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The Bilderberg Group is real, named after the location of its first meeting in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel, in the Netherlands. Originally formed to support Atlanticism (a stronger relationship between Western Europe and the USA after World War II), the group promotes cooperation in political, economic and defence issues. With around 130 members invited each year from government, commerce and media, the group was largely kept from the public eye until recent years, when the digital age made secrecy on this scale impossible.

Although the media now know of the existence of the group and the identity of most of the recent attendees, little is known about what is actually discussed at the meetings. Members are completely barred from revealing anything about their involvement. This has led to many conspiracy theories about what the group does, including accusations that they aim to form a New World Order, or a world government controlled by the elite of the western world.

With past members alleged to include Hilary Clinton, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and David Rockefeller, it is unsurprisingly that many eyebrows are raised about the continued secrecy surrounding these annual meetings.

You can find out more about the Bilderberg Group by Googling ‘Bilderberg Group’.


Conspiracy, Conspire: make secret plans jointly to commit a harmful act; working together to bring about a particular result, typically to someone’s detriment. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French conspirer, from Latin conspirare agree, plot, from con- together with spirare breathe.

Definition borrowed from the Wikileaks Manifesto by Julian Assange.