Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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One hundred and nineteen

Tiredness. It can be difficult to combat once you’ve fallen into it. I don’t believe my body was designed to wake up at 6-30 every morning. No matter how early I go to bed, I’m still exhausted the next day. I do think a lot of it is artificial light syndrome but the other half of it is long working hours. I don’t want to go to bed straight after having my evening meal. It depresses me. Weekends also piss me off. I’m sure you’d never have guessed. I feel as if I get home from work on a Friday night, shut my eyes momentarily and it’s Monday morning again. It’s a real bastard.

Newpaper bias. Does a newspaper exist that actually tells the truth? I doubt it. Whichever one you pick up will give you a different version of events. The clever people know which papers are conservative, labour or liberal supporters for example. I haven’t got a clue. I naively like to believe that I’m reading facts but I’m not. I’m reading a journalists interpretation of the facts which is often over-inflated nonsense. I wonder what version of the war against terrorism I would get if I lived in France, or Egypt, or Israel. There is no international consensus on such things. We all have different information. Yet this information is what we 113

try and make informed opinions based on. Ludicrous isn’t it.

Again, I’m amazed at how rude some people actually are. Where have people learned to speak to people in such a manner? Demanding, arrogant people. There’s nothing worse. Well, there are, there are murderers and cult leaders but there we go. Yet still, rude people fuck me off.

Tradition. It’s just an excuse to do the same things you’ve always done and have the same bigoted opinions you’ve always had. It gives you a reason to behave the way you do and a validity for your existence. It also stops you from moving on, from experimenting with new ideas and exploring endless possibilities for your life. You’re stuck but the sad thing is, you like it.

Why is the sky sometimes pink? I know there’s a very rational explanation, I just don’t know it yet. It may be something to do with atmospheric particles reacting with sunlight or something. Whatever it is, it’s stunning.

Advertisers. I’m taking a break from writing. I make a cup of tea and switch the television on. Not the most productive thing I know. I flick to the discovery channels. There’s not much on but I spot a documentary which might engage me for a few minutes. I turn to the channel and I hit the ads break.

First of all, an advert for a loan, not to help you out with any life changes but for that luxurious holiday or that new car you’ve had your eye on. If that wasn’t bad enough the next advert is a joyous announcement that you can save up for your own death. Save to pay for your own funeral arrangements, it couldn’t be easier, just one regular monthly payment and what’s 114

more exiting is that if you apply now you will receive a free gift, a lovely radio alarm clock so that you can count down your last minutes of being alive. Well, sign me up.