Deception by Peter Burns - HTML preview

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Susan Blackburn stirred without the sense of Tony being close by her. She was still half awake; she rolled out of bed landing on her clothes that had been scattered on the floor following night of passion and far too much red wine.

Sliding across the carpet, she slid open the glass door. Tony was watching her as she joined him on the veranda that overlooked the skyline of London.

Tony was looking out to the blue angle fish skyline silhouetted with the backdrop of the city of London’s horizon. The sun light beat down on the veranda bringing out the colours of his garden flowers as though a rainbow was cloaked along his garden.

Opening the door Susan went out into the dark brown wooden veranda. The air was rich with the scent of the garden flowers that flooded around them both. Tony was immediately aware of Susan.

Susan asked in a sleepy voice ‘What are you doing?’

She rubbed her eyes and then protected her eyes from the summer sun.

‘Thinking about what we shall do next’

She bent down and whispered into his left ear with her lips, ‘you worry too much.’

‘Come back to bed’ she said in a seductive manner.

Susan then walked back into the bedroom and laid waiting for Tony to follow.

Tony’s jaw dropped and quick as a flash the morning view of London was long forgotten. A minute later, he climbed onto the bed. Tony started to kiss Susan. First, he kissed her gently, but soon he started to kiss her more feverishly. He then started to kiss her through her clothes. He bit her nipple and then he took it in his mouth. He then pulled her up onto the bed. There he prised open her legs and then he buried his hands between her legs. He legs quickly rose up in the air and rested on his shoulders.

Then everything else stopped being important. Time and space seemed to no longer matter to either of them. All that mattered was the where Tony touched Susan.

He started to touch her in places he knew would bring her pleasure. He ran his tongue along her back, He held her tight. He seemed to never let her go. There was no inebriation between both lovers. Nothing now mattered at all.

The world seemed so obscure and distant. It was almost as though the world out there ceased to exist.

Tony came back from her. She pushed him away and started to kiss his chest all the way down to the top of his waist. He moaned and stared down at her. She bent down and gave him a little of what he wanted. He held onto her head for a while before he suddenly grabbed her from under her arms and pulled her away.

They both grabbed each other and they kissed once more. They were now more like animals than people. She knew what he was about to do. He turned her around, mounting her. He bent her over the bed and before long, he was inside her. They moved in tandem like two sides of a perfect circle. They both felt so complete. He penetrated her more and more ripping her open for the entire world to see. He leaned forward and grabbed her breasts. They changed positions and Susan jumped on top. She was bouncing up and down on him like jockey on a horse. Tony started to come. For him it was like a storm that was never ending. Each thrust was like the crackle of thunder in the mists of a hurricane. As his thrusts abated, he pulled Susan down and buried his face into her. She too started to climax. For her it was like the rush you get from diving out of an airplane at 20,000 feet, diving through the sky free and becoming a great force. Then it was all over…


When they both came around their fix of passion having worn off. Tony walked back to the veranda. Then came the call. Susan answered the call. She left his bedroom walking past the pictures of the children, the memories and long held dreams and ideals. Of course, she wanted those memories too, but they were the memories of his wife.

Susan wondered if Audrey had any idea of what was going on. She suspected not. If only Tony would leave her then she would have everything she wanted. But she knew deep down that that was the dream of the innocent and not the dream of a grown up.

She answered the call with regret. She recognised the voice immediately it was Norman.

‘I have just arrived in London from Paris and I need your help!’

He then went onto explain to her what had gone wrong in Paris yesterday. After much patient listening, begging, and pleading from him, she agreed to provide her services.

Susan was a woman from Cheltenham who came from a Russian-American family that had settled in the UK during the last few years of the Cold War.

Although physically strong, she was emotionally focused too. She had been forced to deal with some significant trauma over the years. Trauma’s which would have caused most to crack.

At a young age, her fiancé died in a car crash to the North of Cheltenham. She also had to come to terms with her mother’s death following a failed hijack of a coach in Jerusalem. This event more than anything else had driven to join MI5 when she graduated from Cheltenham and Gloucester College in 2000.

She joined the Special Intelligence Service internal academy in September 2000. At first, she found the going tough. It was there that she met Norman and with his help, she was able to develop the physical strength to get through the initial training. With the friendship established, she went onto MI5 while Norman went onto MI6.

At MI5, she began to excel in investigative and analytical techniques and covert operational training.  She began to earn a reputation as a tough student passing the various tests with ease. Later as her career began to develop she met Tony following a cross MI5/MI6 training session.

‘Norman!’ she screamed out after putting the phone down

‘Why are you such a dick’!

She went back into Tony’s room and told him she must leave immediately.  

Tony groaned in disappointment.

However, he lay in bed and watched her getting dresses. He liked the way she would always lay her clothes out in neat piles before getting dressed. He could not help think how much better women looked then men when they got dressed or undressed. There was always that certain elegance that women had over men no matter how much you tried.

 A few minutes later, she was dressed and shortly after that, the front door slammed shut and he could hear her rushing off to where ever she was going.

Tony pulled his duvet over his head. Glad to have the bed back he stretched out consuming the whole of the bed. A few minutes later, he was fast asleep.

Back at her apartment he attention quickly drifted away from Tony and onto her new problem. Very quickly, her attention was totally focused on how she was going to sort out this mess.

‘A shower is needed’ Susan mumbled to herself.

She knew that the hot jests of the shower and the force of the water would blast away everything and help her focus on the problem she had now inherited.  She especially wanted to wash away any thoughts of Tony from her mind. She needed to get focussing on the job in hand.

After a long shower where the steam from the shower turned her small bathroom into a Turkish bath she started to brainstorm some ideas on the shutters of the shower that helped her focus.

With the shower finished and a few ideas installed in her mind, she got dressed. Once dressed she grabbed something quick and tasteless from her cupboards. She slung it in the microwave and her gloopy meal was eaten. She was too hungry to taste the food. She quickly shovelled the food down her mouth before she headed off to her office.

When she arrived at her office less than an hour later Susan prepared to hand it over to the car park attendant. It was one of those many benefits of the job that MI5 paid for. Officers had their cars parked and retrieved by a special team. To Susan this seemed like a needless luxury that was more to do with status than security. She hoped her car would not be scratched like it had been a few weeks ago.

‘Take my car, chum,’ said Susan to the buildings car park attendant, as she climbed out of her sports car.

The young man who was her attendant looked very young perhaps no more than 20. She just hoped that her car would come back in one piece and he did not go joy riding with it around London while the streets were clear of traffic.

As her car drove away, she walked towards her office doors attaching her ID to her breast pocket and plunged into the chaos of MI5.