Bloody Kansas by Farley W. Jenkins, Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter 23 The Council Fire

That night was lit by a hundred campfires. Outside the cabin Jacob, Peter, Ruth, Cassius and Two Rivers sat around one of those fires. As he looked out at all of the flickering lights illuminating families and friends Jacob could not help but worry. They were safe for now; Jones would not dare launch an attack with their numbers so suddenly and drastically increased. But that would not last for long. Jacob looked back to his own fire and shook his head.

“These people are not safe here. Jones will keep his distance for now, but he will be back. He’s going to bide his time and hit us at the first opportunity he gets, that’s a given. I fear that I have only led all of these people to their doom.” Peter was not about to let his best friend sell himself so short.

“They all knew the risks when they came here, Jacob, and we are not entirely defenseless. Any man here would gladly lay down his life for the cause. Jones’ men fight for gold, but we fight for the greater good. We are far from home, but their home is close by. When the time comes, we will stand and they will run.” Ruth added her voice to the council.

“You said it yourself, Jacob, God lifts those who lift one another. If we all look out for one another, then we will be fine.” Cassius nodded his agreement.

“We be outnumbered from day one, but we still be here ‘cause we stick together. I see how y’all stick out yo’ necks fo’ me, so I don’t think nothin’ o’ stickin’ my neck out fo’ y’all. All these people here do the same, then we be just fine.” Two Rivers held his peace, and Jacob spoke once more.

70 “Very well, but we have to build. Tent canvas will not stop a bullet. We need to start thinking about what we should build.” Again Peter was quick to respond.

“We need to build walls and fortifications. We need to dig in here and be ready to take a stand. We must be strong enough to throw back any assault that damn Jones throws at us.” Ruth shook her head and voiced her disagreement.

“These people did not travel all this way to live in a military stockade. They need hearths and homes if they are to have something to fight for. Besides, we cannot rely solely on brute force. That is their way. We came out here to find a new way to live.”

Two Rivers stood up and pointed to the moon. Then he traced a circle in the dirt with his boot. He addressed the council.

“This is what we should build. Jones follows the way of the straight line, as he wishes to be seated at the head of every table. He puts his people into boxes, so afraid he is that they will plot against him. That is the slave driver’s weakness; he is only one man. We should follow the way of the sun and moon, building circles just as we are now seated around the council fire. All within the tribe have a voice, and what is known to one is known to all. That will be our strength.” The elder took his seat and looked Jacob straight in the eye.

“You, Jacob, you are the flying eagle who sees the distant horizon. I have seen the way you look at this land. You see not what is but what can be. You have spoken with the Great Father in the spirit realm, and He has shown you the nest that our tribe should build. These people know that, and that is why they have traveled far to join you. Share with them your vision, and they will bring it down from the spirit world and into this one.” Jacob felt the weight of the heavy burden of leadership deep in his heart, and he cast his eyes downward.

“I never asked for this kind of responsibility.” Ruth walked over to him. She took Jacob’s hand in hers, and turned his eyes into her own loving gaze.

“These slave drivers never asked us what we wanted, Jacob. Your friend is very wise, you should listen to him. These people came here to follow your vision. You already know the answers to these questions you are asking. Tell the people, and believe in yourself. We all believe in you.”

Jacob looked around. Peter and Cassius were nodding their agreement. Two Rivers was looking straight at him with an intensity that spoke to his belief in the great seer of visions. Jacob found his backbone.

“So be it then. We shall build a tribe.” 00015.jpg