Diary of a Human Target (Book Three) - Homestretch by Isidora Vey - HTML preview

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Who am I?

I am 36 years old.

I haven't got a husband. I've never had one.

I haven't got any children. I will never have any.

I haven't got a career anymore: After fourteen years of work, it has come to naught.

I haven't made a fortune: I haven't bought a house, or a car, or a boat, or a cottage. Nothing. Never.

I haven't got a social life: All my ''friends'' are nothing but boring misfits; and I know they won't be my friends for long.

Therefore, within these 36 years I've been on earth, I have accomplished absolutely nothing -which  makes me feel wonderful! More than ever I feel like an alien who has fallen on Earth. For some strange reason my spirit has been trapped in this bleak world, where human beings strive continuously to conquer everything, pollute everything, destroy everything. They don't have a problem with that: They enjoy ''the struggle for survival'', ''workloads'', ''family burdens'', ''responsibilities'', and they work hard every day so as to make a world a worse place. On the contrary, I am here to walk in the sun courageously, whereas the human masses toil in sunless dungeons called ''workplaces''.

The fact is I abhor what humans are: A demonic entity with billions of faces. A Monster. I can feel a strong will for human destruction growing inside me. It is not focused on specific persons; it is the idea of total annihilation that enchants me. The most genuine feeling I've ever had in my whole life...


Friday, 21st January 2001

Psychic experiences and night adventures are fun but they do not fulfill me any more. I do need something else, something more powerful, more effective; having pondered on it for some time now, I think I know what I have to do -starting from tonight.

In the evening I take my bike and go on a long ride to Helioupolis. As I return to Glyfada, the sky behind me is full of heavy, orange-gray clouds; there is also a lot of thunder and lightning, but no rain. The storm seems to be following me all the way and the atmosphere is unusually ionized, enchanting. I don't even dare to wonder; I just feel great.

. . . .

The Supreme Rite

Place: My study room

Time: Friday, at midnight

Preparation: I have already made an effigy of the Monster Humanity; it is of black cardboard and  it looks like a dark monster consisted of five tentacles full of eyes; the central big eye and the five ones around it are green -non human. The rest of them (human) are black, blue and green. The five tentacles represent the five continents of the world.

Setting: The ''altar'' (a small wooden table) faces east. At its centre I place the ''crater'' (an old, copper brazier) with the cardboard effigy of the Monster inside it. Behind the ''crater'' there is a lit epitaph candle; in front, on the right, I put a small bowl of water; on the left, a clay pot with some soil in it. The ''fire sword'' (a big knife with a black handle) lies right in front of the brazier.

Atmosphere: I open a window; I warm my hands by rubbing them together. Then I take the ''fire sword'' in my right hand and find the right emotion inside me: Wrath.

Finally I begin recitation in a strong, firm voice; words come out of my mouth spontaneously, as if they were always buried somewhere inside me, finding a way out at last:

I, Yvonne Fezarris,

born on the day of the Black Sabbath,

I summon you, Uriel,

the Light of God,

the Great Archangel of Earth,

the Keeper of the Key to the Underworld

Turn and look at me!

Turn and listen to me!

For the astral worlds being endangered,

for the natural kingdoms being destroyed,

for the whole Universe being tainted,

I, Yvonne Fezarris,

born on the day of the Black Sabbath, command:

Death to the Monster Humanity! (three times)

Now I, Yvonne Fezarris,

gather the Power into this Sword!

I take the candle, I raise it together with the knife so that the blade touches the flame, and I continue:

Now I, Yvonne Fezarris,have the Power to annihilate

the Monster Humanity

Death to the Monster Humanity! (three times)

I lower the ''fire sword'' (flame and knife) and set the cardboard effigy on fire. I watch it as it burns to ashes, slowly reciting the Ode:

It is too late for you all, who are One;

the Light will wipe out your species,

the Air will dispel your ashes,

the Water will wash away the human taint,

the Earth will swallow your filthy works.

Soon it will be

as if you never existed,




When the fire is out, I break the burnt effigy into pieces with the blade of my ''sword'' and I throw the ashes into the lavatory-pan. Then I empty the ''altar'', leaving only the ''fire sword'' there; at the centre of the table I place a statuette of an angel, as a symbol or a new, chaste world. Now I take the ''sword'' in my hand again and recite the Hymn:

So the astral worlds are shining again,

So the natural kingdoms are growing again,

So the Universe is chaste again:

The Light has wiped out their species,

The Air has dispelled their ashes,

The Water has washed away the human taint,

the Earth has swallowed their filthy works.

Now it is as if they never existed

in the wondrous new world

I behold with the eyes of my soul.

. . . .

Perfect. Just perfect.

I feel wonderful as I hold the ''fire sword'' in my hand, uttering the above spells, watching the Monster Humanity being burnt in my flames. A unique, unprecedented sense of fulfillment surges within me.

! While the Supreme Rite lasts, I feel a pleasant warmness all around me. When it is over, for one moment only I can make out a gray shadow vibrating under my desk.

I can't watch TV after that.

I can't read magazines or books after that.

I can't occupy myself with trifles after that.


Saturday, 22nd January 2000

Last night I had a night of insomnia: Mixed feelings of worry, doubt, guilt, fear kept me awake for many hours. However, the truth is I haven't read the Supreme Rite in some silly magic book. The whole idea has come out of my own soul, as a result of my experiences on Earth so far, energized by the rottenness of the so called ''human beings''. They are responsible for my enlightenment, they are to blame for everything that will happen from now on.

The Supreme Rite is the culmination of my life, the destiny I've been seeking for decades. In fact, my whole life has been leading me to it. Therefore, I have nothing to fear, no intervention of any invisible avenging forces. On the contrary, I feel I have inner guidance, as well as protection from superior spiritual entities. I can feel I am no longer alone. Revolving these thoughts over in my mind, I eventually managed to calm down and fall asleep.

At dawn I was awaken by violent, deafening thunder and lightning -as if the heavens were open! They went on for hours -maybe the loudest and wildest I've ever heard- filling my soul with an unprecedented excitement.

?!  As I hear on the TV News in the morning, there was an explosion in a big disco in Tahiti last night, right after I had finished the Rite! It was probably caused by terrorists, they said. More than 200 dead. I just wonder...

?!  A little later, an extra news bulletin informs us the following: Scientists have just revealed that in the year 2020 a meteor is expected to crash on earth! The explosion will have the power of a thousand atomic bombs! They are all very worried but they hope to be able to change its course with nuclear missiles when the time comes.

Fantastic! This is what it means to ''invest in the future''!


Sunday, 23rd January 2000

Night Adventure: I am flying over an exotic beach, watching high tidal waves coming nearer and nearer, threatening lives and fortunes. The first wave arrives, then a second one -which is even higher. Some people run out of the sea so as to save themselves, while others just stay there indifferent, waiting for the end passively. Later on, I listen to the news on TV; the speaker says that no matter how much money is offered, the losses in southeast Asia will never be retrieved. Spontaneous interpretation: There will be a terrible natural disaster somewhere in Asia pretty soon...۩

?!  Late at night, an earthquake of 9,2 R near Indonesia causes a huge tidal wave which kills many thousands of human beings. It was caused by the collision of tectonic plates and its epicentre was at the depths of the Bay of Bengal. According to scientists, it is one of the most powerful earthquakes ever. The whole planet has been affected by the earthquake and the tsunami: The island of Sumatra has budged by 28 metres; The axis of the earth has shifted a little; the whole earth rings like a bell; more earthquakes are expected sooner or later, because of the domino phenomenon of the tectonic plates. The worst natural disaster in the history of mankind, some experts say; it is an undeclared World War Three, others claim.

What's most incredible: A similar natural disaster signals the beginning of the end for mankind in my unpublished novel ''Nemesis'', which I wrote fifteen years ago:

Nemesis: a) page 23: a gigantic tornado appears at the depths of the Bay of Bengal, b) in the year 2000, c) page 24: about half a million casualties, d) a huge tidal wave flooded the coastlines of India, as well as the islands of Andaman, Nicobar and Sri Lanka e) the name of the protagonist is Andon Barrens, f) page 25: Could the mysterious explosion of the nuclear submarine ''Coolidge'' have caused the tragedy in India?

Reality of 23rd January 2000: a) The epicentre of the earthquake was at the depths of the Bay of Bengal, b) in the year 2000, c) there will be 350,000 casualties in all, d) a huge tsunami flooded the coastlines of India, as well as the islands of Andaman, Nicobar and Ceylon (ex Sri Lanka), e) On the island of Andaman there is a volcano called Barren, and it has been erupting for two weeks now, f) Some experts claim the earthquake was caused by nuclear tests carried out by the Americans.

In conclusion, the above mentioned coincidences prove that my novel ''Nemesis'' is prophetic.

As about me, I experience an unprecedented sense of tense excitement; I feel more satisfied and complete than ever, having finally found and fulfilled my destiny.

So, I don't wonder anymore; I know.

This is just the beginning.

This is the beginning of the end for mankind.



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