Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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One hundred and forty

Society. I blame a lot on society but what is ‘society’?


- an organised community: companionship a group of people organised for some common purpose

(Oxford English Dictionary, 1994)

What strikes me most is that I had to look up the definition. I figured it was easy to blame things on a word but what underlay that word?

‘An organised community: the system of living in this’; who organises this community, who is responsible for it because one thing I have learned is that it is certainly not what I would define as a democracy even thought that is what we are led to believe. Remember the whole issue of choice i.e. we are encouraged to believe we have choices but we are really drip fed them.

‘People of the higher social classes’ (the dictionary continues); what the fuck is that all about. All these people trying to tell us the class system no longer exists, bullshit, 1994 is the date of the copy this is taken from, you’d think people would know better.

Are we referring to the people who are born into money and never do anything which benefits the human race without bringing some benefit to themselves whilst looking down their noses at the scum? A harsh and stereotypical of the upper classes I paint isn’t it. Turn it around. It’s not nice is it.

‘Company, companionship’ (more detail from the source); the society I live in has little of these.

‘A group of people organised for some common purpose’; What are we? Nazi’s? Sorry, that just came to mind. Well we certainly aren’t organised for the advancement of human consciousness, striving for a peaceful way to live together, protecting and nurturing the environment, saving animals that share the planet with us from extinction. I wish someone would tell me what this common purpose is.


Lies. It’s all lies. We do not all have an equal voice, we are not all fighting for the same thing. We are all fighting against one another. We do not have a society in that idealistic sense of the world. The social group I live in is an utter mess but can I change anything in this democratic place we live in? The simple answer is no. Decisions are not made for the good of the whole.

Decisions are made based on monetary gain over anything else the majority of the time. We are sheep being herded along. Yet my blame towards society is too easy. Society is constructed and controlled by leaders. Often nameless, faceless. We don’t know who they are, which decisions are made by whom, which decisions are the important ones which may lead to other bigger decisions, we don’t know how to change or even stop them. And why? Because we no longer know who we are, what we want and why we even bother to exist at all. We have lost a common cause. We have lost the joy of community. We have lost the thrill of selflessness. We have lost a sense of communication with each other. It’s no wonder so many people feel alone, even in the most populated cities. It’s because people stopped caring. They stopped caring because no-one could any longer see any point to anything.

I’m not a great thinker. I put some books down after the first page because I haven’t a clue what I’m reading. I like looking a philosophy books, at books on cosmology but unless they’re written in simple terms I just haven’t a clue. The words blur into one and the next thing I know I’m asleep and when I wake I haven’t got the foggiest what I was reading about.

I’m sure what I make of things can be discounted by many theories. I’d like to say I don’t think anything in this book is right, it’s only what I think. I’m just a person fighting against the world I live in. I continue 142

to write about it because I feel strongly that I can’t be alone. Yes, I waffle, a lot of things I say don’t make sense. They don’t make sense to me either some of the time. I’ll never understand how the brain works but I think even if we don’t understand it, we should try to use it a little more.