. Linda could hear Steve state: “Thank you, Mr. President,” as he shook his hand. The Commissioner of Police also thanked Steve and shook his hand, and the ceremony was officially over by three sharp. The First Lady then made the announcement for everyone to venture to the Red Room for the reception. At this time, George took Linda up the hallway and onto the elevator for the second floor. A few minutes later, Agent Anders approached Steve to congratulate him and also instructed him to accompany him down the hallway to the same elevator. A few minutes later, the two detectives were then proceeded to wait patiently for the First Lady to arrive. After about fifteen minutes, the President and his wife walked into the room accompanied by White House Legal Counsel, Sara McFadden.

“Please be seated and let's get this matter over with,” the President stated as he seated himself next to his wife. Linda's brother George excused himself and left the room, closing the library doors gently behind him. Agent Anders sat next to Sara McFadden.

“Mrs. Patterson,” Linda calmly proceeded, “we discovered your fingerprints on a wine glass in the Laura Smith-Hughes’ apartment the day she was murdered.” Linda paused as if she expected a response to her opening statement. “Mrs. Patterson, would you please inform us of the time you arrived and the time you left the Smith-Hughes' apartment.”

“Before the First Lady answers your questions, this meeting and what transpires at this time is not to be revealed to the press without my permission,” Sara McFadden stated to Steve and Linda sharply. She then nodded to the” First Lady to respond to Linda's questions.

Nancy Patterson sat in her chair in a lady-like poise, seated on the edge of her chair and straight in her chair. She spoke very slowly and picked her words carefully. She was neatly and properly dressed for a woman of her age, sixty-one, and her slightly grey hair made her look majestic in her appearance.

“Mrs. Smith-Hughes and I have been friends for several years. We work on the same charity committees and have jointly sponsored several of Washington's most famous social events,” she stated calmly. “Last Monday, Laura called and asked if I would drop by her place to discuss the upcoming plans for our Tidal Basin Cotillion. She begged me to see her because her schedule was so very tight, and I arrived a little after 6:00 that evening. She offered me some wine and we chatted about the Cotillion plans.” At this time, her mouth must have felt dry, so she reached over and sipped some water from a glass on the table next to her chair.

“Take your time, sweetheart, don’t rush,” President Patterson stated as he patted her arm with a sympathetic hand. “Please, don't rush, madam,” repeated Steve to the First Lady.

“Thank you, gentlemen. I'm going to be alright,” Nancy Patterson stated as she sat back in her chair and slowly wiped her lips with her hand. “Detectives, it is very painful for me to even talk about Laura Smith-Hughes. I considered her a close friend and I'll deeply miss her.” she again sipped on her water glass.

“So, you talked about the plans for the Cotillion and that was all that happened?” questioned Linda politely.

“We went over some of our plans for this summer's event, and she was smiling and full of life. We chatted for a while and I sipped on my wine. I believe I left Laura sometime before 8:00 in the evening. I think it was closer to 7:30, but my driver would be able to tell you the exact time. He's good at such things,” the First Lady related slowly.

“The chauffeur stated that Mrs. Patterson left the Watergate Complex at 7:40 sharp Monday evening,” stated Ms. McFadden to the two detectives. “I can have a sworn statement from him if you desire one.”

“No, that won't be necessary, Ms. McFadden,” Steve remarked s he turned in his chair. “One last question, Mrs. Patterson. Was Laura Smith-Hughes, your close friend, blackmailing you in any way?” The question was asked and it hit the room like a thunderbolt. Everyone's eyes instantly turned on Steve.

“Detective, how dare you insinuate that my wife had such problems with Mrs. Smith-Hughes. It's uncalled for and improper,” interjected the President as he was deeply disturbed by Steve's question.

“Detective Ciminelli, what are you insinuating? The First Lady and Mrs. Smith-Hughes were social confidantes and Mrs. Patterson has nothing to hide,” snapped Ms. McFadden as she rose from her chair.

“Mr. President and Mrs. Patterson,” Steve replied, “I'll be the first to apologize about this problem, but we have a strong feeling that Mrs. Smith-Hughes was blackmailing high officials in the government. The First Lady may be one of them. I'm not asking what the matter is about, but the First Lady being blackmailed?”

The First Lady was undoubtedly shook up by Steve's question and she patted her face with her hanky several times. “No, I'm sure, no she was not doing that to me. We were just friends.”

“Mrs. Patterson,” Linda asked quickly, “was Mrs. Smith-Hughes alive when you left her apartment and did she in any way scratch you?”

“I know for sure Laura was alive when I left at 7:30 and, no, she did not scratch me, detective,” the First Lady quickly  stated.

“Thank you, madam. You have surely helped us and I hope we haven't disturbed you in any way,” Steve politely stated as he rose from his chair. The President stood and extended his hand to shake Steve's and the hand shake was a courteous one.

The President and First Lady left the library to rejoin their guests at the reception. George Hannigan entered the library ·and informed Steve and Linda that they would leave in about ten minutes. Sara McFadden had a short conversation with Agent Anders and then left the room. Before she left, she had a few words for Steve. “The First Lady's health is very sensitive at this time and I hope if you discover any further information on this case involving her, please call me immediately at this number.” She then handed Steve her personal card. “The President worries too much about his wife's health and his health could be hampered detective if rumors or damaging information about Nancy Patterson leaks to the media. Agent Anders is my connection at the Bureau and believe me, this murder case can cause great harm to our national well-being.” She stated that as if Steve's silence would save the nation in a time of peril. He nodded to her that he understood. So did Linda. She then shook their hands and departed for her office.

“Some tough cookie there, Steve,” Agent Anders stated, “she sure knows her job and in some way, loves the First Family like her own. They treat her like a daughter and one of the family.”

“Hey, partner, how do you like dealing with the people on the top? We met and talked to the President and First Lady of the United States and we have to be quiet about it,” mentioned Steve as he slapped Linda on the back.

“Well, Steve, don't wash your right hand from now on. You can always say. it last shook the hand of the President,” laughed Linda. Linda, George, and Agent Anders laughed as they walked to the elevator to leave the White House. Steve looked around him and stated: “Looks just like my uncle's house in Boston.”