Chalice by Robert A. Webster - HTML preview

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Chapter Fifteen

Colonel Tighe Nye status had grown over the past few years. Now in sole charge of Hun Sens security, he wielded a lot of power and, along with land and property that a grateful government had given him for his dedicated service, he had become wealthy.  His stocky built and hard features made him a formidable individual, although his firm but fair methods made him a popular commander with his troops. However, his fits of rage, especially with other ranks, political opponents and anyone associated with Royalty, had made him many enemies. He was a staunch democrat and hated the royal family and when the royalty was reinstated after the conflicts, he was not a happy man, his attitude was ‘While the monarchy hid, the Cambodians fought and died for their freedom’  

Tighe had visited the royal palace many times with the Prime Minister and, although the royal family knew of his views, they tolerated him. It was there where he’d had met his fiancé and approached her parents to force her into marriage. He lived in a large house on the outskirts of Siem Reap which he’d had raised so  that he could look out above the trees and had all the mod cons available, satellite, Jacuzzi, swimming pool etc. His house was surrounded by mango, banana, and Guava trees. A long driveway from a forked tarmac road led to his house. One of the roads went to Siem Reap and one led direct to Ta Prohm.  Tighe lived alone. He had serving staff and owned several cars. A Mercedes for formal visits and a Hummer for when he visited his adopted family and for his jaunts into town for the temporary companions he used to take for a night of fun. He was not a lover of the Thai nation and would use any opportunity to piss them off and, apart from Norm; he was not a lover of foreigners and saw them as an invasion force. Norman was the only real father he had ever known. Even though he was no longer Khmer Rouge, killing to him was second nature and his crack team of commandos, the Prime Minister’s bodyguards, had been accused of many murders to get the Colonel up the political ladder.


Tighe had returned home from his visit to the citadel, and Norms request to obtain the box. He had phoned the palace in Bangkok and had spoken to Taksin to request the use of the box. Taksin knew of this man’s reputation and loathing of the royal family, from his friend, and Cambodian counterpart, Brigadier Lee and turned Tighe down flat.

‘If you won’t give it to me, I will just take it’ thought, Tighe and set a plan in motion for his best commando Tar, with the assistance of his contact within the imperial palace, to exchange the box. He’d obtained pictures and photographs from his palace spy, and set Mr Heng Ty, a well respected, jewellery craftsman, the task of replicating the holy box. It took Heng Ty several weeks to make an exact copy of the box, Tighe then planned for a military exercise to take place at Preah-Vihear temple, knowing it would anger the Thais and would leave the Royals to have to smooth things over. He was aware the Thais would send their crown Prince, who would be escorted by the Tinju Prime Master, leaving the way clear for Tar. Tighe knew that Pon had a fearful reputation and believed the rumours that he had killed a foreigner and a Cambodian in Caw Kong last year,

 Tighes plan worked out perfectly and once he knew that Pon was in Cambodia, he dispatched Tar.

He assumed that the Thais would be none the wiser and that the holy remnants that the world would worship would be a box that contained Cambodian soil from his garden. (Although unbeknownst to almost everybody they had already been worshipping a box of sand and Nick’s false choppers).

Tighe had received a phone call from Tar at the border and arranged for a limousine to bring him from Poi Pet. Tar arrived in the early evening and after celebrating with fine malt whisky, they got in Tighe’s hummer, drove to Ta Prohm and delivered the box to Norman.


Tighe had just woken up when Norman phoned and told him that they had a problem and asked Tighe to go to the Citadel.

It had been four days since he had delivered the box and so Tighe assumed that Norman needed something else. ‘I hope it’s not urgent’, thought Tighe ‘I have a wedding to attend and a peach to pluck’ he laughed to himself and looked at a photograph on his desk of his intended ‘beautiful’ he thought, ‘I look forward to deflowering you my love’ and kissed the photograph.

The maid came in with his breakfast and he sat down to eat. Half way through his meal the phone rang.

“Hello darling,” said the women’s voice at the other end and continued,

“Darling we have a big problem”

The woman went on to explain that the Thais had already discovered the box had been switched and she went on to inform Tighe that the palace had been sealed and the palace staff had not been allowed to leave and she’d had to sneak out of her quarters to call him.

“Calm down darling,” said Tighe reassuringly “How did they discover the switch?”

“The box did not throw off the halo around the head, and when I had lunch with the geologist, she told me that some of the precious stones were fakes, which didn’t radiate the same as real gemstones.” Said Noi

Tighe cursed the jeweller as Noi continued and told him that they had dispatched Prime Master Pon to recover the box several days earlier and knew that it was Tar who switched the box and escaped with the original. 

“They also know Tar works for you,” said Noi “Pon has got a false Cambodian passport, but I can’t get close enough to Taksin to find out the name that he is travelling under.”

“Damn, when did he leave?” asked Tighe

“He left early the following morning” said Noi, starting to panic “Darling, I am so scared, when will you come to get me away from here.

“Soon Noi, my darling, very soon” said Tighe lying to reassure her, “Keep me informed, and find out what name he now goes by . . .  now, get back to Taksin’s office and take care, I love you”

‘Damn’ he thought ‘Pon could have entered three days ago, why didn’t that stupid bitch sneak out and tell me sooner and why didn’t she get more information, the bastard could be waiting outside for all I know, or worse, be in the citadel.’ 

He cursed aloud and then phoned Lieutenant- Colonel Pagna chief of immigration and border patrols. Tighe gave details to Pagna about the Prime Master. He knew they would have details and photographs of him from his previous visits 

Lieutenant-Colonel Pagna confirmed they had a passport photo and would dispatch it immediately to all border posts, he would also check with the palace in Phnom Penh on the off chance that he hid there. Tighe then called the army barracks at Siem Reap and spoke to Tar.

“Tar, I need you to come here as soon as possible, we have a problem, and on your way detour to Heng Ty’s jewellers and shoot the bastard.

“Right away Colonel” said Tar 

Tighe waited for Pagna to call, His initial panic had subsided and he now considered what Taksin had been worried about. Pon was a Royal representative and had crossed illegally into Cambodia,

Pon could be shot as a spy and then Tighe could discredit Thailand to the rest of the world

Tighe smiled to himself “This could work in my favour” he smirked.


A bell above the door tinkled as a man entered the small shop. An old man sat behind the counter as the man approached him.

“How may I help you sir?” asked the old man

“Are you Heng Ty?” asked Tar

“Yes I am Heng Ty, master jeweller.” he said proudly

Tar produced a photograph of the holy box and showed it to the old man, who looked confused

“Can you make this?” asked Tar

The old man looked at the photograph

“I have already made one similar to this,” said Heng

“Well next time, make it real,” said Tar as he took a silenced Glock 17, 9mm pistol from his jacket and shot the old man through the centre of his forehead, the old man’s eyes  rolled back and as the exiting bullet splattered the old man’s blood and brains over the back wall of his small shop. Tar calmly turned and walked out of shop, turned the sign on the door to close and locked the door behind him.


After an hour Pagna called to report that  nobody matching Pons description had crossed any border into Cambodia or into any airport and there had been no reports that any or monks had crossed. Pagna, to lighten the tense situation mentioned that they did  however have a Cambodian cross three days ago at Koh Kong,  a tour guide for two foreigners, he wasn’t suspicious, just had a bad hairstyle that they were still laughing about. His name was….

“Never mind,” interrupted Tighe “that won’t be him, the Prime Master is as bald as a Ka-bharl (Cambodian for bell end) and he would be travelling alone.”

“Has there been any news from the palace?” Tighe continued.

“Nothing” said Pagna “they were getting prepared for the wedding of a royal handmaiden, so I believe congratulations are in order Colonel Tighe”

“Thanks for your help Pagna I will see you at the wedding, I will send you an invite” said Tighe

“Anything else you need, just call me” said Pagna 

Tighe sat in his easy chair; he knew Pon would now be in Cambodia and therefore a fugitive. He would circulate his pictures and description around all military bases and police stations. Tighe hoped that Pon would soon be found and apprehended; meanwhile he would wait for Tar, and go to the citadel. He heard a noise outside and looked out of the window.


Pon covered the ringing phone and slid down a small embankment and behind the base of a tree and pressed the answer button.

“Pon, we have a big problem” said Brigadier Lee, panicking “They know you are here.”

“How?” said Pon.

“I don’t know, there must have been a leak, I can only assume it came from Thailand,” said Lee “But as far as I know they don’t know your new identity, or who you were travelling with. The immigration called me at the palace and we have all been given a stark warning about assisting you and to report if you made any contact with us, so I am taking a big risk, and the Royal Family cannot afford for you to get caught as it would create a massive problem.”

“Thank you for the warning my friend,” said Pon “I won’t get caught don’t worry, and if I do I will take the necessary precautions, to neither implicate you, nor the Royals.”

‘They can’t question vapour’ thought Pon, as Tinju committed suicide by swallowing the “Wharm Lorn” mixture and a sword or Glave through the stomach, the acid in the stomach would react with mixture and with the introduction of steel from a sword or Glave it would cause it to ignite and evaporate the Tinju, instantly.

“Take care master monk,” said Lee, “and make sure you stay safe. My niece would die of a broken heart if anything were to happen to you.” Lee then turned off his phone leaving a shocked Pon staring at his mobile.

‘How does he know?’ Thought Pon and then he smiled to himself. He climbed back up the embankment surrounding Tighe’s house and from his hidden perch in a large mango tree, carried on watching Tighe. 

After an hour of phone calls to various friends and colleagues, circulating by fax, Pons photograph to armed force and police departments. He heard Tars Toyota tiger pull up. Tighe invited Tar into his drawing room.

“Make it look inconspicuous, and go take a look out of the window,” said Tighe. Tar did as instructed and nodded.

Several minutes later, Tighe left his house, got into his Hummer, and shouted back at Tar

 “I will take the box for safe keeping; you stay here to keep a lookout for the monk in case he comes here”.

“Yes sir, I will stay here and keep a close watch” shouted Tar.

Tighe drove his hummer down the driveway and onto the road and took the fork to Ta Prohm and the citadel.

Followed a short distance behind by Pon on a hired Yamaha Raid 250cc, dirt bike.

Then, a short distance behind him, Tar in his Toyota Tiger.