Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-five

Anna, Daniel, Billy, and Samuel arrived at the loft arguing over

said. “My personality,” Samuel scoffed. “It looks like something you’d wear,” she said grinning. “I happen to agree with her,” Billy chimed in. “Bollocks,” Samuel said rolling his eyes. “Wait until the others see their costumes,” Daniel replied. “That gives me an idea,” Billy said grabbing one of the plastic bags and heading toward John’s bedroom. Anna shook her head. Billy peered into the room watching John sleeping on the desk, drooling. He slowly crept over to him, kneeling at his side, nudging him.

Samuel checked his watch. “Any minute now,” he said dryly. Minutes later, a hair-raising shriek resonated throughout the hallways. Anna’s shoulders shook from laughing quietly. Lisa and Cody flew out into the hallway. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Billy scaring John as usual,” Daniel said chuckling. “He shouldn’t do that,” she said annoyed. “It’s just for fun—don’t get your knickers in a twist,” Anna said. “Besides, it’s funny.” “Is Sage around?” she asked, becoming serious. “She might be resting in her room,” Cody said. Anna glanced at Samuel, requesting his presence. She knocked on the door, calling Sage’s name. When she didn’t get a response, she opened the door. The room was empty. “I think I know where she is,” she said.

Sage stood on the rooftop looking down to the streets replaying the nightmare in her mind. “Sage,” Anna said, standing behind her. She turned around slowly. “I thought I’d find you here,” Anna said. “Samuel told me.” “He told you that I killed someone,” Sage said. “Sage you can’t feel guilty for the dead.” “It’s maddening.” “I know that was the point of contention between you and Cristian,” she said, “but what precipitated it?” Sage inhaled deeply. “It was Cristian’s mother,” she said exhaling. “She is a devout Christian, and she could see my evil nature. Needless to say, she disapproves of our relationship. Just like Jonathan Thomas disapproved of me,” she thought.

“She doesn’t understand that Cristian would’ve died had you not turned him?” Anna said. “No. She sees me as the evil that destroyed her son.”

“I’m sorry, Sage.”
“That, along with my guilt for giving into my hunger, has put a wedge between us,” Sage said. Anna approached her, grabbing her hand. “Is that all?” she asked, sensing there was more than what was said. She shook her head. “Cristian had a moment of weakness with an ex-lover.”
“What do you mean ‘a moment of weakness’?” “Did he sleep with another woman?” Anna asked.
“Yes…no,” Sage stammered. “He let her service him at a nightclub.” “You mean,” Anna gestured with her finger, pointing downward. “At a public place?” she said, incredulous. “That blasted dirty dog. What are you going to do?” she asked.
“I don’t know, Anna,” Sage said. “I can’t look at him right now.”
Anna rubbed her shoulder compassionately.

Cristian arrived at the gallery without stopping to speak to the security guard as he normally did. “What’s wrong with him?” he heard the security guard mutter. Sighing, he stopped and stared at the portrait, looking into Sage’s eyes staring back at him. The portrait seemed lifelike as if she would step out of the painting any second. Then he remembered the look of pain in her eyes as she told him that she couldn’t look at him because of his indiscretion.

“How did things change so quickly,” he wondered. “Tomorrow night, things will go back to the way it was,” he mumbled. “It has to.” Walking into his office, he set up the easel to start a new painting. After adjusting the fixture and canvas, he dipped his paintbrush into the various colors, painting erratically in an attempt to release the tension and frustration he felt through abstract images, seeing Sage’s face, his parents’ faces, and the coven’s faces. He was so concentrated on the painting that he didn’t hear the knock at the door. “Cristian!” the director said loudly. “Open the door.”

He stopped painting, grabbed a towel, and opened the door. “The police just called,” the director said. “Robert’s body was found. He’s dead.” His fears now confirmed, Cristian knew that his manager met a bad end when he saw the spots of blood on the floor the night Pedro attacked him. “The police are still looking for that Rafael person,” the director said. “I hope they can get that guy before it gets worse,” he said.
“I need to tell Sage,” Cristian thought with hopes that things would fare better than their last conversation.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that you haven’t been feeding,” Anna said staring at Sage’s ashen skin. “You have to feed, Sage.” “The animal blood isn’t quenching my thirst,” Sage said.
“It consumes me. It’s unbearable.” “There’s one way to alleviate it,” Anna said. “You can decide to consume human blood even though you hate it.”
“No,” Sage said fretfully. “I just need to get a handle on the hunger.”
“Well, starving yourself isn’t an option,” Anna said handing her a bottle of animal blood. “I won’t be satisfied until I see you drink it,” she said tapping her foot.
“Very well,” Sage said, opening the bottle and taking a gulp. She grimaced from the bitter taste.
Anna smiled faintly. “You know I care about you. We all do,” she said, “and I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“Understand.” Sage smiled. “I understand.” They hugged.
Samuel appeared from the shadow of the doorway, approaching them as they refrained from embracing. “She’s right, Sage,” he said.
“Sage,” Anna said teasingly. She squeezed her hand. “We’ll talk later,” she said telepathically. She looked at Samuel, smirking, leaving them alone.
“We’re only concerned about you, Sage,” he said. “I don’t like seeing you so melancholy.”
“How much did you hear?” she asked. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop,” he said flustered, “but I heard everything.” “I’m sorry.” He took her hand gently. “Just a word of advice,” he said. “I believe if something is meant to be, it will happen, and no one and nothing can stop it. Those of us who are lucky to find true love should cherish it and not let anything come between them.”
Sage stared deeply into his eyes as she regarded his words. “Sometimes we don’t realize…,” she stopped. “Go on,” he said urgently. “It’s…”
“Cristian is here,” Anna announced interrupting them, “He wants to speak to you.” Samuel let go of her hand. “Maybe we can finish our talk later,” Sage said.
They followed her into the grand living room where Billy, Daniel, Cody, and Lisa were waiting for them. Cristian got up from the antique chair. “What is it Cristian?” Sage asked.
“It’s Robert my manager,” Cristian said. “He’s dead. He was murdered. The police are looking for Pearson.”
The coven all stared at each other with intrigue. “He’s going to be at the ball tomorrow night,” Sage said. “He won’t pass up an opportunity to kill me.”
“Well he won’t succeed,” Cristian said. “Not if I can help it.” “Whatever he’s planning we need to outsmart him.”
“Rafael always has a backup plan,” John said entering the room, startling them. “He always looks for other options. Keep in mind he may not be working alone.”
Randi and Rafael arrived at her apartment after shopping for costumes. “Security will probably be really tight at the hotel,” Randi said. “As long as I can complete my goal, I don’t care,” Rafael replied. “Are you sure he will cooperate?” “You’re kidding me,” Randi said. “He lives for this stuff.” “I’m just concerned about the vampires’ strength and there’s your broken arm.” “Let me worry about that,” Rafael said. “This is what I’ve trained for.”
“Tomorrow is it,” she said. He sat the bag down and awkwardly caressed her cheek. “You’ve done so much already,” he said. “How can I ever thank you?” “Just make sure that nothing goes wrong,” she said. He stared at her lips, feeling a desire to press his against hers. “Yeah,” he said, swallowing hard. Silence fell between them as they both continued to stare at each other’s lips while he stroked her face. Impulsively, he grabbed her and pulled her into a passionate kiss.