Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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One hundred and ten

Another thing that pisses me off with friends. Why are they so thick sometimes? One time, we had good friends round for the evening and played them a cd we had discovered which we had loved immediately. It goes without saying that the lyrics are something my mother wouldn’t approve of, in fact, I think her head would blow up but never mind that. A month later when we saw our mates again, they reveled in the fact that they’d not only bought the cd but had managed to get tickets to see the band in concert. When we asked if they’d thought to ring us to see if we wanted to go they seemed surprised and the old ‘oh, we didn’t think’, came out. Cheers. When we tried, all the tickets had gone. Thanks a bunch. You didn’t even know who the fuckers were til you came round. I love these people to bits really. However, I did want to slap them.

People who dismiss my writing. Many people will if I ever get anything published. Many people already do and they’ve never even read a single line. Judgement.

It’s no wonder people rarely experiment with their creativity. They aren’t encouraged to. People laugh at me when I talk about writing as if it’s all one big joke.

They’re not being deliberately catty. Well, no, that’s 97

not true. Some of them are being deliberate. Some say that I’m too young to write, others say I haven’t experienced life enough, some say I should write a book based on their lives, it would be far more interesting. I don’t have much support, save a few close friends. I wouldn’t mind people telling me my stuff was crap, a real fucking disgrace, if they actually knew anything about it, if they actually bothered to be just a little bit interested. Well. Fuck ‘em.