Deception by Peter Burns - HTML preview

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The house looked as if it had seen better days. It was a large Edwardian building. The front garden was filled with weeds and rubbish and the path was littered with cracks and more wild plants.

Hussein rang the doorbell. However, it did not ring, so he banged the letterbox a few times. He started to fish out his mobile when the door suddenly opened up. There stood Norman who barked out his order telling Hussein to go into the living room.

He walked into the living room. It was completely bear with the exception of five seats and a table with various documents and files on it.

‘You had better sit and joint the others. You’re late!’

Each of the men said hello in various levels of grunts before Norman stood up.

The men then followed this up with a few short introductions to each other followed by a few light-hearted jokes and one-liners.

A few minutes later, there was that awkward moment of silence when everyone had run out of anything superficial to say.

At that point, Hussein sat down noticing that everyone was facing a very large TV in the centre of the room.

With the team in place, Norman clicked on the large TV with his black and grey remote control. The red light just below the on button sparked up. A few seconds later, it went green and then the TV came on.

The men watched as a young dark haired women came around. She was very tall and slim. She had blue eyes, high cheekbones and her hair ran down her neck and along her shoulders. She was wearing a figure hugging charcoal top with her sleeves rolled up. She had to look of a sophisticated model that would be at home living and working along the French Riviera.

She was gorgeous. She was the type of woman that when she walked into a room all men would turn their head to gape a look at her, hoping she would notice them.

Around her mouth was a large pad taped to her face. Her eyes opened and the four men could see the fear in her eyes.

Her hands were hand cuffed to a metal chair. She immediately started to wriggle her hands up and down. At first in short spasms. Then the spasms became faster and faster as panic set in. They could see her long legs trying to kick herself free. All five men knew that escape was impossible.

They could hear the muffled screams calling out for help.

All around her was dark. A powerful light shone down on her. In the background, the men could be see shelves filled with bars of soap.

Then a man walked across to her and punched her in the face. Blood could be seen oozing out of her mouth and splatting blood onto the floor. Then there was a rip as the mouthpiece was ripped of her face.

‘Ugh that hurt’

Before she had a chance to make another sound, he grabbed her forcefully tearing away her clothing. She tried to resist but her clothes were torn away so quickly that her flesh was quickly exposed. Exposing her nakedness to all around her. She knew what was coming next.

The man kicked the chair onto the floor. She collapsed onto the floor in a heap. He then leant down, ripped her hand cups away from the broken chair, and tore off the remains of her clothes throwing them away in a heap. His fist grabbed her hear pinning her down.

Then his erect penis was forces into her face. A knife was held at her neck. A small trickle of blood dripped down from the small indent.

Then the voice said 'suck it until I come, bitch'. A look of horror came across her face. Then she opened her mouth and she began. The tell-tale sound of oral sex could be heard as she moved her mouth up and down his penis. She tried every so often to break free but she was trapped and had no option but to do what he asked. A few minutes later, it was finished and she was thrown onto the floor like a disused piece of food.

She then started to cry. Spitted out the remains of him onto the floor.

The film then fast-forwarded to a later period. This time he was having sex with her. She seemed to be enjoying herself now. She was screaming out in pleasure at each thrust from him. Then it all turned nasty once more. At the moment she seemed to climax, the man pulled out a knife and slit her throat. She fell down dead while he carried on having sex. He looked like he was striving to fulfil some fantasy of killing a woman during sex and feeling her vaginal contractions during the death spasms.

Norman stood up and turned off the TV.

‘Gentlemen I hope you all enjoyed that’

Norman could see the passion and arousal in each of the men’s eyes. He knew that each man had been aroused and awakened by the film, followed by shock and horror at the woman’s sudden and final demise.

He then threw the men the remains of the woman’s clothes at the men. Each man could smell the woman’s perfume clinging to the neckline of the charcoal top, it was an opaque mixture of honey and vanilla that he knew would linger in his minds much longer than the woman that wore it.

‘Just to let you know. Mohammed and Hussein we have taken saliva from your glasses last night to put your DNA on the woman and her clothing. Furthermore Ahmed, we have put some of your sperm and injected a specimen from your used condom into her Virginia. Oh yes Akbar, we have not forgotten about you either. We have made sure that the bulk videos will found in one of your trucks. We have already hacked into your IT systems setting up an order with your personal signature on.’

‘So gentlemen, I guess if you don’t do what I tell you today, then you and your families are going to be completely and utterly fucked.’

‘Oh yes and so are you’.

With the smell of the woman’s, perfume still fresh each man realised that her rape and death must have happened just a few hours ago and so the evidence would be fresh and primed ready for the Police to find.

Norman’s news had hit the men like a hurricane smashing apart the foundations of a town. Most of the men felt like they wanted to bury themselves into a sleeping bag and wait for the storm to pass. Nevertheless, they all knew that Norman had them by their balls and they were now at his disposal.

‘So this is what I want you fucking pricks to do and trust me you do not want to fuck this up.’

Norman could see from the look of all four men that they knew they were completely under his control. Norman knew that a desperate team would get the result he wanted.

At this point Norman pulled out a small hand sized notepad. He flipped open the front-page and began to dish out his orders.

One by one, each of the team was given their orders as he outlined the four targets in Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester and finally Edinburgh.

He then started to hand out hand written orders to each of the team asking each on to memorise their orders before throwing each piece of paper into a burning metal bin.

Then there was silence. Each man was now lost alone in his thoughts, pondering the task ahead and assessing the risks, and weighing options in their head. Nobody was thinking about leaving but everyone was thinking about how they were going to kill Norman once this all ended.

The life of these mercenaries was nothing like the life of those in the military or the secret service. In those services, you accepted your orders and got on with it. Out here in the real world, you needed to weigh up the risks against the rewards. Every job you made a decision. Some you did some you did not. If Norman were not blackmailing each of the men then they would all turn and walk away. However, he was and so each man was left with no option but to find a way to get the job done and survive.

This silence lasted a few minutes, until Akbar finally broke it.

‘OK, this is the way I see it’ Akbar said.

‘Mohammed, can cover transportation and camouflage. I will take care of logistics, planning and tactics for each of these jobs, and Hussein will give us communication and long range sniping and Ahmed can cover explosives and weapons delivery.’

‘We will improvise the rest as we get this mission up and running’

‘Improvising is no good if you do not have the right men in place’ said Mohammad.

Hussein shrugged his shoulders.

‘Listen guys, when I was on active service we always went in fast with maximum aggression and then we ran like hell, so as long as if we all know what we are doing we can make this work, and then we can be free from this prick.’

‘Right guys you know what to do so let’s get it done.’ Said Norman.

‘by the way of any one of you gets word out about this then I have orders here to execute every one of you and your nearest and dearest’.

‘But look at this as a positive you guys are going to be paid handsomely for this mission and you are going to rid this world of some nasty bastards and give them a beating at the same time’.

‘What worries me’ said Akbar is how we are going to get this job done and survive without getting caught afterwards. We will have half of the police, secret service and Chinese mafia on the hunt for us. They will be chasing us all the way out of Scotland and back to London.

‘Our best plan is to make this a massacre. If there is no one left alive, then no one will raise the alarm or to say what happened. That will give us a few hours lead. And if we run like hell for London and get out of this country we will be well away before anyone has any idea who has done it.’ Said Mohammed

‘He’s right’ said Ahmed, ‘it’s not pretty, but it’s the best plan we have and the most likely to succeed’.

‘They do the same thing in Afghanistan. If you take out a whole village, you finished the last of them, massacring everyone or there was not any point in bothering’

Norman was swallowing hard as he heard the word massacre but realised that the men were right.

With that said the team left the house and prepared to action Norman’s plan.