Deception by Peter Burns - HTML preview

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Aadi Jordan was the most popular kid in his class. Everybody liked Aadi. Aadi liked everybody he met and very quickly everyone got to know him. He was the type of person that made friends wherever he went. He had green eyes, dark skin, and dark hair and he was as thin as a mast. Best of all, Aadi was a smiler. His smile was infectious. Nobody had a bigger smile or used it more often than Aadi. That is what made him the easy target for Mohammad and Hussein as they picked him up as he walked home from school that day.

Calling him across to their car, the two men asked him if he knew where the local post office was. Being a friendly kid, he walked over to their car to give directions.

In an instant, one of the men grabbed him. Yanking him off the street, he was thrown into the back seat of the car. A cloth, which was covered in anaesthetic, was placed on his mouth and nose. Within seconds, Aadi was out cold.

Making sure no one had noticed what had gone on, Hussein started the car up, indicated and started to drive the vehicle away with Aadi trapped in their car.

When he came back round a mere thirty minutes of family pressure and blackmail had him agree to go to the offices of the BNP on Corporation Street in Birmingham with explosives strapped around his waist.




A few hours later, all four men stood looking down at Aadi as he walked towards the offices of the BNP in Birmingham. They could see even from this distance that Aadi was frightened. They could see his face staring out and looking for help. A hat was pulled low over the young man’s forehead. Strands of greasy-looking hair sheltered his ears and cheeks.

He walked up a great flight of Victorian while brick steps and into the building. He walked towards the front desk like a child who had lost his parents in a museum but did not know who to ask for help from. At the counter was Mark Griffin. Mark was in his late-20s. Mark had been brought up in the Handsworth area of Birmingham and had been scared by years of racial abuse and the stigma of parents. He had also been involved in various street gangs that vied for control of the no-go areas in Birmingham. Furthermore, his life was damaged by the fact that his parents had never worked or were likely to work.

Mark had a wild look upon himself, a look that had been born out of the gang wars of Newtown and Handsworth that he was brought up in. It was a life where you were forced to fight or die and he chose to fight.

Mark had been selling drugs his entire adult life. He had never had a day job, never paid any tax and has never been arrested. He wore a While shirt over a “Nike” tee shirt.

‘So my overseas friend what can I do for you’

That was the last thing he said as a ball of fire erupted from the jacket that was wrapped around Aadi. A small amount of Semtex erupted into flames ripping apart the front office and bringing the roof crashing down on the now dead Aadi and Mark.

The exploding materials produced a large almost cinematic dust cloud.

The powerful explosion ripped through the building. A deadly fire having ignited instantly killed everyone in the building. A hot gas quickly spread through the building. The firestorm killed everyone in its path causing great plumes of fire to rip out of the windows and into the surrounding streets. Large supporting pillows came crashing down to the ground as their metal innards melted bringing walls and divides crashing to the ground.

Far away, the four men watched as the building was brought to its knees and the explosion erupted across the streets of Birmingham. Everyone in the streets turned and looked in horror as they watched the explosion erupt before their eyes.

Then panic kicked in and the four men watched as men and women rushed away from the dust-filled streets fearing for their lives. Alarms crackled away as chaos spread throughout the streets of Birmingham.

A few minutes later four fire engines from Aston Fire Station came rushing out of their station. Blue light flashed in the air as vehicle after vehicle rushed towards the destroyed building. As the vehicles neared closer to the buildings the fire crews and police began to receive, word of the possibility of an explosive device had caused the damage.

Once the Fire Engines arrived, they could see the chaos that was all around them all. Fighting their way through the crowds who were moving in the opposite direction the crews and their vehicles finally got to the destroyed buildings.

The crews assembled in the square outside the remains of the burning building. The commanding officer immediately took control. Realising this was a bomb attack he immediately radioed for police and fire support. As he walked around dishing out his orders he almost tripped over and fell on the floor. Looking down he could see what had caused him to trip. It was the hand of someone burnt beyond all recognition.

He was frozen for a few seconds. Then his training kicked in and he began to scream out his orders.

However, that did not stop his fire crew asking themselves what the hell was going on here?

Their training pull them back into action the crews then went straight into the building. From there on the crews made their way to one of the lobbies at the entrance to the buildings.

One of the fire fighters screamed to his pal, ‘It looks like a bomb went off.’

The crew then started making their way through the blackened remains of the building to rescue as many people as we could.

As the fire crews were making their way through the burning rubble searching for survivors, they began to receive news that another attack had taken place to the east of the city centre.

Believing that another attack could hit the area, the fire commander immediately ordered his crews to evacuate.

As they moved back to their vehicles the crews could hear the Police radio’s crackle open with reports that a bloody and violent attack had been made in the central Mosque less than a mile away.


The Birmingham central Mosque stood a few hundred yards from their vehicle. They all sat in their vehicle building up the strength to complete their task. All four men knew that what they were about to do would be classed as an abomination in the eyes of their fellow Muslims. However with Norman forcing their hand they had little option but to do what he asked.

Having sat there for almost 30 minutes, they drew the attention of one of the clergy who was curious as to why four men were sat outside his mosque.

The man walked over to the driver’s seat and began to enquire as to why the men were waiting in their large black BMW vehicle.

Akbar killed the man instantly before everyone’s eyes. He fired a bullet at the face of the man at close range. The silencer on the gun prevented anyone more than a few feet away from hearing the shot being fired and the man falling to the ground. He then pulled him into the vehicles and began to butcher the man with a large kitchen knife.

With the remains of the man scattered across the floor of the BMW X6 vehicle the four men opened their doors and began to walk towards the Mosque. Within minutes, their reign of terror commenced.

The four men kicked open the door to the Mosque. They grabbed one of the Imam’s, tied him up and then forced him to watch as his building was desecrated and his flock butchered and killed.

When they had finished, they dragged the Imam on the floor where they went to work on him. Using a fire reddened tip from a figurine they grabbed from one of the candles by the side of the worship area. One by one they carved PAKI OUT and BNP on his body. They mutilated his body before blowing his brains out with one of their guns.

20 minutes later the four men were finished. They left the Imam in his own pool of blood and several dozen dead worships dead across the Mosque.

They then fled the area.

Arriving in the Sparkhill area, the four men changed vehicles driving off in the direction of Coventry. A few hours later the vehicle erupted into flames as a small incendiary device ripped the vehicles apart destroying all evidence that the men had been in the car or at the Mosque.

Meanwhile every police vehicle in the area arrived at the Central Mosque and began the slow process of cording off the area and collecting valuable evidence while rescue crews tried to take care of the bloody survivors and prevent as many deaths as possible.

The Police though could not help notice the racist signs and graffiti sprawled across the floor of the Mosque.

This made the police immediately think it must have been one of those ‘white supremacist’ that made the attack on the mosque. This would be the information leaked to the Media a few hours later for £100 by one of the Police Officers.

However, most of the Police were more worried about the repercussions because of both attacks. They all knew that this would not go down well with the vast majority of people from Birmingham. Once it was in the news, the rest of the UK would react too.

 God help us thought the police. This is all we need, there will be a blood bath on the streets of Birmingham now. They knew that every nutter would want to seek revenge and the police and the innocent would be the main victims of this attack.

The police also knew that they would have to look like they were doing something. It would be a repeat of the IRA bombing of Birmingham in the 1970’s. The innocent would be rounded up and someone would be made to pay for the attack whether they were innocent or not.

Therefore, over the next few days as the media attention swamped in on Birmingham the police started to bring in several known racists, all of which helped fuel the anti-Muslim agenda that Norman and Tony were so desperate to create as a result of the attacks.

Nevertheless, the four men who were now in Coventry parked their vehicle in the NEC Car Park and surrounded by thousands of cars the four men separated their way where they all independently headed south to London where they would begin their next attack in 48 Hours as per plan set out by Norman.