Chaucer's Revenge by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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The faint rumbling of an engine could be heard coming over the hill approaching the Walker Homestead. The bright lights of a rusted black cargo van appeared over the hill. The wooden archway that led up the dirt path to the Walker Homestead passed under them. A mass of tangled bushy black hair smirked as the van rumbled up to the homestead. “Did dey say where dey were gun leave da bricks der Colt? All the drash and yunk on der property dey could have pud et anywhere! Pa’s brood lev lide some dirde figs.” Colt turned to the driver who slowed to park next to a rusted pile of junk filled with miscellaneous farm equipment.

Colt turned to the driver, “Jed you my kin and all. I love you, but God damn if it’s a struggle to understand you whenever you speak. Auntie and Mama Moose always said you got more teeth than your old mouth could handle.” His brother turned to him and curled his lips back in a smile so bovine in nature that Colt struggled to keep from laughing. “Jed let’s hurry up and get this Meth and drop off this crate of Beau’s Moonshine in the back.” Colt watched his brother’s jaw dangle in confusion as his teeth seemed ready to spill over his lower lip. “De hell dog gun ting happen round here?” Colt rolled his eyes thinking his mop haired brother was just telling tales again. Colt’s eyes landed on the Pa’s cooking shed or at least what was left of it. Laying in a pile of ruin, it was nothing more than a metal pancake laying in the dirt. The ground around it was still moist from the chemicals contained within it.

Dark birds pecked around it investigating the change in the surrounding environment. Possibly hoping for an upturned bug from within the dirt caused by the collapse.

“Is that Uncle Remy’s cook shack Jed?” Colt leaned forward in his seat in disbelief. He shifted his coke bottle black glasses as he examined harder. His puzzled expression seemed matched by Jed’s

confused sigh. “Et awfelly quiet round here Cold, awfelly quiet. Don you tink?” “Maybe they went into town Jed? Maybe they needed to get supplies to rebuild the cooking shed?” “What dat der en de dirt right der?” Colt’s eyes focused to where Jed’s finger pointed towards. In the middle of the property between the collapsed shed and house lay a pool of what appeared to be drying blood.

However, it wasn’t the blood that Jed was focused on. “Dat der Uncle Remy’s walking stick an’ it?”

Colt’s attention now began to gaze around more before he opened the door with a soft CLICK.

The door opened cautiously with Colt inquisitively poking his head out. “Hello,” he called out his ears immediately registering the unnatural silence. The only sound of the bird’s feet clicking and hopping over the metal shack. “Cephus…Jasper…Uncle Remy,” Colt called out. “Colt it der Uncle Remy walking stick der…” Colt turned to see that Jed had already made his way to the stick. “Look et got our moddo on et!” Colt made his way to his brother to see that Jed was speaking the truth. The Walker motto, The South Will Rise In The North was engraved deep within the wood. Colt bent down to touch it, but Jed reached over and smacked his hand away. “Done touch et ow…” Colt glowered at his brother, “it’s alright Jed it’s not going to bite me! Uncle Remy wouldn’t just leave this lying around.

He’s always bragging about it at Gatherings and Hootenannies.” “You done no who blood dat es!”

Ignoring his brother’s protests, he reached over and picked up the walking stick. Colt immediately regretted his decision. Blood ran over his hand as the cane nearly slid from his grasp. “Et look der be chewed on.” A thick mucus ran between Colt’s fingers as he turned it in his hand. He groaned in disgust as his fingers felt the missing pieces of the stick. “It was in something’s mouth?”

Jed was looking around the area, “Ello, Uncle Remy…Big Ozz?” Colt dropped the walking stick returning it to the pool of blood. “It’s like snot or something…” Colt complained as he flicked his hand sending the mucus to splatter over the area. “Dey could be out en der tater farm?”

Colt furiously wiped his hands over his jeans. The mucus left a trail of white foam and dark red spots that could possibly never be removed or washed away. “Jed, I swear you get dumber by the day.

Walkers ain’t got no more tater farms you idiot! You know that! Government came and took all the land…” “Cold, I don’ care wat gov’rnment…” Colt held up his hand to silence his brother.

Subconsciously, still rubbing his hand across his jeans. “Cold chek dis oud right ov’r er!” Colt saw that Jed had taken a couple steps away and discovered a bloody axe in a patch of tall grass. The axe head was stained red with numerous droplets trickling down the wooden handle. “Dis here Big Ozz’s axe a’nt et?” Colt nodded, “I don’t like this, Jed? There’s something wrong around here. Uncle Remy…” Colt called out again not expecting a response back. CLUNK… The axe had dropped back into the patch of tall grass.

“Cold you thenk Sephus and Gazper are round?” Colt shook his head, “No they were going into town to sell that bear cub that they took from our land…HOLY MOTHER!” Colt’s eyes landed on the side of their kin’s house. The near rotted brown wood had somehow collapsed inward. “Wat da der happened to their der house and der railing?” Sections of the roof were missing as pieces of scrap wood still wobbled in place.

The pools of blood, Uncle Remy’s bloody walking stick, the bloody axe, and the large missing section of the house sent Colt into a slight panic for his kin. “Big Hoss…Uncle Remy…” He called out one more time before Jed exclaimed from the missing section. “Dat der es blood too! Look Cold, dat der es blood. Dey got de blood all ov’r der liv’ng room!”

“Jed, I think we should get out of here. Something is wrong here. We need to go let dad and Uncle Beau know.” Jed was still examining the missing section of the house. “I don’t like it.

Something is definitely not right Jed.” “I lost my god dern hat Cold!” Colt turned to see Jed leaning through the missing section of the house. “Jed let’s get back to the van and get the rest of our brood…”

“I need my god dern hat Cold! Mama Moose god me dat hat! Ged ov’r ere and grab my legs der and…AHHHHH!” Jed let out a blood curdling scream that was followed by a roar from the jaws of darkness. Jed cried as the bear had sunk its claws deep into his back tearing into his flesh like fresh

salmon. He tore with blood lust pulling him into the darkness. Colt ran forward, arms outstretched desperate to help his brother. Desperate to grab something, anything he could do to prevent the darkness from swallowing him.

His fingers scrapped against the heels of his black cowboy boots as the darkness took him.

Colt’s hands reached the side of the house with a CRASH. His ears couldn’t ignore the tearing, nor the absolute horror of his brother being torn apart. He could almost hear the blood gurgling from his mouth. The large bear roared as if desperate to not be denied its meal any longer.

Colt gave a tearful and regretful turn sprinting towards the van. His work boots did not provide the ability for a quick getaway. The dirt skidded under him in his haste to get to the van. With fumbling hands, he opened the door with a swing that nearly dislocated it from the van itself. He climbed into the seat and reached for the ignition. Trembling fingers grabbed nothing but air. His fingers continued to search frantically for something that he knew was not there. His eyes bulged in horror as he realized the location of the van keys. “Jed…” He whispered softly staring at Uncle Remy’s house.

He opened the door with a loud CREAK preparing to step out. His mind racing as to what he should do or how to escape. He appeared to be torn whether to make a run for it or try to retrieve the keys from his brother. His hesitation made the choice for him as he saw the large bear watching him.

Its large figure heaved with heavy almost struggled breaths. The bear’s bloody face and body were lined with jagged wounds and missing small patches of fur. Deep lacerations and wounds scattered across its face as its dead milky eye focused on him. Blood ran through the clumps and mats of fur steadily trickling onto the ground.

Eyes locked as neither one dared to move first. Hand still gripping the door, Colt dared not turn his head from the heaving monster in front of him. He would never be able to outrun the bear let alone

make it back into town on foot. He bit his lip torn between his options and then the bear lurched forward. Growling loudly as it thundered towards the van desperate to narrow the distance between them as quickly as possible. Colt gave a little shriek of horror as the bear slammed into the front of the van with a deafening CRASH!

The bear collided with the force of a football snap. The van rocked violently as Colt was tossed backwards. He tumbled between the middle of the seats falling onto the floor. The bear roared loudly as its body continued to batter against the front, SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM. The van rocked on its wheels as the bear howled in rage. A loud CRACK could be heard as the bear shattered the headlights. Colt began to crawl towards the back preparing to make his escape. Feeling like a sardine in a tin can waiting for the bear to peel back the metal. He was tossed with the van and able to open the door with a clatter.

The bear completely unaware of Colt making his escape. Colt tumbled out of the van sprawling into the dirt. He could hear the bear’s claws up front raking across the hood. Taking the opportunity to escape he gathered himself and straightened his glasses before darting out from behind the van.

Staying low, he ran behind an overturned refrigerator using the scattered junk as cover. He made his way along the side of the house just as he heard a loud SMASH of glass. He ignored it as his eyes searched for a way into Uncle Remy’s house.

Soon, he made his way around to the missing section of the house. His hands gripped the edge of the hole, but quickly recoiled them. His palms covered in his brother’s blood. His hands began to shake in a terrified tremble as he senselessly wiped them off on the front of his clothes. He still could hear the bear slamming against the van and realized that it was now or never. Returning to the hole in the house, he climbed inside hoisting himself over the only standing section of wall. His feet immediately hit the floor as he tried to steady his balance. He shrieked when he saw his brother lying on the blood-soaked carpet. His hands trembled on his face as he lowered himself to his fallen brother.

Tears couldn’t help but run down his face as his hands searched through his brother’s bloody clothes. His body now resembling ground beef. Unable to grieve for his brother, he became completely unaware of the lack of noise or claws scrapping against metal. “Jed,” he whimpered as his hands ran through his pockets searching desperately for the van keys. His crying began to grow harder as he tried to calm his trembling body. Overcome with emotion he didn’t even hear the creaks on the wooden porch. His hands patted one of Jed’s side pockets feeling something solid. He pulled all the contents from within the pocket ignoring the photo of Mama Moose. Her broad shoulders, large figure, and angry scowl glowered up at her son. Glowering up as he pulled the keys from Jed’s pocket, feeling the relief wash over him. He ignored the terror of his escape and explaining to Mama Moose one of her children was dead. The silver keys dangled from his fingers covered in its owner’s blood. “There it is…” He whispered as the door to the front door opened with an eerie and almost soft SQUEAK.

Colt froze in mid-terror as his once bushy hair wilted under the gathering sweat. His body became paralyzed hearing the bear’s lumbering footsteps rattle the uneven wooden floor underneath it.

The bear’s ragged breath could be heard as the bear seemed unable to see him behind the small living room sofa. His tears immediately ceased as the bear had abruptly halted its pursuit. Its head rose slightly above the view of the couch and began to sniff. It’s milky eye unable to see him kneeling in a pool of Jed’s blood. The bear turned towards the kitchen, and he seized the opportunity to escape.

With an almost mouse like leap he whipped behind the other section of the mismatched sofa set. The bear must have sensed his presence because its head immediately turned towards the massive hole in the wall.

The stone fireplace remained undisturbed as Colt trembled next to it. Obscured by the soot covered lime green couch, he hesitated waiting for his opportunity to escape. He could hear the bear taking steps as if trying to ambush its prey. The weight of bear shifted on the creaking floorboards easily giving away its position. Despite the noise, the bear continued to move as if trying desperately

to stay silent. Colt’s back pressed against the back of the sofa hopelessly trying to cease the trembling of his body. He listened to the bear beginning to move more into the center of the room. Moving more towards Jed’s torn and broken body. He heard the bear beginning to sniff the body as if unsure of Jed’s condition.

Colt heard the bear’s lapping tongue and Jed’s body twitch over the floor. He knew it was only a matter of time before the bear discovered his location. His mind desperately attempting to tell his body to stop shaking. The small sofa wouldn’t offer much protection against the rampaging bear next to him. His body twitched when he heard the squishy flesh like sounds coming from the bear chewing on his brother. His tolerance for listening to the bear consuming his brother reached a breaking point.

In desperation for an end, Colt attempted to scramble to his feet.

Colt shot up from behind the couch startling the bear by his sudden appearance. He launched himself at the front door. However, the bear was quicker than he had anticipated, especially in its horrific state. The bear swiped wildly smashing its near tree trunk like arm against the couch. The tiny sofa flew across the room and smashed against the front door. In its path it collided into him causing him to lose his balance. He toppled into the rickety kitchen table. It clattered onto its side shooting into the refrigerator. The bear lunged towards Colt realizing the opportunity and helplessness he was in. He brandished a chair screaming in terror. The bear slashed it away as if it had been nothing but kindling. He began to scramble backwards as the bear moved tauntingly towards him.

Grabbing the closest item, he gripped a mismatched metal chair and collided it across the left side of its face. The milky eye remained unwavered as if it had not even noticed it. The bear became immediately distracted which gave him the opportunity to scramble to his feet. He ran into the closest room and slammed the wooden door behind him. The bear’s lumbering body collided with the door, nearly breaking it. The wooden door bulged near splintering as he saw that he was in Cephus and Jasper’s bedroom. Two beds lying on opposite sides between a large window in the middle. He

dashed towards it desperate to open it. His frantic pleas went unheard as his fingers searched for a latch.

BANGBANG… The door began to splinter as the bear would smash through the door in moments. Colt ran towards the corner of the room and grabbed a desk chair. Raising it high, he sent it crashing through the window just as the bear’s arm exploded through the door. The chair had done the job, but the window’s glass had not completely shattered around the sides. Fearful of bleeding to death during his escape. He did the only thing he could think of. He removed his shirt and sent it through the window. He rolled under the furthest bed just as the door shattered to the floor. The wooden splinters scattered over the floor as if it had never been solid. The bear crashed into the wall in its ferocity shaking the structure of the house. He could hear it shake its body as if trying to rebalance itself. The bear began to pace slowly into the small room. He watched its feet mere inches from him.

Bloody paws and clicking claws flooded his ears and sight. His body violently shaking as he tried desperately not to make a sound. The bear paused and gave a low intimidating growl. Its claws hit the floor tingling his spine with their soft CLICKCLICK... CLICK. His fearful eyes watched the bear beginning to move towards the window sniffing the air. He watched thick globs of white mucus hit the floor with a soft SPLAT! The boards creaked under the bear’s enormous weight. Placing his hand over his mouth, he struggled to keep his muffled squeaks of terror behind his clenched fists. After several seconds, the bear lumber past him and towards the window. Praying that the bear would take the rouse, he watched in hope as its four feet become two.

It let out a panged grown and soon glass clattered lightly to the floor with a TINKLE. It broke as the bear’s weight shifted and then disappeared. Colt let out a sigh of relief as the bear had taken the rouse. He heard the bear’s footsteps crunch the grass outside and his shirt shredding under the bear’s claw. He waited under the bed with abated breath until the bear’s footsteps disappeared. The silence of the homestead gave off an eerie calm and sense of coming doom. Deciding that it was now his

chance for escape, he slid out from under the bed. His skin slid into the mucus and drool that had peppered over the floor. Eyes never leaving the broken window as he silently rose to his feet desperate to maintain his balance.

He crept his way through the door pulling out Jed’s keys and threw caution to the wind. He bolted towards the front door tossing the couch with just enough force. His body slid out disregarding all need for silence and tore for the van. The bear had done visible exterior damage, “Please still run…” He begged to the van as he scrambled into the driver’s seat. Broken glass immediately began to shred the back of his pants. His hopes that the bear had not destroyed any interior damage evaporated when the engine immediately roared to life. He smiled in relief flipping the van into reverse. It flew backwards like a rocket taking off. SLAM… The back of the van collided with one of the big refrigerators. The rear doors had broken upon impact leaving them to flap like the injured wings of a bird. Swearing at his Uncle Remy’s need for hoarding junk, the broken window next to him fell into shadow.

A roar filled the van as the bear launched itself inside the broken window. Colt flicked the stick and launched the van forward pulling the bear’s snapping jaws away from him. It dangled for a moment as he swerved the van wildly avoiding a head on collision with the front porch. The bear’s body struck the largest wood post smacking it with a THUD! It did an almost lazy corkscrew mid-air before dropping to the ground in a dust cloud. He had no time to admire the massive bear’s aerobatics.

His hands gripped the steering wheel desperate to get control of the wildly fishtailing van. It spun in the dirt doing a complete 180 degrees before stabilizing.

Colt didn’t think twice before slamming his foot on the gas pedal. Once again, the engine roared to life and launched forward. His large bushy hair flew behind him catching the rushing wind from the missing window. The dirt billowed into clouds of smoke behind him. The van shot forward heading for the wooden archway of the Walker Homestead. The van fishtailed slightly in its haste as

he was desperate to keep the van balanced. His frantic, “oh God, oh God, oh God,” repeated as he tried desperately to put as much distance between him and the bear.

However, the split second of relief Colt had felt was soon blown away. A guttural roar could be heard from behind him. His voice trembled as his eyes shot to the rearview window. “Impossible,”

he bellowed under the roaring engine. His eyes widened in utter terror as he saw the bear clinging onto the floor of the van. Despite the bear’s broken claws, they dug deep into the metal and fabric keeping it attached. He watched the bear desperately try to pull its lower half into the back of the van. Its legs dangled out the back dragged helplessly behind the frantic swerving of the van.

The bear roared with an angry frustration as the van flew down the rugged mountain path. The van bounced in every direction unable to dislocate the dangling bear from the rear. The doors flapped wildly inching towards Colt. “GET OUT…” He screamed just as the van gave an immediate leap into the air. Head colliding onto the roof the van swerved again causing the crate of glass Moonshine to rattle loudly. The bear roared in utter frustration as Colt emerged from the mountain path and onto the main street towards Clint. “Oh my God,” he exclaimed in relief seeing that civilization was only a couple miles down the road.

Colt continued to watch the bear dangling behind him desperately attempting to stabilize itself on the floor. Its own blood, water, and mud covered the surface. The paved road allowed the bear to gain traction on the floor of the van. The welcome sign for the city of Clint was approaching when the bear’s roar caught his attention. In a frantic turn he saw a mouthful of teeth lunging for him. He screamed in certainty of his own death and pulled on the steering wheel. The van turned violently, catching the bear off guard. It slid and smacked into the side of the van before being launched out the rear. The van lost control spinning several times before rolling over onto the roof. He heard the wooden crate of Moonshine SMASH just as the air bag collided into his face knocking him unconscious.

Light penetrated Colt’s eyes as the world seemed blurry and foreign to him. It took him several seconds for his memory to begin to return. He found himself face down on the roof of Jed’s van. Barely able to put anything together, one of his hands reached up feeling the absence of his coke bottle glasses. Gazing at the ground, he began to search for them before a CRUNCH could be heard just outside the van. His body accidentally smacked into the wooden crate of broken Moonshine jars.

His eyes flashed in terror as he began to recall the reasons for his current situation. He heard raggedy breathing outside the overturned van from the massive bear that had caused his accident. “Oh God,” he whispered as his body beginning to tremble again.

He gasped loudly when he saw two pairs of legs beginning to walk around the hood of the van.

Its nose could be heard sniffing, still searching for him. Legs disappeared around the side as his eyes followed them as best they could. Watching with abated breath, he followed the steps towards the open rear doors. He backed away pushing again into the broken Moonshine crate cutting his hands on the glass in the process. Broken glass rattled from within with the faint sounds of some jars still intact. He prepared to grab the crate as seconds passed like hours. Hands frozen on the wood as he heard a soft sound behind him. He returned his vision to the front of the van again.

The night remained silent as his eyes darted from left to right. His mind racing to try and discover the bear’s location. The front of the van remained silent despite the frightened trembling.

“W-w-where are you?” He whimpered to himself in an almost terrified little squeak. “Where…are…”

He began when a blood curdling roar came from behind him. The large bear launched itself through the rear doors engulfing him in teeth and slashing claws. The van rocked under the mighty weight of the bear thrashing inside. Colt’s scream did not last long against the shirtless man. Blood shot out from the back of the van just as the rain began to fall. Soon the screams died swallowed under the torrent of rain beginning to drench the rocking van.



The small hallway of the Clint Sheriff Station was lined with mounted pictures of the former days of the force’s glory. Faded and yellowing newspaper articles were scattered throughout.

Outdated and forgotten awards seemed to fill the remaining spaces. The decaying memories mourned by only the dust bunnies and occasional eye. Detective Hawkins couldn’t seem to look at any of it.

Each word was another needle internally withering him. Forcing him to face the humiliating criticism for his disloyalty and betrayal of his oath at the academy.

“I told you Cookie that brood of Beau’s keeps dumping strange chemicals in the water. It’s running off into the river and into my ger dern crops! I’m telling you if you or Detective Hawkins don’t go up there and…” A rookie deputy nicknamed Cookie was dealing with Jack White, the man from the mountain. Cookie was and would surely be the last rookie cadet that Sheriff Hanson would take from the academy. Cookie was probably the only foolish cadet from his class to return to his dying hometown. A disappearing farming community requiring less necessity for law enforcement.

Still wet behind the ears with only three months of active service behind him, Cookie had returned home. “Good Ol’ Mountain Jack…” Jayson muttered under his breath as he continued to make his way towards the detainee lock up. “Listen Mr. White, I hear what you are saying…” “How many times there boy? How many times have I told you and yer ruddy mouf! You and your idiot friends that you used to run round Clint wit started these problems and it ain’t go way!”

The rest of their conversation faded as Jayson was about to pass by Sheriff Hanson’s office.

His eyes flicked towards the holding cell watching Sydney toss back his blonde hair. Standing at the door with hands gripped on the bars. His eyes never left his with an almost mocking little smile displaying his eagerness for release.

Turning from him, Jayson gritted his teeth in more than just annoyance. That arrogant smile that had been painted across Sydney’s face resulted in more of a deterrent than eagerness to free him.

Fumbling through the folders and papers, his mind wracked with conflict on how to release his brother-in-law from lock up and be able keep his job. His near frantic thoughts were interrupted when he heard Sheriff Hanson’s booming voice from his office. “What do you mean you registered seismic activity from the valley?” A slight pause in the conversation as Jayson’s ears seemed to perk up in interest.

His fingers froze on the manilla folder in his hand. His attention focused on the conversation that Sheriff Hanson was having in his office. “What do you mean that the most likely cause of the activity was an unnatural explosion? Are you saying that the explosion was manmade? I don’t care if Zeus himself struck the land with a lightning bolt! You go out there and figure it out! I am not going to go out there to investigate and do YOUR job for you! So, why don’t you get off your lazy ass drive out there and conduct an examination yourself! Then when you have all the answers you can call me back!” SLAM… Sheriff Hanson slammed his phone down on the receiver. Even through the thundering rain, Jayson heard his window open with that ancient wooden CREAK! “DENVER, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THOSE GOD DAMN DOGS UP! WHEN YOU ARE DONE


Jayson heard Cookie from the front office saying, “Please Jack you need to calm down!” “I AM NOT CALMING DOWN BOY! I don’t care if you were banished by your brood or not! You are a Walker, and you will forever be a Walker! You are clearly looking out for your brood and the rest of your kin. You and your Kinfolk are the problem with this town. Think that you own this land…”

“Mr. White, I don’t have any contact with the Walker Kinfolk anymore. I am part of Clint Law Enforcement. Detective Hawkins and I can’t just go up there and arrest them for alleged claims!”

“ALLEGED CLAIMS…alleged claims, your brood are the ones making Moonshine up in them hills.

They are dumping their runoff chemicals into the river! It is poisoning my land and the entire

surrounding area!” “Sir, Sheriff Hanson told you last week. We cannot proceed until an Ecological test is done from the Department of Environmental Protection. We are still waiting for them to…”

“Bullshit boy, bullshit, you are a part of this! You are covering for them! Oh yes, yes, I am on to you!

You and Detective Hawkins in the back there! You both sit there and try to sell me on that shit, but I ain’t buying it! Now are you going to go up there and confront your brood or do family ties run deeper than justice?”

“Mr. White please just return to your home. The DEP will come out in the next day or two to run tests on whether the water and land is contaminated.” “THE FISH ARE GOING BELLY


CHRIST’S SAKE!” Jack’s voice boomed so loud that Jayson jumped in surprise. Several of the file folders resting on top of the, TO BE FILED holder slid to the floor.

Jayson gathered the files from the floor and returned them without a second glance. His attention now wrapped up in the commotion that surrounded him. His eyes flicked back to Sydney with both hands still gripping firmly on the iron bars. Jayson could see him almost shuffling in place as his impatience seemed to be intensifying. He nearly jumped when an ill-tempered voice boomed from behind him, “Watch it boy!” Denver, soaking wet from head to toe in his green poncho examined him with squinting eyes. A new cigar in his mouth already being chewed to a fine pulp. “Sorry Denver didn’t see you there.” “You should have been able to hear me though!” “Well not with Sheriff Hanson screaming in there and Mountain Jack out there going off on Cookie…” Denver’s grumble silenced him, “Ain’t no excuse. The rookie needs a good kick in the backside.” The cigar squeezed in his mouth as a brown ooze pooled in the corners of his mouth.

“So, is that how you get the dogs to shut up?” Dever gave a perplexed gaze letting his cigar roll from one side of his mouth to the other. “You…kicking Pepper…” Jayson added, causing Denver to give the tiniest of little smirks. “Only way to shut a bitch up…” He removed his cigar resembling a

tough sponge. He spit, adding another brown stain to the ancient green carpet. Jayson gave a disgusted little look grumbling, “Christ Denver…” “Dogs have a pack like mindset boy. She is considered the alpha of the pack. You shut her up and the rest of them fall into line.” He spit one more time before returning the cigar to his mouth. “You’re not retired yet Denver! I don’t want to be walking around your damn spit! All I have to say is you better not let the Sheriff see you do that to Pepper. You know how he feels about her.”

“I got two months left…just two. I can’t wait to start working on my tan.” Denver walked past Jayson deliberately running his wet arm across him. Jayson grumbled as he knocked on Sheriff Hanson’s door. Giving him one final smirk, Dever entered to a snide and condescending “Well thank you for joining me, Denver! I do apologize for taking up your valuable time!” The door closed with a little SNAP rattling the glass in it. The door did little to dull the Sheriff’s voice. “You are not retired yet Denver do you hear me? You are NOT retired yet and until that time I hope it would not be too much trouble. Too much hardship for you to follow my orders as long as I am in command of this station and this position!” “I am afraid I don’t under…” “You understand me Denver don’t stand there and pull that crap with me! I told you to shut those God damn dogs up, didn’t I? Didn’t I…now you got me in here shoutin’! Shoutin’ at your mere incompetence at a simple task of keeping those dogs quiet!” “Sir, you don’t understand it is Pepper. It is all Pepper…” “Pepper, what about Pepper?

Don’t you hurt a hair on that dog’s face…beautiful isn’t it?”

Jayson nearly snorted into the file cabinet as he thought of Pepper’s face covered in drool.

“Might I remind you that Pepper is more highly decorated than you are! If anybody deserves retirement more in this department it would be her!” “She bit me and pisses all over my patrol bike…”

“I don’t care if she shits wear you sleep! Might I remind you that she is responsible for the Timber Saw bust! She was PERSONALLY given a police commendation from the Governor!”

Shaking his head reality seemed to hit him as he saw Sydney still waiting. Still standing

gripping the iron bars with an attitude that had turned to frustrated annoyance. Taking this opportunity Jayson moved towards the holding cell. The sheriff’s voice died as he moved into the holding room.

“Jayson, you need to…” “Shh…” he replied softly moving close to him. “We don’t have that much time before Sheriff Hanson is done with Denver.” “Denver still works here! God he was my first arrest when I was a teen…” Jayson scowled, “Sydney…damn you for putting me through this.” “You didn’t have to take the money. You didn’t have to accept my offer at The Wagon Wheel.” “I just wanted out Sydney. My wife and I needed money to move out of this dying town…start a new life. I needed the constant fighting and bickering to stop. You think I wanted my prime years of my career to be wasted in this town. Just because we grew up here doesn’t mean I want to die here. I would think you would even understand that! Now shut the hell up and listen to me! I’m going to turn around and you steal my keys...get out knock me out and…”

“What are you doing in here Detective Hawkins?” Jayson heart nearly dropped into his stomach. His breath seemed to freeze within his lungs. He turned to see that Bloodhound like penetrating stare laser focused on the back of his head. “W-what do you mean sheriff?” Jayson asked trying to steady his voice. He straightened himself up trying to hide the guilty demeanor that he hoped would not show.

Seemingly accepting of his answer, Sheriff Hanson walked over making only two strides and snatched at his keys attached to his belt. “This Detective…I am talking about this?” Jayson bit his lip as Sheriff Hanson immediately began fondling the key ring on his belt. The key ring that he had tried to have Sydney accidentally steal. “Sir…” Jayson began with an almost confused look in his eyes.

Sheriff Hanson’s drooping eyes seemed to widen as if unsure he could believe them. “You were going to let the prisoner get ahold of these! How many times have I told my deputies that you must always be aware of your surroundings? A safe detective is…” Jayson rolled his eyes and repeated in unison,

“is a detective that is safe.”

Sherrif Hanson released his fingers from the key ring. “What in God’s name are you even doing in here?” Thinking quickly on his feet Jayson replied, “I-I was going to grab his file to fill out his report. You know for the arrest. I was going to print him too.” Sheriff Hanson’s lips shifted slightly as if thinking about his answer. “I’ll print him, detective. Under the circumstances, I don’t think you have testicular fortitude to handle such a daunting task. Take your report and go help Cookie out there deal with Mountain Jack. Make sure you personally walk him back to his pickup and watch him pass Rock Ride Falls.”

A few minutes later, the double doors to the Sheriff Station opened with a BANG! Mountain Jack stormed out fuming in suppressed anger and frustration. His mountainous figure lumbered to the car seemingly ready to rip his pickup truck door right from its body. “Jack, you need to calm down my friend.” Unresponsive besides angry grumbled mutters, “Jack…Jack…if you’re not going to respond I would have to assume…” CREAK… The door opened as Jack turned his face beat red with forced calm, “assume what Detective Hawkins…assume what? I have been coming to you for months…MONTHS at this point!” “I know Jack....” “No, you don’t apparently! How many times do I have to come down here? How many times do I have to tell you about them poisons in the river. The poisons the Walkers are polluting down the river! You are in CHARGE of the investigation, aren’t you? Don’t forget I was in that meeting when it was assigned to you!”

“I told you we don’t have enough evidence to know that it is them or not something ecological.”

“You need evidence Detective Hawkins! It washes up on my land every and all the live long day!

Come down and collect your evidence!” “Jack, I have already collected all the evidence that I need.

Beau and his brood will not provide the strongest case. The attorney general does not want to lose on an appeal. If you want convictions, we have to go where the case is strongest. I think that is with Virgil and his poaching, illegal animal, and meat trade.” “You think Virgil’s is the worst! What about Remington and his brood their supposedly up there cooking up pounds of Meth for The Satan’s

Outlaws.” “Jack, I am not standing out here in the rain to run around in circles with you again. Please just go back home and I’ll come up sometime next week to see for…” “Might not be a next week…”

Jack began climbing into his truck as Jayson changed his question. “What do you mean might not be a next week?” The large truck jostled slightly as Jack’s large frame adjusted in his seat. “It’s over Jayson. Heard it myself Mayor is meeting with the Governor in a couple days to finalize the unincorporating of Clint. Only a matter of time before the government buys the rest of the land right underneath us. Only this time it won’t be for some bird sanctuary, mineral rights, state park, or nature preserve.”

Jack pulled away letting the rising water splash across his black boots. Grumbling softly Jayson made sure Mountain Jack was heading back towards his remote cabin. He passed by a black van turning into the back of The Wagon Wheel Saloon. It was the van that Axel had spoken about earlier.

He wondered if he could just sneak over there and collect his cut before the sheriff realized he was missing. The downpour of rain seemed to answer his question for him. Bundling up his coat, he gave one final look at the saloon. The rain drenching him again, he retreated inside deciding he would have to go at the opportune moment.