Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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One hundred and thirteen

I interrupted a meeting at work as I picked up an emergency phone call for one of the managers. I didn’t want to interrupt the trading discussion but it was urgent. Well, I knocked, walked in and everyone turned round and glared at me as if I’d run into the room stark naked, covered from head to foot in dog shit.

Crying at work. Never do it. It’s hugely embarrassing.

Especially if you are hormonal and just burst out sobbing for absolutely no reason whatsoever. You try and pull yourself together and it gets worse. Mix in a hot flush so your face is bright red and the humiliation is near complete. Everyone in the office is staring at you like you’re a fucking weirdo. Yes, I’ve done it. I scare people with it. Honestly. It puts the shits up folk.

An address. If you name your house does it make it a better place to live? Some of the names I pass written in fancy writing on wood outside the entrance. The Elms, Briarwood, Swan View, Windermere House (that one was in London?), The Birches, Edelweiss…. God I could go on for years. What’s that all about? We live in a shit-hole but let’s pretend.


Do you know a lot of people who look ready to have either a heart-attack or a nervous breakdown? I do.

Many people. In fact, when I think about it, almost everyone I know with a few exceptions. And these exceptions only exist because they’re either half mental, continual dope smokers or simply couldn’t give a shit.

I can’t see outside for the rain on the windows.

Without the artificial lights in here, I wouldn’t be able to see. The artificial light which fools our body, which has taken us far out of the natural environment. We no longer know when to sleep or wake. Our bodies are confused and twitchy. Thousands of years ago, people would run for shelter. I just sit here. I’ve no need to move. Infact, catheters will probably soon be invested in by businesses so that they can get that extra few minutes work out of everyone. Increased productivity they will exclaim with glee whilst everyone just types away, pissing themselves.

Rain is fantastic isn’t it? The way the perfectly formed droplets just hang until their weight causes them to topple, then a thin steam of water trickles downwards.

It’s something you could watch for hours. You’d get wet admittedly. Why are people so frightened of getting wet? It’s always the hair isn’t it? Oh, my hair, my hair. Tragic. Truly tragic. They’ll become the victim of laughter and torrid abuse if they get caught with wet hair. It’s not only that, I’m not talking of a downpour, the slightest shower or even a touch of damp in the air and people freak. I’d like to stick them in the middle of a monsoon. If it not raining it’s something else. Oh, the ice, I can’t possibly walk in this, drop me off right infront of the shop. I’m not going out in the fog, it causes accidents. No, people cause accidents. It’s too hot, I’m sweltering, Oh, I 101

could faint. It would be lovely this blue sky, if only it wasn’t so cold, I don’t like the look of those clouds.

I’m only walking ten yards but I’d better have my coat to be on the safe side, once a chill gets on your chest…. . Wrap up, it’s like living in Siberia.

No it fucking isn’t.