Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

Tof the terminal while John, who helplessly watched his boss being led away, took a seat in the lobby and waited. One of the

other stood at the door watching him. “So can you tell me why you have a crossbow in your belongings?” the security guard asked him. “I’m an archer and I was taking part in an archery championship contest,” Rafael replied, thinking quickly. “I see,” the security guard said as he typed the information into the computer. “And why are you carrying a water gun?” Rafael smiled slightly. “It’s a gift for my nephew,” he lied. “I was going to have it gift wrapped, but I knew that it would need to be scanned, so I thought against it.”

The security guard typed in more information, glancing over at the other guard standing at the door. Feeling his jacket pocket, Rafael realized that his silver stake was missing. “You know how kids are with water guns,” Rafael said, trying to stay calm. The security guard smiled at him. “Yes, I do. My son has a water gun.” He nodded his head taking a breath. “Okay, so you’re free to go,” the security guard said. Rafael breathed a sigh of relief. “So I can take my crossbow and water gun with me?” he asked. “The water gun was confiscated because it looked like an authentic gun.” “Just make sure the crossbow is more secure when you’re packing,” the security guard said. “Otherwise, you’re free to go.” Rafael got up from the chair.

“Wait a second,” the security guard yelled as he started for the door. “Did you win the contest?” he asked. Rafael grinned. “I came close, but next time I will win the prize,” he said, furtively enjoying his private joke. He met John who jumped up from the chair in the lobby. “That was a close call,” he said as they went to board their flight. He looked at his assistant. “Do you know where my stake is?” he whispered. John smiled. “It’s in a safe place,” he said. “I’ll tell you later.”

After a sleepless night of debating the pros and cons of Cristian’s intentions toward her, Sage decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Preparing for her official date with him, she opted for casual attire, wearing black formfitting jeans and a black blouse. Feeling butterflies in her stomach, she gulped down three glasses of animal blood while Anna gave her a pep talk not to put herself in a compromising situation, and if she needed an escape plan, to let her know. The others were surprised that a normally reclusive Sage was going out on a date, while Pedro sulked.

When the doorbell rang, the coven elatedly told her to have a great time. Pedro, full of envy, stared out the window watching Sage get into the cab as she and Cristian left together. Irritated, he kicked a gaping hole into the wall.

While riding in the cab, Cristian inched his hand closer to hers while she watched him from the corner of her eye. He took her hand as she glanced at him with a smile. “I thought maybe we can go see a movie,” he said shyly. “That’s fine with me,” she said. Getting out of the cab, they walked inside the movie theater as some of the moviegoers stared at them. Sage realized that she had

forgotten to use her powers of illusion. She stared at the patrons while they whispered as Cristian went to get the tickets.

“Humph!” “Who does she think she is!” one of the women whispered, rolling her eyes. “She’s just the flavor of the month,” another said, curling her lips in disgust. “It’s a curiosity thing,” the sneering woman said. “You know what they say about them. The stereotype.” Sage felt her temper about to explode as Cristian came over with the tickets. “Did you want some popcorn?” he asked. “No, I’m not hungry,” she said annoyed. They went to take their seats, and Cristian pretended to stretch as he placed his arm around her. Sage grinned at his slyness and began to get comfortable as the previews began.

Suddenly, something hit her head. She heard snickering as she turned around to see what it was. “Chocolate and vanilla,” someone whispered, laughing. “She likes crème in her coffee,” another said. “Maybe they have the fever,” another said loudly. Sage fumed in her seat. “Ignore them, Sage,” Cristian said looking at her. “Some people are ignorant and narrow-minded.” Someone threw popcorn at them. “Hey!” Cristian yelled, turning around. Sage looked around in the darkened theater, and with her night vision, she could see the women who talked about her in the lobby get up from their seats and walk out the door. “Cristian, I’ll be right back,” she said getting up from her seat. “Save my seat for me.”

Taking advantage of the darkness, she changed her form to mist and followed the women into the restroom where they were laughing at their pettiness as they began to reapply their makeup in the mirror unaware that Sage was standing behind them. They turned around startled to see Sage menacing with red eyes and bared fangs. She hissed at them as the horrified women screamed and slammed into the door, nearly breaking it down trying to run out the restroom and running to the counter screaming incoherently, pointing toward the restroom. The manager, thinking they were just playing a prank, went to check out the situation in the restroom and didn’t see anything. Sage, grinning smugly, rejoined Cristian in the movie theater, stating that the troublemakers wouldn’t bother them anymore.

Rafael sat at the window of the airplane while John slept, imagining finally finding Sage and killing her. Once he achieved his goal, he was going to celebrate in fashion with a bottle of chilled champagne that he promised himself he would drink once he vanquished the vampire queen. “I’m going to finally do what no one else has been able to do,” he thought with a gleeful smile. “I’m going to send that bloodsucker to hell where she belongs.”

After watching the movie without any further interruptions, Cristian asked Sage if she was hungry. “I’m fine,” she said. “Maybe next time we can take in a play,” he said. “I’d like that,” she said. He took her hand as they began to walk together, when he stopped abruptly to look at her. “I couldn’t sleep at all last night,” he said. “I thought of you.” He took his hand and gently caressed her face. “I like you. A lot,” he confessed. What Cristian really wanted to say was that he was falling in love with her. He knew it from the moment he saw her in the art galley the night of the presentation, and even before that. “I like you a lot too,” she said, even though she knew that what she was feeling was more than just an infatuation.

They stared into each other’s eyes under the moonlight as everything slowed down around them. Caressing her face with his hand, he brushed his fingers against her lips, feeling a pull to her that he couldn’t control. Unable to resist his touch, she closed her eyes and parted her lips slightly in anticipation as he moved in closer until their lips touched. Enjoying the softness of each other’s lips, they wrapped their arms around each other in a passionate embrace; she could hear the rapid beating of his heart as their kiss deepened.