Damage Control by Timothy Gilbert - HTML preview

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Peter Hansen

Nick Johnson walked through the lobby at the Eagle Eye Golf Club where my family

belonged. Both of us were being pretty thoroughly followed by thugs of the Viola Cartel - we

agreed to arrive at the club with an hour between us. I didn't think the two crews watching us

talked to each other, but they probably at least had met in the past and might have recognized

each other in the parking lot. Especially if my talk with Nick was lengthy. So, I planned to keep

our meeting short and hopefully sweet.

I arrived at the club at 11 a.m., hung at the bar watching college football, and waited for

Nick to meet me a little past noon. He didn't belong to the club, yet the thugs following him

likely didn't know that. Hopefully they wouldn't grow suspicious even if they did. I hadn't been

to Eagle Eye since the Hansens had a family dinner there two months ago.

Nick found me in the bar and we hopped into a booth. He looked good, well rested and


“So, did you see Oleg following you into the parking lot?” I asked.

Nick nodded and smiled. “Yeah, they're on me all of the time, mainly because I have

them chasing their own tale.”

I shot him a puzzled look before glancing around the bar to make sure no one was taking

any particular interest in our conversation.

“I have them convinced that there is a competitor seeking the same drug inside


I laughed in disbelief. “How did you pull that off?”

“It wasn't hard,” Nick said. “I just told them that somebody came to our house asking

Susan about me, and they went ballistic.”

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


That I believed. No one sported paranoia like Julio's cartel and they would most certainly

believe that some other outfit was after Nick's inside information. That I hadn't heard about this

development with Nick didn't surprise me because Martin had disappeared. Julio's cousin, Jorge,

was now dealing with me. Of course, the switch didn't happen right away – Julio loved keeping

people twisting in the wind – and I didn't hear from anybody within the cartel until the first week

in December when Julio called me to tell me about the switch to Jorge. I wanted to ask Julio what

happened to Martin but good reason kept me from poking my nose where it didn't belong.

Martin's cell phone had been disconnected since the third week in November as best I could tell

because that was the first time I tried to call him after my angry discussion with him following

my learning of what happened to Darryl. Sitting at Eagle Eye, I was not in good shape, and

struggled to keep focused on Nick. I threw my neck out the previous week from all of the stress –

ended up pumping four Advil a day for the pain – as Jorge offered me no ray of hope that Julio

was with me for the long term.

“So that's why they're following you full time now?” I asked Nick.

“Right, and it's going to make my fake death so much more believable,” Nick replied.

“The plan is really coming together.”

I leaned across the table. “And, what's the latest with the drug study?”

Nick smiled. “The final announcement isn't expected for a few months now, so my mid

January departure won't be cutting it too close.”

After Nick walked me through how he was going to set up the crime scene, I ended up

pretty impressed with his plan. And I didn't know for sure if Julio would go after Susan and Tom,

so maybe things could work out for the best here. After all, Julio had left Jamie Lyons alone after

he pulled his assets from PLH.

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


Saturday, January 4th
