Damage Control by Timothy Gilbert - HTML preview

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Oleg Yashkov

“Sir, we have no more appointments open for today,” the woman behind the desk told me

as I walked through the waiting area.

How did she know that I didn't already have an appointment? Did she know all the

patients that well to know a stranger when she saw one? Dr. Johnson's practice was a lot smaller

than I had thought.

The apple cinnamon smell from the scented candle on her desk was mixing curiously

with the odor of medical cleansers.

“I'm sorry, but I need a few minutes of Dr. Johnson's time,” I told her. “My name is

Oleg…he'll want to see me.” I left Karel in the car – two men wanting to see Dr. Johnson would

be too weird.

The woman looked at me as if to tell me, “Good luck with that!” She got up from her

desk and walked down the hallway. Not thirty seconds later, she came back.

“Dr. Johnson will see you now.” The woman looked to be in shock. “His office is the last

room down the hallway on the left.”

I walked down the hallway catching the sight of a really heavy man with his shirt off in

the exam room. Man boobs. Being a doctor must suck.

My knuckles rapped on the door. “Knock, knock, Dr. Johnson.” I walked into the office

and closed the door. It was a heavy wood door, good to keep sounds inside the room and away

from listening office staff ears. I could just see that patient check-in lady running down the

hallway to hear what we were saying.

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


The doctor looked like he'd been kicked in the stomach. “Where's your partner?”

“I left him in the car,” I said.

“Well, can you have him check the building's garage?” he asked. “Some guy threatened

me last night demanding the same information that you want, telling me that you guys were


The doctor looked right into my eyes.

“Did you get a good look at him?” I asked him. I don't know why I asked this, because I

damn well knew who he talked to and that guy was a whole more dead than I was.

“He looked kinda portly, 5'10-ish, shaved head” the doctor told me. “How did this guy

find me? Am I in the „friggin yellow pages or something?”

I couldn't tell if Mihail was trying to throw me off by mentioning the Viola family. He

was way over his head if he was stupid enough to bring them into the picture. Still, if he had done

that, Fred's days were numbered, and whoever was providing the big money here was about to

get wacked - if they hadn't gotten already. Lenny, who called last week to warn us about Jim

Lick's plans, told me that Jim Lick was back working with the Violas, which I had a hard time

believing. Karel and I both agreed last night to expect to see more guys from Florida within a

week to challenge us even if the Violas were involved.

“We have it under control, doctor,” I said. “How's the Zyptorin trial going?” I decided

not to let our doctor know about our killing of the two guys last night. It might have sent him over the edge, and we needed Dr. Johnson to be clear headed about everything.

Dr. Johnson sat back down in his chair. “It looks like it's going to wrap up in late March

or early April.”

“Did this guy ask about the trial?” I asked.

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


“Yes, I told him what I know about the timing of the information flow from the trial,” Dr.

Johnson replied. He cleared his throat.

I walked a little closer to the doctor. “Well, if you get harassed again by some people, just

tell them you will cooperate, okay.”

“Alright, but I thought you said you had it under control. Is the bald portly guy coming


“When is your next meeting?”

“February 5th, but he didn't ask me about that.”

I had been holding off from talking with Fred because he couldn't help us and may have

decided to pull the plug on everything way too early. Jim Lick and the Viola clan were too big a

match for Fred and his money guy, but that's assuming Jim and the Violas could find these two

guys. We were easy to find because Mihail knew who we were and where we were going to be.

Fred and the money guy were a lot more behind the scenes. Like us, Mihail never met either of

them in person. Maybe Fred and the money guy weren't that close to getting whacked after all.

One thing was for sure, if we were going to sit in our cars watching the good doctor each

day from the parking lot, we were going to have to be very careful. I thought I'd give Lenny a call

again - see what's up. Oh, and we needed to find Mihail to take him out, hopefully before the

Calvary arrived from Florida. What a mess! That Jim Lick was still alive was a huge mistake on

our part and it was definitely coming back to bite us in the ass.

“Well, you keep doing business as usual and this will all be over before you know it,” I


Dr. Johnson looked at the clock above his desk. The office was sparkly clean and orderly.

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


A nurse poked her head into the office, before looking strangely at me. “Dr. Johnson, Mr.

Montane is ready to see you. He was looking like he has strep, so I'll get the swab ready just in


“I will be right in, Mary,” Dr. Johnson said.

He stood up and stretched out his right hand like he wanted to shake my hand. I just

stared at him for a second.

“We're not friends, Dr. Johnson,” I said coolly. What the hell was that? Was this guy

cracking up on me?

Dr. Johnson smiled strangely and quickly put his hand down. “Yeah, I suppose not.”

“But don't worry, Doctor, we're now watching your office from the parking lot,” I said.

“Maybe we can catch this guy stalking you.” I picked up a pen on his desk to examine it. It was

from a resort in Las Vegas.

I didn't know if the doctor believed we were already watching from the parking lot or

not, but I thought it wise to act like I didn't purposely let these bozos from Florida meet with him in the garage yesterday afternoon. Even worse, I didn't want the doctor to view us as failing to

notice the guy harassing him in the garage. So, we weren't there watching him yesterday, end of


I put the pen down and left the doctor to see his patient. The woman behind the check in

desk raised her eyebrows at me as I walked by on the way out of the practice.

“Have a great weekend, Honey!” I yelled out to her.

“Next time, can you please call?” she shouted back.

Yeah, I'll be sure to do that.

I walked out into the lobby of the building and headed back to our car. It would have

been nice if we could park in the garage, yet I saw a card scanner activated gate. I decided that we Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


were parked too far away from the garage to keep a good watch on things. The lot was not even

half full, but it was late on a Friday. I hoped we could find a spot close to the garage starting

Monday morning. We knew the bozos from Florida were lurking around the garage yesterday

because we had gotten a heads up about them from Lenny. The next wave of heavies, though,

might have come without such a nice heads up. And we didn't want anybody harassing Dr.

Johnson without us controlling the situation.

“Bud, we need to find out where Mihail is staying,” I told Karel while climbing into the

passenger seat.

“I just heard he is in the city for the weekend.”

I lit up a cigarette. “Move us closer to the garage,” I said.

“What kind of guns do you have in the trunk?” I asked.

“Pretty much what we had in Philadelphia – haven't I been telling you we need an Uzi?”

“Man, you drive around with one of those and you are just begging for a cop to pull you

over and nail you for holding one of those suckers,” I told my fire power friendly partner. “We

didn't need big firepower to take out those two yahoos yesterday, but that axe sure was handy in

the storage unit.”

What we did need was a pair of binoculars to see better into that garage. If we were to be

surprised by a new crew the next week - that was a big if because I planned on avoiding being

surprised - they would probably hang out in the garage during the late afternoon waiting for Dr.

Johnson like that idiot did yesterday. We would have no way to tell someone apart if they walked

into the building, but if someone walked into that garage, we would be ready to rumble. Another

possible thing – we should have told Dr. Johnson this - was for the doctor to park out in the

parking lot and avoid the garage all together. The more I thought about it, that was probably what

he would do.

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


Karel was smiling. “You know, I don't like the idea of us splitting up in unprotected cars.

Why can't we do that yellow page and foam thing with the right windows in one of the cars and

sit together?”

He was referring to bulletproofing the car by stuffing yellow pages in the side panels of

the car, filling the tires with insulation foam and replacing the glass windows with laminated

glass. We had done this a few times while working for the Violas when we needed to quickly

bulletproof a car. While the laminated glass is pricey, the other stuff isn't and this technique will let the car escape a spray of bullets with the passengers safe inside. I remembered one of the

cousins in the Viola family making two of us sit in the quickly bulletproofed car while he shot a

round of gunfire into the car. That was real fun.

“You know, buddy, I like that idea,” I said, slapping Karel on the back. I figured we

wouldn't need to do this if we got the same inside information from Miami that we got last week

for the next crew of guys coming after us. Still, this was good preparation in case we weren't able

to get advance warning next week. And anything was possible.

“I guess we have some shopping to do tomorrow,” Karel said.

“You bet.”

It occurred to me just then that the storage unit was a good place to do the work on one of

the cars. We got a double wide unit.

Timothy Gilbert

Damage Control


Friday, January 10th
