Blood on the Potomac by Joseph J. Albert - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

“That was an excellent piece of detective work Steve,” Maureen commented as she curled up to him on the sofa in her apartment. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, caressing her breasts and planting kisses on her neck and ear.

“It was just a hunch when I first saw all the evidence in the case, but there was something about Jonathan Smith-Hughes that made me suspect him the first time I met him. He had that look of anger in his eyes, but he tried so hard to show a façade of grief over his wife's death. It didn't work and wondered why he acted in that manner,” Steve remarked as he reached into Maureen's blouse to caress her breasts.

“You're the star of the department darling. This for sure puts you on the list for department lieutenant or even a replacement to the Captain's chair when he retires, which may be soon.” She reached up and pulled his head down and planted a hard compassionate kiss on his wanting lips. She french-kissed him and Steve pressed his mouth on hers harder. She turned around and laid on top of him, and she then started to run her hands over his chest. Her kisses were warm and moist, and the beat of her heart was beginning to rise and her sexual arousal was being reached. She slipped one of her hands down and unzipped his pants and reached in and pulled his penis out. She then sat on her knees and pulled his pants down, and proceeded to have oral sex with her lover. Steve stretched out and enjoyed the sexual thrill he was experiencing. He raised his arms as Maureen caused him to have a climax and went beyond it. She made him moan and howl a bit in ecstasy. When, she was done, she quickly undressed and climbed on top of Steve and had sex with him. She had the energy to keep going for a long while, and Steve enjoyed being the recipient of her sexual advancement. After these torrid sessions of sex, Steve held Maureen in his arms and they slowly fell asleep on the sofa.

They truly loved each other deeply.

•   •   •

The morning was a bright, sunny day in Washington and the skies were clear and deep blue. A slight breeze was blowing up the Potomac and this made the weather in the Capital enjoyable. As Steve parked his car in the parking lot at Headquarters, he no sooner got out of his car when his fellow officers were congratulating him for cracking the Smith-Hughes case. The shaking of the hands and pats on the back were a continuous occurrence as he entered the building. When he approached his desk, a bowl of flowers and a heart-shaped balloon were in place congratulating him on the job well-done. They were from his sweetheart, Maureen, and the note that was attached to them stated that the flowers were for Linda too. On Linda's desk, several bouquets of flowers were decorating it, as the Hannigan family showed their appreciation for her talent and effort.

“Ciminelli and Hannigan. Into my office immediately,” bellowed the Captain from his door. “This is where we came in three weeks ago, Steve,” exclaimed Linda as she slowly walked toward the Captain's office. The look on her face was a sad one when she faced Steve and he wondered why. She tried to smile, but it didn't work as a tear came to her eyes as she did this. Something was bothering her and Steve couldn't think what it was.

“Congratulations you two. You did a wonderful job on the Smith-Hughes case and now this town can get back to normal. I mean normal for the politicians not the normal folk who have to live here. Between the Smith-Hughes woman and the Mac-Giver broad, this town was a nervous wreck,’ the Captain remarked as he started to chew on a cigar, but instead, he looked at it and then tossed it into the waste basket. “You know, I really don't need these lousy cancer-sticks any more. I’d rather have a mint instead.”

“Captain, we couldn't have done it without your help and guidance. You are the guiding leader and your forceful encouragement helped break this case,” replied Steve with a broad smile on his ‘face.

“The work you guys did to break the two famous murders in this town, the Smith-Hughes and Mac-Giver women, was just terrific. The praise we are receiving for this department is due to you and Linda,” the Captain stated as he patted both on the back. “I'll bet the two of you will soon be promoted to lieutenant and I'm sure that after that, Steve, you could be heading this department. You have the tools.”

“Thank you Captain,” replied Steve. As he stated this, he looked at Linda and she still had a sad look on her face. “Maybe Linda deserves it instead of me.”

“Are you kidding, Steve. You are more able to handle the pressure than I would and you have more time and experience than me,” Linda stated as she agreed with the Captain's evaluation of Steve's work.

“Get out of here you two and take the day off. You both deserve it,” the Captain ordered as he closed his office door as they left.

As they walked back to their desks, Steve asked Linda if she was feeling alright, for he wondered why she looked so “'strange at him.

“I'm OK, Steve,” Linda remarked. “I just have been feeling sort of sad since I examined the lab evidence on the Mae-Giver case.” As the words rolled off her lips, Steve's muscles in his face tightened.

“What's the problem with it, partner? Maybe I can help,” he replied in a cheerful tone. He could see that small tears had started to roll down her cheeks. He immediately guided her over to an empty interrogation room and closed the door. “Now, hon, hat's the problem? You can tell me,” he stated as he placed his hands on her arms to demonstrate some type of support.

“Steve, I have been examining the lab evidence on the Mac Giver case and there are somethings that cause me to question the conclusion of it,” Linda stated as she wiped her tears with a tissue. “Who do you think killed Vanessa Mac-Giver?”

Steve looked at her with a startled look on his face. “We closed the case with Klausburger being our boy. He even wrote a confession to it before he killed himself. Why do you ask about it?”

“Steve, Klausburger didn't do it,” she commented as she stared into his eyes. “Well, partner, if he didn't do it, who did?” Steve asked and the look on his face was one that didn't want an answer. “I can't prove any of this, Steve. Nothing, but the lab evidence eliminates Klausburger as the one.”

“What lab evidence are you talking about Linda?” Steve questioned as he slowly sat on the edge of the table. “The lab boys found brown strands of cotton cloth under the fingernails of one hand. The threads are the type used to make Haggar pants. Also, the Iittle Redskin's emblem that is sewn on the sleeve of the Redskin's sweat jacket was found at her feet.

_She had ripped it off the killer as he was drowning her in the sink. No one thought these items were important until two days ago. I checked with Senator Klausburger's widow and she allowed me to check the Senator's wardrobe closet. No rips in any light brown pants, a matter of fact, no Haggar pants at all, and no Redskin's jacket also. The Senator was a Falcon fan.” Sbepaused. “The morning Vanessa was murdered, you arrived at F.B.I. Headquarters with light brown Haggar pants and your Redskin's jacket. I even mentioned to you about the rips in the pant leg and I noticed the Redskin's logo emblem to be missing on the jacket. You said a dog jumped you in the Mall that morning.”

“Linda, the D.A. has accepted that Klausburger was her killer You'll need provable evidence to change his mind. Do you have any?” Steve seriously questioned as he looked straight at her.

“No,” she softly stated as she wiped a tear from her eye. “I only have a questioning theory and I don't like it one bit.” She stopped to blow her nose and compose herself. She then looked Steve straight on. “Steve, please answer me honestly.” She paused as she got Steve's attention. “Did you have an affair with the Mac-Giver woman?” She tensely waited for her partner’s reply.

Steve was at first startled by the question, but he slowly placed a hand on Linda's shoulder, and then answered her request. “No,” he stated very bluntly. He looked at her and continued, “No, I did not have any type of sexual encounter with that woman. She wanted me to. She tried to seduce me but, can you believe a Ciminelli would turn down an offer for sex from a sexy I broad?” he paused. “The Ciminelli men would throw me out of the family if they knew of it. No, Linda, I didn't screw that woman. Why do you ask?” Steve questioned as he stepped back from her. “Do you think I killed her, partner?” Steve stated sharply. “I told you I was attacked by a dog on the jogging path on the Mall. Believe me, please,” he pleaded. “I am sorry that I can't produce the pants and sweat jacket, for I discarded them in the clothes barrel at the Homeless Center. I don't keep damaged clothing in my closet, partner.”

Linda turned and walked to the window and gazed out of it at the sunlight outside. He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Linda, there's only one woman that would make me cheat on Maureen, and that woman is the one I'm holding onto at this moment. Please, believe me, I didn't kill the Mac-Giver woman.” He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

“Steve,” as she turned around to face him, “all this circumstantial evidence can cloud one's mind, and dogs aren't allowed on the jogging path at the Mall.”

“This animal was loose and decided to chase after the first runner it came upon, and by the time I had given it a smack on the suit, it had done the damage to my clothing. The Redskin's logo was hanging by a loose thread so I ripped it off and discarded it in the first trash barrel I came upon.” Steve paused. “Believe me partner, an affair with that woman wouldn't drive me to murder. Maureen doesn't trust me with any woman, especially you. She still thinks that we have something going on between us. Believe me, I didn't kill that woman.” He finished with a smile on his face as he faced his partner. She slowly looked up at him and a smile started to appear. “Get out of here. See you in the morning.” She then gently kissed Steve on the cheek.

“Thanks partner,” Steve remarked as he slowly proceeded to leave the room. “I love you too, partner. Try to relax and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.” He proceeded through the Squad Room and down the stairs to the main entrance. When he arrived outside the main entrance, he looked up at the skies which were a deep blue. He stopped and took a deep breath. He started to relax, for a heavy weight had been lifted off his mind and body. He was sure that Linda had believed his story. He then proceeded to cross the street from between two parked cars, and his mind was on his lovely Maureen, and not on the speeding truck that was bearing down on him.


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