Chaucer's Revenge by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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SMASH… A glass bottle disintegrated onto what remained of the asphalt road Main Street.

Smoke billowed from two men patiently waiting under the faded green awning of The Wagon Wheel Saloon. Rain continued to fall heavily as the street was now starting to submerge under water.

Coughing erupted as a cloud of smoke came shooting into Axel’s face. He waved his hand with a disgruntled, “Watch what you’re doing Rafael! It’s bad enough that it’s downpouring out there.”

“This is some good Meth my old friend.” Axel nodded with a gruff, “Well that’s why we’re here in the first place.”

“You go cop the supply from the Walker twins?” Rafael nodded as if the answer should have been obvious. “It’s there all in the back of my van round back of the saloon. I told Detective Hawkins that’s where his cut would be.” Running his grizzled hand through his gray beard, “Thank God this is going to be the last pick up.” Axel nodded, “yeah, it’s getting too hot. And with Detective Hawkins under investigation, we can’t move here.” “By the way Axel, I ain’t doing anymore drops with those two you and Sydney got us hooked up with up there. The larger one annoyed the hell out of me several times. I nearly cracked him with my Mag l ite, but that other motherfucker…” “Jasper…” Axel said with the roll of his eyes. “YEAH, that one spouting some bullshit at me! Hell, I didn’t even understand what he was saying. I know he was speaking English too! Then that big dumb looking one…” Axel turned to him, “What dumb one?” Rafael scrunched up his face, “The one with the messed-up face. He’s damn near bear sized.”

Smiling widely, “Oh you met Big Hoss! Yeah, you don’t want to mess with him Rafael. He’s too stupid to know or understand pain.” Axel answered his longtime friend’s skeptical look. “You

and I could not take him together.” He turned back to the rain and snorted, “Probably take out the whole club.” “Whatever Axel, speaking of which some old man was with him. He spent nearly the entire time shouting at me about some uninteresting historical crap.”

“That’s Pa only Sydney has contact with him. He says that Pa and the entire Walker Kinfolk have been living up in those mountains for over a century.” “They sure do talk a lot of shit though.

Damn near threatened me when I left.” “I told you Rafael before you left not to go up there with your attitude.” Rafael pointed to his chest waving his hand under a patch with a 1% on it. “I was doing you a favor…you! I came with the guys to help cut, sort, and distribute fairly.” “I had to help get Sydney out of lock up Rafael!” Rafael waved his hand with a smirk on his face, “I’m just saying I am not doing it again. I won’t take disrespect especially not from some racist inbred potato farming…” Axel interjected, “Wait, how did you know they are potato farmers?”

Rafael’s hand fell from his chest, “What?” “How did you know they are potato farmers? Did they tell you they were potato farmers?” Rafael furrowed his brow in confusion, “What does it matter if their sheep fuc…” “Did they say they are potato farmers yes or no?” “I don’t know Axel they said they were…they were tater farmers. So, what if…” Axel turned and immediately began muttering to himself. “It won’t matter we’ll be gone before they can get to scratch their own asses.” Axel turned back to his friend, “Did Pa threaten you?” “Yeah, he exiled me or something. What the HELL does that have to do with…” “You have to understand Kinfolk law Rafael. Sydney was explaining it to me before I started doing the pick-ups without him.”

Holding up his hands Rafael gave an exasperated, “Alright, alright that’s all I’ve been hearing from you and Sydney at the table. The table has been going along with it because it has become such a crucial and lucrative part of our finances. But now I think it’s time you tell me who the hell you two have gotten us intertwined with. I think it’s time you tell me who the hell the Walker Kinfolk are.”

Axel sighed, “I don’t even know where to begin. You would have to go inside and ask Sydney. He

said he was going to play poker with a couple of the members.” “I don’t have time to go in there and ask him. I SHOULD be going out back and starting to take care of the supply.”

Axel watched the large puddles of water swell Main Street from underneath. “Walker Kinfolk moved out here at the end of the Civil War with a lot of money.” “Money…” Rafael repeated with such a disbelieving laugh that even Axel’s concern lessened. “Enough to buy thousands of acres of land…” “Where did they get the money?” Axel shrugged gripping on this chair as he leaned more into it. “Nobody knows my friend, but Syndney says that everyone has their own theories.” Rafael snorted in skepticism, “What is Sydney’s theory?” Axel seemingly trying to keep himself from laughing. He turned to his friend and said with a mocking wave of his hands, “stolen Confederate gold.” Rafael returned his smile and Axel continued. “Government came in and bought almost all the land they had bought and turned it into a national park. According to Sydney, everybody living here and growing up knew that no matter what the government called it. The Walkers would always consider it their land.”

“What does any of this have to do with them being potato or tater farmers or me being exiled?” “Well if one of the heads of the Walker Kinfolk exiles, you. You are giving 24 hours to leave the town of Cint or else the Kinfolk come for you.”

Snorting again this time loud enough to be heard over the rain, “The Kinfolk come for you!”

Rafael mocked waving his wrinkled fingers at his friend. “You can mock lion, you can mock.

However, Sydney and everyone I talk to in Clint believe that.” “You seem to believe that the Walker Kinfolk stands a chance against the club my old friend.” Axel turned from his friend raising his finger towards the mountainous road that led to the remote Walker Homestead, “They aren’t like us. They aren’t potato farmers.” “Of course, they’re potato farmers! Everyone around here is potato farmer!”

“Not them Rafael…” Rafael’s eyes narrowed, “They lost their land, remember? How can you farm without land? Sydney told me that the unwritten rule for Clint residents is. If a Walker tells you that they are a POTATO farmer, then you’re ok. But if they are TATER farmers that is code.” “The word

TATER is a code word?”

“It all goes back to the Kinfolk’s motto…” “The South Will Rise In The North?” Axel nodded and continued, “The Walker Kinfolk is ruled from the top down. I guess they consider themselves like soldiers of the old Civil War Confederacy. And when they use the term ‘tater’ it doesn’t refer to potatoes it refers to the Confederacy aspect of the family. It is used as a threat, but threats don’t mean anything without approval.” “And that would come from?” “Pa…” answered Axel simply.

Rafael nodded, starting to see things come together in his head. “Wow a lot of what you just said makes a lot of sense.” “Well, if Pa exiled you from the Clint borders than we have a certain amount of time before I think we have to worry.” Rafael motioning his thumb behind him, “Well then, I guess I better get started with the product if we are going to have a bunch of murderous inbred hicks coming after us. Thank God this is going to be the last time we come to this backwoods town!”

Rafael prepared to turn when something caught his attention. Something other than the rain falling in buckets around them. “Hey Axel, check it out!” Axel saw his friend pointing at something lumbering through the storm and darkness. The size of a small car, a brown bear lumbered past the saloon without a sideways glance towards them. Covered in an unwashable white powder and blood matted over its coat. It paid no attention to its observers walking around a set of cars along the street.

Nose in the air, it seemed to be searching for something unbothered by its surroundings. It walked past no further than Axel could have tossed a stone at. The trace of any scent seemed to intoxicate it. It seemed to follow something stronger than mere hunger or rage. “Is it sick…” Rafel asked, trying to hide the tremble in his voice. The bear’s milky eye swiveled in its socket unable to register them in front of it. It snorted in such aggressiveness its body knocked against the nearest motorcycle. “I-it’s coming this way, Axel!” Axel still sitting had if possibly become even more still. He asked out the corner of his mouth. “You got your piece lion?” The large predator had still not noticed them continuing to sniff over the motorcycles. They both gasped in horror seeing the multiple long dried

gashes and lacerations scabbed with dark blood. “No…in van…out back…” Rafael seemed to want to speak as little words as possible.

“We run…” He asked, hoping the music inside would muffle their conversation. CREAK

The floorboard groaned under Axel’s shifting weight. The bear gave a bellow of annoyance as it pushed the bikes. The cycles wobbled on their kickstands before toppling over into their neighbor’s adjacent spot. “Don’t move idiot…” exclaimed Axel in a desperate attempt at whispering. Rafael prepared to run but Axel stopped him just as the bear’s head shot up. This caused the remaining motorcycles to start to fall around it. They watched as the bear parted through them launching itself at them. It roared with the intensity of an engine forcing Axel to dive tumbling onto the street.

Tumbling onto his back, he rolled just into view of the lion’s last stand. Rafael backed away unable to take his eyes off the approaching terror. The bear raised its tree trunk sized arm and sent it slashing through the air. Despite its claws being broken and fractured it cracked the air like thunder decapitating his best friend with one SLASH! His head flew like a volleyball crashing through the glass into the saloon. Shattering to pieces that instantly became lost in the gusting wind. There came a faint SMASH followed by a CRACK from the thunder above them. The rain seemed to, if possible, fall even worse than before. Axel’s hair clung to his head as his hand seemed to sink slightly into the crumbling asphalt of Main Street.

He trembled in horror as the bear turned with a slow swivel on its neck trying to reengage his focus on the surroundings. It rose to its feet towering over Axel. The rain doing little to detour the bear. The deep lacerations trickled the water to run like rivers through them. The water did little to wash the snot like drool that clung to its hungry jowls. Its milky eye reflected another crack from the lightning as it approached him. Large pieces of fur and skin were visibly missing as it took a step towards him. Axel held up his hand vowing never to die on his knees least of all crawling. He didn’t hesitate for a moment with hands raised in a desperate plea, “No, please stay back…AHHHH!”

CLINK… Poker chips clattered into the middle of the worn green poker table. “Did Detective Hawkins let you out Syd?” Sydney chuckled at his fellow club member Jose flipping down his cards before grabbing his beer. The small green lamp above the table swayed lightly above their poker game.

The jukebox still playing PANTERA as Sydney chuckled, “No that rookie deputy Cookie did. Old Sheriff Hand Job was all over Jayson. It looks like Axel, and I are going to have to find a better way to keep the supply coming from them Walker shits Cephus and Jasper.” “Is Detective Hawkins done with the force?” CLINK… Another set of poker chips hit the table. Sydney stared at the three club members around him all the rest of the table members and all with an impressive say in the club.

“I think The Satan’s Outlawz have gotten everything out of this shit hole town that it can. I heard Axel and Rafael talking about pulling up stakes and finding someplace else. Maybe they’re right? Maybe it is time for the club to pull up stake. Maybe we should find someplace else or some other financial venture. With the loss of our protection, I think Axel is going to submit to the table to find a new source of product to replace or in addition too. I know he is sick of working with and collecting from the Walkers anyway.”

CRASH… The double wide doors of The Wagon Wheel Saloon opened smacking against the walls. Every head in the saloon gazed up to see Detective Hawkins standing there. Out of breath, the front of his light brown uniform covered in fresh blood. He appeared wild eyed, almost surprised to see so many people in the saloon. Sydney’s cards lowered as his eyes met Detective Hawkins. “Y-you’re still here? Y-you need to leave n-now!” Sydney preparing to smile faltered when Detective Hawkins scrambled into the room. “You don’t understand! Sydney…Sydney you need to tell everyone they need to get out now!” Sydney scoffed, “I don’t plan to do anything like that! And what the hell happened to you? Is that blood?”

The panicked detective trembled as he stared at every club member surrounding him. He then began to examine himself. “H-happened to me…” Eyes wild as he continued, “S-Sheriff Hanson is

dead! It killed him man! It just fucking killed him! I barely got away!” This had caught Sydney’s attention rising from his seat. His cards sliding over the table in his haste. “Wait, slow down Sheriff Hanson’s dead?” “Yes, Sydney Sheriff Hanson is dead! He’s out back by the van or what’s left of him is.” “Van,” came a repeated muttering from around the poker table. “Where’s Axel? Get Axel and give the order to get the hell out of here.” “What are you talking about Jayson? Axel is out front with Rafael. What happened with the Sheriff? What killed him?” “A bear…a massive fucking brown bear!” “Calm down…” bellowed Sydney with a smirk on his face.

The other members were all beginning to turn towards each other in disbelief. “Why don’t you go get yourself cleaned up, ok? And then call Clint Animal Control to handle Yogi and leave us alone.

We got what we came for and we’re packing up our stake. Looks like you are out your cut, my friend.

So, you don’t need to try to…” “This is not about that! There is a giant bear outside that has gotten into your stash out back!”

Sydney returned to his seat and scooped up his playing cards. “I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about! Nor do I know anything about Rafael’s van out back.” SMASH… The top of Rafael’s head slammed on top of the poker table. A loud SQUELCH followed with a spattering of blood sprinkling every member around the table. Sydney pulled away with a startled yell of fright. His chair clattered on the floor with a BANG, BANG, BANG bouncing on the dirty floor. Rafael’s head was missing huge chunks of flesh and large sections of gray hair. Sydney couldn’t remove his eyes from the dead blank stare of his second in command.

BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, every eye in the bar immediately whipped to the large double doors. Several members had pulled guns while others were grabbing the nearest items. Pool cues and beer bottles appeared to be the most popular. Detective Hawkins began raising his hands shushing everyone into silence. His eyes traced the walls scattered with faded pictures of drunken nights from long ago. Faded beer signs and dated neon signs were passed in a terrified gaze, “Turn off the lights!

Shut those lights off, shut off the lights or we’ll all be dead!” Sydney eyed several members as they searched the wall for switches. Lights randomly popped out as the Jukebox was cut leaving a last note unfinished. The once rambunctious little saloon now sat as quiet as a cemetery. Breathing was hushed as the only sound being the tightening of fingers on weapons.

Sydney was about to speak as the rest of the club members waited for their orders. Jayson held up his finger to Sydney waiting for something to happen. The silence continued to press with the only sound coming from the rain hammering the top of the ancient wooden roof. A snort of anger from an unknown beast could be heard from outside. Jayson began to tremble again. The wide-eyed fear seemed to return to his face. His training instinctively made his hands run to the empty holster on his belt. His fingers frantically searched for his sidearm before remembering how he had dropped it back in the van.

Footsteps could be heard slowly pacing just outside the walls creaking the wooden floorboards along the way. Eyes followed the heavy steps as an eerie heavy breathing approached the front double doors. The morbid grunting and exhalation of ragged dying breaths from a beast on its last legs of life.

The lightning outside periodically cracked the dark sky illuminating the shadows of an awaiting ambush.

The seconds passed as the heavy footsteps had come to a halt. Fingers tightened to weapons as the room grew even more silent. BOOM… The double doors crashed open one final time as something had been tossed into the room. However, this time it was not something the size of a basketball. A large dark figure was tossed into the saloon crashing into a poker table. A revolver went off with a BANG! A lightbulb could be heard shattering with a loud POP above them. Thunder rattled the windows with a thunderous BOOM!

The white light illuminated the dark room to reveal the horror that stood at the front entrance.

Its large figure displayed between the swinging doors eyeing the near dozen members of The Satan’s Outlawz. The very air chilled as clouds of swirling breath escaped it. Covered in lacerations and deep wounds with blood still dripping lightly from its stomach.

The bear released its paws from the double doors with a CLAPCLAPCLAP! Holding them open as if they were made of nothing but paper. The bear bound forward in what felt like slow motion.

Its back lurched like a whale breaking out of the water. The doors rattled closed the sound forever lost from the eruption of revolvers. The room was enveloped in darkness again. The only light coming from the revolvers erupting white light with every POPPOPPOP!

The darkness swallowed up the oncoming onslaught and everybody involved in it. The bear’s onslaught was wild and frenzied. Its roar was followed by the screams and frantic cries of The Satan’s Outlawz. Its large dark forearms blended in with the dark before slashing through the air with a fatal SWISHSWISHSWISH! Blood could be heard spattering random surfaces as bodies were sent crashing into walls. It was hard to tell who was alive and who was not in all the pandemonium and commotion. Loud SNAPS could be heard as pool cues were broken over the bear’s body. Gunfire no longer sporadically erupted breaking the darkness in their white lights of death.

Jayson watched the chaos and pandemonium unfold before him. He scrambled through the chaos trying to escape. He turned to watch Sydney’s shadow charge at the bear. One of the only club members still making a stand. The bear batted one member across a pool table. It turned towards a charging Sydney. His dark figure halted in place and unable to correct his charge. He ran into the bear’s awaiting jaws and outstretched paws. The bear immediately seized on him, overpowering him easily. Thrashing its head as its powerful jaws sank into Sydney’s face and shoulder tearing into him.

The darkness continued to shield Jayson’s eyes from the horror before him. However, he heard through the commotion blood pouring over the floor and felt it sprinkle lightly across his face.

Jayson let out a terrified whimper retreating to the rear exit. He crashed against the door with a loud SLAM! “Come on, come on, come on,” he pleaded slamming against the door and scrambling to turn the knob. However, the door remained motionless against Jayson’s thrashing. The saloon had grown quiet as a soft c-c-clickc-c-click… filled the room. Jayson trembled as he turned to watch the silhouetted shadow moving towards him. The bear’s claws continued to approach the faint c-c-clickc-c-click… coming from the darkness. The large beast moved towards the hallway as he crumbled to the floor in hysterical trembling. His horrified final screams, “NO, NO, oh god please NO” were swallowed by the downpour of rain and howling of wind.



The rusted garage door opened for Silas & Mooch’s Maintenance Garage with a clattering rattle. The white framed door rolled up its track about to collapse from its aged state. A black Humvee pulled inside with a roar from its engine. Spotlights lined the roof as the large vehicle nearly scraped the top of the old maintenance garage door. Despite the splatters of mud across its sides and wheel wells, the Humvee shone with a pristine shine like fresh wax. The lights were bright illuminating the dark like a lighthouse over dark water. The dilapidation and overcrowding of the room came more into view. A maze of scattered and rotted wooden crates intertwined with several large rusted tool cases, overturned book shelves, scattered car parts, and other miscellaneous refuse that the people of Clint couldn’t part with. The maintenance garage was decaying due to the years of neglect and disrepair.

Dead leaves, dirt, mud, and years of the environment lay scattered over the water damaged foundation.

CLICKCLICK…CLICK…CLICK, four sets of doors opened with a sound that resembled expensive. Four people approached the Confederate painted Razor as the bear cub hobbled inside its cage. Desperately trying to catch a glimpse at all the commotion. It gave a whimpering little whine when its eyes landed on the numerous humans in front of it. A single floodlight illuminated the small gathering highlighting its watery black eyes. Eyes that reflected its inner terror subconsciously knowing who had come for it.

The man in the middle was the smallest of the group but displayed the most smugness. His pompousness was more than just displayed in his vanity. Dressed as if heading to dance club, his white button-down shirt matched his white denim like coat. He pulled away the white shades from his face and gave an arrogant little smirk. “You the client?” The mystery man smiled, “Are you Cephus and Jasper?” His eyes moved between the two of them. “Axel told me that you were twins. He didn’t tell

me who was who though?” The sunglasses twirled in his hand, “Are you both different or am I just seeing double?”

The man’s entourage gave a sanctimonious little chortle to appease their meal ticket. He accepted the false simpering with a convinced smile. Cephus ignored him barking with crossed arms,

“Jasper informs me you’re late.” The man in the middle replied, “My apologizes we ran into an accident on the outside of town. We found an overturned van and a demolished pickup truck on the way into town. We found these mason jars all over the place.” “Mason jars…” repeated Jasper unable to help the curiousness in his tone. “Yeah, it reeked of alcohol. We found a couple of them unbroken within the wreckage. Might be moonshine, lordy who would have thought you hill folk knew how to party out here in the sticks of Idaho!”

“You must be Triple X…” “X Soulja…” the man repeated. Cephus’s face tightened from annoyance, “That is what I said Triple x…Three X?” An eruption of chuckling circled the entourage as the man named X Soulja patted the arm of the man to his right. “Three X do you hear this, Martin?”

Martin was too busy smirking behind his hands at Cephus. X Soulja turned back to the twins, ““This is my promotor and social media manager. And it’s just X Soulja…X Soulja. You don’t say Triple X or X-X-X or Triple X Soulja. It’s just X Soulja. You just combine the three x’s into one singular sound.”

“X Soulja…” repeated Cephus. Soulja smiled wildly as if his name had finally clicked in Cephus’s memory.

“I’ve never heard of you.” Soulja’s face fell, but quickly a smirk returned. “Well, maybe you haven’t heard of me, but I KNOW you’ve heard of one of my songs!” Sniffing in an arrogant flick from his nose, he turned to Martin with that irritating confidence. Cephus leaned in to whisper to his brother. “Axel was right about something at least.” “What’s that?” Cephus smirked and whispered even softer, “He is MORE than annoying.” “How about my song, A Boy?” Eyes traveled between the pair who answered with a roll of their eyes or a shake of their head. “H-how does it go?” SMACK

Cephus hit his brother on the arm with an annoyed scowl. “I was just being polite Cephus.” Taking the small bickering as confirmation of their desire to hear his song. X Soulja obliged and started to sing.

Every time I walk up in the club, and they see me poppin’ bub all I hear them say is…

A Boy, A Boy… A Boy, A Boy…

A Boy, A Boy… A Boy, A Boy…

A Boy, A Boy… A Boy, A Boy…

Every time I pull up in the drive with a brand new whip and ride all I hear them say is…

A Boy, A Boy… A Boy, A Boy…

A Boy, A Boy… A Boy, A Boy…

A Boy, A Boy… A Boy, A Boy…

Cephus held up his hands begging him and his entourage to stop parroting the repetitive chorusing. “Ok, ok, ok, we get your point just please stop!” X Soulja’s face fell into slight anger.

“We really don’t know who you are. My brother and I don’t listen to your kind of music. Truth be told we don’t get much radio up at the old homestead. Pa only lets us listen to Brooks & Dunn or…”

Cephus turned to Jasper who added, “Hank Williams.” Cephus snapped his fingers and pointed at his brother, “Right Hank Williams but personally Mr. Soulja I am into people like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Lizzo, Beyonce, or Christina Aguilera. And if I may be honest Mr. Soulja that song seems to have some undertones of racism.” Cephus rolled his eyes, “Here we go again!” Jasper gave his brother an

annoyed little scowl. “Well, it does Cephus! A song that keeps repeating the same line, A Boy! It’s racist against people that are African American or identify as African American.” Cephus grumbled to his brother, “This is what I’m talking about Jasper. How can somebody IDENTIFY as African American exactly? You either are or aren’t!” “Oh, see now you’re doing your little micro-aggressive thing again!” “Here we go AGAIN with the micro-aggression bullshit! You either ARE African American or aren’t! You can’t CHANGE your skin color!”

X Soulja’s head bounced back and forth between the both of them as if he was watching a tennis match. “Ya’ll bicker like an old married couple.” They both turned nearly in unison with murderous looks on their faces. A penetrating stare emphasized by the thunder crackling outside.

Hands silently shifted to sidearms as the tension in the room grew by the second. Cephus shrugged with a scowling “Whatever let’s get this thing over with.” Jasper added, “Mr. Soulja did you bring the…” X Soulja raised his hand with his white glasses still hanging from the fingers. “Wait, wait, wait, my friend Jasper, wait just a second! I don’t believe this! I know that I asked Axel for discretion but my God! How far out in the sticks are we?” Cephus crossed his arms and muttered in irritation,

“This here is tater country.”

Unable to accept that answer, X Soulja continued “I was the one that was ALL over the news just a couple weeks ago! The guy whose beefing with one of the creators from that stupid kids show, Paw Patrol!” Cephus and Jasper looked at each other again and repeated in whispered unison, “Paw Patrol?” Both seemed to be hoping the other could answer X Soulja’s questions. Hopefully to put an end to X Soulja’s the necessity need for some narcissistic acknowledgment. Rolling his eyes, the man began to sing…

Paw Patrol, Paw Patrol, I plowed your mom on your sheets of Paw Patrol

Paw Patrol, Paw Patrol and when she calls again, I’ll be there on the double.”

Cephus shook his head as Jasper’s face fell in disgust. “It sounds very misogynistic.”

“Mysogo-what?” Jasper’s disgusted look did not seem to go unnoticed. “Well, it’s very disrespectful to woman Mr. Soulja…and birthing people especially I might add.” “Birthing…people,” Cephus waved his hand at his brother. “Ignore him…now did you bring the…” Cephus was cut off by a dumbfounded X Soulja. “Wait, wait, wait, I have no idea what the hell birthing people. However, that is not my concern. My concern is that you both have been living in an underground cave to not know or have heard of me. How about my most famous song?”

“Smoking on that kush and I’ve been getting REAL high

I’ve been smoking and toking but never provoking

I got these bitches super soakin’

She’s soakin’ the dick…straight soaking the dick.

She’s straight…”

And just like someone had snapped their fingers or flicked a light switch. The rest of the members of his entourage started rapping along. They repeated in unison and repetitively…

“Soakin’, soakin’, soakin’…soakin’, soakin’, soakin’

Straight dick soakin’, soakin’, soakin’…soakin’, soakin’, soakin’

Sitting on my dick she soakin’…Sitting on my face she soakin’

Leaking like a faucet she soakin’…she’s just soakin’, soakin’, soakin’

Cephus held up his hand in the hopes of silencing the personal and impromptu musical concert being performed in front of them. “Okay…” X Soulja replied with a smug smile, “That song is called Soakin’ and it charted number one on the Top Hip-Hop Independent Chart for four weeks.”

“NO…” bellowed Cephus in an exasperated annoyance. “We don’t know you! Now did you bring the God damn money?” Seemingly accepting defeat that somebody in the world had never heard of him. X Soulja raised his hand and snapped his fingers with a loud CLICK! One of the men behind X Soulja handed him a small black duffle bag. “So can I ask Mr. Soulja what it is you exactly want with a brown bear cub?” Handing the black bag to Cephus, he turned to Jasper and replied. “Every boss needs something, right? Pablo had his hippos. Scarface had his tiger. I got a grizzly bear.”

A clap on Jasper’s shoulder and faint whisper of, “Everything seems good.” Cephus gripped the handles of the duffle back and placed it in the back of the Razor. He proceeded to the cage preparing to make the exchange. He stopped mid-stride when X Soulja gave a booming, “STOP!”

Cephus paused seeing one of the men possibly the bodyguard leaning forward whispering into X

Soulja’s ear. Despite the man’s disheveled and urban apparel, he appeared to handle himself. “My boy here is telling me you said cub. And I see a bear cub right there in the cage. Is that for me?” Cephus turned to his brother with a bewildered look on his face. Jasper looked just as puzzled, “I am confused X Soulja. You told Axel you wanted a brown bear cub, correct?” “No, I said a brown bear! You see Martin! You see this is that dumb shit I keep telling you about! Axel and those God damn Satan Outlawz were the ones that botched those security jobs for those shows out west.” Anger now flared in X Soulja’s face as he took a step forward. The jovial manner that he once displayed was now gone.

Upper lip curled into a snarl of angry disappointment.

Sensing the rising tension again Jasper replied simply. “Yes, you have a bear. You raise the bear…from…from a cub.” Unable to accept the answer, X Soulja moved towards the brown bear cub who was now beginning to panic again. X Soulja stopped in front of it examining it with a run of his hand over the wires. He turned to Cephus and Jasper with murder in his eyes. Straightening his white jacket with a gaze towards his entourage.

“Is this some sort of joke?” His question had caught Cephus and Jasper off guard. He gazed between them with a dumbfounded look that immediately began raising Cephus’s frustration. “You want an actual brown bear…a horribilis?” “Yeah…what…yes, I guess! Whatever man, but you brought me a bear cub. I don’t want a bear cub! I need a big ol’ grizzly bear chained up in my backyard and you bring me a cub! AND an injured one on top of that!” Cephus’s body began to stiffen as Jasper gave a chortled, “T-Then you want to die!” Cephus and Jasper began to laugh sounding like an engine about to take off. The laughing began to build as they caught eyes beginning to laugh louder. X Soulja’s anger grew as the laughter continued to mount. Soon, they began to laugh holding their sides as if their stomach would explode.

“SHUT UP!” X Soulja’s scream made his bodyguard take a step forward. His Andy Warhol outfit parted as Jasper could see a pistol protruding from the man’s waistline. The laughter began to die as Cephus never responded positively to threats. “Well, we could just kill you right now and save you the hassle.” “What the HELL am I supposed to do with a God damn bear cub? I’m shooting two music videos back-to-back on Wednesday. I have BT BOOKIE and Shawty Got Te coming in! Yeah, that’s right THE Shawty Got Te and to top it all off the God damn thing is limping the fuck around! I need my big Ol’ Grizzly bear in flexing my Pablo Escobar feel!”

“It was injured when we captured it Mr. Soulja. Now putting aside your death wish. You know capturing a wild brown bear…NOR its cub is not like going out to your local pet store and…”

“Nobody is asking about a God damn pet store!” “Ok, Mr. Soulja, but Axel should have explained to

you that…” “I TOLD AXEL I WANTED A GRIZZLY BEAR! A God damn Grizzly Bear…b-e-a-r or did they not teach you that in your rube inbred school? Or were you out getting brain from your sister that day?” Cephus stepped forward with two strides and was stopped dead in his tracks from a loud WHAM! The back of Jasper’s hand collided with his brother’s chest. “Calm yourself Cephus…”

“B-but he…” “Be calm Cephus I can handle this.” Jasper’s verbal exchange with his brother did not seem to register in X Soulja’s seething face. Jasper’s hand rose as if trying to make one last attempt at bringing a sense of calm to the rising tension. “X Soulja, what would make you think? Why would you THINK that a mature grizzly bear would cost only $15,000 dollars?”

“Oh JEEZ, I don’t know Jasper maybe because that is what I was told.” X Soulja’s voice changed into a shrill mocking, “Axel, I would like one brown bear please. That will be $15,000 dollars X Soulja.” “Ok, well how about if I just kill you now for half that amount?” Cephus’s threat seemed to entice X Soulja. His mocking tone and attention to his entourage stopped. “You know what? I am growing tired of this. Do you know how much you both mean to me? Do you know how much this bear cub means to me? How much this time means to me?” Cephus and Jasper watched as X Soulja removed his pistol taking aim at the injured bear cub. He squeezed the trigger with little concern as the gunshot gave a near deafening, BAM!

Jasper recoiled slightly but Cephus had barely flinched. His eyes locked onto X Soulja, “Are you fucking insane?” His hand reached for his waistband and removed his hatchet. Jasper regained his composure and unsheathed his machete as X Soulja’s security gave a, “tsk, tsk, tsk.” With his pistol raised, the bodyguard spoke his first words to him. “You are one stupid motherfucker to bring a knife to a gun fight.” X Soulja and Cephus’s eyes locked as if each daring the other to make the first move.

A smirk played across Jasper’s face as he muttered, “What goods a gun when you ain’t got no bullets?”

Jasper’s comment did not seem to register with his brother. “You’re paying for the cub X

Soulja alive or dead. You hear me?” “I asked you for a…” “I don’t care if you asked for a God damn

camel! We delivered what you originally requested. It is not my fault that Axel did not specify to Jasper. Do you know what we had to do?” Cephus began to advance towards him. However, Jasper was unsure if he could beat the distance between him and X Soulja’s bodyguard. “Do you know the Kinfolk codes we had to break? The laws that we had to violate? And you just shoot it like it doesn’t even matter? You’re GOING to pay or die!” “I know you and your brother probably dropped out of school in the third grade. So let me fill you in on your current situation. I have a gun and…”

Cephus took another advancing step with teeth gritted in utter rage. “And we are kin of the Walker Kinfolk. No matter what we’ve done…what codes we’ve broken…once Kin…” X Soulja’s hand flustered over his pistol as Cephus was within reach of him. “ALWAYS Kin…” He said with such menace that spit flew from his face running down his straggly beard. Jasper smirked with a false smugness, “Kin always got kin’s back and the kin bloodline is a long line. The South will rise in the North.” “And what the FUCK is that supposed to mean?”



The door at the back of garage opened with a CRASH! A roar of murderous rage resonating off the crumbling brick walls rattling the remaining doors. The large bear crashed through the door sending a clattering of objects to litter across the concrete floor. Guns prepared to fire as loud CLICKS

filled the air. The sounds of heavy footsteps trembled and shook the hanging rusty chains that jangled above. Every breath seemed frozen in their chests as eyes followed the heavy steps. The lumbering terror was unknown blocked behind stacks of wooden boxes and a set of large milk crates. Eyes followed the small glimpses of thick fur making their way towards the commotion.

As the steps began to approach closer Jasper and Cephus turned to see a massive shadow.

Moving through the darkness and by the sounds of its ragged breathing sounded massive in size.

“What…the…fuck is…” X Soulja went silent when Cephus immediately removed his hand from the sheathed hatchet to up to his lips. “SHHH…” X Soulja’s rage had seemed to subside behind fearful looks of confusion. The shadow of the lumbering figure silhouetted shadows against the wall. Like reflections in lake water, it danced over the town’s scattered junk. A clink from an old wielder’s tank gas could be heard followed by a clatter from a rusty tool hitting the ground.

X Soulja glanced over at his security guard and motioned for him to check out the intruder. The man’s once hardened face seemed to waver. He gave a questioning almost defiant little protest.

However, he succumbed when X Soulja bit his lip in utter rage. He mouthed, “Do what I pay you to do!” He thrusted his pistol at the unknown intruder. Still hesitant, he waved his pistol slightly as if trying to determine whether he wanted to aim high or low. He moved with shuffled steps as he approached around an old pile of kitchen appliances and roofing shingles. He disappeared into the dark behind stacks of wooden crates. The group waited with abated breath until they all dropped their jaws

in terror.

The panicked and now gurgling screams pierced the silence in the air. “OH MY GOD…” X

Soulja’s bodyguard screamed before his words were drowned in the gargling of his own blood. A clatter of his pistol hit the concrete as the unknown beast appeared to be tearing into his flesh. A box clattered to the floor in its ferocity. Leaping out from behind the crates, the bloody half torso of X

Soulja’s guard lay with bulging eyes. Face trembling in horror as blood dripped from the corners of his mouth. It pooled under him as he tried desperately to speak. Desperate to have his last words be heard.

His body gave a jerk as his hands gripped the side of wooden crate. “I-It’s a…” He choked out between expulsions of blood. “A-a bear…” And with those final words he was pulled behind the crate with one final morbid bellow.

Panicked footsteps frantically could be heard running as Jasper and Cephus locked onto the wooden crates. The tearing flesh and hungry snarls of satisfaction froze them in their place. They barely flinched when X Soulja’s panicked disbelieving, “Where the HELL ya’ll going? Come back here, you coward sons of…Martin, Martin!” X Soulja’s words seemed miles away as Cephus and Jasper waited for the terror to appear around the crates. The shadows did little to hide the terror that emerged from within it. The bear’s face was heavily scared and missing large sections of skin revealing several sections of bloody jawbone. Its milky eye seemed to swim in its socket as the other fixed on Cephus and Jasper. White powder seemed to clump and streak across the bear’s blood-soaked fur. The heavy scars were lined with blood and embedded with white powder. It snorted loudly losing large chunks of flesh to plop onto the floor.

“Cephus, the bear…I think the bear is on Meth!” “How do you know that is Meth?” “It’s a bear…a bear high on Meth…OUR Meth! It’s like some sort of…I-I-I don’t know Meth Bear!” The bear revealed itself from the darkness and roared recognizing new victims before it. “METH BEAR

JASPER ITS MORE LIKE A DEATH BEAR!” They both withdrew their weapon as the bear raised

onto its hind legs. It towered over them as X Soulja retreated towards his Humvee in a scrambled panic. The bear’s head swiveled towards him, but immediately returned to Cephus and Jasper. The thick coat around its stomach had been penetrated by a deep wound no bigger than several inches. Its stomach contents appeared to be on the brink of tumbling out between breaks in the fur.

The bear prepared to strike as Cephus and Jasper both began to retreat. They moved and crashed into both the floodlights. They fell onto the ground one went out with an almost soft POP!

The other clattered to the floor and brightly displayed the now motionless cage. The bear raised its paw preparing to strike when it froze mid-swing. Cephus prepared to strike with his hatchet clutched in his hand. Its good eye snapped towards the cage postponing its attack. Its nose flicked in frantic curiosity entranced by a new scent. The bear returned onto all fours and steered towards the cage.

It made it to the cage in only a couple strides Jasper began to pull Cephus backwards. “Come on,” he whispered continuing to tug on his brother’s thick forearm. Jasper saw X Soulja in the driver’s seat desperately searching for the keys. They moved softly towards the black Humvee. The bear continued to examine the cage sniffing every open space. Nose butting against the motionless lump of fur. Suddenly the bear tilted its head back letting out a mournful little wail. “Cephus, I think that’s the mother bear!” Cephus was making his way around the side of the Humvee. X Soulja had proceeded to start hitting the stirring wheel in his anger.

“What,” replied Cephus in a whisper. “The bear cub I think that’s the mother we stole it from the morning.” Jasper had ensnared his brother’s attention. He halted in his place with his hand on the passenger side door. He gazed back at the mother and then back at Jasper. “Impossible, we killed it in the cave in. If it did survive it would be trapped under all that rock.” “What if it climbed out? You know dug its way out?” “Out of solid rock you idiot?” Cephus finished his sentence in an almost trembling whisper as the bear’s figure turned with an eerie little contortion of its body. Its head tilted as if locking on eyes onto them both. “Cephus, I think she recognizes us?” “She doesn’t recognize us

she’s just a stupid bear. Now just walk back here and get into the truck.” However, her one good eye fixed upon Jasper sending a cold fear to wash over him. “S-she knows that we killed her cub.” “But we didn’t kill it, X Soulja did!”

The bear turned its massive frame towards them. X Soulja’s panicked shaking of utter frustration at his Humvee had stopped immediately. The bear’s body tensed as it roared in a rage that shook the very building. Debris fell from the roof and clattered onto the ground. Spit flew like rain caught in a fierce wind followed by thick mucus. Jasper felt his hat blow from the top of his head clattering over the hood of the vehicle behind him. “I don’t think she cares Cephus.” The bear lowered herself back onto all fours and charged with an almost unstoppable force behind her. Cephus opened the door with a scramble and panickily called to his brother. “Jasper…JASPER!” Jasper turned and quickly made his way into the truck just as the bear reached the passenger door. Her heavy frame slammed against the door rocking the truck on its wheels.

The enraged beast slammed against the door repeatedly with thunderous crashes, BANGBANGBANG! Trapped like sardines as they watched the bear’s large jagged wounds and wet body leave a fresh coat of blood across the window and door. SMACK... The bear’s head began smacking against the glass with bone chilling cracks. The window’s glass began to streak with breaks running across the entire pane. The spiderweb of cracks grew as the bear repeatedly smashed the front of her face into it CRACKCRACKCRACK…CRACK! Glass began to flurry inside the truck as Cephus began to push Jasper towards the back in terror. “Go to the back…go to the back…we’ll escape out the back!” Jasper had never heard his brother’s voice sound so frightened.

Jasper scrambled into the rear pausing for a moment to see two large glass mason jars. He was followed by X Soulja trembling through the pandemonium. However, Cephus seemed frozen in place as he watched the bear’s snout push desperately trying to bore its way through the glass. The center of the glass spiderweb disintegrated to sand. It sprinkled over the door handle, seat, and onto the floor.

The bear’s nose peaked through jaws snapping wildly in aggravation at the glass barrier. The bear pushed more as the broken glass shredded the bear’s remaining nose. Blood began to fall in large droplets inward of the windows. The further the bear pushed the deeper its face pressed through the breaking glass. It was only a matter of time before the glass gave way under the brute force of the rampaging mother. Completely oblivious to the pain it was inflicting onto itself, the creature was hellbent on getting through any obstacle. Blood began to flow more heavily as the bear’s snout pierced entirely through the glass. Its mouth desperate to open as the broken glass around it broke apart.

Cephus heard his brother calling to him from the back, “Cephus come on…Cephus!” This seemed to reawaken him from his temporary paralysis. X Soulja yelled, “It’s not stopping! It’s not stopping!” Cephus followed them towards the back as the bear’s claws tore into the glass. “Here…”

Cephus handed one of the mason jars to him. “What…the hell…” X Soulja yelled in confusion.

“Take this and will use it to kill the beast. Uncle Beau’s Moonshine does the trick every time.” As the glass gave way to the bear’s head now halfway through. Broken glass embedded deeply into the bear’s face cutting into the disfigured facial structure.

Running with fresh blood the window gave a loud POP upon shattering. The bear’s paws began to frantically claw over the seats. The broken glass crumpled under the bear’s scrambled jostling. The glass cut deep into the bear’s paws and arms. X Soulja let out a high girlish scream as the bear’s thick arm swiped at the slightest of movements. It roared in aggravated outrage and frustration.

Its figure would not allow it to climb through the window. X Soulja opened the side door and toppled onto the concrete clenching the mason jar. The bear bellowed in rage as metal began to creak in loud screeches. The bear tried one final time attempting to pry the door off the frame. The truck rocked on its wheels wobbling in place. Cephus and Jasper tried to scramble out the back. “How the fuck do you…” Jasper was trying to find something to open the back door. His frantic mutter of “Where is it”

was met with equal confusion by Cephus. “Where’s the God damn…” CRASH… The bear had

evidently given up its fruitless attempts at trying to get through the passenger side window. Its patience appeared gone as it smashed its head directly into the rear window. The impact on the window immediately brought the glass to the breaking point. The bear ripped into it with jaws snapping furiously. Tearing into the glass completely unaware or ignoring the broken pieces shredding her mouth. Cephus and Jasper scrambled over the seats as they made their way back towards the front.

Blood spread over the back window under the bear’s ferocity. The bear shredded the entire length of its face revealing more skull than before. Its claws reached in and peeled the glass back like opening a popcorn bag. The window shattered as the bear’s arm reached in to grab the only ‘popcorn kernels’ in the bag. Cephus and Jasper scrambled as the bear realized they were escaping. The bear frantically tossed its body side to side desperate to wriggle its way through the back window. The truck jostled violently tossing Jasper outside the middle door. X Soulja had apparently disappeared leaving him to crash into several large canisters of Nitrogen. Three of them toppled over clattering over the worn concrete BANG, BANG, BANG!

Jasper rubbed his head trying to stop the world from wobbling. He heard feet lightly hit the ground and noticed the motionless truck. Claws clicked over the concrete as a bellow came from somewhere in the distance. Jasper’s eyes refocused towards the rear of the truck. The large beast came around the corner snorting as if in disbelief that he was laying there. Jasper scrambled to his back with frightened pleading for his brother. “Cephus…Cephus,” he cried with a trembling hand trying desperately to unsheathe the small machete in his belt.

The bear began to approach as Jasper let out more frantic cries, “Cephus I-I-I can’t…”

DRIPDRIPDRIP… The sound of trickling blood trailed under it. Jasper’s hand clicked the button to the holster, but the blade seemed unable to be removed. Flaps of skin dangled from the few remaining sections of its face. Its milky eye sunken deep within its socket. Despite the bear’s appearance, it’s only remaining eye focused on Jasper. Snapping its jaws in an almost taunting way

letting blood spatter over the surroundings. Jasper gave one final plea, “Cephus!”

The bear’s figure tightened as it prepared to maul him. Suddenly, Cephus appeared from around the front of the truck. With a quick SLASH and THUD, Jasper saw his brother’s hatchet bury itself in the bear’s shoulder. It howled in pain recoiling several steps backwards. Cephus bent down to help his twin to his feet. Jasper’s feet scrapped against the floor losing his footing in the trail of blood left by the monster.

“Go, go, go,” Cephus ordered getting him to his feet and directing him towards the side door.

They had run around two large Coleman tool cabinets preparing to escape. CRASH… A large pile of aluminum siding had been struck. The bear had smashed into it during its pained rage. The panels scattered over the floor skidding towards the door. The small boards caught under and around the door jamming it. There came a loud and distant clatter as Cephus watched his hatchet disappear into the darkness of the garage.

The bear continued to thrash wildly scattering objects across the entire garage. “How is it still alive?” Jasper’s question was unanswered as Cephus pulled his brother behind two metal tool cabinets.

“It can’t still be alive! It just can’t be! It’s got to be some genetic mutation caused from global climate change.” Cephus placed his hand over his mouth and with an angry whisper, “Or it just SO high on Meth at the moment…” However, he would not be able to finish his sentence. The animal seemed to have regained its composure.

The ruckus that had once echoed throughout the room had grown deathly silent. Penetrated by the scattering of dead leaves from the wind outside. The bear’s struggled breathing could be heard followed by a soft THUMPTHUMP! An evident limp could be heard as the bear began to investigate throughout the garage. Its noise lightly sniffed the air searching for them. “We need to get to the second-floor loft. There’s a window we can chop our way out of with your machete. We can

climb out of that onto the roof and find a way down to escape.” Cephus and Jasper stayed low as they made their way behind wooden crates. The bear could be heard with her lumbering limp as it approached the metal tool cabinets. “Cephus…look…” Jasper motioned his head towards a large wooden table a couple feet from the overhanging ladder to the second-floor loft. Underneath it, trying desperately to stay concealed behind a clear overhanging rain trap was X Soulja.

Cephus pushed Jasper towards the ladder with a whispered, “Go, go, go!” Jasper reached the ladder with a little huff and began climbing up towards the second loft. Cephus turned seeing X Soulja still clutching the large mason jar of Uncle Beau’s Moonshine to his chest. Despite their early altercation, Cephus waved at him motioning for him to follow them. X Soulja seemed hesitant to attempt to make his escape. Cephus began to climb the ladder as the bear made its way towards them.

X Soulja, realizing that it was now or never scrambled out from under his table. The plastic tarp crackled behind him giving away his position. The reflection in the bear’s eye seemed to give it a twinkle under the moonlight. Scrambling across the floor, his designer shoes gaining no traction over the dead leaves and grass.

X Soulja reached the ladder in a jostling unsteady wobble. The bear smashed through any object in its rage. Wishing to inflict its vengeance on any living thing, sending random objects flying in all directions. Everything was nothing more than trinkets blocking its path of venging destruction.

CHOP, CHOP, CHOP, Jasper had unsheathed his machete and immediately got to work on opening the window.

X Soulja reached the top of the second landing with a loud huff. The bear snarling and roaring in utter disappointment directly underneath us. Relief spread across the man’s once arrogant face. His face turned into a smile as he began to laugh, “we di-…” His sentence stopped when the bear lunged over the edge. A massive claw swung with a loud SWISH shredding the very air. Claw sunk into X

Soulja’s back with a sickening THUD! The once relieved smile that so frequently sparked across his

face extinguished.

Blood began to ooze between his lips as he trembled, still clenching the moonshine. Eyes still locked onto the twins he gave one final blood curdling tremble. Cephus could hear something breaking in the background. A gust of cold rain hit the back of him. X Soulja’s free hand reached out grabbing Cephus’s forearm. His eyes locked onto his as he trembled with fright. His pleads for help were drowned by the thick blood running down his chin. “Here’s your big ol’ grizzly bear!” Cephus exclaimed kicking him square in the chest. CRASH… The bottle of moonshine exploded into shards as the bear pulled X Soulja down onto the floor.

The darkness immediately ignited with flames. Unsure of the spark that was now causing the fire to become a growing inferno. The flames licked the rotted wood spreading across the floor. There came an engulfing burst of embers that rushed up towards the ceiling. Cephus felt his body being pulled backwards from the flames by his brother. Jasper kicked out the remaining parts of the window with a CRASH! They both shuffled out into the torrent of rain and onto the rusting roof. They moved away from the window leaping onto the top of a rusted tow truck before jumping to the ground. The flames shot out of the rolling bay doors and 2nd floor windows.

An old welder gas tank could be heard fizzing in the background. There came a loud HISSSS

before finally blowing with a world shattering BOOM! One of the rolling bay doors blew off its steel tracks clattering over the ground. Dirt sprayed across everything as Cephus and Jasper quickly ducked for cover. Flames licked the inside of Silas and Mooch’s dilapidated maintenance garage. As Cephus and Jasper rose from the dirt Jasper began to chuckle in relief. “Good thing old man Silas ain’t still alive to see what happened to his shop.” The explosion appeared to have rattled him to his core.

Shaking off the grogginess and slight imbalance in equilibrium he chuckled back as Jasper added. “We need to find a new source of income.”

Cephus began to chuckle harder as the relief had finally seemed to have dawn on him. “We’re safe Cephus! We’re really…truly…” ARRRRRRR… Jasper’s words had not finished when the creature roared emerging from the blaze behind them. Resurrected from the flames followed by the smell of burnt flesh and scorched fur. The bear’s claw had already slashed through the air with an eerie SWISH and across Cephus’s chest. Jasper launched himself forward and sunk machete right under the beast’s armpit with a THUNK! The beast howled as Jasper quickly grabbed Cephus and began dragging him down the path that led to Rock Ridge Falls.

The rock bridge known as Rock Ridge Falls was a natural rock formation that created a small waterfall. The rock formation trembled slightly as they were desperate to make it across to the other side. The waves continued to crash along the sides rising to the very top. Water splashed over them as Jasper struggled to hold his brother. Rocks and pieces of the wall crumbled beneath against the beating waves. The bear struggled to breathe as it limped towards them. Barely mobile, the bear’s broken body was slapped continuously from the rough waves. It moved with a determination that even Death could not rob it of. Burnt flesh dangled from its face as its tongue drooped from the visible jawbone.

The rock bridge gave a shudder that made Jasper pause in place. The rain continued to fall in sheets as the bear approached mere feet from him. The bridge gave one final shudder and then a CRACK like a gunshot. The bear had paused with cautious alertness. Its head raised high in the air as it examined its surroundings. Unsteady on its feet as the bridge gave another more violent shudder.

The ground began to crack revealing deep crevices. The water causing unseen internal damage to the foundation’s structural integrity. The bear and the Walker brothers watched helplessly as the water crashed one final time against the rock bridge. A section of the wall had blown away with a loud CRACK similar to lightning striking the sky. Both the bear and Walker twins watched as more of the section of wall washed away in the stormy waters. A large portion of the rock wall was missing creating a raging river between the sections. Rocks continued to crumble away creating deep rapids.

The bear examined the large missing section dividing hunter from prey.

Jasper felt himself smirk realizing that this was their chance to get away. Repositioning his hand under his brother’s arm, “Come on!” He groaned under his brother’s weight, “You know I’m not trying to body shame you…or am…fat phobic or anything.” Jasper groaned again trying to drag his brother further away across the bridge. His feet scrapped against the rocks and gravel. “If you, if you, had just lost a little weight you wouldn’t be so fucking heavy to carry!”

CRACK… Another section of the wall had broken away. Chunks of rocks exploded across the other side cutting off their escape and trapping them. “Oh, what in the hell could go wrong now,”

complained Jasper as he felt his brother weighing him down. His strength starting to weaken as the rain gave one final drizzle before stopping. The torrents of rain had stopped and the wind died to a crawl. The weather had changed with all the simplicity of flicking a light switch. The bear, sensing the twin’s helplessness turned towards them. Its remaining eye filling with blood and leaking out the corner noticed their dire dilemma.

Cephus and Jasper saw the determination in the bear’s examination of the water’s edge. The once raging water calmed as it flew freely through the new addition in Rock Ridge Falls. The steady water ran as the bear prepared to jump in. Its weak body raised up to lock eyes on them both. They knew that it would only take the bear mere moments to reach their small island between the rock bridge. They both took a deep breath preparing to make their last stand. Cephus steadied himself on his feet clenching at the wounds gashed across his chest. His breathing had grown shallow as his fingers ran into the deep slashes within his clothes.

The weak bear gave a small final roar before leaping into the calm water. They waited with abated breath as the calm water drifted by almost lazily. The seconds passed into minutes without any bubble of air or ripple of water. The water the bear had tried to swim across remained constant like a

steady river that had always been. The minutes continued uninterrupted and near silent. “D-did it drown,” asked Jasper as Cephus winched from the pain.

They continued to look on waiting for the bear to erupt from the water. Patiently waiting to enact its final revenge from its watery depths. However, the water remained steady and soon relief began to come over them. “It-it must have drowned…drowned after all that?” Cephus gave a weak smile with a sigh of relief and repeated through growing pain. “Drowned after all that…so, what now Jasper? I think you need to take me to a hospital. I think I’m a little bigger than what Pa can handle.”

Jasper removed his multi-colored pins from the front of his overalls and threw them in the flowing water. “What are you doing?” The pins drifted away with the soft ripples of waters. “I think I’m ready for a change. I’m not going to do that stuff anymore. I think I’m always going to go out on a Ray Liotta.” Cephus watched his brother’s cherished pins disappear down the river. “Keep it gangster until the very end you know?” Unable to contain or control his pained laughing and soon Jasper joined him. There was nothing like facing the brink of death to bring you closer to loving life.

Reaching into his overalls, Cephus withdrew a palm sized potato and rubbed it on his sleeve.

“Is that going to be the new thing?” Jasper smirked, “He was ALWAYS gangster! Everybody knows that!” He turned to see Cephus bite into the potato with a loud CRUNCH! Shaking his head, “You know there is something that I have always wanted to ask you. Where do you keep those things?”

Thankful to be alive Cephus raised his hand in the air and through struggled laughing he bellowed,





The silence that was accustomed to the Salmon-Challis National Forest had returned to the untamed wilderness. The large manmade explosion now seemed like a distant memory to the forest. A memory forgotten within the vast devastation and vegetation. The rockslide that forever altered the side of a rocky mountain hillside now nothing more than an addition to the natural landscape. The trails of blood and bits of flesh left by the bear washed away under the torrential rainfall. The gray clouds passed overhead as the green branches of the pines and fir trees waved goodbye. A parting to the memory of the storm that had ravaged so much of the landscape.

A snort followed by a CRACK from the bushes penetrated the silence of the forest like a gunshot. Rain droplets continued to patter down to the ground as a lumbering body emerged from the depths. A monstrous figure that the forest spit out from the depths of its nightmare. The massive male brown bear lumbered forward towards the rock face. His jaw-popping with every step that made the dirt under its paws tremble. It stopped mid-stride as its eyes investigated the surrounding area. It turned its head wildly as a confused growl escaped it. Turning in the spot, the large bear examined the area moving to a nearby tree beginning to smell it. The bear snorted as its nose picked up its own scent marking the tree.

Removing itself from the tree it continued to gaze around almost in a state of utter confusion. It lumbered towards the rock face and began to examine the small boulders. Its nose sniffing frantically over the crevices desperate to discover answers. The bear continued its ascension over the mismatched rocks and boulders. Each step seemed to deepen its growl and when it reached the spot where the cave entrance should be it froze. The bear sniffed one final time the scent of its mate and cub hit its nostril like a bee sting. It recoiled its head and snorted turning to see the hole that its mate had climbed out of.

The small remnants of blood, chunks of skin, and pieces of fur traced along the rocks. Some pieces were unable to be washed away from the surface by the rain.

Realization must have dawned on the mountain sized beast. It scanned one final time over the rocks blocking the entrance to a cave that once housed its family. Its body tensed as the rage built within it from the utter loss of its mate and cub. It reared its head back and roared with a rage that rattled the hills and trees. Its blood coursed through its body as it stomped on the rock pile. Despite the blockage, the rocks trembled in place threatening to cave into the entrance further. Birds scattered from every tree nearby. The bear whirled in place sending thick drool to hurl through the air. It landed on nearby trees as if marking its territory. Its eyes focused on a downslope containing a new scent. A foreign scent that had caught its attention. Something not from the forest, it was the scent of man. The alpha bear gave a final giant roar before bounding towards the lone city of Clint.


The Tapestry

Sinfonia Di Pet’iness

[Section #9]

[Diss M.L]


Robby Richardson


The large red velvet curtains that conceal the final segment of this tapestry unveils before you.

The stage lights illuminating a single man approaching a lone standing microphone. Dressed in a suit seemingly cut from the finest of material approaches. The mature man with graying hair walked with a smug superiority. Head tilted up slightly at the audience, he straightened his suit before even looking up. Holding his hand to his lapel, he glanced at the crowd with an expression of utter inferiority to every ear listening or every eye watching.

Clearing his throat, the mystery man straightened himself to his full height before beginning.

His voice was smooth as the velvety curtains draped behind him. The superior tone ensnared every ear listening to him. “Ladies…gentlemen…boys and girls…” He began glancing over the room as if taking in the crowd before him. “Tonight, you are in for a symphonic feast not exclusive for your eyes, but ears as well. The tale you are about to hear is that of great sadness but has brought so much…joy.

A therapeutic cleansing of the soul from the stains of the world’s underbelly. How gruesome the climb to the top…but some NEVER forgot. Never forgot the blood in our mouth or the grit in our nails. Fear and humility for what has been achieved a Tapestry…a very portrait of bitches, liars, and snakes woven from the very weavers of the day. So, my friends…I’d like to formally welcome and introduce you to the finality segment in the Tapestry series…” The man reached up and kissed his hand as if he had prepared a meal fit for a king. He then moved his hand as if the words were too fine for mere words,

“The Sinfonia Di Pet’iness.” The lights immediately went out swallowed the man in pitch darkness.


I can’t stop the hate from falling

I’m drowning in this fury I bore from you

I’m choking on this rage that boils only for you

Since you started this and we’ve gone down this path this wrath has passed us And it has turned into a madness

I can’t stop hating you…I can’t stop loathing you

I can’t stop the Karma that’s coming for you

God, how am I supposed to feel

You say turn the other cheek but how can I turn when a wound is so scorned I need better men at the helm, a better driver on my reigns

Despite the condemns and complaints the hatred is all that remains No matter the F.A.C.E. that’s displayed on your face

Is the same kind of quality that you make up with your makeup that’s obviously fake My life has moved forward since I left you behind

I got my brighter days while you’re still striving for failing grades You lie and cheat with a life of defeat and deceit

Now what you sow is what you reap

(ACT #1)

The light from her small vanity mirror was not enough illumination to highlight the flair in her lashes. “So, you see guys…” She continued to stare wide eyed into the mirror. The bright light encircling her recording cellphone highlighted the new mascara that Melissa was demonstrating. “The better the flick, the more flair in the lash.” Her large chubby face stretched wide as she gave her lashes one final flick. Her face returned to normal as she examined her lashes for perfection. Melissa’s large finger gripped the end of her mascara container as she lowered the brush towards it. Her blue eyes seemed to bulge up at her own stretched out reflection. The blinking red light of her recording web camera flashed from the corner of the eye. “Now a steady hand can make all the diff…”

“MELISSA…” Her finger slipped as the mascara brush jostled and poked her in the eye.

“AH,” she yelped in a slight jolt of pain. Tears immediately began to fill her eyes. Her large body withdrew back in a sudden jolt of surprise. Her life partner Lara had called from the living room.

Melissa’s linebacker figure immediately wobbled as tears flooded her injured eye. The small cosmetic stool that she had been using wobbled under her weight. CRACK… giant legs wobbled in the air for several seconds before Melissa could roll herself over. Slightly gasping for air, she tried rebalancing herself as a familiar voice repeated her same angry call. “MELISSA…” repeated the booming voice from her life partner Lara. Melissa groaned slightly making her way out the door. Thundering down the stairs she took them with strained gasps of air.

“What Lara…I told you that I was recording content for my channel. I asked to not be disturbed.” Lara’s brown wavy hair stuck up in the back from slouching in the blue love seat. Her eyes bulging as her finger traced over her E-Reader. Melissa’s attitude quickly deflated at the hardened face of her life partner. The twinkling eyes that she normally displayed for her were now shooting daggers. Subconsciously, Melissa gulped confused about the reason for her building anger. “Who is Robby Richadson?”

Her question had caught Melissa off guard. She stood shuffling on her bare feet feeling the carpet underneath them. “Why,” she asked as Lara repeated the question now crossing her arms.

“Who is Robby Richardson?” “You know Robby Lara. He used to work for me at Bulldog Security.

He was an operator who transferred to installation and service.” Melissa felt the tension in her body relax under the suspicion of a hopeful optimistic outcome. Her face slackened slightly, “oh…does he write?” Melissa’s eyes squinted trying to recall information from deep within her memory.

“I…think…so. I think I do remember him telling me that he writes. Wait…yes, he does he told me that he publishes books. The last I ever asked of it he was writing a fan fiction sequel for like Leprechaun or something. Why…”

“Do you know if he has published anything recently?” “Lara I never cared about him when I was supposed to care about him.” “What is this book he has recently released called…Chaucer’s Revenge?” “He released a new book?” Lara’s face immediately began to harden again, “don’t change the subject have you READ his book…actually read it?” Melissa scoffed in a disrespectful, “no, why would I? If I read anything he wrote it would mean that I CARE about what he thinks, writes, or has to say.” Lara paused for a moment trying to examine her response. The seconds ticked past in what felt like long increments. Melissa broke the silence “Where is all this coming from? Why are you asking me about some new book that an old co-worker of mine wrote?”

“You’re in it…” Her words did not seem to register in her head. Melissa stood stupidly gazing at her life partner leaning forward in their blue love seat. Seconds passed even longer than before,

“What do you mean…I’m in it?” Melissa moved around the glass table and sat on the couch near her.

“I’m confused? What do you mean I’m in it? How can I be…” “Have you been sleeping with your ex?” Melissa’s mouth gapped open as Lara began tapping her engagement ring on the E-Reader.

“Where did you hear that? Did…did Robby write that?” “Is it true?” “That mother…” “Is it true Melissa?” SLAM… Lara slammed her E-Reader down on the glass coffee table. “Is what Robby wrote

about you true? Are you sleeping with your ex? Are you secretly meeting him at Bulldog when you say you’re just going to work?” “No Lara of course not!” Lara’s eyes narrowed in skepticism. The wrinkles on her face grew more visible, “No Lara whatever Robby said is not true! When I go to work, I go to work! I don’t know where this is coming from?”

Lara rose from her feet as Melissa had to recoil slightly on the couch. “You don’t tell me you’re going to work and then secretly sneak off to fuck your ex-husband? Are you doing that with both of them?” “NO, give me that E-Reader! I want to know what else is he saying?” “It doesn’t matter Melissa! I need to know the truth!” Lara’s small hand covered the E-Reader thwarting Melissa’s attempt to snatch it. “I told you the truth! Lara…babe…listen did you ever think of HOW


HAVE SECURITY CAMERAS!” Lara’s raised voice recoiled Melissa again but didn’t halt her defiance. “That’s what he says Melissa, well writes, rhymes, states, whatever! The point is HE is saying that you’re telling me you have to work overnight on 3rd shift, but really you are meeting your ex-husband in the parking lot and sneaking off to…” “Lara if I still had access to those cameras then I would show you the videotape! Unfortunately, I can’t so you just have to trust me. I haven’t cheated and don’t cheat. You are the only one for me. That is why I want to marry you. Why would I jeopardize that?”

“You cheated on Muaz WITH me!” Rolling her eyes “you know that I never REALLY loved Muaz. It was just so he could get his Green Card. You know that! I told you that!” Lara’s eyes widened as she stared at her with a sudden realization coming to her. “So that’s why you stayed so long with Muaz. It wasn’t JUST because of the time limit for the Geen Card or citizenship.” “No, Lara. You need to stop this…” Lara’s finger thrusted at Melissa, “So, what about when your first ex-husband was sleeping on our couch?” “He didn’t sleep on our couch. I mean, he has come over but stayed on…” “You know I always wondered why you kept in contact with him. Why you were so

adamant about letting him stay here. After all, weren’t you the one that told me how abusive he was?

And then one day you just kicked him out because he supposedly broke Luigi’s leg, right?” “He did break Luigi’s leg…” “Oh, now…NOW you remember! This is what Robby has been writing about throughout the book. You’re a pathological and narcissistic liar!”

“Enough LARA…that is enough!” Melissa had finally seemed to have reached her breaking point. She towered over Lara like a grizzly bear to a puma. They both seemed to be shooting daggers.

“I’ll keep telling you I don’t know why he is doing this! Why that little SHIT is saying this stuff, but I’m going to beat the shit out of him the next time I see him.” Lara scoffs as Melissa gave her a menacing look. Her eyes intensely trying to wither Lara down. “He talks about that too. How you can’t even stay in a SECURITY station overnight without panicking. You’re always calling for me or calling for your best friend Jaime to keep you company. So, you’re not going to do anything. Now tell me what else I need to know?” “How about my cousin when she came over?”

Lara’s rage seemed to quell temporarily as she asked, “What about my ex-husband? Did you sleep with him?” “NO,” Melissa shouted under Lara’s penetrating stare. “What about when my cousin came over to spend the night?” Melissa waved her hand, “I’m done with this! I’m not doing this!”

Melissa prepared to turn when Lara reached over and picked up her E-Reader. She turned it in on with the flick of her finger and thrusted it at her. “Well, what about this poem, Sinfonia Di Pet’iness? It starts off right here with Straight to Business…”

[Aria #1]

Straight to business…straight to facts…straight to the brass tacks Straight to that and this like this was our last chance…the last waltz…the last dance And POOF just like that picture that, imagine that

How long a tale that can be woven in the disparages that can be spoken

I feel like my life has been consumed by the hatred I have for you I’ll write you one more poem…one more line…one more rhyme until you get this This is my Magnum Opus…a symphony made just for you

So, let’s get straight to business

With the Sinfonia Di Pet’iness

I know some people say it’s been days, weeks, months and years since we’ve spoken I should just leave what is broken, broken

I’ve devoted so much time and so much to this…other projects halted, ventures left unventured So once and for all let’s get straight to business

Some call it tactless but it’s my Sinfonia Di Pet’iness

You cheated on your husband with Lara and then cheated on Lara with HER husband You cheated on Lara back and forth with your exe’s…sneaking into his car in back of So#%@! exits Your mother cheated on your father and your father cheated on your mother This is how you explained your behavior and treatment of one another You cheated your content creator out of money

You cheated any customer out of money for your shitty makeup dummy Your work quality deserves a pay cut…the quality and quantity of the makeup is made up

You over charged or changed the charge to squeeze every penny to feed your ambition and greed You even increased the amount AFTER the amount was already given…already determined I’m the Jack of all the sparrows determined to let your opportunities narrow Bent on the intent to clip your wings and flip your bed flip your whole world like at world’s end Oh God please forgive me my weakness

For shots shrouded in cheapness highlighting the difference between us You believe in giving drugs to children, you believe in telling lies that stack in the millions Your disorders range from downright abusive to multiple levels of compulsive Lying, buying, truths you are denying, to downright spying

And if only the world knew about all the bullshit you spew

You drive while high with Lara’s kids inside

You lie on your taxes even down to your name

Lie about the money you made and business expenses you claim You use company credit cards on your own personal agenda

You’re a big spenda on the useless and the wasteful

With office attire that’s downright distasteful

An unproductive Jaba slob that’s as worthless as her job

One can not understand cost if one has no value in their worth

Worth best represent with your continued lies and content Content going into debt from all the money that you spent

Lying about the “low down” relationship between you and that boy in O-Town Lying about getting hit on by Dominic Purcell

Or was it Sucre when you burned him like acid from a Duracell You’ve stolen money, stolen product, stolen “hunny”, stolen the very thought that I thought of Violated every code of conduct reaching new heights of misconduct Selfish and inconsiderate with every aspect unconcerned with any or every body you hurt Unforgiveable is your sickness and its time to settle business

(ACT #2)

Lara stood arms crossed across her maroon sweater waiting for Melissa to finish. Melissa’s eyes seemed to enlarge the more that she read the E-Reader. The more her finger scrolled across page after page. “Well, this is all simply not true…it’s a downright lie!” Melissa grew more silent the more she continued to read. The large wooden clock on the wall even seemed to stop as nothing seemed to pass. Lara stood waiting as if she was a spider on her web. She dared not move in fear of disturbing the fly next to her.

“You can’t just stand there and deny all this Melissa! It literally goes on and on and on, poem after poem!” Melissa was running her sausage sized fingers over her doughy legs. “Well, what else do you want me to say Lara? How can I prove to you that all of this is just made up?” “Why would he make it up Melissa? What would he have to gain at this point for writing all of this?” “I DON’T

KNOW LARA! I just don’t know! I thought I knew him. I thought he was a good guy. If he had a problem with me, he should have just said something to me. He’s just being petty! Guess that shows you and me how wrong we…”

Lara’s crossed her arms as Melissa abruptly stopped. She realized that everything she was saying was not registering with her life partner. “Why are you looking at me like that?” “Because Melissa Robby claims too much and seems to know too much for it NOT to be real.” Melissa groaned in exasperation, feeling like they were going in circles. “I don’t sneak around nor sleep with any of my exes. I didn’t sleep with your ex nor with your cousin Lara.” Disbelief in her face, “then why does Robby claim you told him that she was hitting on you on this very couch. And when he asked if you slept with her, you just smiled and walked away. Why does he say that you were sleeping with my ex while I had gone back to work? Melissa closed the E-Reader and began to plead, “It’s not true and…”

“Liar…you’re a liar and when I look at you now, all I see is a liar. Everything that you have said…everything that you have told me doesn’t or never made sense to me. HE makes sense! After

everything we’ve been through. Haven’t I always supported you…always been by your side? I supported you when you left BULLDOG. My kids and I moved down to Springfield with you when you took that new security supervisor position. I moved them BACK here when you LOST that job!

And then I read about all these accusations from a former co-worker! How am I supposed to take all of this?” Melissa opened her mouth to protest but stopped when Lara raised her hand. “Please, don’t…I can’t even LOOK at you right now! I need to leave. I can’t…I-I can’t be with you or around you anymore. I can’t trust you with anything! I can’t trust you with what you say, do, or with my kids!”

“Lara please…”

[Aria #2]

You’re not just my fire but THE fire…the fuel that burns my desire I beg to hate, to rip, to diss you in all ways for always

Believe me when I say I want to diss you in every way

Please let me humiliate you that way

And we will never see eye to eye or be on the same page nor on the same planet Joy in the revenge I planned it which makes it so much sweeter upon my palate I can hear it when you say, when you cry

Tell me why Robby…TELL me why

Because you know EXACTLY why

Tell me why Robby…why this won’t stop

Tell me why Robby…why does revenge have to be this way

I know what will make you pay and ruin more than just your day I want to diss you that way

Central Station Supervisor…that was your job title…no credit just in title Now let’s do a little grade school math with your dumb ass

40 hours a week is considered full time

You barely did 8 any denial is a flat lie just check the card time I’m sorry timecard I forgot not to switch my hours like my words around My words seemed to get mixed and sometimes are all jumbled

Always humbled by your grumbled mumbled over any work that leaves you disgruntled You sell friends off for the slightest bit of attention

You take advantages of friendships with no good intention

Sell friends down the river, a living Judas that sells her mother for less than 30 pieces of silver You cheated on your first ex and cheated on your second ex with Lara You cheated on Lara with her ex and her cousin…who’s next

It’s greed before dishonor…oh the humanity, oh the very horror Lying about the cancer, lying about the drugs

Lying about your lying when I called you out about your lying You called me a liar and that was the song that harmonized my vengeful choir Who would have thought taking the backstreets would help find my way Now, looking back on the things I have done and the things that I have said I was trying to prove to myself…prove to you

I was just trying to speak my peace…speak the truth

Speak from the heart

Try to show you the range of my hate

The end result is how true revenge carries oh so much weight

(ACT #3)

“Lara…LARA…” Melissa was chasing her life partner as she began dragging her stuff out into the front yard. “I am such a fool. I feel like such a fool!” CRASH… Some of Melissa’s belongings clattered onto the curb. She tried desperately to grab them from her. She watched as the various beauty products scattered everywhere. Desperate to grab them as quickly as possible Lara returned to the house without a backwards glance. Repeating the same lines, “I am such a fool! I can’t believe that I am such an idiot.” Melissa disregarded her futile attempts at gathering her stuff. She chased after Lara who was telling her youngest daughter to grab her siblings and get into the car.

Lara made her way towards the bedroom. “And I believed you! I trusted you! I want you out Melissa…packed and out by the time I get back. I want you to go now!” “Lara please listen to me!”

Lara began taking Melissa’s clothes out of their closet and throwing them on the bed. “Lara…”

Melissa grabbed for the clothes desperate to return them. Lara’s eyes narrowed like a lion preparing to maul a helpless gazelle. “I put my kids’ safety in your hands, and you couldn’t even do that!” “At least, I am trying different things! You’re the one that is always complaining about them.” “But I would NEVER give them nor sell them drugs Melissa! I wouldn’t be screwing my ex on the couch while they are sleeping in the next room.” “That’s a LIE Lara!” “And the thing is you told me that he used to abuse you. He used to beat the crap out of you, right? Those were your EXACT words to me, weren’t they? He beat me so bad that he caused a bad miscarriage, right?”

SLAM… The front door opened with a crash as Lara stormed towards her car. Melissa chasing her, “L-Lara, I never said that…” Lara spun on her heels with wild eyes. “That is EXACTLY what you said! You see he is right! Everything that he said in this poem…book, whatever, is right? You’re nothing but a pathological liar and narcissistic manipulator. I shouldn’t even be able to trust you to tell me what the weather is outside!” Melissa reached out for her life mate. Her hand graced her arm,

“please Lara just listen to me.” “No,” she said throwing her arm off with a look of detest. “That’s the

problem Melissa, I do listen.”

Gazing into her backseat to see her children’s bewildered faces staring at her. She shook her head making her way towards the driver’s seat. She took one final glance at Melissa. “You want to know what really scares me, Melissa?” Melissa watched Lara remove her engagement ring from her finger. She watched her playing with it between her fingers. “Even if he is lying…making it all up as you say. Some of the stuff he says IS true. It’s stuff that I know. Stuff I can easily prove myself. Or it can be proven by a simple Google search. And if one thing is true than…does it snowball from there?

What else is true?” Lara gave a tearful little wave of goodbye. “Lara don’t do this. Please don’t say goodbye. I love you.” Giving her one disbelieving gaze she tossed the engagement ring to her. “I like to believe at one time…you did.” She sniffled and clamored into her INTREPID without a backwards glance.

Melissa watched as her life partner Lara pulled out of her spot. Speechless and heartbroken she watched her car turn the corner, disappearing behind several houses. Her life now in complete disarray as the tears began to well in her eyes. Soon, the sadness she felt was replaced with anger. The anger flamed like the smallest spark and the search for the source seemed to engulf it with gasoline. Her mind racing to connect to the source of the wildfire blazing inside her. Her brain reconnected and she muttered in a growl, “Robby!” Disgusted with herself for once considering him a friend, she retreated back to their townhouse. She felt no remorse ignoring the guilt of the truth her former friend wrote in his book. The blame for the sudden turn of events and her turmoil rested with the person who started it, Robby.

(Aria #3 - FINALE)

One way or another…no matter where you’ll run…my diss will find you It’s going to diss you, diss you, diss you, diss you

One way or another…no matter where you’ll hide…my hate will find you I’m going to hate you, hate you, hate you, hate you

One day or the next day or into next week

I’m going to diss you and diss you and STILL hate you

Yes…hate…hate on everything and anything about you

You’re the Michelin Man come to life then

Bring a presence that could topple intersections like the Blob from an X-Men And just like Gozer The Traveler my hate has finally come

You’re a harsh troll like fellow always in a puffed-up state man Shake the ground and tremble the buildings like they’re made of sand Terrorizing cities you’re a Stay Puft marshmallow kinda man This hate seems long but I assure you it’s not wrong

It’s well deserved…a little disturbed leaving you more than perturbed Never mind I’ll hate someone like you

I wish you nothing but hardships on you

I wish you nothing but frustrations for you

I guarantee you’ll never forget me

So just remember whatever you say against me I’m paid I’ll always remember what you said

You don’t care anything about me

So, I never mind about you, I hope to never meet someone like you Oh, look it’s Mrs. Liar Liar pants on fire

Oh, wait make room for a nose that even Pinocchio can’t produce Pulling up the rear with a flat tire when I blew the air out of all of your excuses tired Oh, look here comes the big girl that cries wolf

Claims she’s stuck in a storm when blue is all the sun can produce I’m the Ponce De Leon…the wayward son that carried on

And so, let’s throw another penny into the fountain youth already Conduct a Sinfonia of revenge a symphony of petty


Chaucer’s Revenge



Robby Richardson

I’ve lit the candles and lowered the flags

Let’s cue the band and summon the choir

Dedicate this revenge from a…

Monster, thief, and a known liar

Pop the champagne and crack the seal on that cognac

Let’s raise a cheer

A broken wolf left for dead from its pack

Learned from mistakes now watch me crawl right back

Watch me climb and watch me come back to stand the test

Finally, I can put the shovel down to rest

Even in nature revenge has an end

The edge of a Chaucer’s Revenge

Let’s light the torches and cue the Gregorian chants

Gather the masses to attend vengeful black masses

A revenge that leaves you with nothing but inhaling dead ashes Empty minds and empty hands serve no good to quell the storm Woe to the cook whose revenge inflicts no sting

Rejoice to the chef who marinates in avenged tears and basks in avenged breaths

Laugh at me now as they pray for me to crumple broken to my knees But watch as I rise and observe the calamity it brings

While this author shows you how words topple kings with just a revenge from a mere Chaucer Leave victims like falling kingdoms and topple empires with something much stronger You need the revenge of a Chaucer

The best revenge is the one that is taken to the edge

Have I been too severe if my revenge is achieved from here

Why am I so sad…why am I so filled with dread

I gave my whole heart committed to my revenge and detest

A torment that has brought me little comfort or rest

And gladly does my enemy need a lesson and gladly will I teach Each revenge is not a new story, but the tale never gets old Tell a revenge this low that stole the show worthy of a Montey Cristo Revenge is the medicine that soothes my inner pleasure

The treasure of your demise that is unequal and beyond measure Revenge is the bout and I’m ready for the fight

I’m that prowler at night hiding under your bed with the venom from this pen

I’m the wolf that slaughters sheep in their sleep and takes their skin just to strike again I’m that shadow behind your back and friend to the end

Your boogeyman kept at bay like a bargain that we seem to keep Dealing out small insults equal a great insult and let it cut like a knife and only take the life Does the single paper cut hurt, but does the many lead to suffer Inflict a petty cut for all that you had to put up

It all leads to a revenge that is the worst of its kind

The kind that’s more than just personal and eats you up all inside The satisfaction of revenge and in whether written or spoken word No vengeful slaughter is sweeter than the revenge of a Chaucer THE END

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