Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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One hundred and forty six

I’m outside the aircraft again but this time I’m floating upwards into the realms of the stars. I see Jupiter’s moons looming towards me, I feel a gravitational pull towards Europa. I travel closer and feel an icy chill. If I assume the dive position, maybe I’ll break though the three miles of ice and live forever in a new underwater world.

I open my eyes. The cabin is still cold. I’ve become fidgety and uncomfortable. Inside and out. I press a button on my handset and a picture of the flight-path appears on my personalised screen on the back of the seat responsible for giving me bruised knees. We are above a place I’ve never hear of. Are we still in the World I know? Wouldn’t it be intriguing if the world was flat after all and you could just keep on going, each step taking you further and further away and no matter how far you traveled, there would never come a point where you would gradually get closer to home again. Imagine if there were still lands, animals, people, yet to be discovered. I guess there may still be. They’d be lucky. Any indigenous tribes found in this day and age are considered below us and need to be assimilated into society. Imagine being a group of people never to be discovered. To be allowed to carry out their lives without having outsiders opinions and beliefs thrust on them. Missionaries, for example.

What makes your belief the right one?

My head aches and I figure I’m actually shivering.

Why does no-one offer to keep me warm?