Career Thief by Michael Fulkerson and Michael King - HTML preview

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 Many different metals are used in the making of electrical wires, and electricity travels slower or faster through these wires, depending on the metal they are made of.

 Now, hang with me here, because I’m going to make a leap, ok?

 There are two different types of metal in our blood.

 Do you see where I’m going with this? No?

 Ok—here it is: What if the metals in our blood act as, and assist as conductors for our body’s electrical signals? And furthermore, what if the strength and flow of speed of these electrical signals, electrical energies, is based on the amounts of certain metals in our blood?

 Wow! Think about that!

 While you’re digesting that, I’ll tell you the next thing that came to me.

 I had read about an explorer. Now this explorer, he discovered the underwater channels that flow beneath the seas. He discovered them, he said, after reading about them in the Bible, second Samuel, chapter twenty-two, verse sixteen. I looked it up to see for myself, It said, “And the channels of the sea appeared, the fountains of the world were discovered.”

 At first, I wasn’t sure how this thought was linked to my trying to understand how our body’s electrical impulses worked, and my endeavor to increase my own body’s reaction time, but I unwittingly just let my thoughts continue to flow.

 So, the explorer, having read a passage in the Bible that referenced some imaginary channels under the sea, believed that they might actually exist, so he set out on a quest to find them. Well, to make a long story short, after many trials and tribulations, he found them.

 Ok, so that thought led me to something else I had read in the Bible. It was in the book of Isaiah, chapter forty, verse twenty-two. It said, “It is He (God) that sitteth upon the circle of the Earth.”

 Whoa. Get that? Men had believed that the Earth was flat up until a few hundred years ago, and here was a passage from over two thousand years earlier that said that God told us the Earth was round.

 In reading all of these things, my mind was learning. The Bible had a lot of wisdom if you just took the time to think about it. For instance, in Genesis, chapter one, God said that He made the stars, with a purpose. They are a guide for us, that we might know the times of the year as well as our way.

 So, after remembering these passages, my mind led me to the earliest stages of mankind’s existence, to a time when our bodies were in their purest form.

 Back then, a person was able to live for over a thousand years, and I remembered that man had originally eaten from a garden that was created by God. (Genesis 2:8)

 But it was Genesis two, verse twelve that really caught my attention. In it, God made the point to say, “and all the gold of the land is good.” This led me to the fact that gold is one of the best conductors of electricity known to man.

 Putting all of that together, I asked myself, what if gold is an essential and necessary part of our diets? What if it was originally transferred through the soil into the plants to purposely be eaten by us?

 What if this is gold’s true value to mankind?

 Scientists are finding gold everywhere now. It’s even in human waste. (Hmm!) How very interesting.

 So, could the lack of gold in our diets be the reason for our body’s rapid decay; it’s decline in strength and speed? Well, the information that I had put together thus far, it seemed worthwhile to test the theory.

 I took some of the jewelry that I had stashed from my burglaries and decided to try turning them into gold dust.

 The first thing I had to figure out was how to separate the other metals from the gold jewelry because I’ve learned over the years that jewelers mixed those different metals with the gold to make the gold harder and more durable.

 So, I found books that explained the process of melting and separating those metals. A process called smelting. I learned that gold, unlike other metals, required much higher temperatures and last a lot longer than other metals.

 That right there was a very interesting tidbit of information.

 Ok, so after gathering the equipment I would need together and melting the gold, I put it into molds and made it into several five pound bricks. Once I was all done making the pure gold bricks, I used some really fine grit sandpaper to rub on the bars and make a micro fine dust. I took that dust and started adding it to my diet; sprinkling it in my drinks and onto my foods.

 After only a few weeks, I started noticing differences; things began to change inside me. Small things at first: I would smell scents that I hadn’t recognized before, my hearing became better, all of my senses became intensified, elevated, heightened to new levels.

 One night, on one of my adventures, I noticed that I could see much better in the dark than I had ever before. As the weeks went by and I continued putting the gold dust on my food, I could feel and sense things that others couldn’t. It was a very exciting time for me.

So having unlocked these newfound powers, I sought ways to understand and harness them. I read books about human energy; about man’s aura, spirit, or life force; about chakras, centering, meditation.

 I soon learned how to control my ‘extra’ energies. I learned how to channel/direct it to different points in my body. For instance, one of the first successes I had was when I learned how to send energy down my right arm, into my hand, then, jump it across my left hand.

 After that, I was able to stand close to someone and draw some of their energy, their life force, from the body. If I came across a person who looked sad or depressed, I would send them some of my own energy. When I did this, I would always feel good. I enjoyed watching their expressions change, their faces light up. I felt I was keeping the balance.

 With these new abilities, heightened senses, I could easily feel when people were in my proximity. At times, if I concentrated, I could even pick up their moods!

 And yes, I achieved the goal that I had set out to accomplish from the very beginning: My physical reaction time did increase. In fact, it increased exponentially. I was now lightning fast.

 You know, prior to all this, I was blessed with a sixth sense. Something inside me always let me know someone  was nearby.

 Burglarizing homes and businesses was the beginning of my life as a thief.

 As I had mentioned before, my family was really poor. For more nights than I care to remember, I went to sleep cold and hungry.

 At one point in my life, I think it was when I was six or seven years old, we lived right behind a super store in Little Rock called Vast-Mart. Now, sometimes, my mother would send me over there to buy an item or two, usually something related to a meal she was preparing. It was always something cheap.

 Since it was so close to our house, I spent a lot of time there and became very familiar with the store. It had food, sporting goods, clothing, toys, electronics, automotive supplies, tools; it had just about everything.

 Now, seeing that my family had nothing, I eventually developed sticky fingers. I would pick up two of one item, act like I was looking at it, then, set one back down while I kept the other item hidden in the palm of my hand. By necessity, I only took small items because my hands were small. I got really good at it and after a while, graduated to bigger things.

 My first real big score involved a DVD player.

 After watching several people taking merchandise to the return desk without receipts, then getting cash for them, I had to try myself.