Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty-six


illy and John walked into the room greeted by Anna, Cody, and Lisa who were staring at them strangely. “We know who’s helping Pearson,” Billy said before Anna could speak. “It’s that nurse, isn’t it,” Cody said. “Yep,” Billy said. “She followed us,” John interjected. “Not only that, she asked me outright if I knew Rafael.” “Where is she?” Anna asked. “Don’t worry, you’ll be getting a phone call soon,” Billy said. “Phone call?” Anna asked bewildered.

In less than a second, her cell phone began to ring. “Aren’t you going to answer it?” Billy grinned. Anna shook her head and answered her phone. Samuel walked into the room fuming, his eyes a deep sapphire. “Delicate my...,” “I know that look,” Billy said. “What happened?” “Cristian wanted to have a discussion with me,” Samuel said. “About Queen V?” Billy asked telepathically.

“Yes,” Samuel replied. “Then he insulted me.” Billy gave him a cheerful look when Anna hung up her phone. “Good work, Billy and John,” she said. “One of our comrades tailed this nurse back to her flat and he just gave me her address.” “Then what are we waiting for…,” Daniel said entering the room. “Let’s go.”

Cristian went to his loft briefly to change from his costume, leaving the crucifix and business card in his pocket. Filled with anger over the disastrous ball, he decided to let the director know his displeasure by arriving at the art gallery without stopping to speak to the security guard who stared at him with empathy. He stared disgustedly at the director, who hadn’t changed from his costume, talking on the phone with his attorneys. “Cristian, wait!” he said, holding up his finger. He approached the painting enclosed in its glass case, staring at Sage’s eyes.

While he stared at her chocolate eyes, he felt a torrent of emotions through his body ranging from bewilderment to betrayal. Not only had she kept another secret from him, what troubled Cristian the most was not the fact that it was something that took place before he was born, it was the knowledge that it was with someone she obviously cared for deeply. “Why Sage?” he asked. He knew he couldn’t get his questions answered with her missing, and finding her first was of the utmost importance.

“Cristian, I’m...,” the director started.

Save it,” Cristian snapped. “I told you that this was exactly the reason why I didn’t want to expose her to the public.” “I didn’t know that things were going to happen like they did,” the director retorted. “I didn’t know that guy would show up and cause that commotion. Now I have to worry about the gallery being sued.” “That’s all you’re concerned about?” Cristian asked in disbelief. “No, that’s not all I’m concerned about,” the director said defensively. “I’m not a coldhearted person.” “Can you please tell her that I’m sorry for what happened tonight,” he said. “Yeah sure,” Cristian said with irritation. “If I ever see her again,” he thought.

Deciding to wait before confronting John about his writing, Lisa, Cody, Anna along with Daniel, Billy, and Samuel all flew to the address that their fellow vampire gave Anna. John opted to stay behind at the loft. “Where’s Pedro?” Lisa asked as they landed. “I last saw him speaking to one of the vampires that came to the meeting earlier tonight,” Anna said. The gray haired vampire in a suit got out his Mercedes to meet them. “She’s inside,” he said. “Thanks,” Billy said. “Anything to help bring our queen back,” the vampire said. “Let me know if there’s anything else you need me to do,” he asked. “You’ve done more than we could ever ask for,” Anna said. “The queen will be pleased.” He shook Billy’s hand, got in his car, and drove off.

“Someone’s coming,” Cody said. They took cover as the front door opened and a young man in a jacket, jeans, and a book bag hanging on his arm exited the building. Daniel swiftly held his foot in the door to keep it from closing while everyone entered the building and checked the mailboxes. “What did you say her name is?” Anna asked. “Randi,” Billy said. Anna chuckled at the name. “Randi Benson—she’s right down the hall,” she said.

Randi sat at her kitchen table thinking of all that transpired since she met Rafael and the wild ride she had following John and his strange friend that she was sure was a vampire. She then thought of how she had to convince the irate man that she wasn’t stalking him, and after he gave her a few choice words and a warning, he let her leave with a bit of her dignity still intact. “I need to try to reach Rafael,” she said picking up her phone and dialing his number.

Still enjoying his laugh, Rafael’s cell phone began to ring. He picked it up and walked away into the corner of the church while Sage, gathering her strength, tried to get up from the floor. To her horror, she saw that Rafael had placed layers of garlic around her in a circular motion, leaving her trapped between them and the rusted cross. Using her ears, she tried to listen to his secretive conversation. “I’m fine,” he said. “You are in so much trouble—” Randi said, “the police are looking for you and think that you’re tied into the vampire slayings.” “Really,” Rafael quipped. “That’s laughable—vampire hunter accused of being a vampire.” “So did you get what you’re after?’ she asked. He glanced at Sage smiling. “Yes,” he answered. “Are you sure you can pull off the second part of plan?” he asked. “Yes,” she replied. “I think I can handle it.”

“I miss you,” she said softly. “I miss you, and when this is all over we can go somewhere together and get more acquainted.” “I’d like that,” she said. “Now I have things I have to do,” he said. “Be careful,” she said. “I can handle the vampire queen,” he said. “She’s powerless against me.” “Whatever you say,” Randi said. “A lot is riding on this working,” he said. “It will work,” she said. “I’ll try to call you again when I can,” he said. “Okay,” she said.

“Good-bye,” he said. She held the phone up, reluctant to hang up. “Good-bye,” she finally said and hung up the receiver. “Until I see you again,” she whispered.

Cristian heard the sound of his phone ringing as he entered his loft. Answering the phone quickly he said, “Sage?” “Cristian,” his mother said anxiously. “Mother!” he exclaimed. “Where are you and Dad?” “We need your help son,” she said. “We’re in danger.” “Where are you?” he asked. “I don’t know, Cristian,” Jillian said. “We’re in some kind of building. I don’t know where” she said, “please help us—he says he’s going to kill us.” “Who?” Cristian yelled. “His name is Rafael,” Jillian said. “He wants you to come, because he says he has something that’s precious to you.” “Sage,” Cristian thought. “Can you describe where you are?” he asked. The line went dead. “Mother,” he yelled.

After showering and changing clothes, Randi looked at the address of the art gallery. She took a deep breath. “Talking to Cristian West is going to be the hardest part of the plan,” she thought. “You can do this Randi,” she thought, giving herself a pep talk. “Rafael is relying on you.” She opened the door and started down the hallway. “Excuse me, are you Randi?” Anna asked, stepping in front of her. “Yes,” she said with shivers going down her spine. “Good,” Anna said as the coven surrounded her and Billy put a blindfold over Randi’s eyes and Cody covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream. “You have some questions to answer,” Anna said.

Sage, knowing that she didn’t have much time, attempted to stand and screamed in agony. Gazing at her arms, she realized that Rafael had poured holy water on her arms and legs making her skin raw so that each time she moved, the pulling and tearing would further inflame the injuries. “You didn’t think I would give you ample time to try to break my neck again, did you?” he said.

He took out the wooden stake from inside his cloak. “Now, I’m going to do what I’ve been planning on since I became a hunter.” He leaned over her and lifted the stake high above his head. As he began to bring the stake down, she dug her claws deeply into his legs, jerking him to the ground and causing him to drop the stake in the process. He screamed as she attempted to grab the stake as it rolled across the ground. Angrily, he flounced over her, grabbed the stake, and in a crushing blow drove it into her. “No!” Cristian yelled as he dropped to the floor in his loft flinching in pain. John was sitting at his desk typing when suddenly he heard screams coming from the grand living room. Tearing out of his room, he saw the coven lying on the floor writhing while a frightened, blindfolded Randi stood frozen.