Dickey 's school show by Raghunathan T.K - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

The National  model school was 4 kilometers away from Shanta’s house. Built on a two acre plot of what was once a thriving farm land.The place boasted of an inspiring landscape with back ground of  boulder strewn  high lands.. The place was  well removed from the bustle of city by a long straight road lined with tall leafy trees that  formed a nice canopy. The school consisted of four large buildings forming a square all round a sprawling play ground.The roads on all sides of square were meticulously clean. All buildings were painted white, all doors were painted brown and all buildings had  terracotta Mangalore tiles of  golden brown. The buildings were functionally sound and aesthetically eye catching. The  high  ceilings and polished brass fittings all over, gave an impression of simple elegance for a school.

The entire school was brain child of Justice  Vikram and funded by his friends. After passing a ruling in a sensational  scandal in school administration in control of   powerful vested interests  supported by slimy politicians, the judge vowed to show the world  how a school should be run. The Judge and his wife invested all their life savings in the project. Dickey and his friends stepped in to offer protection to the judge when his pet project was threatened by the politicians .Judge died leaving the school in the control of Dickey and His cousin Col Prabhu. Today it was recognised as a model school, strong on discipline , sports  and all round development. Its Scholastic achievements were not in any way  less praiseworthy. But the school believed scholastic development was by product of  healthy mind free from pressures and stresses of excessive competition. The judge had implicit faith in Dickey’s ability to implement his ideas. The brief speech he had given at the time of  fare well meeting for  first  batch of class ten students was engraved in the main hall of school. All he said was ‘reach out with full conviction and commitment in every one of your endeavours and the glory will find its way towards you’. Conviction and commitments were the principle  motto of  this school.

The school was  now  run by ex  service men and their family. Dickey was convinced that defence forces of India represented all that was best in the country and even after retirement, the  servicemen  could take up a role in the shaping up of the youth of the country .He and his friends from the “friend’s nest”  ensured that the school had every resource required for its upkeep  and development.

Dickey drove his car straight to security bunker and signalled to the guard operating  the bar that  formed  a  barrier for vehicles entering the school premises. The bar lifted and he drove through towards the main admin building. Security guards were in place at strategic places. The entire campus looked as though transplanted from some cantonment.. The security Chief  a retired Sargeant from Dickey’s unit stepped out to greet the visitors. By the time Shanta and Dickey got out of the car in the parking place, the security chief was at their side. A smart salute towards Dickey and a neat Bow to the old lady, completed the welcome ceremony.. An engraved name plate pinned on the bright blue shirt showed his name as Ashok Reddy.

Dickey asked  “All well ,Ashok.? School looks rather deserted.’

Yes sir. It is vacation time, you know.  Maintenance work is going on. We should be ready for the reopening by next week.

“Is the Principal Madame in?”

No, not yet. It is time for her arrival. Shall I open the Chairman’s chamber for you to wait? I will inform her of your visit.

Dickey and Shanta walked behind Ashok Reddy, who led them towards the Chairman’s chamber. They climbed a flight of stairs and walked into a familiar room as Ashok opened the door wide for their entry... Ashok took leave and shanta leaned back on her sofa enjoying the comfortable feeling. The feminine touch of Kaddu was clearly visible in the colour scheme  and type of furniture, curtains and book shelf. . Shanta remarked as such and Dickey smiled. He opened the refrigerator and took out two bottles of cool drink and offered one to shanta and occupied chair behind the working desk.

‘You are serious about taking back your item?” Dickey enquired.

Shanta took a sip and placed the bottle back on the table and replied, ’yes. It has been missing from my cup board for the last two weeks. I think it was removed just before school closed for vacation... I do not want that piece to be displayed in any exhibition nor auctioned. It is too valuable an item and I expect to keep it with me till my call time.’

Principal Nalini tapped at the door. Dickey looked up and smiled at her. He invited her to come in and meet with Shanta.  She sat alongside Shanta and made polite enquiries about her health. Nalini was a natural public relation expert. She knew how to deal with friends of directors, family members of founders of school.

After polite exchange of courtesies, Dickey asked Nalini if she was aware of the fact that Shanta’s grand Daughter   Aarti was a student of her school.

Nalini answered promptly, ‘Yes, Of course, I know Aarti in class11.She is one of our star students. She gets along very well with other students and the teaching faculty.”

Shanta said, ’I have come here to talk about her .I understand that you are planning to organise an Exhibition of art and handicraft items, alongside the annual day celebrations. It seems you have invited students to present articles made by them for display and auction.  ‘

Nalini said, ‘Yes, that is right. I thought it is a good way to make the visitors aware of the skills acquired by our students in the field of art and handicraft. Auction was an afterthought, an idea mooted by one teacher. The idea was to allow the students earn some money for their efforts.’

Shanta said, “That is a very nice idea. Do you know that Aarti also has submitted an article for display?”

It was more of a statement than a question.

Nalini replied promptly,’ Has she? I would not know about it. You know we have a committee for organising this exhibition. Certain teachers are assigned to the committee. They deal with submissions”

The answer came so smoothly that Shanta was taken aback. Dickey stirred in his seat, becoming suddenly alert.

Shanta kept pressing,”I remember Aarti telling me clearly that she handed over her item to you personally. You were very impressed with what you saw. You said some very nice things about it”

Is that so? Well, I do not remember anything like that. I do not receive any thing direct. I always ask students to deposit the exhibits with specified teachers concerned.’

Shanta kept herself on the subject, “Well, she clearly told me that you took it in your hand. The point I am trying to make is that, that particular Item was made by me and it was taken out of my room and handed over to you without my permission or consent.  I am upset about it and would like to collect it back. That is the reason for my present visit. Please arrange for it to be returned to me now.”

Nalini stared at her. She said, ’It is absolutely improper on the part of Aarti to have brought that item here without your consent. I will definitely speak to her about it. About your wanting to take the item back, you will have to talk to concerned staff dealing with exhibition. Now that you are here, you can talk to the person concerned. I will advise them that you are here and want to talk.

Dickey got a distinct feeling that Nalini was talking very glibly without any flutter. He was sure that she was covering up something. He made up his mind to look into the matter.

Dickey said, ’you don’t expect an old Lady to go about enquiring with your staff. You please talk to your staff and arrange to collect the item submitted by Aaarti and forward it to me.’

He then turned towards shanta and said in soft way, ’Now, Shanta, do not get upset. I will deal with the matter.’

He got up from his seat to indicate to Nalini that the purpose of calling her over to his room was over. He said, ‘That is all, Nalini. You may leave now. But please make enquiry and arrange to get Shanta’s item back. I will now drive her back to her place”

Nalini stood up, shook hands with Shanta and assured her that she would get her article back and not to worry too much. She bowed her head toward Dickey and walked out. Dickey waited for the door to close behind Nalini and then called his security chief on intercom and requested him to come up and see him immediately. While they waited for Security chief Ashok Reddy to arrive, shanta said in a low voice, ’did you notice how coolly she lied. Aaarti clearly described how excited Nalini was, when that chaader was in her hand. She made a remark that it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. NOW SHE SAYS, SHE DOES NOT KNOW ANY THING ABOUT IT...I am shocked, Dickey.’

Dickey said, ’I got the same impression. Do not fret, Shanta. I will get to the bottom of this affair. You must relax now.”

Ashok Reddy knocked and entered.  Dickey explained the matter to Ashok and then said,”Ashok, do me a favour. Go and check with the head of the exhibition committee if there is one such thing. Shanta says that Aarti had handed over the item to Nalini in person. She wants to take back her item. Please arrange to collect it and return it to her.’

‘Just now?’ asked Ashok

Yes please, if possible. Shanta is getting pretty worked up about it and it affects her health. At her age it is not nice. Ashok smiled at Shanta and said he will go immediately

Dickey said, ’Do that Ashok .Be discrete about your enquiries. Do not tip your hand to Nalini.  We have to know what game she is playing. She is very new to our school. If she is not our kind of person, we have to take corrective action. It may be that we are going overboard with our suspicions. Let us be smart and find out what is going on.

One more thing, Ashok. Please tell one of your drivers to drive my car and drop Shanta at her place.

Ashok left the room. Shanta waited till the driver was ready and then left the place. Dickey walked with her up to the car, helped her to get in .He returned to his room, with a scowl in his face and plunged into work

Dickey opened a cupboard and took out a folder containing the file pertaining to appointment of Principal Nalini. He realised that he did not know too much about her back ground .He studied the certificates and reference letters and remarks made by the interviewing committee. A small worm of suspicion became active in his mind. He decided to wait for Ashok to make his report before taking any action.