Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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omeone’s testy,” Billy said, wrinkling his brow. “He’s frustrated, as we all are,” Lisa said. “But that’s no reason to lash out at Anna,” Daniel said. “He blames himself,” Samuel said, “because he feels responsible for what happened.” “As he

let alone painted her portrait, none of this would’ve happened.” “I don’t need anyone to remind me of the role I played in this,” Pedro acknowledged. “I know I share some responsibility too.” “At least you admitted it,” Cody said. “I wanted Queen V so badly I didn’t want anyone else to have her,” Pedro admitted. Anna glanced over at Samuel. “But I realized some things about myself,” he sighed, “I want to look her in the eyes and apologize. Having her pardon is important to me.”

“You mentioned that there are things that are unknown about Queen V,” Lisa said. Anna chuckled, reminding herself not to mumble under her breath around vampires with super-sharp hearing. “You’ve known her longer than most of us,” Lisa said. “What do you know about her family?” “Her parents?” Anna asked. “No, how did the vampire custom start?” “It’s a story that goes back to the biblical days,” Anna said. Cristian, who was outside the door listening in the hallway, walked into the room, quietly interrupting her. “Sorry,” he said. “I had no right to lash out at you,” he said softly. Anna nodded her head, realizing that he’d overheard their conversation. “I’d like to hear the story of Sage’s family,” he continued.

“I’ve always wanted to know how the vampire lineage began.” He took a seat as everyone gathered around Anna. “Well, the very first vampire was Queen Priscilla,” she began. “She and the king had come into Egypt from Ethiopia and she was due to give birth any day. She went into labor and gave birth to a baby boy. Because of the difficult labor, she was extremely weak and frail and she asked for water.

The king sent his servant to fetch water for her, not knowing that just at that moment the water had turned to blood.”
“Moses had petitioned the Pharaoh to release the slaves and he refused so Moses was commanded to stretch his rod over the river, smite it, and it would turn to blood,” Cristian said intrigued. “Yes,” Anna said. “Anything that held water being a pool, a pond, a well—it all turned to blood, and any marine life in the water died. The servant didn’t know this when he fetched the water for the king, and he brought it in and poured it into a chalice for the queen to drink. The king found out too late about the water, and before he could stop the queen from ingesting it, she had already drunk it. Needless to say, she became very ill and began to have seizures and vomit. Within minutes, she was dead. The king was beside himself.”
Everyone listened spellbound by the tale as she continued. “The king held a funeral for the queen and had her entombed in what is now called the House of Nayah where all the ancient royals sleep. Overcome with grief, he refused to eat and didn’t want to be disturbed by the servants. Sometime during the night, he was awakened by someone tugging at his feet.”
“Was it?” Billy asked. She nodded her head. “It was Queen Priscilla standing at the foot of their bed. She was undead.” Cristian’s mouth dropped as the others looked on in stunned silence. “The king thought he was dreaming at first,” Anna said. “But the queen told him it was no dream.”
“Once he overcame his shock, he asked her to turn him as well, and he became a vampire.” “How did they explain the queen suddenly being alive again?” Billy asked. “They said that they were mistaken and that the queen was like unto death,” Anna replied. “They didn’t tell their son what truly happened until much later when he was older. Instead, they left Egypt for a time during the plagues and lived elsewhere before returning centuries later. Around this time Theodore Pearson was in Egypt looking for the tomb, claiming to be an archaeologist, but he was really a hunter looking for the vampire king and queen.”
“Sounds familiar,” Billy snorted. “He had found them sleeping in their tomb and destroyed them, but their son and his family had long since vanished, and he continued the vampire tradition.”
“How did you find out this fascinating story?” Daniel asked. “It was told to me from Ammon, a faithful servant who’s seen every coronation of royals since the vampire lineage began. In fact, he held Sage when she was a baby and he was there during her own coronation.”
“You were at Sage’s coronation?” Cristian asked. “Yes,” Anna replied, “I was there.” “So Queen V truly is the last vampire of the Nayah family…,” Daniel said. “She is,” Anna said.
“I’m speechless,” Samuel said. “This is incredible,” Lisa agreed. “Who would’ve thunk it!” Cody said. Billy and Pedro both were too astounded to speak.
“Rafael Pearson,” John said, “The name doesn’t ring a bell.” “Why did you ask me if I knew him?” he asked. “Because he was a patient here and he said he had a brother named John,” Randi replied, thinking quickly. “Well, I’m not that John,” he said, biting his lip slightly. “He’s lying,” she thought, noticing the hitch in his voice. “I just wanted to know that’s all,” “I’ll let you rest,” she said with a wily smile. “So that’s who you had helping you, Rafael,” John thought. “She made herself so obvious.” “So you want to play games,” Randi thought. “We’ll see about that.”
Cristian sat in the antique chair deep in thought, while everyone went to change from their costumes. “I didn’t truly realize the rich history of Sage’s family,” he thought. “She’s the last of the Nayahs.” “The thought alone saddens me.” “I can’t let Pearson destroy you,” he thought. “I have to find you and also my parents.” He thought of Pedro’s coincidental return. “Just because Pedro is back doesn’t mean that he’s gotten off scot-free,” he thought. “He hasn’t changed, and he’s trying to use this unfortunate circumstance for his benefit to ease your wrath.”
Thinking of confronting him, Cristian got up from the chair and walked down the narrow hallway. He heard the sounds of whispering as he walked past the door to Samuel’s room. “Okay, spill,” Billy said. “Spill what?” Samuel said innocently. “You know exactly what I mean,” Billy said. “What’s with you and Queen V?” he asked. Cristian’s ears perked up at the mention of her name. “I know there’s something between you,” Billy said. “You admitted that you were smitten with her when you first met.” “That’s true,” Samuel said.
“What!” Cristian thought astonished. “So c’mon, man,” Billy said. “I want to know.” “Know what?” Samuel said. “Did you…,”
“You know,” Billy stammered. “Cristian leaned closer to the door waiting for Samuel’s answer.
Sage opened her eyes weakly trying to see in front of her. There was darkness and a sliver of light from the moon reflecting on a painting on a wall. She focused her eyes trying to look at it. It was a painting of a man clothed in a white robe with sandals on his feet standing at a door with a lantern sitting nearby. He had his hand extended as though he was knocking.
While staring at the painting, she remembered a bible verse from deep, within the crevices of her mind. It was revelations, the third chapter, and the twentieth verse.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” She cried out as she felt a pain sear through her body as if she was torn in half.
She tried to move, but she was weak and hungry. She could smell the strong scent of garlic attacking her senses. Moving her hand slowly, she felt a necklace made of garlic wrapped around her neck. Lifting her eyes toward a gaping hole in the ceiling of the brick building, she gazed out toward the stars. “If I can just send a message to the coven,” she thought squeezing her eyes shut and focusing.
Cristian waited impatiently for Samuel’s reply when he heard Anna exclaim, “Look!” He jumped from against the door and left hastily as the door opened and Samuel and Billy exited the room. “I’m on the roof,” Anna said as everyone came out the door staring at her with suspense. “Look,” she said pointing toward the sky. There was a series of bright, luminous lights flashing in the sky that looked like an aurora. The color was blood red. “What is it?” Lisa asked. “It’s called Northern Lights,” Cody said. “I’ve never seen them before.” Everyone watched, amazed.
“Randi, check this out,” the nurses yelled as she came outside to see what they were staring at. “Oh, my God,” she said, covering her mouth.
John peered out the window of his room watching the lights in the sky in awe. “Look closer,” Anna said. To the human eye, the lights appeared to be flashing sequences of electrical activity, but to vampire eyes, the lights appeared to be two pupils staring at them. “Queen V,” Billy said. “Sage, where are you?” Anna asked. “A building,” they heard Sage say faintly. “Where?” Cristian yelled. “In a desolate place,” she said.
The eyes began to fade as Sage’s strength gave out. “Sage!” Samuel yelled. Cristian stared at him with growing wariness and interest in what had happened between him and Sage.