Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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One hundred and seventy four

Kids can be brilliant can’t they.

They can also be little fuckers.

Imagine running an after school drama class and having four children shouting out the word ‘prostitute’

whilst their parents were waiting on the other side of the door to collect them. Sure, sweetness and light when they tell you how pretty you look or draw you a picture of trees but try smiling when they try and bite 210

you. I met a woman recently with nine children, all of whom were unruly and violent, desperately demanding attention. I also meet many people with one child who behaves in an equally appalling manner due to being ridiculously spoilt. Since when did we forget how to behave normally? It all comes back to extremes, of thinking we can do things better, of wanting to be recognized in our small social groups. It doesn’t work, it never does, unless we do it for a mutual benefit. I don’t believe in unselfish behaviour.

You hear of people throwing themselves infront of cars to save the lives of others they have never even met. It’s not conscious behaviour. I don’t disagree that somewhere in our nature there exists altruism that defies evolution to some extent (I say to some extent as most cases we hear of are acts towards our to fellow human beings which are part of the same species we want to preserve although I’m sure there are cases of putting your life at risk to save an animal) but I would question whether there are many conscious choices involved. We live in a selfish world where we revel in our own perceived importance. It strikes me as bizarre that those with the highest perception of importance are most often the complete twats that most of us can’t stand. It’s probably psychological. Still shouldn’t excuse the twattish and egotistical bollocks so many people come out with.

You know what I find really amusing?

Guerning. You know, face pulling. It’s a talent that can’t be ignored.

…And people who use odd terms to refer to pooing.

People who use phrases like ‘number two’ or

‘business’. I’d like to put forward a poll. Questions like ‘which phase would you prefer to hear’?


I’m just off for a shite.

Off for a number two.

Need to do my business.

Business. Always reminds me of how old people describe their dogs having a good crap.

Now that would be a poll worth reading although I’m sure like most other polls it won’t make a blind bit of difference to the way people speak. It’s a poo, it exists, we all do it, just cos you don’t say words like poo, crap or shit doesn’t deny the bodily function. It’s not crude, nor are words like breast and testicle.

Society is warped because of prudish behaviour like that. Get over it and worry about important issues.