Don't Say a Word by Patty Stanley - HTML preview

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Leon helped her to create a resume at the library then drove her to fill out applications for jobs. He said he had a friend that owed him some favors and he worked at a place that processed loan applications. They used girls to fill out the applications on the computers. He went in with her and helped her to fill out the application.

 They went to his house afterward and Aunt Helen made them a cup of hot tea. Leon said he had a surprise for her in his room. She told him she needed to use the restroom and she went to the one upstairs.

“Should you really have a boyfriend right now?” Leon was waiting for her when she got to his room.

“Absolutely not. But I think I love him. I think I have been in love with him since we were children”

“Are you high on crack?” Worry creased his brow. “No, I didn’t mean that…oh, never mind. Can we just leave it for now?”

“Right. We have a lot to talk about,” he said. “Right.” She didn't relish the thought of reliving any of the last ten years. Well, right up until the last week. She was pretty much cherishing every moment of the last week.

“Oh, but first…I have something for you,” Leon starting pulling bags out from the far side of the bed.

“What are these?” she asked.

“Basics.” He smiled expectantly. “Come on, open them.”

“You shouldn't have,” she insisted as she opened the first bag. But she would forever be grateful that he had. There were some pretty little pink pajamas which she held up to her face. She couldn't remember the last time something so new or so soft touched her skin. There was more. Shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, a pair of capris, a dress, some skirts and tops, a sweater, panties and a bra, a spray on cologne, and even some girly-smelling soap.

She sprayed some of the cologne on her wrist and lifted it up to sniff. “You have no idea how much a girl can miss cologne.”

“I can imagine.” He chuckled.

“I'm actually rather proud of how much I've accomplished here with practically nothing,” She informed him. “Well, borrowing from Mom.”

“You've done very well,” he acknowledged. “But there's nothing wrong with letting people help you.”

“I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to put some of these things on,” She  admitted.

“How in the world did you think of all of this?” she asked shyly.

“It was mostly Aunt Helen,” he admitted. “She found the things in a catalog, ordered them from the store. All I did was go and pick them up. We both realized that you needed a few things. You need enough clothes to be able to function, sweetie. You’ve been looking like an orphaned waif.” He cleared his throat. “You will need them especially now that you are looking for a job and are going to work.”

Marianne nodded and kissed him on the cheek. She didn't speak; she couldn't! She was overwhelmed with emotions so powerful it rendered her mute. The thought that her friends could be so kind and thoughtful!

The feel of her new pajamas against her skin was almost more wonderful than she could bear. It made the Harmon Correctional Institution seem like nothing more than a bad dream. Places like that just didn't exist in a world that had pajamas like this.

“Thank you.” She gave him another hug.

“Call it ten years' worth of Christmases. Next time we'll catch up on birthdays,” he said.

“What I want from you is for you to tell me what has been happening in your life!”

“So I guess now is the part where I start talking, huh?”

“That generally helps.” He nodded. This wasn't going to be a fun conversation. Still, best to rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with; she took a deep breath and plunged headfirst into the story of her nightmare.

She trusted Leon and found herself telling him things she thought she would never tell anyone. She even told about Rex and the horrible relationship they had and that how Rex didn’t want her to have a relationship with Michael.

“He’s a horrible person, Marianne. I had no idea how bad it really was.” He stood up and paced the floor.

“If it was up to me, I would move you out of there right now. You have to get out of there, Marianne. I will call my friend and put pressure on him to hire you right away. You can actually come here to live if you want, in the meantime. I’m sure Aunt Helen will not mind or Max either, for that matter.”

“No, I can’t” She explained that she would have to have special permission to move. “Please don’t tell Aunt Helen either, Leon, please.” She began to imagine what scenes would take place if Rex knew she was telling about him. And then there was Michael. Was she ready to let Michael know of the horrors had taken place while she was a child? She didn’t think so.

“Leon, I think it will be better if I wait until I have my own money and can move to a place of my own than to start the kind of trouble I will be starting if I try and make a move now.”

“If he gives you any trouble promise me you will let me know. If I have to I will straighten him out myself! I’ve wanted to kick his ass for ages now. I have a good reason now.”