Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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squelch any reservations she had over it.” “That’s great,” Daniel said. John lowered his head shyly, “I know that you’re having the party for Queen Sage tonight, and…” “You’d like to come” Anna grinned. “I just want to see how vampires party,” he said. “I’m sure Sage wouldn’t mind,” Anna said. “Of course, you can come.” “That reminds me,” she whispered to Daniel. “I’m going to go talk to her while I’m bringing her lunch.” “I miss seeing her around,” he said.

“She’ll snap out of it,” she said. “Good to see you, Samuel,” Anna said as he came into the living room with a wine glass of animal blood in his hand. Samuel shot her a curious stare as she continued down the hallway.

Sage sat at the window staring at the yellow newspaper clipping when she heard a soft rap at the door. “It’s me,” Anna said. “Come in,” Sage replied as Anna walked in holding a bottle of animal blood in her hand. “We’re concerned about you,” she said, looking at the bed that lay bare, stripped of all its linens. “I can’t sleep in that bed,” Sage said softly. “It contains too many memories, albeit brief, of my time with Cristian.” “I understand,” Anna said, handing her the bottle and a goblet. Sage chuckled when she noticed Anna watching closely to see if she would consume the blood while in her presence. She uncorked the bottle, poured the contents into the glass, and drank it.

“Satisfied?” she smiled. “Very,” Anna replied. “I’ve noticed that you don’t have the excruciating hunger for human blood anymore,” she said. “It was becoming unbearable for you.” Sage realized that Anna was right. She hadn’t experienced the all-consuming hunger for human blood anymore. It changed the night she placed her hands on the cross and after she tasted Samuel’s blood. “I supposed the craving is no longer strong, although I still have to consume blood in order to survive” she frowned.

“Have you begun making arrangements for the return to

Egypt?” she asked. “Partly,” Sage replied.
“Nothing is definite yet. I have to decide about Pedro.” “Pedro suffered his punishment when he was staked and

burned,” Anna said. “He seems truly remorseful for what he’s done and he did kill Pearson,” she added. “If Pedro hadn’t interfered, you still would’ve had to decide if you wanted to turn Cristian or not,” she said. “He had injured himself before the painting went missing to save you.”

“I know,” Sage said, “I told him not to do it, but he was stubborn and he didn’t want to see me die and I didn’t want to see him die trying to save me.” She sighed. “Things would’ve probably still ended up as they did, because I couldn’t get past the guilt I felt for turning him, his parents would’ve never accepted our relationship, and I never wanted Cristian to have problems with his parents. I never wanted to be put in that position.”

“Mom, I really want to get back to New York,” Cristian said impatiently. “But we still have one more day left,” Jillian exclaimed. “I know, Mom,” Cristian replied, “But I’m ready to get back to New York.” He sighed, staring at his mother’s unhappy face. “I appreciate what you and Dad have done for me, but I really want to get back to my life,” he said. She reluctantly took out her cell phone and called her travel agent. “It’s Jillian,” she said, “Can you do a favor for me?”

“Thank you,” Cristian said.

Randi walked inside the gallery, staring at the crowd gathered around the portrait of Sage. She listened to them whispering and murmuring about the masquerade ball and the mysterious disappearance of the mystery woman. She focused her eyes upon the portrait, staring at the smile on the queen’s face. She frowned with growing contempt at the smile that seemed to be a smirk of triumph. “I’m going to wipe that smile off of your face,” she vowed, glaring at the portrait. “The last face you will see will be mine when I pierce your heart,” she said.

Anna returned to the living room when Daniel asked if Sage would join them, and to his pleasant surprise, Sage entered into the room behind her. “Queen V,” Billy grinned. “How we’ve missed you.” Sage smiled slightly. “Anna talked me into coming down,” she said. “I know you were worried about me, but this was something I had to deal with alone.”

“It’s good to see you again, Queen V,” Samuel said. She was taken aback by his formal greeting. “It’s good to see you too,” she said uncomfortably. Pedro entered the room smiling, bowing in deference to her and extended his hand to someone standing in the hallway. “My queen, there is someone I’d like you to meet,” he said. A woman with dark hair, dark eyes, and fair skin took his hand as he brought her before Sage. “Está Maria,” he said. “Hola,” she said, meekly curtsying before Sage.

“It’s good to meet you,” Sage said to her in Spanish taking her hand. “So that’s where you’ve been,” Billy grinned. “I don’t blame you,” he said under his breath. Pedro flashed him a not-so-innocent grin. “Maria is really important to me,” Pedro said, “I’d like to spend all my eternity with her, and if you so please I’d like her to stay here with me as my mate—if it pleases the queen,” he said bowing his head.

Sage stared with hesitation at the young woman who stared lovingly at him. “I understand your reservations after what happened, and from what I’ve done in my past,” he said to her telepathically, “but I’ve learned from my mistakes, and this is who I want to spend my days and nights with.”

“Welcome,” Sage said extending her arm and welcoming Pedro’s love into the coven. Everyone followed suit in welcoming Maria into the fold. “This will make the party tonight even better,” Anna said. “This is truly a celebration!” she exclaimed as Sage glanced over at Samuel who didn’t give her any eye contact. “Party?” Pedro asked. “Yes, we might as well fill you in, since you were busy,” Anna joked to chuckles around the room.

Cristian sat on the airplane silently watching the clouds when he thought back to the strange mental image of him speaking to a mysterious woman. He turned his head toward his parents who had fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders and wondered why they were acting strangely. He noted when he went to Mass with them they kept watching him as though they were expecting a reaction from him upon entering the church. When he didn’t react in the way they were expecting, he noticed that both his mother and father exhaled a sigh of relief. “What was that all about” he wondered, “It was as though they expected me to implode or something?”

He stared back out the window feeling anxious to be home and back in his loft and away from the suffocating presence of his parents constantly watching him like a hawk. He felt an intense need to return to New York, and to return that night.

Randi waited in the taxi, deciding not to bring attention to herself by driving her car and alerting the vampires of her whereabouts. “How long are we going to wait here, lady?” the taxi driver said impatiently.

“As long as it takes,” she snapped. She reached down into her pocket to make sure that the handmade stakes she had were secure and the bow and arrows tucked underneath her jacket. She saw the nurse and orderly whom she overheard talking about the party leave the hospital dressed up in evening attire.

“I want you to follow them but not too closely,” she said to the taxi driver. “Okay,” he said mumbling under his breath.
They followed them to a nightclub in SoHo with valets parking the car and a sign posted stating that it was a private party. Randi paid the taxi driver and jumped out the car. Running toward the back, she saw the backdoor opened while the bartender took a cigarette break. Using his distraction to her advantage, she ran inside the door while his back was turned and headed inside the building.
Knowing the vampires would be able to detect her scent, she hid in the back, as more vampires were arriving, waiting for the moment to strike. The music from the speakers began to blare, as the festivities were underway. “They’ll be here soon,” said one of the vampires dressed in black, “the coven seven.” “I can’t wait to see them,” another vampire said, “The queen and the coven seven.” “It’s going to be awesome,” said a vampire who looked too young to be in a nightclub. “He doesn’t look old enough to be in a club,” Randi thought, “Then again, he may have been a vampire for a long time.” “This is so cool—a vampires-only party!” a vampire with twists in his hair exclaimed, “I love it!” “It is possible for vampires to get drunk?” Randi quipped, watching him stumbling, barely able to stand.
The limo containing the coven and John arrived outside the entrance. “The place is nearly filled to capacity,” Billy said, “There’ll be vampires crawling on the ceiling soon.” Cody chuckled, while Sage silently stared out the window. “Some paparazzi might be hanging around trying to get photos,” Lisa said. “I don’t think we need any more attention brought to us,” Sage said wryly.
The valet opened the door and bowed before Sage as she exited the limo, making sure that none of them was visible to any lurking photographers. “I hope you don’t mind me staying close to you,” John said, “Some might look at me as a meal.” Sage began to laugh, covering her mouth with her hand as her shoulders shook. “You’re my guest,” she said, “You’ll be fine.”
“It was good to see you laugh again,” Anna said telepathically to her. The others had the same expression on their face upon hearing her mirth. Anna caressed her shoulder. “You look beautiful, Sage,” she said. She had let her hair down, cascading around her shoulders and had opted for a simple black evening dress with sparkles and black heeled shoes. “Everyone looks dashing,” Sage said, staring with admiration at the coven all dressed impeccably. She was amazed at how Billy always managed to match his pirate shirt with his attire. “I’m ready to party,” Billy said as they walked inside the club. The music thumped so loudly the vibrations could be felt on the dance floor. John watched as the vampires were singing along noisily to the seventies song and passing around what looked like bottles filled with blood.
“Okay, we need some eighties music up in here!” Billy exclaimed to cheers and laughter. “It’s the queen!” someone yelled as the music stopped, and the crowd hushed as Sage appeared. They parted as she made her way through the club with John following close behind as she took a seat in a chair. “Hail to the queen!” roared the crowd bowing to her. The music started again and the crowd began to dance while the coven mixed in talking to acquaintances.
“I smell a human,” one of the vampires teased coming up to greet Sage. “He’s with me,” she warned. “Thank you,” John said, his voice cracking. “They won’t harm you,” Sage said, “not unless they want to feel my wrath.” “That’s good to know,” he said. Billy, Pedro, Lisa, and Cody danced on the dance floor while Samuel stood off to the side watching the festivities. “He won’t even look at me,” Sage thought, troubled.
“Samuel!” a strawberry blonde petite woman exclaimed, grabbing him and giving him a warm hug. “It’s good to see you again,” she said holding him. He looked over and saw Sage watching them, a bit perturbed. “She can’t be,” he thought. He looked again and saw the scowl on her face. “She is,” he thought excitedly. From body language, Sage could always tell when two people have been intimate. The closeness is different than between platonic friends. People who have shared their bodies physically with each other have a different intimacy in gestures and mannerisms.
Watching Samuel with this woman, Sage could see the subtle signs of two people who had been intimate, and it bothered her. “This is what Cristian felt when he learned of my night with Samuel,” she thought. “He could tell because our body language gave it away.” “I’m sorry I hurt you, Cristian,” she thought regretfully. Randi peered from the dark corner where she hid watching Sage closely as she waited.
The music stopped and the gray-haired vampire that drove the Mercedes grabbed a microphone. “Tonight we celebrate the return of our queen and the end of the vampire hunter.” The sounds of cheers were heard throughout the club. John looked up and saw vampires hanging from the ceiling. Gulping, he looked back over at the vampire speaking. “I’m pleased to announce that we have a special quest who requested to sing a serenade to you when she found out about our celebration,” he said. He walked off the semistage, and a young female singer approached the microphone. “I’m honored to be here tonight,” she said to gasps and applause from the audience. She was a world-famous singer that no one knew was also a vampire. “There are a lot of us,” she grinned to shouts of glee. She faced Sage. “To our queen, I’m very happy that you returned safe to us and that the hunter is gone and will never again kill another vampire.” Thunderous applause greeted her statement as she adjusted the microphone and began to sing a melody with words about cherishing each day that we have in a world where things can change in an instant and that the only consistency is love, for it is eternal.
Sage’s eyes welled up as she listened to the lyrics, looking into the crowd as Anna and Daniel cuddled together, Pedro and Maria danced together, oblivious to the people around them, and Lisa and Cody held each other close, gazing into the other’s eyes. She heard John take a deep breath watching them. Wanting to ask him why he didn’t pursue a relationship with her, Sage decided that it was none of her business. Turning her eyes, she watched as Samuel danced with the strawberry blonde girl, and her thoughts turned to the night they had together. “I need to stop thinking about that,” she said irritated at herself. When the song ended, everyone applauded as Sage thanked her for the beautiful song, and the special guest singer exited the stage.
Making sure her target was within range, Randi finally began to make her move, advancing toward Sage still sitting in her chair. “You smell that?” one of the vampires said. “I smell the stench of a human.” “There’s a human sitting with the queen!” another vampire exclaimed. “No, I’ve already smelled their scent,” the vampire said, “This smells different.”
Randi stilled as the vampire continued sniffing the air. “I’m telling you there’s another human here,” he insisted. Randi, knowing she would soon be discovered, whipped out the bow and arrow and ran toward Sage. “Hey!” the vampire yelled, pointing at her. “She’s going after the queen,” he said. John jumped up as Sage turned around to see what the commotion was. “You have to pay!” Randi yelled, fixing the arrow on the bowstring and firing it. Sage extended her hand snapping the arrow into pieces.
Other vampires surrounded Randi, grabbing her as she took the stakes from her pocket and stabbed one, missing their heart by a few inches. “You’re gonna pay for that,” he said, about to strike her in the face. “Stop!” Sage commanded. “Release her.” “No,” Anna said. “I know what I’m doing,” Sage said. Sage stepped down from the seat and walked toward Randi.
“Who are you?” she asked. Randi flinched under the power of Sage’s voice. “I’m Randi,” she answered, “I’m Rafael’s girlfriend.” “She changed her look,” Anna replied. “You took part in the lie to entrap Cristian,” Sage said angrily. “Yes,” Randi replied defiantly. “I did it to help his parents.” “I see,” Sage replied. “Do you not realize that you are outnumbered—” she asked, “that you would never make it out of here alive?” “I don’t care,” Randi snarled. “Just like a Pearson clone,” Billy said. Sage stepped closer to her, staring directly into her eyes while the coven looked on. “You are out of your league,” she said, taking the stakes and crushing them with her hands, “You are no hunter, even if you learned how to fire a bow and arrow or make wooden stakes. You are not a hunter.” Randi started toward her, but Sage grabbed her by the neck gazing into her eyes down into her soul. She took a small intake of breath and loosened her grip.
“Get her out of her unharmed,” she said. Randi dropped her mouth stunned. “What!” Anna exclaimed. “Do as I say!” Sage commanded. I’ll take her,” the orderly whom she spied on said. “She was listening to my private conversation and that’s how she knew about the party. My apologies,” he said bowing before Sage.
He gripped Randi’s arm tightly while she stared at Sage, confused. “Why did you let her go?” Anna asked. “I have my reasons,” Sage replied. “Okay, that was an annoying disruption,” one of the vampires yelled. “Let’s get back to partying.”
The crowd cheered again as Sage took her seat and John watched Randi taken out the back door.

“I know the queen said to leave you unharmed, but I have other ideas,” the orderly said, shoving Randi out the door. He stared at her, baring his fangs when Randi used a technique she learned in martial arts, gouging him in his eyes with both her hands and running out into the street. “Hey!” he yelled, running after her with blood streaming down his eyes. She ran out into traffic barely avoiding being hit by an oncoming car. The car screeched to a stop. “Get outta the street!” the driver yelled rolling down the window. “Help me!” Randi said reaching for the passenger door. “Please!” she said, jumping inside the car as he tried to drive off.

The vampire ran out just as the car took off down the street. “The coast is clear,” she breathed, when suddenly they heard a crash on the roof and glass shattered around them. It was the vampire on top of the car trying to break his way inside. “What kind of trouble are you in, lady?” the driver asked, frightened. “I don’t want to be in the middle of this. Get out my car!” he yelled, trying to pull over to the curb. The roof tore open as the vampire grabbed the driver by the neck, ripping it open with his sharp claws. Randi screamed as the car careened through traffic and crashed into a utility pole. She lay bruised, bloody, and unconscious as motorists pulled along the side of the road to try to help and to call for an ambulance. The orderly took off running before he could check to see if Randi was still breathing.

As the party winded down, Sage thanked the organizers and began to make her exit, when Samuel excused himself from the woman he was with and approached her. “Can we speak privately?” he asked. She silently nodded her head, and they went out the back door. “Leave them,” Anna said as John went to go after her. “You’re safe with us,” she said. “Do you really think we’ll let any harm come to you?”

“What was that tonight—” he asked. “That girl Randi showing up here?”
“I had a feeling that she may try to seek revenge for Pearson’s death, because she was in love with him,” Anna said. “I’m just surprised that Sage didn’t kill her.” “Killing isn’t her thing,” Daniel said. “I know, but in this case it was warranted,” Anna replied. “She crashed our party, thinking that she was just going to kill Sage and waltz away.” “Sage could’ve made an exception in this case.” “She said she had her reasons,” Lisa said. “I love Sage, but in this case, I disagree with her,” Anna replied.
Sage and Samuel landed on the roof of her loft as he paced the floor nervously. “I’ve missed you,” he began. “I’ve missed you,” she said. “I knew you needed to grieve for Cristian and for the loss of that relationship and I didn’t want to come between that,” he said. “I never wanted to come between you and Cristian.” “I know that,” she replied. “I know you will always love him,” he said softly. “Cristian has been a part of my life for a long time, Samuel,” she said.
“I can’t just turn off the emotion even though we’re not together anymore—which is why I needed time to sort through my feelings,” she said. “I felt like I was being disloyal to him, because I have feelings for you.” “Sage, I...” “Samuel, please,” she said silencing him. “I tried to deny my feelings for you for a long time when I realized that I had them.”
“When did you realize it?” he asked. “When we were in Prague,” she confessed. “I realized my feelings for you then too,” he said. “But, Sage, I can’t be the person you turn to because you can’t have Cristian.” He started for the door when she grabbed his arm. “Samuel, don’t,” she said. “Please stay and hear me out. I’ve come to a realization about things in my life and whom I want to share it with,” she said.
“As much as I loved Cristian, I couldn’t shake the guilt I carried for turning him,” she began. “It was driving us apart.” She gazed at him. “Anna told me how Cristian insulted you because of his jealous feelings about us.”
“I saw you tonight with that woman and I felt the same emotion,” she said. “I knew it,” he grinned slightly. “I don’t like being jealous, Samuel,” she said. “It’s a dangerous emotion.” He stared deeply into her eyes. “Sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of us,” she said. “I’ve been stuck in the past and grieving over the loss of Cristian for so long, I couldn’t see love when it stared me in the face. I thought I’d never love again and yet you crept into my heart.” Samuel’s eyes brimmed at her words. “I need you not because you give me comfort or for a safety net,” she said. “I realized that you are who I need by my side.
You already know yourself that you have the same powers as I do.” “I felt it the night you drank from me.”
“The others already noticed the change in your voice.” “I can’t deny it,” he said, “I felt the change that night.” “I began to realize that my feelings for you were beyond friendship,” she said, taking a breath. “I love you Samuel, very much.”
Moved, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly. Refraining from the embrace, they rested their foreheads together, their eyes still closed. “We will return to Egypt where you will take your place by my side as king,” she said. “It feels right,” he said. He kissed her forehead as they embraced, holding each other tightly. “They left,” Billy said, incredulous. “I went out to check on them and they weren’t there.”
“They needed to discuss matters between them,” Anna grinned. “You devil you,” Billy said.
“You’re being Cupid’s helper, huh!” he said. “I’m just trying to advance things that have already been set in motion,” she replied. “You can’t fight destiny.” “What if you’re wrong,” Lisa said. “Queen V and Cristian have a deep love for each other.”
“I realize that Cristian will always hold a place in Sage’s heart,” Anna said, “But he’s not her future, and she knows it, which is why she made him forget her.”
“I just feel things will happen if they’re supposed to, without any meddling from us,” Daniel said. “I mean, his parents meddled in his life, which is what tore him and Queen V apart.”
“But we’re missing the main point of contention between them” Anna said, “She felt guilt for turning him, and eventually that would’ve driven them apart.” “They were headed in that direction.”
“Remember how cool they were toward each other when we returned from our holidays?” she said. “There was no meddling involved then.” “Even when Pedro meddled in their relationship, that isn’t what tore them apart in the end.” “I’ll never live this down,” he said when Maria stared at him, confused. “It’s a piece of history I’d like to forget,” he said, regretfully, to her.

After a nearly fifteen-hour flight, the plane landed at the airport, and a weary Cristian went to grab his luggage. “Son, I hope that your father and I didn’t irritate you,” Jillian said. “We just wanted to make sure that you had an enjoyable vacation.” “I know, Mother,” Cristian said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll talk with you tomorrow,” he said. He hailed a taxi rubbing his tired eyes. “It’s good to be home,” he said.

Sage told Samuel there was something she needed to do before they made their announcement. After he left her alone on the roof, she closed her eyes, envisioning Cristian’s loft. Opening her eyes, she saw herself standing in the middle of the room. She glanced at the bed where they’d made love for the first time and at the room where he kept her sketches before he destroyed them. “I have to somehow forget you, Cristian,” she said. Hearing the sound of the elevator approaching, she stared for a few lingering minutes at the cage as the elevator came to a rest. Opening the cage, Cristian walked out and stopped abruptly feeling a presence in the room. “Is anyone there?” he asked. He could smell a faint scent of jasmine in the air. “Why does that scent smell so familiar to me?” he wondered.